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Valkyr Rework -Being Invulnerable Should Have A Cost


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         Valkyr is in fact a god, I won’t deny that. However comparing to any other warframe in the game Valkyr is far beyond fair. The second most “immortal frame” in the game is Ice Chroma and it only last as long as your duration which consumes extreme amounts of energy once the 40 seconds are up. Immortal Trinity is only a 25 seconds Both of these are not immortality but very high damage reduction. Valkyr on the other hand can go full efficiency and duration have immortality for the entire mission and still able to deal as much damage as a pure power straight warframe. 
Here are my rework idea’s for her abilities:
The ability is already bugged to the point where you can slingshot yourself across the map at incredibly hihg speeds but … 
Past the fact that people rarely use this ability and is her only squad support AND the augment make the buff infinity as long as your are killing things.
Needs Fixing
Same thing. No one uses this ability besides spamming it at extraction waiting from a fellow tenno to catch up. Instead of stunning it should redirect enemy agro to the user while also slowing their movements
Needs Overhaul
In hysteria it should be that Valkyr cannot do objectives base functions such as pick up datanotes, revive teammates, hack terminals etc. The longer you stay in hysteria you will start to lose control of your frame. The warframe will start do it’s own thing. Like how Infested Salad controls you.
When I first did the Jordas raid I thought losing your armor integrity would mean you would take more damage. As soon as it hit 0% the bombardment of jordas whispering was creepy and at the same time really cool. I thought I was going to lose control of my frame and still killing of my squad.
Similar to both of these mechanics your valkyr will start move in it’s own directions, use other abilities, etc. I’m not talking about full AI specter but enough for you to get annoyed  and switch out of ‘god mode’. The longer you stay in hysteria the more dmg you can deal. No more 50% crit chance from the very start. After staying in hysteria for too long and switching back you lose half of your armor and cuts health regen in half for the amount of time that ability was used (1/10 per second in hysteria is 1 sec of debuff). Staying in hysteria longer than a one min is 6 seconds of debuff. You start showing signs of losing control after 3 mins but mostly it’s sound effects and screen effects so you might hear gun fire from a closed room but there isn’t anything there or you hear walking noises.  Start to become unstable at 5 mins and your frame start walking/running on it’s own and killing own it’s own. Since you’re are not in control you can also hurt your teammates. After 12 mins you will completely lose control and your squad will have to shoot you down or restrain you. At this stage your energy bar is your health and until it reaches zero, you have no control over valkyr. If you are in a solo mission you will expel all of your energy like a syndicate weapon and drain your energy to zero. Let’s call this little event “dementia effect”. To make it balanced the closer you are to your squad members while in hysteria the more mitigated the effects are. Obviously a full squad of hysteria Valkyries will not give you the mitigation. 
The energy drain should be exponential instead of a normal drain.  The exponential drain is reset for every 10 kills made while in hysteria. The requirements for the drain rests will increase the cost amount for as many enemies killed in hysteria mode. 
Recasting hysteria (like spamming it) will give it a cool down.
Warframe is a game about cooperation. Can’t really cooperate when people just run through mission only worrying about their own well being and not actually helping their squad. You might as well solo the missions. 
Edited by xxcib21xx
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I do agree that Hysteria could probably use some tweaking as full-blown invulnerability is a bit much. And I don't mind the exponential cost idea, I think it actually makes a lot of sense.


However, the random loss of control doesn't sound like much fun at all. As for the prevention of reviving other players, that is one of Valkyr's most invaluable roles currently. Disable hacking? Maybe. Disable reviving or activating life support? No thanks.

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While it's not that I disagree that Immortality is OP, by the same token this is a game where Auto Aim infinite ammo, blade beams that go infinitely through walls, permanent invisibility with damage ups, slows/damage ups that are @(*()$ absurd (Nova), and so on are all considered "fair." The main problem is that all of these would have to be nerfed eventually because currently it kind of results in some frames just not being used as much do to their lack of a ridiculous power (Atlas, brah)

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While it's not that I disagree that Immortality is OP, by the same token this is a game where Auto Aim infinite ammo, blade beams that go infinitely through walls, permanent invisibility with damage ups, slows/damage ups that are @(*()$ absurd (Nova), and so on are all considered "fair." The main problem is that all of these would have to be nerfed eventually because currently it kind of results in some frames just not being used as much do to their lack of a ridiculous power (Atlas, brah)


Let a child play with a toy for too long and it may end up broken



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Warframe is a game about cooperation. Can’t really cooperate when people just run through mission only worrying about their own well being and not actually helping their squad. You might as well solo the missions. 



Yet most of what you suggest to Hysteria prevents the player from being able to help while in Hysteria and encourages running off to kill things.

I think you need to decide what your goal here is and focus on it.  Do you want Hysteria to be more thematic or do you want Valkyr to be more team friendly?

Personally I think your suggestions for Hysteria are way overboard and will not encourage short burst use as you seem to intend.  It will encourage complete non-use.  Especially when Shadow Step, Body Count and Blood Rush exist with those two mods not even working in Hysteria so more people are now running with War Cry themed, perma invisible, perma 100%+ crit builds instead.

Edited by Katinka
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Hysteria already has a cost. Her mediocre team utility that is barely worth using for anyone besides herself and a few other high armored frames, and with an augment that ruins the offensive play of same ability. A very weak stun that barely works and a traversal skill that not only scales in the opposite direction of what you want for Hysteria, but has also almost been replaced with bullet jumping. Add in the red toned screen you get to lower perception and the fact she can only use her low range melee weapons and a energy drain. And with a recent patch she is as well not immune to all energy draining effects anymore, further making her weaker against foes.

Is it fun to be invincible? No. But the overall problem with Hysteria is the downside it comes with. Compare it to Chroma Who can get a very high DR and get a increase in damage while still not getting any of the drawbacks Valkyr gets(well his kit is bad but i would dare to say it is arguably better than Valkyrs.)

Overall your idea is not terrible, making Valkyr lose herself the longer she stay in berserker, but you have to compare it to other frames and how they would work out in a similar situation. There Hysteria and Valkyr is in need of a rework. And a much larger one than what she got last time.

Some people want her to lose health but with high damage resistance, but compare that to the earlier frame Chroma. That can reach a silly DR. So should she have even higher because she has more limitation. Valkyr is indeed a hard frame to balance, but it is apparent she is in need of it more than ever. A lot of people are mad of her full invincibility. She has old outdated skills. Skill that conflict with foes animations.

But i will have to admit, your idea. If not a fully finished product, is one of the better in trying to solve the issue she has with Hysteria.

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Ripline s useless after parkour 2.0, warcry can be replaced with berzerker and arcane strike, paralisys pffff , only rest hysteria, two problems , energy consumption s extremely low now , this can be easily adust by DE with time and Primed Flow, this mod changed everything , nobody write 400 topics all day claiming nerf before, excalibur, ember, mesa, valkyr... all "vilans" spend lot energy and was need more caution to use ultimates, but why nobody ask for remove Primed Flow ? 

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Before this gets a rework, enemy scalings needs to be worked first.


Also Hysteria has downsides.


Disgusting attack animations.


Unsteerable combo's.


Stuck with melee.


When you are swarmed with Comba's and Nullifiers, you are dead on high levels.


These are enough downsides for Hysteria. If nothing, these needs to be changed and fixed. She doesnt need a nerf. Stop trying to ruin peoples fun.



Please remove primed flow. This mod is ridiculous game changer and a mandatory mod in almost build.

Dont like it? Dont use it. I like it but i dont use it on all of my builds. Infact, i dont use Flow or Primed flow in most of my builds. This isnt even an issue.

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Needs Fixing
Same thing. No one uses this ability besides spamming it at extraction waiting from a fellow tenno to catch up. Instead of stunning it should redirect enemy agro to the user while also slowing their movements


Your absolutely Wrong Brother man. I use Prolonged Paralysis when I play Valkyr and its My favorite Augment for her, Infact Youre right, The Vast Majority dont use Paralysis but I do. Dont throw Me in that circle of Lies You spit. 


I Prolonged Paralysis and I dont want to redirect no Agro what so ever, Infact this is her only CC ability coupled with the augment she can gain a nice CC tool to bring enemies at My feet and create a Grineer Blender :)


Some of You folks needa stop complaining and try new $hit, think outside Your petty favorite Youtuber Boxes please and learn some new $hit

If I had the programming and more Ram along with a graphic card I would post and stream for You kids.


Im sure anyone here can post tutorials and builds because the way Warframe is set up its made for people to create and innovate there own play styles and builds which im sure there are different variables out there most havent tried.


Use those Youtube videos as reference and create Your own builds and playstyles



Edited by AKKILLA
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Also Hysteria has downsides.


Disgusting attack animations.


^^^ You my friend are a Lie. Bladestorm has disgusting attack animations, even tho I love Bladestorm, but Hysteria has disgusting attack animations?

What do some of You kids see as cool cuz Hysteria tbh makes me feel like Im playing Naruto in his Nine Tailed Fox Last form and IMHO that is freakin AWESOME!


As most dont eat tomatoes I find tomatoes delicious, but in this game everything is about taste, like food. You find brocoli disgusting but dont label it disgusting cuz some of us still love and eat Broccoli.

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Also Hysteria has downsides.

Disgusting attack animations.

^^^ You my friend are a Lie. Bladestorm has disgusting attack animations, even tho I love Bladestorm, but Hysteria has disgusting attack animations?

What do some of You kids see as cool cuz Hysteria tbh makes me feel like Im playing Naruto in his Nine Tailed Fox Last form and IMHO that is freakin AWESOME!

As most dont eat tomatoes I find tomatoes delicious, but in this game everything is about taste, like food. You find brocoli disgusting but dont label it disgusting cuz some of us still love and eat Broccoli.

lol true. Blade storm wins. Didn't realize it till one day my brothers were watching me blade storm Draco and heads were getting bent every which way. Stomachs stabbed. Backflips breaking backs. Violent body seizures. It was pretty disgusting. Edited by (XB1)Onyx Guarrd
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Hysteria has a nice flow to the attacks and range and speed. But I feel that she need to have a rework to he invincibility. Maybe it works like rhino skin and she can take so many hits until it goes away. But it doesn't go away faster the higher you get into the levels. A level 20 heavy gunners takes it down just a little bit slower that a level 50 heavy gunner.

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lol true. Blade storm wins. Didn't realize it till one day my brothers were watching me blade storm Draco and heads were getting bent every which way. Stomachs stabbed. Backflips breaking backs. Violent body seizures. It was pretty disgusting.


Dont get Me wrong Bladestorm is Awesome, In the TRAILER


But DE are Thieves, they ripped us off with this Trash in Game which feels like they were tryna rush him into the Game and they failed.


See the difference? Terrible right? They cut out and give us bad animations like the one I cant bare but repeat Myself, where ash stands in mid air and slaps the Osprey/Moa with no style or effort. Thats wack asf Im sorry, DE can do better. and the Vomit Cam is nauseating, but Bladestorm works great mechanically tbh. Soo Im afraid of what DE will do as it wont be undone for awhile. I offered a Exalted Blade style rework but I guess noone likes another Exalted Stance Ulti since those who dont like it dont like Exalted Blade or Hysteria, then DE release Primal Fury/Artemis Bow. Event thos Artemis bow aint a stance its a Exalted Drain Ulti alike if it was a melee it would have a stance. Embrace Exalted Bladestorm its alot better then the crap we have now

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If Valkyr was actually OP I'd find myself playing her really often, but in reality I rarely ever do. The only times I play her are when I feel like I need tons of damage, but Excalibur is usually a better choice for that.


Most missions aren't about being invincible, but about protecting something or rushing an objective. She is good at rushing objectives but other frames are too, and sometimes it's just better to be invisible and not even have the enemies notice you.


Honestly? My number one choice for endgame is Nyx. She's actually the best warframe.


Valkyr is actually quite mediocre. Very easy to play but she lacks that skill ceiling, that potential that you could reach if you invested more time in other frames.

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Honestly? My number one choice for endgame is Nyx. She's actually the best warframe

Hahaha, that's not how you say "Trinity", silly!

Kekeke, that's not how you say "Nova", silly!

Fufufu, that's not how you say "Mirage", silly!


Shoot me now. However, Nyx is a great frame, I agree.

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Hahaha, that's not how you say "Trinity", silly!

Kekeke, that's not how you say "Nova", silly!

Fufufu, that's not how you say "Mirage", silly!


Shoot me now. However, Nyx is a great frame, I agree.

There's is a reason why no one uses Nyx anymore. Her mindcontrol (after  her nerf) is just a radiation proc assets but before it was full on control no friendly fire. After that go nerfed people start focusing on absorb. Well Absorb got nerfed for the amount of dmg you can take in, now there is a cap. 




As for ash's bladestorm. Ash has been in the game since closed beta and blade storm hasn't been touched at all. DE said it was going to get reworked but from what I can see and how people abuse him for whole map nuking I don't think it's going to get touched anytime soon. Not even mesa or saryn was this strong. Plus after going around bladestorming your carrier can just pickup energy drops near your clone and replenish ash as soon as he stops. 

Stand on the edge of the map

Spam 4 until you hit something


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Noone uses paralysis? LMAO

Yeah, i mean why would anyone use a basicly free ability that opens enemys around you to stealth finishers (which ignore armor and shields, pure gold deep into the game) but beein invlunerable is a problem seems problematic to you when you obviously run nothing but low lvl missions?

Get out.

Beein invulnerable IS a issue by itself so it shouldn't be a burden as well, rather should valkyr be reworked to actually offer synergy in any direction.

I mean she has the highest basestats in the game. Warcry buffs armor and her energy pool and consumption is no joke eather. You can litteraly get better results outa her with a propper warcry build as it stands, simply as her abilitys benefit her nonhysteria playstyle better.

She has stealth finishers but claws aint good finisher weapons (still not bad when scaling kicks in but a joke compared to a jat kittag), armor and buffs that become useless once she activates her ult (and makes her a pretty strong rage tank otherwise)... she only benefits from a fragment of her kit when using hysteria and has a useless quickrezz button if not. You wanna burden her? Go ahead and keep advocating it. But make sure not to forget mentioning a overhaul of her complete beeing.

Evrything is allright in theory, just as it's bad when you start looking at the details.

Edited by (PS4)CoolD2108
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She may be pretty unkillable, but that comes at a huge price that she adds nothing to the team in terms of CCing, debuffs, or buffing team mates, you want balance? Well there it is.

People who solely choose Valkyr are not doing it for kills. They are doing it so they can survive and have other sqaud members finish the objective. Getting carried. There are only a few gamemodes where kills matter

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People who solely choose Valkyr are not doing it for kills. They are doing it so they can survive and have other sqaud members finish the objective. Getting carried. There are only a few gamemodes where kills matter


So Valkyr should not exist cause people will abuse her mechanic and be lazy. I am pretty sure that is not a valid argument to nerf / rework a frame because people are lazy.

She needs a rework. And a few people have given some good ideas how. But there are more pressing issues at hand than worrying about Valkyr.

Valkyr offers 100% Damage resistance while in Hysteria, at the cost of low range melee forced attacks and a poor toolkit at best.

Nova offers a 75% Damage per second reduction to foes, 75% movement reduction and a +200% Damage done to same enemies. And she got a much Better toolkit than Valkyr beside Ultimate.

Self damage Trinity offers 99.9064% maximum Damage resistance to the whole group with a high uptime and there are no side effects beside the "work" she has to put in, and she has a overall better toolkit than Valkyr.

Chroma can reach 98.66% damage resistance and keep using his weapon and get a great damage increase as well, all this while having a better "still a bad" overall toolkit than Valkyr.

So yes, being invincible is maybe not fun. But there are a lot more frames that need reworks, re balances and there is so many more frames that can be abused to hide the player in a afk safe zone. And valkyr is hardly a frame that break the system more than any other frames to warrant a emergency fix.

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