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Update 18.5: Sands of Inaros  


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2 hours ago, Weathnarh said:

Ok, got a real probleme after this update (again right before the week-end so no fix till monday).

My specs : GPU : Nvidia GTX 970 / CPU : AMD FX-8320E (8core 3.2GHz) / Ram : 8Gb DDR3

So why am able to play only with less than 15 fps (all graphic options minimum) when before the update i was at 60+ without any problem all graphic options maxed. It freeze like crazy !!!

It's unplayable at the moment, one of my friends actually had his PC overheat when before it runned just fine.

Probably by the automatic voltage control and mhz. My msi gtx 960 is set to 135mhz / 400mhz mode (low load mode) in areas of the map, for no apparent reason, and there begins to be unplayable. using the msi afterburner or other program, you can check this. A temporary solution until it fixed, is to use some program that you can set the maximum load of graphic card. In my case the "msi gaming app", fixing it in OC mode.

edit: apparently with the "force constant voltage" in the Msi Afterburner options, it works perfect

sorry for my English :P

Edited by Manu2948
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I love the search functions in the trade and arsenal-equip interface. I have been waiting for those for a long time, and already they have saved many seconds of my life.

I hate the chat for the following reasons:

1) Transparent background is distracting and can make text difficult to read, I find myself cowering in dark corners of my Orbiter when trying to communicate. Please return to the nice grey-black we had before.

2) The whisper "channels" overlap in the same field, leading to horrible miscommunications and general confusion. These definitely need to stay in in their own tabs. I have already seen 6 other players complain with each other about this in squad chat/private chat to me.

3) Even if I turn emojis off (I never have liked emojis anywhere on the vast Intranetz, having them is fine of course), the chat tries to "autocorrect" me when I type anything that registers with a ":", so I can no longer idly ":P" at my friends etc, requiring more steps just to send. Extremely frustrating, and no options in the Chat tab seem to fix this.

I can't say I'm a huge fan of the graphics changes, as the post says, some things are very bright...and that includes Simaris' face (which reminds me of the Bentusi from Homeworld and now he's like Mr. Sunshine) and the Star Map. Of course, the issue is not rectified for me with contrast/brightness/other adjustments in Options, otherwise I would not complain.

I am not sure why loadouts take more time to appear, we didn't have a "Please Wait" notification before. Well, at least I didn't, neither did another guy who complained about it in squad chat. Having loadouts in the interface as they are now is a very welcome change, because the way they extended far far to the right before - even with short names - was very bad. That being said, loadout mechanics need a ton of work (saving a loadout should bake it into memory, and allow adjustments without saving those adjustments unless it is told to re-bake by the user saving it...Example, I swap out a melee for a loadout and if I reload that loadout without saving then the melee I had before is back - this is how it works in other games and I am not the only one with this opinion), and should include Operator > Focus changes for gamer convenience, even if including Focus in loadout memory does seem to sidestep the lore.

Everything else in this update seems glorious and those fixes were very much needed.

Edited by Novaster
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Awesome update! Thanks for the hard work.


Do have one question tho, I didn't see any fixes for being unable to pick up loot with carrier vacuuming them to you while on dash wires. 

Did I miss that or is it still in the works?

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I dont know if this is happening to many people, but it has happened to both me and my friend. So we both installed the update just fine when it was released, played for a few hours then I took a break. When I came back on I was having frame drops every few seconds, and it was virtually unplayable. I validated the integrity of my cached game files (I play on Steam so I can do that easily) an it said 8GB out of 15GB were corrupt, so it re installed them. I then went on the launcher and had to re install the update. After clicking play it crashed and my PC froze for a good minute. I validated the files again and this time it said that 11GB were corrupt, and I am currently re installing them


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Did the Focus percentages from lenses or the Convergence booster get changed? I was running a mission and only getting a few kills during Convergence (5-10) and getting 900-1100 Focus from it when I would usually only get 40-80 Focus for the same amount previously. (I have regular Naramon lenses on my Ivara and Rakta Cernos)

I like it, since I'd usually see small numbers both during Convergence and at the end of a mission. I could sometimes reach 800 Focus if I was able to cram in 60+ kills with many of them being Heavies, Eximus, and specialty enemies during Convergence, but I didn't see any changes listed in the patch notes of U18.5 or 18.5.1

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7 minutes ago, deathbubble said:

I dont know if this is happening to many people, but it has happened to both me and my friend. So we both installed the update just fine when it was released, played for a few hours then I took a break. When I came back on I was having frame drops every few seconds, and it was virtually unplayable. I validated the integrity of my cached game files (I play on Steam so I can do that easily) an it said 8GB out of 15GB were corrupt, so it re installed them. I then went on the launcher and had to re install the update. After clicking play it crashed and my PC froze for a good minute. I validated the files again and this time it said that 11GB were corrupt, and I am currently re installing them


You don't validate the game files through Steam. Steam files are out of date, so anything they don't recognize (i.e. any updates since) are going to show up as corrupt. Then you're going to download an outdated version of the game, start the launcher, and have to re-download all the updates.

The launcher itself has a place to "Verify" and "Optimize" the game files if you click the gear icon in the top right. I verified my game that way and it got rid of the framerate issues that I had been having when I first installed the update.

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16 minutes ago, Maicael said:

You don't validate the game files through Steam. Steam files are out of date, so anything they don't recognize (i.e. any updates since) are going to show up as corrupt. Then you're going to download an outdated version of the game, start the launcher, and have to re-download all the updates.

The launcher itself has a place to "Verify" and "Optimize" the game files if you click the gear icon in the top right. I verified my game that way and it got rid of the framerate issues that I had been having when I first installed the update.

Thanks, its all good now!

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thanks for the update!


... and we even got taken by the hand !!  (got a message how and where to start the new quest)

thumbs up !

and:  great move that the bosses aren't our puppets anymore !!! seriously

Edited by Vicious_Vipa
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