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200 Ducats For A Single Use Item, Really?


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That would be fine and dandy if the units these marks summon didn't have diluted drop tables. It would be marginally useful if you didn't already have a system that you could utilize for players to adjust their spawn chance (hint: mark stacking from bosses).

I really don't like to be THAT person, but this was just terribly implemented. It's not that we waited an extra week; I don't even care about that. I wouldn't care if Baro was changed to once a month permanently. What I (and I hope others) care about is not having the items we purchase be a complete waste of time and in-game currency, which ultimately are the same thing from the perspective of a player.

This is an item that is only realistically appealing to two types of players: the new player who doesn't know better (in which case this could be considered predatory, so I don't think this was the intent), or the player that pretty much has everything the game has to offer in terms of gear right now. The problem with the former is obvious, the problem with the latter is that it's contradictory in most cases. These players are waiting for Baro to give them new content in the form of mods, weapons, cosmetics, etc.; these players likely already have everything the assassins have to offer.

Even the rare exception of a player who has everything but assassin-linked drops has little to gain due to the aforementioned diluted drop tables. They have an exceedingly small chance that their investment will turn any sort of meaningful profit. This means that in order to really maximize their use they must burn themselves out on Void content to farm up ducats with the hope that this item will appear again.

This problem becomes two-fold when you remember that the Void will at some point (this year?) be leaving. DE, you are directly encouraging the waste of resources (our keys) for an item that will give no permanent benefit of any significant value for the vast majority of the players who use it.

This desperately needs improvement if you want to consider it a viable option for more players to take advantage of. I was about to buy it right before Redtext announced it was a single use item, initially under the impression that it was something you just equip to increase your chance of an assassin spawning (which I would have actually bought), so at least thanks for warning us ahead of time I guess.

Edited by Leuca
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dont compain he has boat loads of things. people need to stop being sour de has a great service with void trader we dont want him to go away

This item doesn't add anything constructive or reasonably useful for the vast majority of players, and at best it's just paying for another awful RNG wheel spin. I'm not denying that Baro has brought us some very nice items, but this was not implemented well and stands to be criticized imo.

Your not forced to buy it ...

No, but players should have an active incentive to buy items. This has no reasonable incentive for any player, as Baro will keep coming out with more content, most of which will likely not consist of single-use items to roll awful RNG tables.

People complain he's not here. Now complaining about ducats. That's sad.

If you'll actually read the OP, I said I don't care about waiting for him to arrive.
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Adding that it's single use / consumable in the item's description would be great. Many people won't know if they didn't see the red text, end up with many people asking, or buying them thinking they're permanent items. Easily solved by saying it's consumable in the description..


Anyways. Great selection, this is an excellent visit from him! So happy atm :)

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the question here is...will these 3 be permanent products in the void trader store...

I could see this being a viable option, assuming his biweekly schedule continues as normal, but it still won't really solve most of the problems I mentioned. This item would still have almost no incentive for most players from a numerical standpoint.


Adding that it's single use / consumable in the item's description would be great. Many people won't know if they didn't see the red text, end up with many people asking, or buying them thinking they're permanent items. Easily solved by saying it's consumable in the description..


Anyways. Great selection, this is an excellent visit from him! So happy atm :)

If you're implying that simply stating its status as a one-time use item fixes the glaring issues it has when faced with the entire system of spawns vs. rng drops vs. diluted tables vs. ducat cost, I respectfully disagree.

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dont compain he has boat loads of things. people need to stop being sour de has a great service with void trader we dont want him to go away

From what I've seen, that is not the consensus here. I think certain items could be a little bit cheaper. I don't think that'd hurt anything. I also don't think it'd hurt to make it a little bit more expensive, but to offer a set of marks (say, 3 marks for a higher price, say, 400 or 450).

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dont compain he has boat loads of things. people need to stop being sour de has a great service with void trader we dont want him to go away

No de didnt learn at all and did same mistakes yet again.

Look through complains and maybe you will see whats wrong.

As for marks themselves i did that suggestion back in u8 i think, thx de for putting ridiculous price on them, another idea of mine which introduction missed the point.

With current drop rates i would say that 20ducs is maybe fair price.

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I'm sitting on a little over 1,000 Ducats. I currently lack Stalker's Despair.


However, I know that even if I buy 5 Stalker Marks, the Despair only has a 5% drop chance and thus I'm probably not going to get it.


It's an issue of value. It would be fine if what Baro sold was a reusable blueprint to craft the marks, and each one took 24 hours to craft (even throw in Argon requirements or a single Nitain to get people to do more of the relevant missions), but spending Ducats on a limited number of gambles is silly. I can get 2 of Baro's weapons or Primed mods for that much.

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I'm sitting on a little over 1,000 Ducats. I currently lack Stalker's Despair.


However, I know that even if I buy 5 Stalker Marks, the Despair only has a 5% drop chance and thus I'm probably not going to get it.


It's an issue of value. It would be fine if what Baro sold was a reusable blueprint to craft the marks, and each one took 24 hours to craft (even throw in Argon requirements or a single Nitain to get people to do more of the relevant missions), but spending Ducats on a limited number of gambles is silly. I can get 2 of Baro's weapons or Primed mods for that much.

This is exactly what I was talking about. The cost vs incentive/potential reward on these items is so off.

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If you're implying that simply stating its status as a one-time use item fixes the glaring issues it has when faced with the entire system of spawns vs. rng drops vs. diluted tables vs. ducat cost, I respectfully disagree.

The RNG can be frustrating, that's for sure. If the item was permanent, you could use it as much as you like until, despite how bad the RNG may be, you have everything from any given assassin. Then assassins are just a hindrance that spawns once in a while, or gives you an interesting to fight to mix up your mission depending how you take it.


If the RNG was easier, there would be less of a market for plat. People get sick of farming X mission 70 times, so they buy some plat and get it through trading. Or they keep going until they get it, and bath in the joy that comes when you finally get your hands on that one thing you're farming for. Except for the really salty ones, i guess they feel nothing and move on to farming the next thing



From what I've seen, that is not the consensus here. I think certain items could be a little bit cheaper. I don't think that'd hurt anything. I also don't think it'd hurt to make it a little bit more expensive, but to offer a set of marks (say, 3 marks for a higher price, say, 400 or 450).


The pricing of those armour plates was really good, though.


No de didnt learn at all and did same mistakes yet again.


Look through complains and maybe you will see whats wrong.


I look through complaints at the relay, and here. What's wrong, (IMO) is the attitude of the community itself. This week Baro has a bunch of stuff to be happy with. Some appreciate it, and lots of people complain about the one thing that's wrong. So, just how the F*** do you make people happy?


Having said all this, i feel i should mention that Baro's visit at xmas was the first time i've got anything from him. Wasn't aware of him before that, missed all those sick prisma armour plates, the many prisma weapons, the Shade. I hope they'll make a return sometime.

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Yeah this is weak.


He should have interesting stuff. He's supposed to find rare and exotic items that we can't get anywhere else. It's easy to get marked... ._.


I wouldn't care if going forward all his new stuff was just cosmetics and the occasional weapon (of dubious quality :P) just ... actually interesting stuff please. Doesn't need to be broken new mods or anything particularly useful as long as it's cool and unique.

Edited by Inmemoratus
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Nobody is making you buy them. He's got a mod slot to fill for people who haven't gotten it/newer players, and a bunch of collection pieces this week.


People need to go do some runs and get their stress out.


You want ULTRA RARE LIMITED TIME ONLY BUY NOW WHILE YOU CAN? Buy prime accessories, limited run stuff, event rewards and farm some of the harder stuff instead of complaining about a side vendor.

Edited by PhillipJokar
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It is a great way to get pigments


I bought 10 Zanuka's baits, for pigment farming and Im happy with that, can't this community stop complaining for once?


Normally you have 1,5% chance of Hunter spawning, bait gives you 100% chance. And only costs 200 ducats. Its awesome

i currently am the head of a clan, with 2 active people xD Farming pigments is a pain. Would be nice to have a booster of sort for general pigment hunting

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Community complaints are valid, they dont lie in anything they say.


Ive said it earlier.

Ridiculously high prices, biweekly rotation, limited stock, extra grind, not useful merchandise.

These again describe today baro perfectly.


As for marks, since drops 2.0 and nerfs to stalker gear drop rate ive killed hundreds of stalker, ive gotten exactly 1 hate and 0 despairs after that.

So no 200 ducs for a mark is insult, if in 40 runs you wont get despairs, hate and dread you would be better off selling all those trash parts and buying what stalker pack with extra color palette.

Edited by Davoodoo
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The RNG can be frustrating, that's for sure. If the item was permanent, you could use it as much as you like until, despite how bad the RNG may be, you have everything from any given assassin. Then assassins are just a hindrance that spawns once in a while, or gives you an interesting to fight to mix up your mission depending how you take it.


If the RNG was easier, there would be less of a market for plat. People get sick of farming X mission 70 times, so they buy some plat and get it through trading. Or they keep going until they get it, and bath in the joy that comes when you finally get your hands on that one thing you're farming for. Except for the really salty ones, i guess they feel nothing and move on to farming the next thing

Item can be permanent and function as a %chance increase. There's already little market for plat with assassin items as most of them can't be traded.



Nobody is making you buy them. He's got a mod slot to fill for people who haven't gotten it/newer players, and a bunch of collection pieces this week.


People need to go do some runs and get their stress out.


You want ULTRA RARE LIMITED TIME ONLY BUY NOW WHILE YOU CAN? Buy prime accessories, limited run stuff, event rewards and farm some of the harder stuff instead of complaining about a side vendor.

"Nobody is making you buy them" is the single *worst* argument you can use to justify a badly implemented item. It is not a defense of the item's functionality or cost by any stretch of the imagination. 200+ ducats is what I'd expect for an item to be permanently in my inventory, save for affinity boosters. This is nothing but a ducat sink, which ultimately translates to a time sink, as diluted drop tables make a single use of this item almost non-viable from a statistical standpoint. So far the only reasonable use I've seen somebody suggest is for pigment farming, which is incredibly niche and still doesn't justify the cost imo.


Your kind of people and their inssecant quibbling are like gnats that will never leave. Most people are rolling ducats anyway, credits would be the only real constraint

Actually many people do not incessantly grind Void content; these items cater only to new players who don't know any better, and completely end-game players who have absolutely nothing else to spend their time/currency on. I don't think the price should be so steep for such a polarized item.

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Well, I love the idea of these Hunter-summoning gear items, but they have a few major problems. Yeah, we don't have to buy them, but people will, and this leads to frustration:


1) Single use per mark, which means a lot of expense to try and get what you want in the face of RNG. I understand the idea of paying for convenience (food is usually more expensive at gas stations vs. grocery), but this is a game and well... Baro is very clearly not a reliable source of items, so this clashes with the whole convenience philosophy.


2) Scams. I imagine this scenario: "hosting Zunaka markshare" where four ppl with this gear item each use their mark for runs, similar to keyshares. Except some jerk has the bright idea to lie about their ownership of a mark. Yep. With no way to check (as we can with marks in the profile or showing keys in the vote screen), this scam is too easy.


3) Trolling. Uh yeah, on the flip side, calling in hunter units to unleash horror upon a group of unsuspecting, possibly nubbish Tenno. I am actually tempted to do this but I just...can't...it would break my heart.


4) As far as the G3 one goes, that one's a relative waste compared to the others due to Law of Retribution. They always show up to that party, so this item is only useful for ppl who either can't do LoR or just don't like to do LoR but somehow still need g3 drops. A small issue, but it points to the game's imbalance. We clearly need a corpus raid where Zunaka always shows up! Hawhaw! e.e


My solution, which is a bit strange because we've not really seen this sort of thing before:


1) A blueprint that we either buy from a consistently available NPC/the market/earn from quest, and please make it a single blueprint we can use repeatedly without having to acquire it over and over, so I think the quest is a good idea. One quest per hunter unit? We already have one for G3 (A Man of Few Words) and Stalker (The Second Dream). If you've completed these already, you'd simply get the BP(s) in the mail.


2) This blueprint creates a badge that you can put on your warframe's shoulder, similar to all the nice shiny ones we already have. Wearing the badge will make the entity spawn in exactly 1 minute after the host has properly loaded, assuming the thing is able to spawn of course. One use per badge, you have to equip another one onto your shoulder to get them to spawn again.


This way, we have control over the spawns - which I imagine is DE's obvious intent here, though it doesn't actually make sense with the lore if you think about it haha - and we can tell who is telling the truth about their "absolute call" marks by looking at their profile and seeing the things on their shoulders. With one use per badge and a 100% spawn chance, we wouldn't "forget we're wearing the badge" and load in to a less than ideal mission and have the hunter show up to the party.


TL;DR: get Baro out of the picture, let us craft these things (the crafting recipe can of course be very expensively gross and/or time consuming to balance...whatever), and let us make sure we can tell when people are using them to prevent both scams and trolling.


It seems people are pleased with prime reach, and I like seeing happy players.

Edited by Novaster
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