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Mummy Predictions?


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As hinted at in the title, what are some of your predictions for the new frame's abilities and damage focus (Atlas=Impact//Frost=Cold//etc.)?

I believe he might focus on Slash Damage, maaaaaybe Impact (but probably not since that's good 'ol Atlas)...my logic is that sand can cause cuts quite easily, so it's kinda slashy :P     I say sand 'cause he is a mummy, and mummies like sand :) What if he could also summon (as a minion) a Sphinx? He'd be slightly larger than a Kubrow and Duration/Health based.


Just a couple thoughts, any of you guys have any on our new sandy friend??

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9 minutes ago, (PS4) Magician_NG said:

I'm worried about the fact that the mummy won't have shields.

I prefer to use qt+flow for survival, which means I'll be staggered any time I'm hit using this frame.

No bueno.

Well, we all have our own play-style...and hopefully his 'life-steal' is more than capable at keeping his HP topped up.

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9 minutes ago, (PS4) Magician_NG said:

I'm worried about the fact that the mummy won't have shields.

I prefer to use qt+flow for survival, which means I'll be staggered any time I'm hit using this frame.

No bueno.

It won't have any shields they already said that in the Devstream, as far as power go it apparently is going to be a super life leech of sorts.. They never hinted much more than that.

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Various ideas.

Mummy gaze, similar to atlas petrify but terrifies foes and sending them fleeing lowering armor and leeching health for each one caught in your vision.

Blood Sand AOE CC that blinds and disorients and makes enemies weaker to all status effects as it drains your health.

A wrapping AOE CC thats like tentacles but instead of wiping everything around it binds target prone as it drains your health.

Swarm. Basically Swarm-Mutalist MOA for friendlies. Boosting everyone's armor and when spread to enemies would lessen their damage or also leech life to warframe.

No idea about his special pre-death state. But I think becoming a sarcophagus turret and mowing everything down while stuck would be neat.

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1 minute ago, Evanescent said:

All I know is if his armor isn't stupid high or his abilities don't buff him he's a walking slab of tenno meat.

To hopefully answer your worry, I figured he had already answered so it'd be pointless for me to as well :P

13 minutes ago, (PS4) Zashukitsune said:

Steve did say he's already gotta tone down the strength, citing his excursions through t3 and t4 survival missions solo without a scratch.  Of course I know a ton of people who are gonna rain fire on it being nerfed already, but I gotta say I'm super excited.


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2 minutes ago, Evanescent said:

All I know is if his armor isn't stupid high or his abilities don't buff him he's a walking slab of tenno meat.

Perhaps he will have a passive that toxic damage has no bonus against him. Right now, toxic has a +50% damage to warframe health and +25% to our armor. If he has that passive, he wont be exceptionally weak against one whole faction.

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3 minutes ago, (PS4) GamerCat535 said:

What makes you say that?  Without shields, how would one power the thingy with him? (I honestly don't know what it's called...)

Oh, I'm just joking around. Being silly :P

Edited by -Himari-
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Whats known so far is..

As his energy increases, so does his armor. 

Can summon minions.

His Ult and probably his summoning ability uses health. 

He can leech life directly from his enemies.

He can manipulate his enemies somehow (Maybe thats how they become minions?)


250 Health

100 Energy

300 Armor

.90 Sprint Speed

I think his passive will be the energy*X + N = Armor. Math......

His 1. will some type of low-medium damage move involving sand or bugs.

His 2. will be that manipulation move. I remember this one move this Mummy from Marvel vs Capcom 2 had, it was some type of grand illusion that made your enemy get tossed all over the screen. I think he'll manipulate the enemies to be his shield. Taking damage for him.. or he'll send out his bandages linking himself to 3-4 enemies. The linked enemies take a % of damage for him (Damage reduction) while also under his control. 

His 3 will activate a sandstorm that comes out from his mouth and drops sand all over the area. Enemies caught the storm will have reduced speed, accuracy and will be damaged. The enemies that step on the sand has their armor reduced and gives it to any allies standing on the sand.

His 4.. Is a blood sacrificial ritual/ceremony. Takes 25% of his life and makes blood rain from the sky O.o Enemies touched by his blood are turned into his minions.  Minions have no duration. Instead he drains their life by a % every second. They fight for him while healing him till they die. 

Pre-death state.. A sarcophagus opens up behind Kingmum and bandages shoot up wrapping up any enemies with range. Slowly dragging them back to the sarcophagus. It consumes them adding time to his pre-death state. Once revived Kingmum consumes the blood of those the coffin dragged in, adding extra armor or health.


PS.. DE you guys need to hire me.

PSS.. I hope this isn't any of his abilities.. He'd be OP lol. 

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1 hour ago, (PS4) Lilg31 said:

Whats known so far is..

As his energy increases, so does his armor. 

Can summon minions.

His Ult and probably his summoning ability uses health. 

He can leech life directly from his enemies.

He can manipulate his enemies somehow (Maybe thats how they become minions?)


250 Health

100 Energy

300 Armor

.90 Sprint Speed

I think his passive will be the energy*X + N = Armor. Math......

His 1. will some type of low-medium damage move involving sand or bugs.

His 2. will be that manipulation move. I remember this one move this Mummy from Marvel vs Capcom 2 had, it was some type of grand illusion that made your enemy get tossed all over the screen. I think he'll manipulate the enemies to be his shield. Taking damage for him.. or he'll send out his bandages linking himself to 3-4 enemies. The linked enemies take a % of damage for him (Damage reduction) while also under his control. 

His 3 will activate a sandstorm that comes out from his mouth and drops sand all over the area. Enemies caught the storm will have reduced speed, accuracy and will be damaged. The enemies that step on the sand has their armor reduced and gives it to any allies standing on the sand.

His 4.. Is a blood sacrificial ritual/ceremony. Takes 25% of his life and makes blood rain from the sky O.o Enemies touched by his blood are turned into his minions.  Minions have no duration. Instead he drains their life by a % every second. They fight for him while healing him till they die. 

Pre-death state.. A sarcophagus opens up behind Kingmum and bandages shoot up wrapping up any enemies with range. Slowly dragging them back to the sarcophagus. It consumes them adding time to his pre-death state. Once revived Kingmum consumes the blood of those the coffin dragged in, adding extra armor or health.


PS.. DE you guys need to hire me.

PSS.. I hope this isn't any of his abilities.. He'd be OP lol. 

holy mamma jamma...a lot of thought in that one!!  Thanks man!!

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