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I hate the Corpus.


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The thing i dislike most about the Corpus is when the bursas come in. They ruin it all for me and are so difficult to defeat when your alone. This is why i always shut off the alarm whenever i can when im playing any lvl 20 + corpus mission.

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I understand when you defend nullies.

But not in sortie levels. Simply 'dealing with them' is not 'simple' anymore. Pair a nully with a Tech unit and its a death sentence.

Corpus needs a rework as said, i actively avoid playing that faction as well.

Edited by Misgenesis
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1 minute ago, Misgenesis said:

But not in sortie levels. Simply 'dealing with them' is not 'simple' anymore.

Yes it is, even in supposed to be team missions in Sortie, I usually pop the bubbles before they reach my squad mates so they have an easier time or like said before explosive blasts deals with them. Sortie specially are missions to think about before doing. Corpus is already the weakest faction imo, Grineer with their big arsenal and armor, Infested with ancients and moas beat them hands down.

Corpus is the intelligence faction, fight fire with fire.

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8 minutes ago, Manyc said:

Yes it is, even in supposed to be team missions in Sortie, I usually pop the bubbles before they reach my squad mates so they have an easier time or like said before explosive blasts deals with them. Sortie specially are missions to think about before doing. Corpus is already the weakest faction imo, Grineer with their big arsenal and armor, Infested with ancients and moas beat them hands down.

Corpus is the intelligence faction, fight fire with fire.

Yeah, sure thing champ. Popping the bubble is easy, popping it and killing the nully is not when its behind 50 other units and possibly other nullies. That and a rain of tech unit fire and whatnot.

And id fight fire with fire but i cant nullify them.

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I might be in minority here, but I personally think Corpus are probably the most balanced faction out of the three. You can't just CC them ad infinitum because of Nullifiers, their scaling is much more sane, because they don't have this ridiculous armor, most (if not all) of their dangerous units have a good visual cue, they also don't drain all your energy with one hit (like high level Disruptors do) and they don't have an overabundance of Energy Leech enemy types.

Sure Nullifiers might need a bit of tweak to be easier to deal with slow fire rate weapons. And maybe limit the amount of Sapping mines dropped by ospreys. I'm more annoyed by stupid Kubrow/Ally AI when fighting those though.


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Just now, Misgenesis said:

Yeah, sure thing champ. Popping the bubble is easy, popping it and killing the nully is not when its behind 50 other units and possibly other nullies. That and a rain of tech unit fire and whatnot.

And id fight fire with fire but i cant nullify them.

By saying "fight fire with fire" I meant intelligence. That's why I said right before that they're the intelligence faction.

And you're just bringing a worst case scenario. If you're soloing you won't have that many and if you're in a squad, bring counter measures, like a Mag, an invisible frame to support kill all of those 50 or an invincible frame to deal with it while someone else pops the bubbles. In cheer numbers team play is required.

tl;dr: Solo, work with your arsenal. Squad work with your team either arsenals mix or talk.

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Sap ospreys and nullifiers have taken priority to me lately. If I havn't been detected yet, something in my brain tells me that they have to go first. The good news with nullifiers is that they are almost impossible not to find. Sapping ospreys are only bad in large numbers. They aren't so bad for me as they are bad for my melee-only Kubrow.

This game is slowly making me take a stealth approach to combat. Shooting arrows at faraway, unsuspecting, enemies seems to work better than walking in with soma/tonkor/"put OP weapon here". Tanking hits as you do. Then when that alarm goes off I rush to the nearest control pad in fear of a bursa.

In short, the terrible balancing is actually making me fight stealthy like a ninja instead of up-in-your-face BLAM BLAM like the Taliban or Navy seals.  if that is the reason the devs are doing this insane enemy scaling...kudos DE, but I seriously doubt they did this with this in mind.

Edited by CaterHowlett16
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5 minutes ago, Manyc said:

By saying "fight fire with fire" I meant intelligence. That's why I said right before that they're the intelligence faction.

And you're just bringing a worst case scenario. If you're soloing you won't have that many and if you're in a squad, bring counter measures, like a Mag, an invisible frame to support kill all of those 50 or an invincible frame to deal with it while someone else pops the bubbles. In cheer numbers team play is required.

tl;dr: Solo, work with your arsenal. Squad work with your team either arsenals mix or talk.

That isnt even the worst case scenario, its literally what always happens with Corpus. You cant be out in the open, you have to keep mobile, they have some of the hardest hitting units. You dont have the time to take all of them out when you see them.

And youre just describing another problem that comes with the Corpus. Effective loadout limitations. Bad design.

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nullifier`s only issue is their weapon, having both defense and offense is not balance, but if u ask me I`m glad he has it, on high levels any weapon one shots u, but snipers suck in point blank which is the best way to eliminate him if u have no power running or one shot weapon in hand

as for fapping osperies, these should get a handicap, at least no stacking bombs, or longer CD, maybe -damage, anything really, just reduce their power



NOTE: u forgot the isolator bursa

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3 minutes ago, Misgenesis said:

That isnt even the worst case scenario, its literally what always happens with Corpus. You cant be out in the open, you have to keep mobile, they have some of the hardest hitting units. You dont have the time to take all of them out when you see them.

And youre just describing another problem that comes with the Corpus. Effective loadout limitations. Bad design.

I don't see cases worse than that, I do play Corpus more often that the other factions. I don't mind if you give an example on it.

You're not supposed to be out in the open with anyone on any higher level mission. The only thing to fear is Bursas in low level missions and that's for starter players.

You do have time if you don't rush, in hard missions you're not supposed to rush but to think of what should be done.

Limited effective loadouts is bad design? Sounds like laziness to me, you want a loadout effective for all thing? Seems like a no-brainer or lazy if you prefer.

Corpus being the weakest is my argument and same for some of the most experienced players / most technical ones on the Meta gaming. (Allow me to add I'm not yet a Meta player)

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After spending a long time hating Nullifiers and Sappings for how they unmitigatably limit my options, I've thrown in the towel. Clearly, they're not changing. (Though, in fairness, DE did tweak Sapper spawns at some point, following feedback. (iirc after the first Corpus Sortie3 Surv.))

Solution? Don't play high level Corpus.

Have to play high level Corpus? Not a problem. Bring a tanky/invis frame and

GrineerFlameThrower.png + SinisterReach.png

Restrictive. Effective. Boring.

Edited by Chroia
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9 minutes ago, Manyc said:

Corpus being the weakest 

oh really? we have weapons and powers, they remove powers, half of our fight is gone, no other faction can do this as effectively (only that $&*&*#(%& drone on NM raid which doesn`t block fire)

they are the hardest hitting faction, one tech is more powerful than 4 gunners together, as he is more accurate and fires faster, finally his rifle is puncture based, ruining our armor, like almost all their weapons..... also, they have good support provided by their osperies... CC mobs like bursas, detron crewman of death, all these are priority targets, the only non-priority targets I see are the normal crewman and MOA, plus the laser hatches that knock u in front of that tech over there, i`m not going to talk about sappers

Corpus are superior to all other factions, their one and only weak spot is mag which is getting reworked soon

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3 minutes ago, Bizzaro21 said:

oh really? we have weapons and powers, they remove powers, half of our fight is gone, no other faction can do this as effectively (only that $&*&*#(%& drone on NM raid which doesn`t block fire)

they are the hardest hitting faction, one tech is more powerful than 4 gunners together, as he is more accurate and fires faster, finally his rifle is puncture based, ruining our armor, like almost all their weapons..... also, they have good support provided by their osperies... CC mobs like bursas, detron crewman of death, all these are priority targets, the only non-priority targets I see are the normal crewman and MOA, plus the laser hatches that knock u in front of that tech over there, i`m not going to talk about sappers

Corpus are superior to all other factions, their one and only weak spot is mag which is getting reworked soon

All I see you mention is dumb actions. Lasers knockdown can be avoided with roll, whatever activates them (camera spotting) can be heard as warning so avoid said lasers to avoid even having to resort to counter measures. Lotus warns you of Bursas, keep your distance. Tech hits hard? Take cover, wait for reload. Run & hit. Hardest hitting faction? Any factions sniper hits hard, Napalms/Bombards don't hit hard both direct and AoE?

Maybe you should slow down your pace and be more technical? If you fail so much head-on, well either train more or go for other tactics like stealth or hit and run. If you can't snipe, use AoE or punch-through. Choose a better fitting frame for what you want to do like a better armored one as Valkyr, Atlas (both non-knockable), Chroma. Or stealthy ones like Loki, Ash, Ivara. Your favorite frame doesn't do well but you want to use it? Sinergise with a squad or avoid those mission, don't want to avoid the mission? Nobody can have everything.

Maybe Corpus isn't superior, or none of them, maybe Corpus is your weakness and isn't mine (thus me saying they're the weakest) and maybe we're all looking at this wrong by thinking we're the all mighty that has no weaknesses and that they're the ones that have to change for us.

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The biggest problem with sapping ospreys and nullifier is in higher levels they not only spawn more. They stack together in groups. I can hande them in an area if there are just one if them. But often I see them in two or three and they bring bombards, gunners, healers in the bubbles and thats where its just too much.

In my opinion when in endless missions their numbers should not go up as the levels rise. They are already hard to deal with alone with a high level and that should be enough. As much as I loathe nullifiers with a passion of a 1000 suns I know they wont be removed so this seems like the most reasonable sollution.

So tldr just cut them back in numbers.

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2 hours ago, RedShiftZero said:

Oh, also. Somewhat off-topic, but I think little known: null fields don't take entire magazines from a lot of weapons to burst. Especially burst weapons. You can often fire a few bursts, then stop and watch. The field will keep shrinking after you stop firing,  possibly pop entirely.

That's the problem. Nullifiers can't be instakilled from outside at all. They have a fixed minimum time to kill. But they can instakill half of warframes in sortie 3 with maxed defensive mods slotted. They are broken, idiotic design. And that's not even talking about how they make sniper type weapons useless. Properly balanced nullifier is grineer nullifier drone for example. 

Oh and what about high level excavation? Nullifier can oneshot excavator with no way to 100% reliably prevent it. So you HAVE to use specific frames, namely frost and Nyx or loki with irradiated disarm. And please bear in mind I'm not talking about some unintended broken 3 hour survival. I'm talking fully intended sortie 3 endgame missions. 

Stop defending idiotic, broken design just because it's possible to handle them just fine. That glitch when an enemy in, for example, mobile defense becomes invulnerable? It's possible to handle just fine too. But it needs fixing, just like nullifiers. 

They should just make them like grineer nullifier. You can shoot through bubble, but nullifier itself is tanky like a heavy eximus and bubble can't be shrunk until nullifier is dead. Much better design.

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Just now, Manyc said:

1- All I see you mention is dumb actions. Lasers knockdown can be avoided with roll, whatever activates them (camera spotting) can be heard as warning so avoid said lasers to avoid even having to resort to counter measures. Lotus warns you of Bursas, keep your distance. Tech hits hard? Take cover, wait for reload. Run & hit. Hardest hitting faction? Any factions sniper hits hard, Napalms/Bombards don't hit hard both direct and AoE?

2- Maybe you should slow down your pace and be more technical? If you fail so much head-on, well either train more or go for other tactics like stealth or hit and run. If you can't snipe, use AoE or punch-through. Choose a better fitting frame for what you want to do like a better armored one as Valkyr, Atlas (both non-knockable), Chroma. Or stealthy ones like Loki, Ash, Ivara. Your favorite frame doesn't do well but you want to use it? Synergise with a squad or avoid those mission, don't want to avoid the mission? Nobody can have everything.

3- Maybe Corpus isn't superior, or none of them, maybe Corpus is your weakness and isn't mine (thus me saying they're the weakest) and maybe we're all looking at this wrong by thinking we're the all mighty that has no weaknesses and that they're the ones that have to change for us.

1- we`ll see how concentrated you are on a sortie survival, when everything around me is shooting me and i die in one hit, I won`t be able to pay attention to camera SFX would I?

Bursas, I do see them coming, but does that really help? isolators shoot invisible targets as accurately, which is exclusive to them, and no, I can`t keep my distance, i must shoot their back, remember? duh........

dude this isn`t an FPS game where I take cover, enemies here spawn in freaking hoards, if I am going to do all this tactical BS for a tech, I`m getting back stabbed by that detron/elite/sniper/nullifier/moa/sapper/etc............

and who ever mentioned snipers?

napalms and bombards are heavy units god damn it, they are nearly as half as common as a nullifier or a sapper or whatever, the only rare corpus units are bursas, modulars come frequently on high levels.....

2- so u recommend I slow down a survival..... kk now I know why i feel i am wasting my time, don`t school me, I know how to counter them and their weakspots, but they have too much cheese to be acceptable, either buff other factions (I don`t mean it) or nerf Corpus, at least some units who are clearly making them superior to every other faction this game has......

snipers suck i don`t use them, I do use AoE all the time, tonkor has been my no.1 since sorties became a thing, followed by punch through tigris, u don`t even know what i use to judge my builds......... and I do switch frames a lot, u see I have all of them and all are fully built/forma`ed, valkyr<nullifier, atlas->too slow and unreliable, Chroma deosn`t kill fast enough for missions that require killing like def or surv, loki/ivara/ash+stealth build on endless mission=ret@rded

squads of randoms can`t be synergised with.....

3- no, they are not my weakness, they are not fun or challenging, it`s a cheese contest, they can troll you (bursa shock wave frenzy, nullifiers, etc) and u can CC/instanuke them, whoever reaches the button first wins, no fun or challenge posed...

and I do know we should no be the ROFLstomp gods or anything, but the game should be balanced, after all an AI`s point is to give a fun challenge, these don`t, AT ALL, they are mere BS

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3 minutes ago, Bizzaro21 said:


1- In Survival nothing spawns ALL around you and at the same time, pull back, use choke points, specially Corpus missions are filled with cover.

Even though you're invisible, you're not supposed to stay still, enemies shoot based on noise or last position known. If an Isolator shoots you after all these prevented only that unit is broken.

FPS aren't the only games where you can take cover, look around, you're not supposed to be in the middle of all rooms.

2- You only spoke of Survival now. But even in a Survival yes, slow down, rethink strategy and do it in another way. If there is a way to fight, isn't not broken. It's not like it's a bug or something you can live with.

Also I'm not judging you, you're the one getting hurt by simple options given. Valkyr is in no way weak vs nullifiers, you're not supposed to enter the bubble to begin with. Atlas is slow? No, you're slow with Atlas then. Chroma is a slow killer? Who said that you're supposed to kill with the frames you bring? That's why you also bring weapons. Invisible isn't reliable in endless mission? I solo defence missions with Ivara, her CC is very strong, Loki can disarm everything, Ash is very strong by itself. There's nothing &#036;&amp;*&amp;*#(%&amp; there.

Public doesn't synergise? Then don't go public, build a specific squad, get a clan. You don't want, don't complain.

3- Just because you don't like the challenge they may or not impose it's your opinion, sure you don't like, doesn't mean it's broken and should be fixed.

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12 minutes ago, Manyc said:

1- In Survival nothing spawns ALL around you and at the same time, pull back, use choke points, specially Corpus missions are filled with cover.

Even though you're invisible, you're not supposed to stay still, enemies shoot based on noise or last position known. If an Isolator shoots you after all these prevented only that unit is broken.

FPS aren't the only games where you can take cover, look around, you're not supposed to be in the middle of all rooms.

2- You only spoke of Survival now. But even in a Survival yes, slow down, rethink strategy and do it in another way. If there is a way to fight, isn't not broken. It's not like it's a bug or something you can live with.

Also I'm not judging you, you're the one getting hurt by simple options given. Valkyr is in no way weak vs nullifiers, you're not supposed to enter the bubble to begin with. Atlas is slow? No, you're slow with Atlas then. Chroma is a slow killer? Who said that you're supposed to kill with the frames you bring? That's why you also bring weapons. Invisible isn't reliable in endless mission? I solo defence missions with Ivara, her CC is very strong, Loki can disarm everything, Ash is very strong by itself. There's nothing &#036;&amp;*&amp;*#(%&amp; there.

Public doesn't synergise? Then don't go public, build a specific squad, get a clan. You don't want, don't complain.

3- Just because you don't like the challenge they may or not impose it's your opinion, sure you don't like, doesn't mean it's broken and should be fixed.

1- nothing? have u EVER tried a sortie Surv?

I did say only that is broken, but it belongs to corpus doesnt it?

WF is a fast styled game, tactics don`t owrk outside solo missions specifically ext.

2- I must keep killing fast enough for LS to stay high or I fail, simple as that, no time for slowing down, I rush as much as i can and still choke......

I`m not hurt, but this is not players helping players, this is feedback, discuss the enemies not my loadout

valkyr is, and if i shouldnt go in, what should i do?

I meant his style is slow, basically only his #1 can get things done, others are BS/unreliable

Chroma is, and if we aren`t, explain why very few weapons can do S#&amp;&#036; on high levels while powers wreck nearly infinitely

I did quite specifically say stealth built, I know ivara can do hardcore alone, loki disarm is badass, ash is broken on its own, but their stealth is all S#&amp;&#036;

I am not, u brought up squad synergy first not me

3- this is my opinion, what is feedback about other than this? u mad bro? I find it broken or needs fixing, I say so, and devs decide


don`t bother replying, I`m leaving

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Nullifiers should be completely replaced by the modular units. Even if you can't kill Comba or Scrambus, you can shoot the helmet and their nullyfing will go. It's much better than bubbles that prevent you from taking action and clip through walls and ceilings.

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