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Update 18.5: Sands of Inaros, Inaros Feedback Thread


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A friend just suggested this to me, but wouldn't it make sense for sandstorm to strip armor? Maybe not a flat armor reduction, but one that ramps up over time? After all, sand is an abrasive material. Having it move at high speeds with void shenanigans would certainly make it able to shred armor :o

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His 1 is fine, his 2 could use some work i feel, its not strong enough to use at high levels, and if you use it at low levels youre kinda wasting your time since you dont really need a minion to do damage if you can already do enough yourself. Either increasing the minions damage or maybe making it taunt enemies to take focus away from you would be nice, most people use it as a weak distraction atm but its not very effective. His 3 is fine, cant see anything to improve it, it is what it is, something to take the heat off of you if you get in a bind. His 4's spread definitely should be effected by power range and the first target hit should be invulnerable for at least a little bit before being able to be killed. The sand effect is kinda hard to see compared to something like an ev trin's energy rings coming out of the target, so what normally happens is you try and use it to heal, a team mate comes along and kills it and doesnt even realize that theyve screwed you and themself out of healing along with a good bit of cc. its kind of a waste of energy and right now his 1 mixed with finishers is a more consistent way of healing since its quick, however this provides no team support. 

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during bleed out, the enemy tends to walk into my coffin and stand there so i cant aim at them. that's a bit frustrating. Id like to get a little better control on the camera/targeting range or tell the AI to not teabag my corpse as im trying to resurrect.

Other than that, Inaros seem really good so far.

Power 1 is basically perfect for close CC + finishers.

Power 2 has good range; the damage is low, but i just pummel the enemy a bit before turning them. Otherwise, the length of time needed to eat someone doesnt matter much since im invulnerable during the process. it could be sped up a little, just to get on with the game. The small clunker is the odd 2.5 second recovery when I stop devouring. the enemy can recover almost as fast as i do. Whats with that?

Power 3 is awkward. I feel planted while everything shoots me to death. I have to run up to the enemy before using the power, but then they all go flying and i turn the power off. it seems like a 360 degree version of Chromas breath attack.

Power 4 is pretty cool. Im still trying to figure out how useful the life gain is or if its best to just keep full armor. Maybe its more of a team ability.

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Many players don't understand this guy's potential yet.

I just wanted to say well done to the team that put this guy together, he is everything I wanted in a Frame and its amazing being able to play what is essentially my dream frame lol. Always wanted a soak-tank with support capabilities, self-heals (the passive heal on finishers was a great touch and love how it synergies with his 1 opening targets up to finishers), and nice CC. 

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So here's My Tl;DR of Inaros.

The good:
Inaros is a Tanky, Support Tank. How he can support the team is through both great CC and light heals (if you're running with a team that knows what's up) His 1 is a reliable LoS blind stun which can reach a 180 degree radius and quickly and you can easily see how useful it is for team-support. His two is useful for Hard CC'ing one target, giving your team a enemy to mob like zombies and be invincible while doing so. His 3 can reduce all damage taken by half, while being useful in quick bursts for chaotic CC encase you or a objective point is being mobbed. Holding down 4 gives him a additional 400 Armor (620 Armor with Steel fiber, fully recommend!) when fully charged at 100%, you can spend 25% of this charge at a time to launch Hungry Scarabs at the enemy, both immobilizing and draining health and healing you and your team-mates. This effect spreads as long as both the duration and infected victims last.

The bad:
While Inaros is good, he is not without his flaws. His 4, for instance if you utilize it for it's ability to heal and the enemies die a few seconds in before you can even get a single tick of healing then you've effectively wasted it. His 3 is Slow, has pitiful damage especially for the energy cost regardless of the 50% damage mitigation and only serves to fling enemies around in the end and unless you can fling them off the edge or something you still have to deal with them. His 2... is by far the most disappointing. Only salvaged by the utility of a guarantee Hard CC of any enemy which prevent's them from utilizing special abilities.

The "Problems":
We do not want overpowered frames, and Inaros is definitely not. While his Health pool may have some Veteran players gawk for a second, Chroma sport's more Effecive Health by twice over easily then Inaros although Inaros is technically "Runner-up" for the second most tanky warframe (invulnerability abilities... aka Valkyr and Wukong not withstanding) He is a warframe I think I would play even with his current flaws. Yes, he has flaws. DE did a awesome job with him, but his Sand Shadow's are too under-played. I feel like I am wasting time for little if 'ANY' benefit to either myself or my team. His sand-storm doesn't feel... 'stormy' enough. I get that maybe he isn't a damage dealing frame, but I'd like a bit more 'oomph' I can already CC them with my 1, 2, and 4. His 4, while perfect when executed and when you can get that satasfactory chain off... just end's up being used as a armor buff most of the time.

Requested QoL Fixes (could even be augment ideas!):

Desiccation: Perfect, no need to change.

Devour: Rarely if ever (usually only early on if at all) will be able to utilize to summon Sand Shadows. Two ideas presented below:
a.) Any enemy marked by Devour, when killed for any reason... spawns a Sand Shadow. (Max of 3 Sand shadows for balance sake)
b.) Devour ignores armor and takes a specific amount of time based on either strictly time or a percentage reduction to the victims health pool.

Sandstorm: Too slow, Too Power Hungry, Too Weak, best use to forcefully remove enemies from a location. Two Ideas presented below:
a.) give it the frost treatment with armor reduction.
b.) Shrink the range, increase the speed, and increase the damage it's a sandstorm.

Scarab Armor: Perfect ability, except easily sabotaged by team-mates. Two Ideas presented below.
a.) Have it spread on death of the victim like Toxin does, at a reduced range. It would also need to follow the same duration or even half of the remaining duration for balance.
b.) Have it spread on death, and possibly give out a small percentage of the remaining heals left (very VERY small) to retain some usefulness or maybe even a refund just encase.

Thanks for yet another warframe that is interesting and one that I feel like I could sink my teeth into like Chroma. Please consider these small requests as I feel like the community for the most part agrees. You guys are awesome!

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It seems that his sarcophagus doesn't do enough damage at higher levesl when you bleedout so it's basically a useless passive are you guys going to buff this in the next couple of patches especially before the PS 4 release







*(check out my new concept of a Parkor warframe )* 


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forgive me if anyone else has posted this, i'm not about to dig through the entire thread lol. consider this a +1 for similar ideas

creating any number of sand shadows in a timely fashion is a pain in the @ss. i'd suggest synergy between devour and scarab swarm, ie enemies affected by both devour and scarab swarm will spread devour's quicksand upon dying to devour damage

other folks have mentioned that devour should damage a % of its target's health while consuming, that would definitely be welcome

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^ it should just be a % execute, as it is easier to balance while still maintaining speed of conversion

or a targeted zone that converts any kills

or a warframe centered radius ( like silence) that converts kills within the radius but drains health per convert

Edited by hukurokuju5
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OK, Inaros is certainly interesting and his abilities work well in theory. However, I think his two staple skills, his 1 & 2 are poorly executed in the details.

Inaros is one of the only frames I can think of where having team mates is actually a liability and you want to play away from them.

His 2 skill is his primary heal ability but unfortunately the devour part doesn't start until you're in contact. By the time they are eventually dragged to you at any level lower than about 40, the enemy is likely dead before it reaches Inaros. Your Sentinel shoots it, that Ember or Saryn on your team AE's it or that Bladestorming Ash rips it out from under you. In low level missions its actually almost necessary to de-equip your sentinel or kubrow. So you're getting whittled down with no regen and unable to actually get a mob to stay alive long enough to get any health off it. This problem goes away the higher you go but at low levels its really annoying and makes you want to hide from your team.

However, easy fix, either of two options. Just make the devouring start from the moment you cast on the enemy and during the drag phase so you get at least some HP off each mob before it dies. Or make the enemy you are devouring invulnerable (like you are) to anything but the devour itself (if you let go of it or just 2-skill-tap it for a friend it can become vulnerable again).

So the usual solution to the problem above is to start relying on his 1 skill and doing melee finishers to activate his passive life steal. My problem with this is the horrible unreliability of the blind. You use it near point blank and can see the visual cues but the enemies just aren't "blind". They keep firing, no finishers work etc etc. The skill is great the way it is but I just think the reliability of the blind needs to be looked at, is it bug/design/gameplay/lag? Not sure but very sketchy.

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I found a neat feature of Inaros' 4 while leveling him in the tactical alert:

You can repeat an animation/attack of a melee combo, by channeling his 4 right after you performed it and then letteing go of the button.


Discovered it when i wanted to put on the scarab armor after doing the whirlwind attack of the Jat Kittag. After I was done channeling Inaros just went ahead and repeated the attack. 

Tried it with most moves of the Jat Kittag and some of the Nikana (Blind Justice); it doesn't matter whether the attack is in the middle of the combo chain or not.

Managed to chain together multiple whirlwind attacks (Kittag) and multiple dashes (nikana).

It's a really nifty feature, try it out :)

And to those who say "but you lose life everytime you chain an attack": you can channel his 4 even if you have full scarab armor, so you don't have to lose life ;)


(I'm calling it a feature so DE doesn't nerf it ... wait what?!) 

P.S.: If what i've just wrote is allready common knowledge ( or gets patched [pls no DE D:] ) I made this post just to say that i like Inaros.  xD 

P.P.S.: If what i've just wrote isn't allready common knowledge I name this maneuver: "Inaros - JatStorm"

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Inaros's 2 is actually quite bugged, i was playing a defense mission solo, and devoured a really tanky enemy, and it had sheild drones on it so it wasnt dying, i couldnt kill it with my 2 while what i had to defend was going to die, so i was trying to figure out anyway to cancel the devour, i guess its the way i cast it that doesnt let me stop casting it, so i managed to stop using it by pressing escape to open the menu and pressing escape again to come back into the game, it let me move around and while i did it, the enemy was still being drained and i was being healed constantly. so i was basically invincible until eventually he died. it happens anytime you begin to devour someone and you go to the menu and exit it.

Edited by James_Senpai
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I don't know if it was reported yet but just tested it in the simulacrum and it's certain.

His 3rd power does not work at modded range. I modded only a Overextended and stats show that'll give me ~27m range but I only started picking up mobs around 20m

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1 hour ago, Major_Phantom said:

I don't know if it was reported yet but just tested it in the simulacrum and it's certain.

His 3rd power does not work at modded range. I modded only a Overextended and stats show that'll give me ~27m range but I only started picking up mobs around 20m

That's because the value shown on the Abilities page is actually the total range, not the "ability radius" as it says. Which means, at rank 3 Sandstorm gives a 7.5 m radius (how far the storm reaches in any direction around Inaros).

Got my hopes up at first too, 35 meters radius would be so rad, but we can't have it all with Inaros' survivability and potent CC.

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1 hour ago, PsiWarp said:

That's because the value shown on the Abilities page is actually the total range, not the "ability radius" as it says. Which means, at rank 3 Sandstorm gives a 7.5 m radius (how far the storm reaches in any direction around Inaros).

Got my hopes up at first too, 35 meters radius would be so rad, but we can't have it all with Inaros' survivability and potent CC.

It's still an odd number isn't it?

I mean even if i have 27 total range from side to side, it's still picking mobs exacly 20m away giving me 40m total. Something is still off here :/

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Sandstorm seems to be either:

a) bugged


b) not working very well

Whether intended or not Sandstorm has a lot of issues hitting enemies above or below it. It seems to extend out horizontally from Inaros and if enemies are down a small flight of steps, will not hit them 99% of the time.

If you go into a void defense mission enemies down the little steps won't be hit. Enemies on the balconies above won't be hit. Enemies behind the planters will be hit unreliably.

This ability should be a SPHERE around Inaros, at present it just seems to project out horizontally and gets messed up by elevation and cover.

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Haven't played him yet, but I have watched videos of him, and I got to say... Not terribly impressed.  Could have more unique abilities.  I watched those videos, the first thing I thought of was... "ok, so a ability similar to Hydroid's Undertow and a tornado similar to what Zephyr should have?"  Maybe it's just me, but they do seem somewhat alike.



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Actually, Inaros doesn't really play like any other frame. In lower-level content, it's basically about spamming 1 and doing finishers. In higher-level content, it's about keeping large groups of mobs locked down with your 4, while not running out of armor and also not running out of hp from regenning your armor. Frankly his 2 and 3 never really come into it for me, but if I were going to use his 3 (the tornado) it could only be for very short bursts because of how much it costs.

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Im having weird issues with Inaros 4 ability, sometimes i just keep pressing 4 but the ability is not used, it doesnt even says "power in use" or "invalid target" and im aiming properly at the enemy.

Second, the duration on sand shadows is extremely short, it should be double of how much you take to create them (i.e if it took 5 seconds to create one shadow it will last for 10).

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His 1 is fine and feels like his core ability.  Blind, finish, repeat and its solid.

His 2 feels generally lack luster.  I can rarely if ever seem to make a sand shadow thing and in general I've mostly avoided the ability.  The invuln while using it is nice, but that isn't super useful and in of itself.  

His 3 feels "ok" I haven't tried overtly building for it but I've noticed some issues.  It seems to have a limit to how many enemies it will effect at once with sometimes enemies just standing beside you doing as they please while others are still tossed in the air.  This feels like an "ok" ability as is, but it also feels like one of those "get the sandstorm augment to that reduces armor of effected enemies by X% per second!", I seriously think the ability was designed as is to get an augment like that.  Without any augments or changes to it, this is basically a panic button at best and not really a core part of the kit.  

His 4 is amazing its everything I want in a warframe power.  It gives tankiness by sacrificing health with the rest of his kit gives him ways to get health back letting him have great tanky stats.  Its active ability is a great decently long duration CC that also heals.  The main issue I've found with this ability is that its pointless to use the CC/Heal part of this ability on anything under lv60 or so everything else you will just plow through and its not like they can scratch your tankiness anyhow.  Perhaps a change that causes you to regenerate scarab armor stacks when an enemy dies while effected by scarab armor, this wouldn't do much at the higher end but it would make using the active component of the ability useful and realistic for 90% of the content actually being played without just being "giving up armor for no good reason".  

His death passive is really weird to me.  The few times I've seen it I'm not really sure what I am doing or how fast I'm charging things up or if I will bleed out before it recharges.   Really its just sorta confusing from a display standpoint and doesn't really explain whats going on or what I should be doing.

Overall I am loving Inaros, hes everything I want in a warframe.  Tanky, Sustain, and CC.  Yeah he doesn't fit into the draco/power farming meta, but hes an absolute joy to play in long duration missions and is great as a "sword alone" frame.

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