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Hotfix 18.5.4


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Thank sweet buttery Lotus!

I have been waiting over 2 years for that spawning fix. I was so sick of enemies spawning 5m away from me in a room I'd just cleared which either ruined my stealth run unfairly or straight up got me killed. Got sick of making threads about that one.

You came through eventually for me, DE.

Its kind of disappointing that at times, a fairly large issue has to become massively exploitable before it gets addressed.


Edited by StinkyPygmy
Slightly salty conclusion added.
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I'd like to add that the change to sabotage, spy, and deception is one of the most poorly thought out changes in the game I have ever seen.  No, I don't care for focus farming or grinding or draco or anything.  I just want to shoot things with my anime nonsense guns with my HUD turned off and at max settings at 60FPS while looking amazing.  

That literally hinges on having things to shoot.  If one wants to change this so called "exploit" (spawning that's been almost exactly the same for these missions for the past 3 years, or at least so much so that I haven't noticed my entire 1350 hours played) in that people are hitting cap too fast, then why not alter a number instead of making gameplay as a whole less fun?  Nerf stealth multipliers.  That's it.  Stealth is fun as it is.  Just change the numbers and just make spawns an equal rate to what they were before.  Even I thought getting 12K experience for a single kill was ridiculous.  Or if one thinks hitting cap is an issue (there's already one set to 100K already, so what's the deal if people get it faster if it's set there to begin with?), lower the cap instead of making things worse for everybody.  I'm certain there are at least a sizable number of players who aren't min-maxing.  Besides this just made stealth easier.  So, what, nerf exterminate to 30 enemies now?  Or remove stealth from exterminate like in capture missions where you can't stealth capture targets anymore either?  

Yes, I think it's a good idea to change it so that enemies don't spawn and pop up in the same view of the player so they can just pop them for infinite stealth experience.  But turning spawns to zero is dumb.  It's literally the equivalent of chemotherapy.  It's effective (relatively) but also hurts everything in the body.  Mod drops are reduced.  Resource drops are reduced.  Runs will be completed even faster since there's no reason to stick around in tilesets, reducing the appreciability of the quality put into the tiles.  Or if you're someone who cares about your drops and stuff, you'll just go run Draco.  

This hurts everyone, not just the min-maxers.  Besides, Focus is hardly a major component of the game save for those imbalanced passives that give energy.  It's poor design to make one flippant change that affects the rest of the game for one little additional system designed to keep players playing regularly.  

And you know, I really had a positive view on Warframe after quitting for a year and coming back last month.  I had just gotten out of Elite Dangerous (which is a mess right now) and was highly impressed with The Second Dream.  I really thought the amount of effort put into it showed the best of what Warframe has to offer and was fully ready to keep playing continuously.  But this reflexive change has me seriously questioning it all, but a small part of me is hoping this was just something that wasn't thought out.  No, I don't want to get on my high horse and it's not my intention to, but I want to make it clear how at least, I feel.  Sure, maybe I'm just one person who's voicing this among a relatively non-vocal group.  But I like to think I try and focus on what's good for the game, not just my own selfish benefit.  

Edited by Medane
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16 minutes ago, Medane said:


if you want to kill things then why are you playing spy, sabotage and deception? those are objective game modes where the sole point of them is to complete objectives first and kill things second... play defense, survival, or excavation then if you want to mindlessly kill things.

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Yeah I had heard about the limiting of enemy spawns on some missions and I figured that was what was happening today when I was trying to farm for a archwing gun damage mod on the Jupiter Sab mission so I could have an easier time farming that tedious boss Jordas Golem for the Atlas BP. I gave up trying to get the mod because there was only around 80 enemies per mission and I was having no luck and instead forced my way through the Jordas Golem assassination solo, luckily it only took my 5 runs to get the BP's for Atlas. 

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6 hours ago, DERebecca said:

Hotfix 18.5.4

Enemy Spawning Adjustments (Missed 18.5 Note)

Update 18.5 contained a change made to ensure that enemies will no longer spawn in areas that have been cleared, as long as the level is not on alert... Enemies will now spawn in areas not yet seen by players.  This will allow players to clear rooms stealthily, while avoiding enemies spawning behind players and potentially ruining any stealth runs.  ‘Alerted’ enemies will spawn nearby and out of sight, but can also spawn in rooms already seen by players.

!!! I have wanted this since forever! PRAISE DE!

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While a part of me will miss farming focus on Albedo (and especially Ivara dashwire nests!), I sure won't miss the dicey alertness state of the freshly spawned enemies, and I won't miss the compulsive feeling to get all the day's focus in one run.

Now non-exterminate missions with unalerted enemies feel a little more like Tenchu on the PS1, but smoother and faster.  And that's a good thing in my book.

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7 hours ago, DERebecca said:

At a conversational level, the perspective of a few of us is that the over-rewarding nodes like Draco do seem to have become even more of an 'obvious choice' in a couple of ways, but endless massacre of non-scaling enemies did pose a problem in principle. We are working toward the vast issue of equalizing rewards.

Hmm,  seems to me that the problem of endless, non-scaling enemies in those missions would have been best solved by simply having those enemies scale.  I'm not a fan of this change, but I hope that some game mode in the future will offer endless stealth killing sprees; not only because it offers a method of gaining affinity at a satisfying rate, but because keeping a stealth combo up for as long as possible is a fun way to play the game.

I feel it would have been nice if the dev's voiced their concern about this issue prior to taking such draconian action (pun kinda intended).  The players may have been able to offer some ideas on how to remedy the issue, and wouldn't have felt so blindsided.

Edited by MostlyUseless
Added that second paragraph.
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Enemy Spawning Adjustments (Missed 18.5 Note)

Just call it what it is... Nerfing Focus Farming.

For players that only have a short amount of time to play the game in the evening after the kids are put to sleep, farming Focus was maximized by doing certain runs... Now, thanks to this "Update Fix" I'm going to take maybe 4 times as long to get the Focus I need.

"Thanks" a lot.


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3 hours ago, chuckdm said:

So...when, exactly, is the Kavat nerf coming?

Dear god please tell me it IS coming, right?

I am getting 2-hit on my Zephyr with 1,110 health.  By cats that get summoned in packs of 4.  This cannot be intentional.  Right?  RIGHT?!?!

Guess I'll just have to use nothing but Valkyr on every single Grineer mission until this gets fixed.

Yeah they where *@##$y in the story mission, had to spam iron skin and a Galatine that normally one hits >35s took like three hits minimum to kill D: stupid as hell TBH.

Also my personal peeve whichpushes my further and further from enjoying this game is the whole item centric focus, sure in place of a coherent strong plot line it kinda works, if reaaaaaallly boring ( its mind f**king numbing) can we at least make each weapon viable and not 5/40 weapons are good and each only works with one or two meta builds. the meta builds and limited variation hidden behind false diversity are a kick in the $&*^ to all players who want to try different things.

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6 hours ago, DERebecca said:

Update 18.5 contained a change made to ensure that enemies will no longer spawn in areas that have been cleared, as long as the level is not on alert.  This change was made to help prevent an exploit that caused enemies to rapidly spawn in the same room only to be instantly killed by stealthed players, and these enemies never scaled.  This was limited mostly to Deception Missions, but was present in Sabotage, Mobile Defense or Spy Missions as well.

Enemies will now spawn in areas not yet seen by players.  This will allow players to clear rooms stealthily, while avoiding enemies spawning behind players and potentially ruining any stealth runs.  ‘Alerted’ enemies will spawn nearby and out of sight, but can also spawn in rooms already seen by players.

These changes will not affect enemy spawning in Exterminate, Excavation, Survival or Defense Missions, but will have a slight impact on enemy spawning on other Mission types.

Serious question, besides "Under Cover Boss" do any of you play MMO"s?  Do you actually play this one?  You have "fixed" something that was not broken.  I personally despise domination missions have since I played them at LAN parties in Unreal Tournament.  Nurfing a play style or a mission because you added something that does not mesh as well with the rest of the game that is being silly.  I would recommend, Highly, test servers.  STOP putting unstress-tested code in live.  The whole focus system has been described as a "Feature beta" leave it at that or just pull it from the game and put it on a non-game impacting test server.  People will play it and they will give you better and more honest feedback.  If you do not want to do a public test server, do a private one with people that know how to stress a game and look for broken code.  Will save you a weekend of running around putting out fires.

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Where is the turning off DirectX skybox issue fix? Potato/ToasterFrame has taken a huge hit, and with DirectX on, in groups now my normal fps is sub 10. Able to hover over 30 fps solo if there are only npcs in my room and immediately adjacent ones, anything existing further out causes drops in frame rate.

On 3/5/2016 at 6:36 AM, Nintharra said:

If anybody is wondering this is what open air tiles looks like or any tile that you can see the skybox while in (example outside a window) looks like with 800x600, every setting turned down to lowest or disabled, and directX turned off in the WF Launcher.

Only screenshots of the desert tilesets, but it happens on Ceres/Derelict/ect. ect. Derelict seemingly only in the extraction room and it half phases through all in room terrain so I end up seeing nebulae and stuff but not the black voidness of space, maybe because theres no texture there.

In the end I think it was a direct conflict with having DirectX turned off in the WarFrame launcher.

All images : http://imgur.com/a/yQKOw

In mission screenshots-

  Reveal hidden contents


Oh hey wheres the level?


More intrusive Skybox


Background will cover more than terrain.


NPC models also limited visibility.


Settings -

  Reveal hidden contents







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Looks like a good hotfix. I hope this doesn't get buried in the landslide of other comments, but I in light of this:

" The Provoked Mod now affects Inaros's bleed out damage.  "

... I'd really like to see Provoked and Undying Will become Exilus mods. I'd honestly use them the most out of any other exilus mod, especially for Inaros.

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2 hours ago, McDuffMan said:

if you want to kill things then why are you playing spy, sabotage and deception? those are objective game modes where the sole point of them is to complete objectives first and kill things second... play defense, survival, or excavation then if you want to mindlessly kill things.

What is Warframe about?

It's certainly not about plugging a little nodule into a computer, or puzzle minigames. I highly doubt these things would even come up if you were to pitch the game to a friend, until they asked about mission types. It's about killing enemies. Kill them quiet, kill them loud, kill them near, kill them far, kill them efficiently, kill them inefficiently, Whatever the secondary goal, mission or player objective, the core experience of Warframe is killing enemies.

I'll say that I think the way enemies spawn is, well bad, but passable. Simply pooping onto the screen sometimes within view of the player isn't exactly the most logical experience. Neither is running through a gigantic military base and having no more than 120 people react to your presence. There has to be a happy medium here, one that really wouldn't take a whole lot of work. There is certainly a solution that isn't quite as hamfisted as "If player has been on tile, disable spawn completely".

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6 hours ago, chuckdm said:

So...when, exactly, is the Kavat nerf coming?

Dear god please tell me it IS coming, right?

I am getting 2-hit on my Zephyr with 1,110 health.  By cats that get summoned in packs of 4.  This cannot be intentional.  Right?  RIGHT?!?!

Guess I'll just have to use nothing but Valkyr on every single Grineer mission until this gets fixed.

I feel your pain. I got two shot as Nezha with Warding Halo on at 96% health. First hit took WH, second hit took away all health and shields. So I just kept my distance the rest of the game and sniped Kavats.

On the subject of the non endless mission spawns, turning them into glorified exterminate missions doesn't help anyone. By making that change, the devs have literally forced players into going to endless missions if they want any shot at some decent drops, not to mention focus. With some endless modes, the player can't just leave at any time. Let's say I get a Scorpion to drop Defiled Snapdragon at wave 6, then I have to wait until wave 10 to leave - whereas if I'm in deception (assuming I got that same mod to drop), I can throw the datamass in the console, and run to extraction.

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