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a step by step plan to secure mutually assured destruction

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We pull the same trick we pulled on the Orokin.

1: Annihalate the Corpus. They know of our betrayal to the Orokin.

2: Gain the trust of the Queens. Help eliminate the Grineer's enemies.

3: Kill the highest placed Grineer, consisting of the Queens, Vor, Ruk, Kril, Regor and any other important figures.

4: Simultanously take down ALL grineer ships in the System.

5: Hijack a Fomorian, bombard Ceres, and destroy their cloning facilities.

6: Run Exterminates until all Grineer are dead.

And then, free...

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On 5.03.2016 at 5:22 PM, Institute-Marksman said:

There is no evidence of that. The only Sentient we know is after us is Hunhow. It's drones are only on the moon. This is not an invasion. They're looking for something, and I intend to find out.

No evidence? His own words from Natah quest:  "You betrayed us. As I awake, so will they. They will say you're riven and want to reclaim you. I will not be able to stop them"

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grineer dislike everything not grineer, your plan falls apart at stage 2.

from the wiki:


"They are people acting on an ultimate xenophobia, fueled by hereditary madness, and a burning hate of anything and anyone not like themselves."


and lorewise, there arent enough tenno to take out one faction if i remember correctly. so theres another fallacy to your plan.

Edited by koopagon
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Let's see...

Step 1: We do not have the manpower to do this.

Step 2: Even if we somehow accomplish step one, the Twin Queens hate our guts. Since the Corpus have been wiped out in this scenario, the Grineer will be able to focus all of their efforts into wiping us out. The only reason the Tenno are able to operate is because the two major players are locked in a stalemate with each other.

Step 3: Need I remind you that the Grineer are clones? Killing one iteration of a commander will simply lead to a new batch being produced. Also, do you really think the Grineer would be naïve enough to let us know where the queens are?

Step 4: Again, we do not have the manpower for this.

Step 5: What makes you think the Clone facilities are on Ceres? That is their industrial centre, yes, but the closest we've come to the Grineer cloning labs is Tyl Regor's experimental facilities on Uranus.

Step 6: Ok, we've somehow managed to kill all of our enemies in the Origin System. Now what do we do about the upcoming Sentient incursion? Without the Grineer and Corpus to take the brunt of the assault, we'll be wiped out.

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1. the Corpus are extremely vast, with the majority of the Systems economy under their thumb. we start harassing The Board, they could simply decide to cut off supplies to any remaining civillian Colonies. we still have a Duty to the Innocent to protect them, angering the Corpus won't do that.

2. the Queens want nothing to do with us, who's morals do you think the Grineer are brainwashed with? they are bred to hold the same ideals as their rulers, it is the only perception of the System most Grineer ever have, save for the few that go AWOL due to genetic defects. the Grineer would also be able to focus on us, as the Corpus would no longer be there to oppose them.

3. the Grineer are clones, they'll just replace any losses they take with a genetically Identical copy of their deceased leaders. they also have a knack for Augmentation, so they might not even need to replace them, if they aren't damaged enough they can just stitch and weld them back together with new augments and be good to go. plus nobody knows where the Queens are, I bet not even Vay Hek knows, since most Contact with the queens would likely be done via Video/Hologram conference. and even if we found them, you can bet the Grineer have their best troops (like the Nightwatch) guarding them.

4: how? each ship is a massive sprawling complex of Military Bases, Research Centres and other important facilities joined together. we have NOWHERE near enough manpower to take down one whole ship, let alone ALL of them. that's why we use hit and run tactics: sneak in, do our jobs, get out.

5. sorry, do you have a Licence to drive a Formorian? is that even possible? assuming we knew how to operate one, how well guarded do you think they are? the cores are protected by Zeplens and every type of Dargyn in swarms, there's likely a HUGE number of armed Guards who are prepared for boarding by the Tenno, hence why we attack the Core instead. plus I think it's very Naïve to assume that ALL of the Grineer cloning facilities are on Ceres, that would be putting all their eggs in one basket. they are spread out throughout the system so that if a planet were to fall, they just clone units from other planets and send them to retake the one that was stolen. how do you think that units on Mercury keep replenishing themselves? hidden facilities on every planet, the One on Uranus is just an important one that we found, one out of probably thousands of similar installations.

6. the Corpus are Dead, so there is no economy in the System, which means civillians are screwed, and there's no Grineer to help us fight the Sentients. you also didn't factor in the Infested: they would be free to cause untold Chaos and spread like wildfire with neither Corpus nor Grineer to watch the Dark sectors and keep them at bay. they won't help us against the sentients either, and if they were to find a way to infest a Sentient... game over man, game over.

end result; all of us die, and either the infestation, the Sentients or a mixture of both rule supreme. not a very bright future if you ask me.


what a stupid plan.


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