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Please DE, don't attempt Syndicate Melee with too high MR lock....


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What does MR locking suppose to accomplish?

That I need to have crafted and leveled X number of items before I can obtain something?

Big deal. That's the easiest thing to do in the game, and once you've hit the MR cap then arbitrarily picking lower ranks to lock stuff is meaningless.

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52 minutes ago, Rebellis said:

What does MR locking suppose to accomplish?

That I need to have crafted and leveled X number of items before I can obtain something?

Big deal. That's the easiest thing to do in the game, and once you've hit the MR cap then arbitrarily picking lower ranks to lock stuff is meaningless.

if its the easiest thing to do in the game then why dou complain ?

we higher mr players want to lock stuff so we dont have to deal with mr 2 players in t4 anymore or ppl who can access stuff like pluto but cant deal with the enemys there and then start to complain that the game is to hard wich results in nerfs of stuff we like

oh and we are sick of constantly carrying ppl and seeing this "need taxi to x"

u dont need a taxi to farm for higher lvl content if its master rank locked and u cant use it anyway and once u onlock it with mastery ur actualy able to play it urself and there is no need to be carryed anymore

thats the reason for mastery rank locked stuff oh and it gives u a goal to progress and the feeling that u achieve something

we need absolutly more stuff thats mastery rank locked

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20 hours ago, giantconch said:

I ask what you think should be used to determine what keeps new users from getting ultra OP weapons right away, your answer is "Not the MR system"


I ask what you think should be used to determine MR and you dance around the question and say "there are a lot of ways" without specifically mentioning at least one.


My ability to comprehend what you are saying is working just fine thank you.


In trying to understand your side of the argument what I see a lot of is frustration about people using Draco to powerlevel, and that those people are undeserving of the MR that they have. I sympathize, I really do. I refuse to use Draco to initially rank a weapon for good reason; You get a much better feel of the weapon and what it can do trying to tough it out against mid level enemies for 20-40 minutes. However, alternatives to weapon/frame ranks = MR, such as lifetime kill exp, can be abused as well. Planets and nodes = Exp? Can be abused as well with a leech asking for help constantly to clear nodes.

You claim to comprehend what I'm saying, then prove you're still confused about it in the last paragraph.

Yes, of course my answer is "not the MR system", because the MR system right now is flawed. I'll explain that once again at the end of this post. That said, there are plenty of ways the MR system could be changed to make it actually be a reasonable system, and all of them involve changing how you obtain the points. As I've said, there's a lot of ways you could go about doing that. One would be to make the system work a bit like Focus does except without the obvious gain issues and without only your kills counting for you and without needing maxed out gear/a special item. Instead, say you're MR0, kills against even level 1 enemies will get you a decent amount of EXP. But once you're MR15 or so, you'll need to kill higher levels of enemies to get the EXP you need. However, there would be two problems with that: One is that Draco would still allow for power-leveling (albeit not to 20 since the gains from it would slowly become less and less favorable), and two is that the game would need actual endgame content aside from sorties to handle the level-based MR gains.

So my suggestion is a system like this: Every MR rank has its own test as it is, so why not take that a step further and make every MR have its own requirements the player must meet before they can begin the test? These requirements would of course be simple and reasonable to achieve for the first few levels, then gradually get more vast and complicated for the higher MRs. Naturally, these requirements would be geared toward ensuring that the player gains some form of personal experience before ascending to the next level, and it simultaneously cannot be power-leveled like you can in Draco. As a side note, we could really use more interesting tests, because a lot of the current ones don't really "test" the player at all.

And those are just two of the ways you could change the MR system to be a much more reasonable and interesting system, with the latter of course being one of the better options (hence why I suggested it).

And no, I'm not at all frustrated about the people who use Draco to power-level. Why would I blame a fault of the game on the players themselves? I get why they do it. The current MR system is unrewarding, and the method to ranking up is long, tedious, and boring. To those people, gaining actual experience means less than just accelerating that process, and given what the process is, I can completely understand that. However, weapons are locked behind MRs as though people who reach those MRs should have a certain level of skill/personal experience, when the method in which you can obtain a higher MR creates the exact opposite of a skilled and experienced player, so in the end, weapons are just being locked behind MR so people have to go through a dull, empty grind that offers no benefits so they can use a weapon, rather than a more fun system where they rank up by actually playing the game and actually getting good at it, rather than grinding through several hundred weapons and getting no personal benefit from it due to how most people deal with it. Basically, MR as it is stands not as a "you've learned how to play the game well enough to reach this rank" system, and instead a "you've learned how to press a single button again and again for a long time" system.

Basically, the difference in summary is:

Current MR is slow, not fun at all, and doesn't represent any form of experience. While some people at higher MRs are actually skilled and experienced, it's just as easy for them to just grind a whole bunch of weapons in a small amount of time and get the same benefits, leading to a bunch of people with little to no actual in-game experience, who just spent a lot of time being bored grinding weapons until they reached whatever MR they are now. Furthermore, because of how boring, dull, and uninteresting the system is, the much faster and less engaging Draco power-level farm is actually encouraged more than it should be. So who is benefiting from this system? Those that choose to go through it legitimately are treated to a very long and very tedious grind that could go on for months or even years, and those who choose to just speed through it with Draco aren't actually getting any experience out of it but don't care because they got past the grind. Nobody gets anything out of this.

Edited by Valsako
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9 minutes ago, Weidro said:

if its the easiest thing to do in the game then why dou complain ?

we higher mr players want to lock stuff so we dont have to deal with mr 2 players in t4 anymore or ppl who can access stuff like pluto but cant deal with the enemys there and then start to complain that the game is to hard wich results in nerfs of stuff we like

oh and we are sick of constantly carrying ppl and seeing this "need taxi to x"

u dont need a taxi to farm for higher lvl content if its master rank locked and u cant use it anyway and once u onlock it with mastery ur actualy able to play it urself and there is no need to be carryed anymore

thats the reason for mastery rank locked stuff oh and it gives u a goal to progress and the feeling that u achieve something

we need absolutly more stuff thats mastery rank locked

I am not supporting your line of thinking in any way.
No body forces you to accept an "mr2 in t4", since 

a) If he has the key, it is his problem, not yours.
b) If you have invited him do not cry.

Same with Pluto - If he was able to get there, it is his problem that he is there. Complains about "how hard the game is", are not your issue too. Development deals with those, if you do not like it - talk with them.
I am not sick of seeing "need taxi". I am sick of arrogant players. Or you think that, since you "buy the biggest prime acces", which will speed up your leveling, makes you an better player? 

PS : I am sorry for the low blow, but something in your way of posting... triggers the grinner inside of me.

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1 hour ago, Weidro said:

if its the easiest thing to do in the game then why dou complain ?

we higher mr players want to lock stuff so we dont have to deal with mr 2 players in t4 anymore or ppl who can access stuff like pluto but cant deal with the enemys there and then start to complain that the game is to hard wich results in nerfs of stuff we like

oh and we are sick of constantly carrying ppl and seeing this "need taxi to x"

u dont need a taxi to farm for higher lvl content if its master rank locked and u cant use it anyway and once u onlock it with mastery ur actualy able to play it urself and there is no need to be carryed anymore

thats the reason for mastery rank locked stuff oh and it gives u a goal to progress and the feeling that u achieve something

we need absolutly more stuff thats mastery rank locked

How exactly setting high MR requirements would "fix" any of what you said above?

If anything it would only become much worse, because if people will get locked out of content because they didn't farm XP hard enough, it will only make XP farms even more popular and abused.  If Draco will be locked by MR requirements, they will do that on Appolodorus or Gaia or whatever endless mission that's not locked, to farm for XP and to get that shiny new OP gun as soon as possible, because they've been told that meta requires you to have it. In a few weeks you'll have tons of MR18+ players who don't know anything about the game, besides how to grind XP efficiently. Of course not all players will be like that, but there will be a LOT of them, trust me.

Locking stuff behind high MR is like the worst possible way to go, because MR itself doesn't require anything except lots of farming (including resources, XP, parts etc) It doesn't actually make you play better or shows any of your accomplishments, or how much you've actually played the game.

Edited by (PS4)Gaelic-_-Flame
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3 hours ago, phoenix1992 said:

I am not supporting your line of thinking in any way.
No body forces you to accept an "mr2 in t4", since 

a) If he has the key, it is his problem, not yours.
b) If you have invited him do not cry.

Same with Pluto - If he was able to get there, it is his problem that he is there. Complains about "how hard the game is", are not your issue too. Development deals with those, if you do not like it - talk with them.
I am not sick of seeing "need taxi". I am sick of arrogant players. Or you think that, since you "buy the biggest prime acces", which will speed up your leveling, makes you an better player? 

PS : I am sorry for the low blow, but something in your way of posting... triggers the grinner inside of me.

i think the problem starts earlyer and exactly bevore "a) if he has the key"

no mr2 should be able to have a t4 key and putting a mr lock to void would solve that

and if someone carries a player to pluto so he can play there and i run into him on a public missions it is my problem and not his since im forced to abort or carry him

if stuff gets changed because of these guys it removes the last challenges that are left and thats a problem for me and btw im talking to the dev right now in this thread and im 100% sure they are reading this and listening to both sides and might consider some of the stuff in this thread in future updates

no i do not think that buying a prime access makes me a better player everybody can do that the main reason im buying stuff is to support the game im playing for more than 3 years to keep it going to help DE so they can continue to develop the game i like

but with 3800+ in game hours (in mission and not this steam crap) i have seen lots and lots of new guys coming and going and because of that i know the problems in warframe and even if u cant understand it right now having access to everything ingame without a mr lock might sound nice but it creates so many problems

if u keep playing active in the community u might understand it one day

oh and im always helping these players since i got nothing left to do than helping new guys wich is fine to me but it shouldnt be neccessary to do that and what makes me sick is that these new guys feel the need to ask for it and they feel that its neccessary to have it and they constantly hear that all missions are crap exept for a handfull wich they cant do without help (when is say i help new guys i actualy do and not just carry them to missions they dont need i will never just lvl their gear)

PS: no need to be sorry it just shows me that u cant understand it yet or i wasnt clear enough but if u think it was a "low blow" u should controll urself more


3 hours ago, (PS4)Gaelic-_-Flame said:


Locking stuff behind high MR is like the worst possible way to go, because MR itself doesn't require anything except lots of farming (including resources, XP, parts etc) It doesn't actually make you play better or shows any of your accomplishments, or how much you've actually played the game.

thats why i said early in this thread a playtime lock might solve this issue or u could extend it even further and include the challenges in the profile aswell

and i doubt that ppl will afk in missions since warframe flags u after 60 seconds not moving as afk and ur playtime will not increase, with a proper bot detection ppl will play and earn there stuff and gain experience in warframe

although u dont need to see as mastery rank lock as someting thats locked away ucan although see it as a reward for getting the requirements

might be a comunity problem here that ppl call it lock and when i think about it we all should start to change that and call it reward

Edited by Weidro
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1 hour ago, Weidro said:

i think the problem starts earlyer and exactly bevore "a) if he has the key"

no mr2 should be able to have a t4 key and putting a mr lock to void would solve that

and if someone carries a player to pluto so he can play there and i run into him on a public missions it is my problem and not his since im forced to abort or carry him

if stuff gets changed because of these guys it removes the last challenges that are left and thats a problem for me and btw im talking to the dev right now in this thread and im 100% sure they are reading this and listening to both sides and might consider some of the stuff in this thread in future updates

no i do not think that buying a prime access makes me a better player everybody can do that the main reason im buying stuff is to support the game im playing for more than 3 years to keep it going to help DE so they can continue to develop the game i like

but with 3800+ in game hours (in mission and not this steam crap) i have seen lots and lots of new guys coming and going and because of that i know the problems in warframe and even if u cant understand it right now having access to everything ingame without a mr lock might sound nice but it creates so many problems

if u keep playing active in the community u might understand it one day

oh and im always helping these players since i got nothing left to do than helping new guys wich is fine to me but it shouldnt be neccessary to do that and what makes me sick is that these new guys feel the need to ask for it and they feel that its neccessary to have it and they constantly hear that all missions are crap exept for a handfull wich they cant do without help (when is say i help new guys i actualy do and not just carry them to missions they dont need i will never just lvl their gear)

PS: no need to be sorry it just shows me that u cant understand it yet or i wasnt clear enough but if u think it was a "low blow" u should controll urself more


thats why i said early in this thread a playtime lock might solve this issue or u could extend it even further and include the challenges in the profile aswell

and i doubt that ppl will afk in missions since warframe flags u after 60 seconds not moving as afk and ur playtime will not increase, with a proper bot detection ppl will play and earn there stuff and gain experience in warframe

although u dont need to see as mastery rank lock as someting thats locked away ucan although see it as a reward for getting the requirements

might be a comunity problem here that ppl call it lock and when i think about it we all should start to change that and call it reward

"I have TONS of hours, I SUPPORT, I am ACTIVE". Please.
I do not recall you, using my account so you would know what and how much I do in the game. But I can tell you for sure, that I do not buy instaready weapons and boosters, or I am not acting high and mighty because of my in game achievements. And stop moaning about In game time or MR restriction, since both of those are Kubrow excrements. You, my addicted amigo, have long since forgotten how it is to play like an casual. And believe it or not, the majority of players are casuals, that really do not care about your fuzzing. Do no try to hide behind "community" walls either since you are long past the point in which you can... How to say it - understand how the current power curve for new players is (hint : it is rubbish as hell). Do not fret, all the rushers will Excalibros and Tonkors will not be playing long enough in order to threaten your sacred community.  And god dammit at least use the auto spell check when posting, you are not helping yourself with that kind of format. 

Edited by phoenix1992
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Disclaimer:  I am a three-week old MR4 player, and have never really been a fan of the "level up everything to level up in general" system whenever it's been used.

I honestly don't see any reason to lock things very high.  If it's so that new players have a sense of progression and are not overwhelmed by choice, then sure.  But locking things above MR12 seems to throw that reason out the window.  To me, if you've spent the time and effort to become MR10+, you can't be called a "new player," you've experienced plenty of the game.  Right now, although it's pretty clear it needs a rework, I feel having access to mostly everything by MR6 feels alright.  A new player is incentivized to try out and master various loadouts just to reach that level, and by then they know whether or not they want to keep playing.  If they want to master everything, yippie, if they've found their favorite few, good for them.

If it's so that the objectively better items are locked away, all I can say is "Really?"  Broken War and Galatine are rank 3, Redeemer and Scindo Prime are rank 4, Tonkor is rank 5, etc., the Syndicate primaries and War are the outliers here.

Maybe it's just me, but MR does not give me a sense of progression, the quests and planets do.  If it was up to me I'd lock things directly behind missions, like "Reach Neptune to unlock Tigris" or "Reach 20 minutes in any Survival to unlock Rhino" or "Successfully hack all Spy targets to unlock Hikou" and things like that.  Of course, if Mastery is revamped and reworked properly, then I've have little to complain about.

Side note, I'd really say a playtime lock is a bad idea, just on the first impression it would give.  Were I to start playing a game only to see a whole bunch of timers when I open the Market, it would leave a much worse taste in my mouth than the level restrictions you see now.  I dunno, with levels I have some control, like, it's on me to earn those weapons, but timers would just feel impersonal and needlessly annoying.

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12 hours ago, phoenix1992 said:

"I have TONS of hours, I SUPPORT, I am ACTIVE". Please.
I do not recall you, using my account so you would know what and how much I do in the game. But I can tell you for sure, that I do not buy instaready weapons and boosters, or I am not acting high and mighty because of my in game achievements. And stop moaning about In game time or MR restriction, since both of those are Kubrow excrements. You, my addicted amigo, have long since forgotten how it is to play like an casual. And believe it or not, the majority of players are casuals, that really do not care about your fuzzing. Do no try to hide behind "community" walls either since you are long past the point in which you can... How to say it - understand how the current power curve for new players is (hint : it is rubbish as hell). Do not fret, all the rushers will Excalibros and Tonkors will not be playing long enough in order to threaten your sacred community.  And god dammit at least use the auto spell check when posting, you are not helping yourself with that kind of format. 

feel free to recall me with whatever acc u want lol

and if i rly care about ur profile i could check everytime but there is just no reason to care

but maybe u should check my profile to realize that there are other players who have reached and played way more than i have and i dont have a reason to feel special or something like that u are the only one who sees me "high and mighty" so thanks for the compliment but srsly there are better players out there who are more dedicated than i am

if mr restrictions are crap then pls make a thread and discuss that there but atleast in this thread are quite a few posts that support mr locks (starting with the 3rd comment)

i might have forgotten to play like a casual but im learning it currently again since i created a new acc together with our newest clan member who started to play 3 weeks ago and i just hoped in and all is see is that its impissible to find a line to follow while progressing in warframe and i notice him saying stuff like "lets reach mr X so i can try Y"

when i started to play this wasnt a problem since we had waaaay less content but now its almost impossible to make a decission where to start and what to do next and even if i dont like the way mastery is designed its currently the only way i see to bring order the chaos of content if u have a better idea just post it here u can atleast try to give constructive feedback instead of destructive grouch atleast try to strive to be better not bitter

btw auto spell check is whats creating this problem since im not native english but if u want u can do the spell checking for me and ill edit my posts


back to topic:

8 hours ago, Vox_Preliator said:


Side note, I'd really say a playtime lock is a bad idea, just on the first impression it would give.  Were I to start playing a game only to see a whole bunch of timers when I open the Market, it would leave a much worse taste in my mouth than the level restrictions you see now.  I dunno, with levels I have some control, like, it's on me to earn those weapons, but timers would just feel impersonal and needlessly annoying.

i agree it creates a bad taste to see locks

but what about not showing these weapons in the market until u fulfill the requirements and everytime u get a rank up and check the market there is suddenly new stuff for u to experience this way noone whould have to look at restrictions and would still be rewarded for progressing

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1 hour ago, Weidro said:

 agree it creates a bad taste to see locks

but what about not showing these weapons in the market until u fulfill the requirements and everytime u get a rank up and check the market there is suddenly new stuff for u to experience this way noone whould have to look at restrictions and would still be rewarded for progressing

Actually, that could work.  Instead of progressively seeing fewer locked items, you just see more things available as time goes on.  One could even throw up some excuse, like Darvo needing time to get his stock in order or something.

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1 hour ago, Weidro said:

i agree it creates a bad taste to see locks

but what about not showing these weapons in the market until u fulfill the requirements and everytime u get a rank up and check the market there is suddenly new stuff for u to experience this way noone whould have to look at restrictions and would still be rewarded for progressing

While I agree that "hidden" approach would probably feel less like it's locking you out of something I still don't like the idea of Mastery Rank (as in leveling up a bunch of different equipment) as a main progression mechanic.

There are so many other ways to make the actual progression system better without restricting players choice of weapons (as in forcing them to level as much of other gear, instead of sticking to the guns they actually want to use)

For example give extra XP for every mission you complete, awarding more XP for higher level missions and more XP the longer you go into endless mission. Awarding score for upgrading your mods, probably making the crucial mods (like damage, power related mods, health, shields etc) worth more points than other less important ones (like Ammo Drum, Fast Hands etc) By the way, we already have some kind of Mod Rank or something, I remember seeing it somewhere in the mod screen, so why we don't implement that into the total ranking, since your mod levels is probably one of the most important things in the game. Leveling your gear might still be a thing, but also make it so Forma'ing your weapon gives you XP as well. There are much more things that could affect your rank as well, like progressing through planets, beating bosses for the first time, defeating Stalker, being first in one of the categories in end of mission screen (dealing the most damage, receiving less damage, most headshots, most revives, etc) and more.

Also I think if such a system would be implemented it should be separated from the current Mastery Rank and become the main progression system. With Mastery Rank remaining as some sort of extra reason to play for collector/completionist type players, with some rewards such as unique cosmetic items, extra loadout slots or stuff like that.

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On 3/1/2016 at 9:53 AM, AntoineFlemming said:

Because they're elitists who want to feel special by having stuff that seems exclusive. That's the only reason these people want these weapons locked behind high mastery rank. These are the same people that will try to tell you that MR is an indicator of skill.

It's not that we/they are elitists (well I guess some may be). I don't think it is unreasonable to ask that, since the system exists in game, that it be reworked so that more powerful or damaging weapons are harder to get access too, and require more game time. Isn't that the whole point of the system?

The issue I have, and I'm sure many others would agree, is that the Mastery Ranking system is broken, and the weapon's ranks make no sense. Your have some of the highest damaging weapons in game that have absolutely no requirement, or very low ones, and others that just don't make sense. Then the only way to get mastery is to level up every weapon or Warframe in the game, whether it is garbage or nott.

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7 hours ago, (PS4)KinslayersDawn said:

It's not that we/they are elitists (well I guess some may be). I don't think it is unreasonable to ask that, since the system exists in game, that it be reworked so that more powerful or damaging weapons are harder to get access too, and require more game time. Isn't that the whole point of the system?

The issue I have, and I'm sure many others would agree, is that the Mastery Ranking system is broken, and the weapon's ranks make no sense. Your have some of the highest damaging weapons in game that have absolutely no requirement, or very low ones, and others that just don't make sense. Then the only way to get mastery is to level up every weapon or Warframe in the game, whether it is garbage or nott.

Yeah, the problem with the MR system is the way in which you gain Mastery Rank. So it's no point, imo, to have weapons MR locked based on their damage, when the way that you rank up MR is in itself insufficient. It should not be based on maxing out gear. It should be based on your actual gameplay. Take a look at your profile ingame. Look at all those stats that are collected. That should factor into your MR rank, not the amount of stuff you acquire and max out. So, the entire MR system needs to be overhauled imo. I sometimes play a game called APB Reloaded. It's kinda crap in its servers and community. One thing it does do well imo (in addition to good appearance customization) is that it has an extensive, grindy, but straightforward ranking system, that unlocks gear as you progress through rank. You gain experience/reputation/whatever-it's-called through completing missions in that game. Now, with Warframe, of course you'll need something more sophisticated to make sure leechers and AFKers aren't taking advantage of the system, but the reason I think APB's rank up system is better is because it is based on actually playing the missions in the game. That's what Warframe needs, imo: a rank up system that is based on the missions you complete, not on the weapons, frames, archwings, and companions you max out. And then, players will gain rank as they play the game, not just as they acquire stuff. And your Mastery Rank will better reflect how much time you've spent actually playing the game. Once you have a better system, then you can start MR-locking weapons.

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On 3/1/2016 at 6:08 AM, FunkadelicMayhem said:




DE please lock some stuff behind an MR wall!! Especially the people who have a bunch of prime stuff and still have not unlocked the solar map yet and as a result ask for a taxi everywhere and come into higher end missions with good gear and still dont know how to play the game.

I'm honestly in agreement with this. Frankly, most if not all prime gear should be locked to higher masteries, giving you a reason to try new gear first, rather than skipping straight to OP Land. Prime gear should be a symbol of high rank, the best of the best. Instead, people bypass all the regular gear and never even get (for example) a Rhino because they had their friend taxi them to the Void and they farmed Rhino Prime with little effort.

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I will keep my answer short and sweet.

I would like to see the New Melee weapons at least at a lvl 14 or higher. Simply because there needs to be some incentive to climb the MR ranks and have something to show for it. Hopefully putting them at a lower level is not the intent because higher ranks will always want to have something that is not obtainable to lower levels. Every mastery rank should have some weapon that is not usable to lower levels. This works in a real world situation too, like marital arts. If you just give beginner a very sharp Katana they will most likely cut off their own arm. Any form of martial arts will have you gain rank before you can learn to use other weapons.


Players keep complaining about Draco, but there is nothing to really complain about.... ppl's find a good experience farm and that upsets others... when this is a PVE game. If it wasn't Draco then it would just be the next level that has a large experience gain.


MR rank has nothing to do with your stats, its a reflection of you experience with weapons and frames. so it only makes since to have weapons that make you want to rank up. Plus reaching a high mastery rank is not that complicated... listen to your own complaints and go play Draco

Edited by (PS4)Gilgamesh978
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Well colour me shocked and surprised that the people pushing for stupidly high mastery requirements already are at those rank or above. It's almost like you to keep this super good gear all to yourself for longer than newer players.

There's no reason whatsoever to have mastery requirements at like rank 16. That's not only stupidly high when there's already amazing gear far below that level, it only benefits people who have been playing for a long time and don't really need that gear either. It's all just so you guys can keep your shiny toys out of the hands of lesser players.

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Forcing MR walls upon new or intermediet players has flawn of creating WORSE players.

From skill perspective i would rather take player who mastered 4 frames and 10 weapons very well.

From gear perspective - yes gear is also important, and sole "skillz" may be not enought.

Getting high mastery rank cost:

  • time
  • resources
  • credits

Getting few weapons very high (formas + mods) cost:

  • time
  • resources
  • credits
  • some plat for potatoes

So players can either spent plat on new weapons (which will never use) or actually get that useful mod to max rank.

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