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nowadays problems (op stuff)


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anku....... that thing and i guess other scythes too didnt try them all can 1 shot u when ur shields are down with a directional melee. not just that this thing is an AWESOME movement tool but also an effective dmg tool for people that dont equip melee. see video below. it not just extends the bulletjump but also dmg everybody in ur way and as i said anku 1 shots ppl that have no shields left or heavily dmg them. this video shows how its used and what i mean but the dmg is different i guess it got a buff since then or the anku might be the only problematic weapon. at 5.13 for example u see a good use.



strun wraith

i hope that pun-chee can give us some recordings here becouse in comparison to for example hek this weapon is straight out OP. it pretty much strips all of ur shields when u hit directly +15 meters. have 13 shots in clip and an amazing firerate.

snipetron especially the straight upgrade vandal

that weapon needs a firerate nerf and a headshot multiplier buff. it cant 1 shot with an headshot a ash p for example. but as it is now its in allmost all cases better than rubico with its firerate.


melee shouldnt do as much dmg when its not equiped !!!!!!!!!!


i dont insist on beeing 100 % right about this as allways pls share ur opinion

synoid simulor

use it with ur friends enjoy ppl around blown up. it needs a dmg nerf and more self dmg.

guiding light

i dont think i need to comment on that one

Edited by Lord_Noctus
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Woah, a pure puncture weapon being effective against health? Isn't that the point? It takes 3 hits to kill, and if the first 2 take out shields, then the 3rd takes out health on it's own, what's the problem?

As for strun wraith. Yeah, it's good for stripping shields, but It does almost half that against health. I agree it could do with a little nerfing, but you need to realize that there are massive bonuses for puncture against health and impact against shields. That's the entire point of IPS balance, to encourage weapon swapping. This is also partly your problem with snipetron. It's a puncture weapon. If you shoot an enemy with a couple shots from an impact weapon, then a snipetron will finish them off easy. Snipetron just isn't really that good because it won't do as much damage in 80% of situations. Why waste all that puncture damage on stripping shields? It's like eating steak with a spoon and soup with a fork. Impact weapons are much better for openers, like strun wraith or rubico. This is also why Furis is considereed "OP" by some, because it makes a great finisher with it's puncture damage.

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33 minutes ago, Phasedragon said:

Woah, a pure puncture weapon being effective against health? Isn't that the point?

The point is melee when equiped should do good dmg yes but while its not equiped it only should do little dmg or should be a mobility tool. Compare the usefullness of other unequiped melee weapons to this one. It can 1 shot a complete healthbar while extending ur bulletjumps.


Edited by Lord_Noctus
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2 minutes ago, -cS-igo95862-ICE- said:

Want OP stuff? Here is Guiding Light combo Nikana.

Auto aim on the level of Martial Magnetism.

LOL! There is some weird stuff going on there...wasn't even aiming at that guy.  Combos with lots of multi-hits definitely need to be toned down if there's nothing that can be done for the auto-aim aspect that oddly pops in rare situations.

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1 hour ago, Lord_Noctus said:

The point is melee when equiped should do good dmg yes but while its not equiped it only should do little dmg or should be a mobility tool. Compare the usefullness of other unequiped melee weapons to this one. It can 1 shot a complete healthbar while extending ur bulletjumps.

Well then, this is not a problem with the Anku, but with melee in general. You've already admitted that.

I strongly believe that unequipped melee should not deal nearly as much damage as equipped melee.
As it stands now, the Skana can kill in three quick melee swings.

It was not always this way. I don't know why it was changed, and I certainly do not agree with it.


4 hours ago, Lord_Noctus said:

the strun wraith

i hope that pun-chee can give us some recordings here becouse in comparison to for example hek this weapon is straight out OP. it pretty much strips all of ur shields when u hit directly +15 meters. have 13 shots in clip and an amazing firerate.

The Strun Wraith has a magazine size of 10 and a mediocre fire rate.
It's fallacious for you to mention modded stats without acknowledging the drawbacks of the mods.

The Hek is superior in damage potential and has tighter clustering.
In fact, the Strun Wraith deals the least damage out of comparable weapons in exchange for having improved performance at medium range.

Yes, it is very effective against shields. The secret to this is... it primarily deals impact damage. Is your mind blown, or what?

Edited by Knaimhe
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Excalibur in general.
His 1 is super strong and creates high pressure on the enemy. It makes Excalibur to the most dominating frame in close quarters. And it is spammable and really easy to hit.
His ultimate has a reasonable dmg and also some counterplay, but I feel like the hitbox of the energy waves is just too large atm. It is just annoying to get hit by it, while it visually misses - well, I think that I also should consider possible lag, but still there is a limit to how dodgeable these waves are due to some weird hitboxes.

Just go into any normal game and you'll see that at least the half of all players use Excalibur. Not only because he is the most common frame, but also because he is one of the most dominating frames in Conclave.

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17 hours ago, Knaimhe said:

he Strun Wraith has a magazine size of 10 and a mediocre fire rate.
It's fallacious for you to mention modded stats without acknowledging the drawbacks of the mods.


On the Strun series, modding for that extra 30% mag size gives next to no downside, considering the Struns are bugged/dumb and can't be reloaded in the air, which is how most better players move. I find it extremely annoying to reload manually and many others do too. This isn't even specific to the Strun series, many weapons will benefit from +mag -reload with the weapon swap and reload while holstered mods without effective downsides. 

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Imo, channeling needs to be looked at. On every match there's at least one player killing everything with channeled melee spam.

Most seen wepons are orthos prime, tipedo (both with long reach, good attack speed and decent damage), broken war, skana family (mostly mixed with excalibur due to his passive) and the already named guiding light blind justice reckless spam.

other things I've seen a lot these days are prisma gorgons and braton family killing pretty fast, but I have no idea if it was lag or something, so I'd like if someone could confirm before saying those are OP or something.



Half related: Does anyone know if there's aimbots again? (De shoukd penalize players for using those, at least on conclave)
The question comes because I've just played an annihilation match where a MR1 with 1 hour of gameplay got 25/27/4 on about 5 or 6 minutes simply using mk1-braton and a mag (most likely someone testing aimbots on a new account to avoid risking their main account)


Edited by -----LegioN-----
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20 minutes ago, -----LegioN----- said:

Imo, channeling needs to be looked at. On every match there's at least one player killing everything with channeled melee spam.

Most seen wepons are orthos prime, tipedo (both with long reach, good attack speed and decent damage), broken war, skana family (mostly mixed with excalibur due to his passive) and the already named guiding light blind justice reckless spam.

other things I've seen a lot these days are prisma gorgons and braton family killing pretty fast, but I have no idea if it was lag or something, so I'd like if someone could confirm before saying those are OP or something.


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I think a big reason for this is the quick melee damage. That's probably something that should be changed, since it's currently doing full damage. As for melee in general, unfortunately the new player balance is severely skewed. Without knowing how to move, you'll die very quickly. This does drop off very quickly, though. This type of knowledge really needs to be spread more, and in fact I'm tentatively working on a tutorial.


As for aimbot: I'm not 100% positive aimbots exist but there are definitely methods for trigger bots, as in shooting for you when you have your mouse over an enemy. Really, who knows. All you can do is trust that DE can keep things clean. I would be very careful throwing hackusations because Warframe pvp has such an incredibly high skill level that there is always someone better than you. That guy you meet every now and then who always dominates the match? He was slaughtered 10-1 by someone else. That guy? Slaughtered 10-1 by another, and so on and so forth up the chain. Who knows which are using hacks, but I can say confidently from my position fairly close to the top that I haven't had reason to seriously call hacks on anyone. I think it would be very obvious if someone truly utilized a true aimbot. As for that account, it's probably a smurf account. Could've been a conclave veteran playing with an alt account. You should ask them! Some players prefer to keep that a secret, but most I know will just say "yeah I'm so-and-so".


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1 hour ago, Phasedragon said:


I think a big reason for this is the quick melee damage. That's probably something that should be changed, since it's currently doing full damage. As for melee in general, unfortunately the new player balance is severely skewed. Without knowing how to move, you'll die very quickly. This does drop off very quickly, though. This type of knowledge really needs to be spread more, and in fact I'm tentatively working on a tutorial.

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As for aimbot: I'm not 100% positive aimbots exist but there are definitely methods for trigger bots, as in shooting for you when you have your mouse over an enemy. Really, who knows. All you can do is trust that DE can keep things clean. I would be very careful throwing hackusations because Warframe pvp has such an incredibly high skill level that there is always someone better than you. That guy you meet every now and then who always dominates the match? He was slaughtered 10-1 by someone else. That guy? Slaughtered 10-1 by another, and so on and so forth up the chain. Who knows which are using hacks, but I can say confidently from my position fairly close to the top that I haven't had reason to seriously call hacks on anyone. I think it would be very obvious if someone truly utilized a true aimbot. As for that account, it's probably a smurf account. Could've been a conclave veteran playing with an alt account. You should ask them! Some players prefer to keep that a secret, but most I know will just say "yeah I'm so-and-so".


With the exception of excessively easy staggers, knockdowns, and 1-shots that don't have enough penalty and all need to be addressed, I think players that don't know how to move easily fall to guns and powers, too. It's much easier for a highly mobile WoF user to take down someone not very well-versed in movement sets.

It's like mobility is a secondary form of armor, or a shield that needs to be properly implemented or players end up losing half their defenses, as oppose to PvE where mobility is less about avoiding enemy damage and more about traversing the environment.

Edited by -cS-Nighttide77
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On 2/23/2016 at 11:07 PM, Lord_Noctus said:

anku....... that thing and i guess other scythes too didnt try them all can 1 shot u when ur shields are down with a directional melee. not just that this thing is an AWESOME movement tool but also an effective dmg tool for people that dont equip melee. see video below. it not just extends the bulletjump but also dmg everybody in ur way and as i said anku 1 shots ppl that have no shields left or heavily dmg them. this video shows how its used and what i mean but the dmg is different i guess it got a buff since then or the anku might be the only problematic weapon. at 5.13 for example u see a good use.

lets get to the next weapon the strun wraith

i hope that pun-chee can give us some recordings here becouse in comparison to for example hek this weapon is straight out OP. it pretty much strips all of ur shields when u hit directly +15 meters. have 13 shots in clip and an amazing firerate.

You see, problem is that you can NEVER hit directly at anywhere past 10 meters. I use this weapon almost exclusively and you need to be within hugging distance to make any damage worth while. And it only has 10 shots in the clip. Also, it has the LONGEST reload of all the shotguns, which means if you're caught while reloading you're not gonna have much ammo to make do, and then you'll probably die. I suggest you get more concrete evidence before spreading rumors. This will help the community and prevent potential flame wars.

Edited by sappinmahsentry
Made myself look kinder ^-^
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20 hours ago, Fire_of_the_Abyss said:

On the Strun series, modding for that extra 30% mag size gives next to no downside, considering the Struns are bugged/dumb and can't be reloaded in the air, which is how most better players move. I find it extremely annoying to reload manually and many others do too. This isn't even specific to the Strun series, many weapons will benefit from +mag -reload with the weapon swap and reload while holstered mods without effective downsides. 

Are you trying to say that because the Strun is bugged to be less useful, it is somehow immune to certain drawbacks?
If anything, the effect of this bug compounds with the drawback of Loaded Capacity to exacerbate the poor reloading performance.
Not only will reloading sometimes not work at all, when it does work, it will be slower.

9 hours ago, sappinmahsentry said:

You see, problem is that you can NEVER hit directly at anywhere past 10 meters. I use this weapon almost exclusively and you need to be within hugging distance to make any damage worth while.

Perhaps you've confused the Strun with the Strun Wraith.
The Strun is extremely weak at range.
The Strun Wraith, while not as effective in close quarters, retains much of its power at mid range.

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Guest Pun-chee
9 hours ago, sappinmahsentry said:

You see, problem is that you can NEVER hit directly at anywhere past 10 meters


I don't know either if you are talking about Strun Wraith:



The reason I captured and linked this video, isn't that I think the damage is too high, it's the effective range that is imbalanced. 15-20m in Warframe is Bow/Sniper territory and no shotgun should be as effective as Strun W. is, in such a range.

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Guest Pun-chee
On 2/23/2016 at 9:19 AM, Knaimhe said:

The Strun Wraith has a magazine size of 10 and a mediocre fire rate.
It's fallacious for you to mention modded stats without acknowledging the drawbacks of the mods.

The Hek is superior in damage potential and has tighter clustering.
In fact, the Strun Wraith deals the least damage out of comparable weapons in exchange for having improved performance at medium range.

Yes, it is very effective against shields. The secret to this is... it primarily deals impact damage. Is your mind blown, or what?

Strun Wraith and all other Struns have a 2RTK (2 shots/rounds to kill, point blank), for almost all frames. Correct me if I'm wrong.

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1 hour ago, Pun-chee said:

Strun Wraith and all other Struns have a 2RTK (2 shots/rounds to kill, point blank), for almost all frames. Correct me if I'm wrong.

This is accurate. However it's more like 3 solid shots on close range.

I've been using strun wraith for a little bit now, and yeah, it's OP. Definitely could do with a little toning down.

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Do not pay much attention to RTKUP (Rounds To Kill rounded UP) or TTKUP (Time To Kill rounded UP). These are shotguns. It is very rare for 100% of pellets to connect, much less with full damage due to falloff. 

RTK and TTK (unrounded) are much more relevant here.

Strun wraith could use a bit less damage. It was not adjusted when magsize was increased from 8 to 10, giving it more suppression ability, and making it reload faster through auto holster mod.

Regular strun does deal more damage and is more forgiving due to increased spread at close range, but the decreased spread of wraith + the magsize/reload advantage of wraith make it a superior weapon in more cases.



Edited by Pythadragon
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16 hours ago, Phasedragon said:


I think a big reason for this is the quick melee damage. That's probably something that should be changed, since it's currently doing full damage. As for melee in general, unfortunately the new player balance is severely skewed. Without knowing how to move, you'll die very quickly. This does drop off very quickly, though. This type of knowledge really needs to be spread more, and in fact I'm tentatively working on a tutorial.

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As for aimbot: I'm not 100% positive aimbots exist but there are definitely methods for trigger bots, as in shooting for you when you have your mouse over an enemy. Really, who knows. All you can do is trust that DE can keep things clean. I would be very careful throwing hackusations because Warframe pvp has such an incredibly high skill level that there is always someone better than you. That guy you meet every now and then who always dominates the match? He was slaughtered 10-1 by someone else. That guy? Slaughtered 10-1 by another, and so on and so forth up the chain. Who knows which are using hacks, but I can say confidently from my position fairly close to the top that I haven't had reason to seriously call hacks on anyone. I think it would be very obvious if someone truly utilized a true aimbot. As for that account, it's probably a smurf account. Could've been a conclave veteran playing with an alt account. You should ask them! Some players prefer to keep that a secret, but most I know will just say "yeah I'm so-and-so".


Thanks for the clarification, but the main issue is certain melee weapons (like tipedo and orthos) having both, big attack range and high speed (gonna check damage after getting in-game, I might be wrong if i say good damage too without checking first) 

about the aimbot stuff, I'm simply throwing "hackusations" yet, simply pointing that I thiking it's weird watching a MR1 getting 27 kills in about 5 minutes with basic gear and barely using mobility tools (which most of times draws the line between a starter, an average player, and a veteran), and anyways getting killed only when taken down off-guard with long ranged shots from snipers or daikyu while he was killing someone else (what took him about 2 - 4 seconds per player, even on tanky frames) leading to this kind of results:


I've seen experienced players usig basic gear and doing way worse than that, and this why I thought I should ask to the experienced conclave players your experiences with this kind of players, and your thoughts about these situations.

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5 hours ago, Pun-chee said:

Strun Wraith and all other Struns have a 2RTK (2 shots/rounds to kill, point blank), for almost all frames. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Under optimized circumstances, yes.
But it's unrealistic to expect both [maximized damage per pellet] and [all pellets to hit].

In practice, I've found that it takes three solid shots (mid range, 3/4 pellets land) to kill a light frame and three and a half solid shots to kill a heavy.
At very close range, it takes half a shot less for each.
At very far range... well, I don't have much experience with using shotguns against distant targets.

2 hours ago, -----LegioN----- said:

I've seen experienced players usig basic gear and doing way worse than that, and this why I thought I should ask to the experienced conclave players your experiences with this kind of players, and your thoughts about these situations.

I think I could manage a similar ratio with basic gear, but it would be extremely difficult for me to achieve that raw kill count, and nearly impossible without extensive use of advanced mobility.

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6 minutes ago, Knaimhe said:

I think I could manage a similar ratio with basic gear, but it would be extremely difficult for me to achieve that raw kill count, and nearly impossible without extensive use of advanced mobility.

On about 5-6 minutes? That's what bugged me a lot, that player was killing too fast wregardless of mobility tools used to dodge his bullets while moving as a starter (maybe a veteran from other fast paced games who still not used to warframe parkour. Not really likely, but would help explain the aiming skills and lack of mobility). On the other hand, most of the other players on that match (except for second place) where low mr players whose names I've never seen before nor after that match (I was in it about 3 of the 5 or 6 minutes it lasted) 

I guess I'll take Phasedragon's advice and ask that player some stuff before going on with this, I'd like to thank you all for the clarification on this particular issue and apologize if on some posts I seem to be a little mad at this.

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