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So not all of them came from the [spoilers] Sands of Anuris


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So the Orokin are the Space Ottoman Empire and used to grab kids to turn them into royal guards. This makes "lotus" the Grand Vizier?

Not all the tenno came from the Zeriman ship? This was one big question out there, how big was that ship if it had all the tenno?

If one account is one tenno meant that the ship carried millions of kids which was too much.

This new explanation of the Orokin grabbing kids to be turned now makes more sense on the number of tennos running around now.


One thing that doesnt make sense if that Baro was a kid during this time? How old is the dude? Everyone in this game is freaking immortal. Or we are probably going to learn that the Old War just happened 50 years ago.



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Umm, I think multiple kids were kidnapped from their homes from many different planets around the solar system. So these kids could have been on the any Zermiman ships. So not all of the kids on Phobos were on the Zeriman Ten-Zero, but the Tenno controlling Inaros at the time certainly was.

Baro was not a kid during that time of the orokin, he was just told the story about Inaros and how the Phobos colonist came to worship him. He was just alive during the Phobos takeover by the Grineer, so he is not that old. 

Edited by Mr.ToastForPresident
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It can be likened to the invention of chemo therapy. This might be anachronistic, since i'm too tired to actually look it up, but chemo came about when a tanker carrying mustard gas exploded in harbour. Most everyone died, including the first responders, since the gas rubs off onto everything that touches the afflicted, but some people noticed it killed cancerous tissue faster than it killed healthy tissue. Now, we just skip the whole disaster part and poison people on purpose.

Replace mustard gas with void energy and the emt's with margulis and you have the history of the tenno in a nut shell.

Only in this twisted hypothetical situation they started kidnapping children to experiment on and the earlier patients had to overthrow the hospital administrator with the help of a federal informer.

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35 minutes ago, Mr.ToastForPresident said:

Umm, I think multiple kids were kidnapped from their homes from many different planets around the solar system. So these kids could have been on the any Zermiman ships. So not all of the kids on Phobos were on the Zeriman Ten-Zero, but the Tenno controlling Inaros at the time certainly was.

Baro was not a kid during that time, he was just told the story about Inaros and how the Phobos colonist came to worship him. He was just alive during the Phobos takeover by the Grineer, so he is not that old. 

Have you finished the quest yet? The voice of the lady refers to her child as Baro. This puts him at least right after the Grineer came to power.

Edited by Ionus
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49 minutes ago, Ionus said:

Have you finished the quest yet? The voice of the lady refers to her child as Baro. This puts him at least right after the Grineer came to power.

Yes, I have finished the quest. The Old war refers to the events of the Tenno over running the Orokin. Then the Grineer started to rise into power. The rise of the grineer could have taken hundreds, if not thousands of years to conquer up to phobos. That means, old war happens Orokin took children a thousand years ago, Old war happened hundred years ago, Grineer rose to power for about a hundred more, Baro's mom dies 20 years ago or so, then present.

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1 minute ago, TotallyLagging said:

- She called her son "Baro"

- Baro specifically states that "My mother's call will be answered", referring to his mother giving him the grains of sand and to call for Inaros.

Yeah, so? Baro's mom told Baro a story of Inaros that could have been thousands, hundreds, or maybe a couple years ago.

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4 hours ago, Mak_Gohae said:

One thing that doesnt make sense if that Baro was a kid during this time? How old is the dude? Everyone in this game is freaking immortal. Or we are probably going to learn that the Old War just happened 50 years ago

Well, I heard a tough child's voice in the background. Sounded like he was 10 years old? Apperantly, so far what I have seen, all Orokin and surprisingly non-orokin have a much longer life cycle then we do

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Corpus allegedly can survive up to 800 years, according to DKDiamante's UNOFFICIAL, SUBJECTIVE lore analysis videos. If Orokin degraded to Corpus over time with probably only their highest ranks being pure still, then how is it impossible others aren't really old? Also Baro is not Human far as I understood so just accept it. Is everyone being immortal annoying? Perhaps... But that's subjective. Maybe DE did this on purpose, making us feel limited, small, inexperienced as Frame operators and as Tenno. Perhaps we'll be all that's left at one point - Corpus are almost full machines, Grineer deteriorate, Orokin slaves in void towers don't count and except a few NPCs, the relay staff looks pretty mortal to me. More so than our operators. Interesting.

What I have difficulty accepting for minor reasons, is that we didn't all come from ships like the Zariman and that some were harvested as children from elsewhere. Unless that was an attempt at something different, a different approach run in parallel with the whole Zariman thing. But who knows, we need another 10-20 quests like Inaros and 2nd Dream before things start really falling into place.

I'm willing to just digest bit by bit all the info from in game quests and form an opinion much later, because now nothing's solid even on DE's minds it seems.

Edited by Kunavi
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11 hours ago, Mr.ToastForPresident said:

Umm, I think multiple kids were kidnapped from their homes from many different planets around the solar system. So these kids could have been on the any Zermiman ships. So not all of the kids on Phobos were on the Zeriman Ten-Zero, but the Tenno controlling Inaros at the time certainly was.


Of course, they had to take people from several colonies. I mean, the story here is that one tenno got angry and stopped them from taking more.

It would've been cool if the tenno actually behaved like the Janissaries and exerted some political pressure to change the way kids were chosen instead of the rebelling thing.

11 hours ago, Mr.ToastForPresident said:

Baro was not a kid during that time of the orokin, he was just told the story about Inaros and how the Phobos colonist came to worship him. He was just alive during the Phobos takeover by the Grineer, so he is not that old. 

Anyway, Baro doesnt speak about all this stuff like it was something that happened recently.

Plus he says that this was a colony making it sound like it's not now, even though he says right after that the Grineer took pity and returned it to the sands.

Freaking people in Warframe world always speak in half statements. I dont know how anyone can live there.

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There aren't very many Tenno, I would be surprised if there were more than 100.

And Baro is probably thousands of years old, like Teshin. Perhaps they went into cryosleep when the Tenno did, or maybe there's just some future-tech way to get around dying.

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11 hours ago, Mcl_BlueMadness said:

I was always under the impression that the Zariman was just the first of many, the difference being that the Zariman was an accident, whereas everything that came afterwards was on purpose in order to replicate the results.

I don't read the Zariman incident as being accidental at all. Unexpected results, sure, but the implication is that it was a planned experiment.

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23 minutes ago, Attley said:

There aren't very many Tenno, I would be surprised if there were more than 100.

And Baro is probably thousands of years old, like Teshin. Perhaps they went into cryosleep when the Tenno did, or maybe there's just some future-tech way to get around dying.

Like I said before, there are enough Tenno for them to have formed multiple Great Schools, clans, and to have their own distinct styles of architecture and design. That means the figure is more likely to be thousands, not hundreds.


Now, the Sands of Inaros quest hints that there were non-Orokin colonies and polities which were dominated by the Orokin culture, and which were subject to having their children taken away. It means that the Zariman 10-0 might have been just one source of the Tenno.

Edited by BornWithTeeth
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6 minutes ago, BornWithTeeth said:

Like I said before, there are enough Tenno for them to have formed multiple Great Schools, clans, and to have their own distinct styles of architecture and design. That means the figure is more likely to be thousands, not hundreds.


Now, the Sands of Inaros quest hints that there were non-Orokin colonies and polities which were dominated by the Orokin culture, and which were subject to having their children taken away. It means that the Zariman 10-0 might have been just one source of the Tenno.


Possibly, but it's no more likely that a culture of 1000 would exist than a culture of 100. So far we can only assume that the Tenno were created in one go, as we have absolutely no indication of any successful repeats of the Zariman Incident. 


As for Phobos: the children of Phobos were being kidnapped after the creation of the Warframes, which means that this  was going on during the Old War. To our knowledge all Tenno were created before the Old War (the Warframes being created during the Old War), and so it would seem unlikely to me that the Orokin were kidnapping children to produce more Tenno. It's possible, however, that children are required for the creation of a Warframe (although we have no indication of this), or that the Orokin were using children during the experiments to create the Infested, which were also created during the Old War. These children, therefore, can't have been used to make Tenno because Margulis was already dead at that point, and Margulis was the one who was able to place the Tenno into the First Dream which would later allow the Orokin the Transfer them into the Warframes. Any Tenno created after Margulis's death, which must have been either before or at the start of the Old War, wouldn't have been Transferred into a Warframe. That's not to say the Orokin wouldn't try, though...

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The issue there is one of individuals and how they relate to each other. You get a more sprawling 'culture' style of society when there are enough people that you don't necessarily know and have a personal relationship with every other individual in your society. When there are more people in your society than you can personally know, you start relying on shared rules, etiquette, and smaller groups banding together in that society. When there are thousands of people, you can gather in groups within the larger group, and you can say things like "This is my clan. We all have things in common, like beliefs and fighting styles. There are many clans, and all are Tenno."


Basically....you don't form clans and Schools in a society of less than a hundred individuals. 

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Consider the mathematics.

A Ghost clan is a batch of 10 Tenno together.
A Moon clan is 1000 Tenno. 100 times the smallest possible size.

If the Tenno total population was only in the hundreds...they'd just be one singular Moon clan at best. However, Steve has noted before that the Mod Polarities of Madurai, Zenurik, Vazarin, Naramon and Unairu were based upon the old Tenno clans, plural...which we know now as the five schools that define Focus (awkward as some of the descriptions to the paths to their application may be). Beyond this, we have knowledge that the Tenno have their own approaches to metallurgy (Nikana, Boar Prime), were involved in the design of certain Warframes (Nova) and there's enough for them to have a distinct ascetic aesthetic.

The logistics of what the Tenno created, as said above, heavily contradicts them having an insignificant population (a few hundred in the Solar System? Nothing at all noteworthy). After all, if you look at the given scales of the ships in setting, they're huge. Some have said they're several kilometres long by rights. You can get a lot of people in a ship that size...and when we're talking about a populated Origin System, the sheer numbers of people that'd imply...it's incredibly difficult to see Tenno numbers that don't even reach the tens of thousands would just barely be able to make a dent in the machinations of the Grineer and Corpus, let alone stamp down Infested outbreaks with such ferocity.

All we have now is the possibility, though it isn't confirmed at this point, that there were efforts to increase their numbers after Transference and Warframes were developed. The loss of Margulis actually benefits the Orokin in this matter; her efforts done, combined with Davis' discovery at some point after the Tenno were consigned to Lua...Technology and inventions outlive their creators so long as you've got the schematics and systems in place. Margulis being the benevolent sort she seems to have been, I doubt she'd have neglected properly recording her efforts to aide the Tenno.

After that...well, just add a measure of Orokin dog-kicking and stir to taste on where that could end up.

Fact remains...we don't know anything concrete. We've a lot of metaphors and implicit, but not explicit, statements to work with so got to take a lot of what we can say with a measure of salt and caution.

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18 hours ago, Kunavi said:

What I have difficulty accepting for minor reasons, is that we didn't all come from ships like the Zariman and that some were harvested as children from elsewhere. Unless that was an attempt at something different, a different approach run in parallel with the whole Zariman thing. But who knows, we need another 10-20 quests like Inaros and 2nd Dream before things start really falling into place.

I'm willing to just digest bit by bit all the info from in game quests and form an opinion much later, because now nothing's solid even on DE's minds it seems.

Tenno experimenting was stopped originally when they found out the tenno were radioactive and killing everyone around.

When the war was about to be lost they brought them back out and finished the original experiments. Since there was a war it makes sense for them to create more tenno.

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3 hours ago, Mak_Gohae said:

Since there was a war it makes sense for them to create more Tenno.

Radioactive? I thought they were just too difficult to control, that kind of thing. As in, not exactly something that would reliably, unquestionably, follow orders. In any case... Seems you're saying exactly what I am - A different approach to creating Tenno, in parallel or after or before the Tenno exiled in the Void. And so one of them ended up on Phobos it seems. Mmmm.... Oh well.

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