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New Ways to get PLATINIUM!!!!!


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On 3/7/2016 at 8:42 AM, iEIectrical said:

I've only started the game 2 weeks ago so I'm sure a lot of the seasoned players will be like "Oh,u can just paly harder missions on the void to get better parts to sell for more platinium.....".I'm only rank 3 and have only Volt ok! 

I'm pretty sure that's your problem, you have just started playing the game and you already expect DE to hand everything to you on a silver platter. Warframe is a game based around grind, and its free to play. You need to realize that DE is being generous by giving out free 50 plat, other games may only give you enough to get a key for something, but at least you can use that 50 plat to buy cheaper looking syndanas, or a slot for each category. 

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34 minutes ago, Ankoku_no_Hime said:

I'm pretty sure that's your problem, you have just started playing the game and you already expect DE to hand everything to you on a silver platter. Warframe is a game based around grind, and its free to play. You need to realize that DE is being generous by giving out free 50 plat, other games may only give you enough to get a key for something, but at least you can use that 50 plat to buy cheaper looking syndanas, or a slot for each category. 

That initial platinum isn't there because DE are being generous (or not just DE - any developer that uses a similar mechanic). Its sole reason for existing is to condition you on using platinum in the first place. Limiting the warframe and weapon slots gateways the player into spending that platinum, and you quickly realize that platinum is a limited resource that has real world value.

Thats why you get 50 platinum to start off with, and not more warframe and weapon slots instead.


Honestly though, I see both sides of this argument. Sometimes I'm amazed at the amount of (free) content and depth Waframe has. Other times, I'm annoyed at how in-your-face and obnoxious DE's business model is.

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5 minutes ago, Ellthan said:

Like telling you that you are ok with the game being p2w because you have a wide wallet.

The fact that you mistake Warframe for a P2W, shows how much of the game you know.

Anyways, i'm going to ignore your answers because it's like talking to a Wall of Bricks that wants to get "common sense benefits" because he/she plays a F2P. It's Free to Play, deal with it and please, take that "milking players" idea out of your head. Everybody is able to get Platinum without the need of a Credit Card, pal.

1 minute ago, asop73 said:

That initial platinum isn't there because DE are being generous (or not just DE - any developer that uses a similar mechanic). Its sole reason for existing is to condition you on using platinum in the first place. Limiting the warframe and weapon slots gateways the player into spending that platinum, and you quickly realize that platinum is a limited resource that has real world value.

Thats why you get 50 platinum to start off with, and not more warframe and weapon slots instead.

As long as you're an Active Member of the Community, it's not limited. Breeding can get up to 200+ Platinum, Weapons and Sets from 5 to +100 Platinum. So i wouldn't call it limited as it is very common for active members and players that play the game for a long period of time, wouldn't that be right? It would be limited if you would have just a chance to earn it (Making it Limited and Rare)

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On 07/03/2016 at 10:42 AM, iEIectrical said:

Ok fine you let us start off with 50 Platinium but after that we basically stop getting them unless we buy them which by the way there aren't a lot of fortunate people that can afford them.....I mean seriously 4.99USD just for 70 Plats????Make it so that we obtain Platinium through Daily Rewards man or through missions! If not fine...but at least increase the drop rate of Prime parts then.....so we can sell them for Platinium......I'm not hating on this game,I love this game but seriously developers u gotta put urself in our shoes as well man! I'm definitely gonna comtinue playing this game but it will be more awesome if y'all introduce better and more easier ways to earn platinium.....im sure plenty of players agree with me as well,I've only started the game 2 weeks ago so I'm sure a lot of the seasoned players will be like "Oh,u can just paly harder missions on the void to get better parts to sell for more platinium.....".I'm only rank 3 and have only Volt ok! Pls put my plead into consideration pls,thank you for taking your time to read something u probably will not put into the game tho....but other ways thank you :]

no, no, No, NO, NOOOO, NOOOOOOOOO !!!1!1!


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19 minutes ago, SpaceJinja said:
19 minutes ago, SpaceJinja said:
19 minutes ago, SpaceJinja said:

As long as you're an Active Member of the Community, it's not limited. Breeding can get up to 200+ Platinum, Weapons and Sets from 5 to +100 Platinum. So i wouldn't call it limited as it is very common for active members and players that play the game for a long period of time, wouldn't that be right? It would be limited if you would have just a chance to earn it (Making it Limited and Rare)



Yeah sure, I'll agree with that. But however you choose to define Platinum, limited or not, I don't really want to get bogged down with definitions. The point I made was the initial 50 plat isn't an act of kindness like some players think, its there to train the player into using the real world economy of Warframe. Thats the only reason it exists. Its not a freebie, its not a gift. Its a tutorial.

As an aside, the quote system on this board is bonkers. I've made a bit of a mess of it for some reason.

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It's a tutorial with a gift.  Shows you that things are much easier with platinum.  That's no big secret.


Since platinum doesn't actually gate off any progress that's measured in game, that's OK though.  The mastery system only counts if you've leveled a frame or weapon, not if you still have it.  There is nothing in game that measures the size of your collection as progress.  You always have a way to continue to progress without spending platinum.

It disallows creating large collections and keeping everything - but as it turns out, it doesn't actually make keeping them part of the goal.  It's a massive convenience, yes - especially for the OCD crowd the game is kind of targeting.  But convenience is what DE sells.  Don't see the problem.

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Just now, Ellthan said:

The problem is that as you advance deeper into the end game you need a bigger variety of frames and weapons to perform well. You need a different frame for survival, defense, excavation, sorties to perform well, and past a certain level, to perform at all. Class composition is everything, and being limited to only 2 greatly snips how much you can do endgame.

It's not just a convinience, it's a borderline essential part of the game.

You never need a particular frame to advance beyond the first rotation C in any of those.  Ever.  It's just not actually a goal to go beyond 20 minutes/waves in any of those modes - it's a pure player convenience.

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But literally everything can be obtained by grinding expect for skins and cosmetics, and for slots and etc its basically the same as TF2 but on a smaller scale, hell in TF2 you have to buy something before you can trade, but in warframe it is only gated by mastery levels which are obtained by playing the game. Everything except for vaulted or limited mods/weapons can be obtained by playing normally. Also in TF2 you still have a backpack space limit which you can solve by buying a backpack which opens up more slots for you to store things in. Dota and Smite have different models of free to play, and its funny that you haven't mentioned League since they are technically doing the same thing as Warframe by giving you free premium currency and not allowing you to get more for free later on.

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6 minutes ago, Ellthan said:

It's not the same as tf2.

Playing tf2 gives you items.

Playing warframe does not give you plat.

And it's funny you mentioned inventory space in tf2, a lot of veterans in the game think its a bad idea to have limited space for weapons and are asking for its removal alltogether when it comes to weapons, having it only affect abilities.


And it's not funny I didn't mention leage. I didn't mention it because I don't think it's doing a despicable f2p model. I think all mobas that force players to buy each character seperately are terrible games and don't deserve to be even spat upon much less played.

I brought up smite, because it has the "buy game" option, where for 30-40eu you gain unilimited access to all past, present and future characters while getting refunds for the ones you bought.

Playing Warframe gives you prime items which you can sell for plat, and is also what everyone has been trying to tell you. From a pure free to play point of view, TF2 would be a S#&$ter game, because of how bad the drop system is and how much you have to wait in order to get a weapon. Instead of grinding a match and having a guarantee drop of a weapon/weapon part/blueprint. You instead have to play the game for weeks on end and can't trade at all, assuming you don't spend a single dollar at all. But warframe allows you to at least get a few more slots and allows you to trade once you hit mastery 2, and after you get to void missions, you can start selling the parts and mods you don't need for plat or other things. (Also same for mods, and at least we don't have limited space for mods and no limits on storage of blueprints and parts)

Edit 1: Also in TF2 you have a lower amount of drops compared to someone who has bought one item in the shop,

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11 hours ago, Borg1611 said:





SERIOUSLY?! That's you buddy. I specifically stated in my earlier posts that people had the option between the two things. You are the one jumping into this thread, dismissing the original poster as a newbie and telling him he doesn't need platinum. YOU ARE TELLING HIM WHAT HE DOES OR DOES NOT NEED. Not me. I tried to open your eyes so you could understand that people do in fact need platinum early on, because whether you want to admit it or not, slots are important and we do need them early on.

No cupcake, you tried to tell people that you don't need slots early on that 50 plat was enough. You were wrong, you won't admit it, doesn't matter, you still were. 

No cupcake, I know what it means. As I said, if you want to have more than a few frames and weapons, platinum is mandatory. You know this, I know this. /yawn

Reading comprehension is not your strong suite, is it?

I guess I'll just re-quote myself to try to help you yet again:


You made a long post then ignored me instead of just ignoring me, you just can't help but try to be right even when you know you're wrong. Will amuse me when you can't help but check back and see how I wasn't fooled by your sad inability to acknowledge the simple fact that slots are important and platinum becomes mandatory once you reach the point of needing slots, however long into the game that may be. 

I missed this lovely gem before. Too bad he has me on ignore and will never realize that potato alerts are not 24 hour alerts except when they do them after a dev stream... Oh well. He's such a pro I'm sure he'll figure it out someday... 

Hey. Look a couple posts below yours.


A community moderator has expressed the exact thing I have tried to tell you for hours now. 


Next time tell your mom that she doesn't need to give little brats like you gifts.


This whole time I've said "should", which is the equivalent of you can, but you don't have to. 


You claim that I try to impose my rules on everyone, but the whole time, you've been the one using words such as "MUST have platinum" and "you HAVE to buy platinum."

What a joke dude.

Stop trying to make me out as a control freak because I tried to share my experience with another player. It's none of your concern. 

Like I said before, a community mod has just stated that, although it's great to have them, extra slots are not REQUIRED. 

You are acting like if you don't buy more slots, you're going to get kicked out of the game. Which is simply not true.


If there has been an instance where people were forcibly removed from warframe due to the absence of slots, I'd be happy to hear it.

Unlike the irrelevant crap about trading, and your friend, and farming and whatever that you've brought up.

Stop avoiding the question just because you know deep down that its possible to progress without extra slots. Nobody will kick you out if you don't have more slots.


Don't bother replying, you lost the moment your butthurt self got defensive and started ranting at my comment.

Please. Just don't.

And for the last time, slots are NOT mandatory. I have NOT tried to force people to have the same opinion as me. What you have been doing is completely unecessary, but of you are just stressed that your middle school placement test scored bad, I'll take it.

Not mandatory.

Which means that you can play without them.

Hear me out. Do they help? Absolutely, I buy a lot of them myself.

If I really didn't want to buy them, would someone force me to? No.

You have totally misunderstood the whole point. 

Youve been blocked twice now.

Have fun arguing with community mods. 


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8 minutes ago, Ellthan said:

Can you sell them for plat in PvE? No? Then you don't get plat. If you need another player to buy plat first then trade for you, it's not really a feature accesed without money. If the only way to get prime parts were from from prime access, but they were tradable, would that make primes aok, because you can trade for them?


And from a free2play stand point tf2 is miles and leagues ahead of warframe.

1.)The only limit free players in tf2 have is that they can't get COSMETIC drops unless that got changed, but they can infact get tool drops which they CAN trade alongside weapons they got from trading, which brings me to point 2:

2.)Free players can get tool drops (like paints, name tags ect), that are tradable, which means that yes they can trade.

3.)There is an item in tf2 called premium upgrade pack which is tradable. Get tools, trade become premium.


The bottom line though, is that even even without trading (reminding you again, that f2ps CAN in fact trade) tf2 does not require you to spend premium currency to gain access to gameplay.

But you can sell the prime parts from the grind? Also all the grinding is done in PvE.I left TF2 like 3 years ago so I dont know what they changed about drops from TF2, but I do know that they were untradable. Steam limits the trading they can do, they cant even add people if you have no games purchased.

Edit 1: By sell I mean trade for plat

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7 hours ago, Ellthan said:

You only get 1 reactor/catalyst per week normally.

That's 4 weeks to gear up 1 single loadout slot.

An additional week for every new frame or weapon you get.  And considering how the game works that's not nearly soon enough.


We both know that 2 warframe slots and 4-5 weapon slots are a joke, you're not lying tome when you say they are enough you're lying to yourselff. Try imagining playing the game with only 2 warframes and not even 2 full sets of weapons.

Or actually do it.

For next weeks try putting yourself in the shoes of a new player. Pick 5 weapons and 2 warframes and using nothing but those 2, try keeping that up accross void, sorties and hieracon, see how "perfectly well" that ends out.



I have, I do, and it works well. 

I primarily use Frost and Loki. Anything else is usually for my own personal fun or Mastery. My primaries consist of the Vaykor Hek and Tonkor (others for fun), my secondary is Vaykor Marelok or none at all, and my Melee is Mastery Fodder. I hate melee.


I have purchased perhaps 1 or 2 Reactors, when I have a lot of Platinum and I don't want to bother leveling a newly built frame without a Reactor. 
I now have every Sentinel, 3 Archwings, and every Frame but the newest 2. All of them have a Reactor installed and I have around a dozen built to spare.

80+ of my weapons have Catalysts installed and I currently have 4 to spare.


Purchasing potatoes is not required. Purchasing slots is not required.


I have made a secondary account already. and it is currently MR5. I haven't traded yet with it.

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8 minutes ago, Ellthan said:

Let me ask you this. Let's replace platinum with primes directly.

Assume the only way to gain prime parts, is via buying the most expensive prime access, and you cannot find them via drops.

However, said pieces are tradable. Would be you be defending the system in that case becase the parts are tradable so technically you can get them without paying? If so, why? If not, why are you defending this system then?

But all new Prime Access items that aren't cosmetics are in the loot table and will drop? Also let the rich buy the plat, you don't have to buy it, all you have to do is gain it from others who have the income and the preference of doing what they want to do. Unless you are salty because you can't do the same as them and needs to play it out like every other person.

Edit 1: I would prob focus my argument on the S#&$ty limited time mods which are worth stupid amounts of plat instead of the prime system, where the price fluctuates with the trend.

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5 minutes ago, Ellthan said:

I'm at a loss of words.


I have nothing to say that would be considered "constructive" and wouldn't boil down to different view.

So you think such a system would be acceptable and would be willing to defend it? Primes are not in the drop tables, can only be bought with real life money, but can be traded between players.

I want a clear ambiguous awnser from you.

Do you think a system like the one I described is ok, yes or no?

I mean your system is completely different from the one we have now, but I would be okay with it since I have friends who would throw me parts and etc for free and vise versa when they need it and can't afford it.

Edit 1: Also I'm not sure where you want to go with this since the newest primes are always in the loot-table and its only the old primes that have been vaulted. So you can always grind and sell the newest primes for a decent amount of plat.

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12 minutes ago, Ellthan said:

Do you even have a standard .-.

I'm perfectly fine with supporting the developers of a game that I like and a game I would like to support. 

Edit 1: Also whats wrong with supporting a game you like playing and you get for free. Warframe could copy WoW and have a monthly subscription and not give you anything but gameplay. (Not sure what else it does so correct me if I'm erong about this)

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In The end The (Literal) Topic at hand is "More ways to get platinum"

This isn't even Negotiable Platinum is Purchase/Contest Reward/Trade (Meaning someone else Purchased) ONLY! as with Pretty much Every premium currency ever.

I Do However Agree that there Should Be Systems in place to Get a Finite amount of Warframe and Weapon slots without the need to Purchase them and are achievable through Progression in Syndicates/Focus/Sorties (Rumored Token system) or some other arbitrary system that puts them behind a Progression/Grind wall

Very similar to how we can get some Syandanas and Armor without Platinum now Through these systems (Syndicates Baro Teshin etc)

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Just now, (PS4)Crimson_Judgment said:

In The end The (Literal) Topic at hand is "More ways to get platinum"

This isn't even Negotiable Platinum is Purchase/Contest Reward/Trade (Meaning someone else Purchased) ONLY! as with Pretty much Every premium currency ever.

I Do However Agree that there Should Be Systems in place to Get i Finite amount of Warframe and Weapon slots without the need to Purchase them and are achievable through Progression in Syndicates/Focus/Sorties (Rumored Token system) or some other arbitrary system that puts them behind a Progression/Grind wall

Very similar to how we can get some Syandanas and Armor without Platinum now Through these systems (Syndicates Baro Teshin etc)

Yeah I agree...I guess the topic got out of hand... oops? but yeah I think we need more options of getting the slots, maybe from Baro since we can trade prime parts for duecats and trade that for slots?

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25 minutes ago, (PS4)IIIDevoidIII said:

Purchasing potatoes is not required. Purchasing slots is not required.


Purchasing potatoes is certainly not required, but you can't deny that the game is set up in a way to push you towards doing so, as you yourself admitted you have done.

Purchasing slots may not be "required" but come on, you know that the game is extremely unpleasant without more slots. Without slots you are forced to constantly vendor weapons and you are unable to have an arsenal of many frames if you never buy any new slots. While some people may only want to play a few frames anyway, the entire game revolves around acquiring new weapons and frames. Anyone who wants to actually fully experience the game needs slots. Period. 

Even when Scott (I think it's scott?) was doing his undercover boss experiment he admitted to going to trade chat fairly early on in his experiment to unlock more slots. Even he wouldn't want to play the game without more slots. It's just silly to pretend that slots aren't extremely important to fully playing and experiencing this game. 

Again, I don't agree with the OP as far as us needing more ways to acquire free plat, but at the very least a more modern and accessible trade system would make the game a lot more accessible to a wider variety of players (IE: players who hate trade chat and don't want to use third party sites like warframe.market just to unlock a basic feature like additional slots.)

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Or how about you grind like the rest of us and get prime parts, mods, and syndicate weapons to sell. Its really not that hard, i can make 200 platinum a day if i grind all day. Sometimes even more. If you run t2 survival which drops nikana blades you can sell those for alot. Run other missions that give nikana parts they are hot right now. 

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1 minute ago, Borg1611 said:


Again, I don't agree with the OP as far as us needing more ways to acquire free plat, but at the very least a more modern and accessible trade system would make the game a lot more accessible to a wider variety of players (IE: players who hate trade chat and don't want to use third party sites like warframe.market just to unlock a basic feature like additional slots.)

Better Trading chat with color chat for Buying Selling and Trading for would be a start

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31 minutes ago, Ellthan said:

Let me ask you this. Let's replace platinum with primes directly.

Assume the only way to gain prime parts, is via buying the most expensive prime access, and you cannot find them via drops.

However, said pieces are tradable. Would be you be defending the system in that case becase the parts are tradable so technically you can get them without paying? If so, why? If not, why are you defending this system then?

Yes, but because Prime weapons and frames are, almost without exception, superior in performance to their non-prime equivalent(s) They would be paying for an in-game advantage that I would not have access to without paying, especially considering that removing prime parts from the loot tables would also remove the one thing rare and grind-happy enough to get people to spend real money via plat for.

Now, to answer your obvious follow-up question as to whether I'm ok with having to pay for slots (even if I haven't spent a cent on this game unless I had a plat coupon) the answer to that is... I would love to see a way to gain weapon and warframe slots without having to pay money for it. Whether that means free slots for quests or sorties, or a Prime-worthy grind for some blueprint. I can (eventually) convince myself to drop a weapon to make room for another weapon if the concept is a dud or I already have another that does the same job but better, but until I get my hand on a Prime version, every Warframe I've ever made is still with me, even if I haven't used them since I maxed their rank years ago.

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your methods of obtaining Platinum:

purchase it - this is the primary method...
Trading with other Players.
certain Login Reward Coupons which give you some free Platinum as well as the Coupon.
winning Platinum from Contests or Giveaways.

if none of these methods appeal to you, cool beans. do without, as there's not that much you can't do without it.

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Just now, Borg1611 said:

Purchasing potatoes is certainly not required, but you can't deny that the game is set up in a way to push you towards doing so, as you yourself admitted you have done.

Purchasing slots may not be "required" but come on, you know that the game is extremely unpleasant without more slots. Without slots you are forced to constantly vendor weapons and you are unable to have an arsenal of many frames if you never buy any new slots. While some people may only want to play a few frames anyway, the entire game revolves around acquiring new weapons and frames. Anyone who wants to actually fully experience the game needs slots. Period. 

Even when Scott (I think it's scott?) was doing his undercover boss experiment he admitted to going to trade chat fairly early on in his experiment to unlock more slots. Even he wouldn't want to play the game without more slots. It's just silly to pretend that slots aren't extremely important to fully playing and experiencing this game. 

Again, I don't agree with the OP as far as us needing more ways to acquire free plat, but at the very least a more modern and accessible trade system would make the game a lot more accessible to a wider variety of players (IE: players who hate trade chat and don't want to use third party sites like warframe.market just to unlock a basic feature like additional slots.)

Oh, so now you admit that it's not required.


I totally agree with you, unpleasant game without slots. Slots are important, and I get them too.


But they aren't required... which you have just admitted. So you're telling me that you ranted for hours just to waste my time? Thanks. 

You've lost the small amount of credibility that you've had.

Please, just don't reply, but consider that in the future, the world doesn't revolve around you, and that people think their own ways for a reason.

Ugh. First argument on Forums. Wasn't pleasant.

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