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Help With Warframes/ I am a Beginner



So I am le scrub and have several questions.

1. What is a good second Warframe?

2. I bought Ash, and want to know if the grind for his blueprints is still impossible like it was in August.

3. What are some Good Mods to have all the time?

4. What are some Great places to grind?

5. How to get more planets?

6. How to get Mastery fast?

7. What is the alerts system/Syndicates/the PVP (I think, it's the one to the right of the nav in the ship.)

8. What do the messages in recruiting mean?

9. How to level past 30?

10. General Pointers?

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1. thats up to you though someone like inaros would be good

2.the grind for ash is easy in the right levels

3.Best to have the basic mods like vitality and redirection

4.not sure on what you want lol

5.kill bosses to unlock new planets

6.build and level new weapons

7.alerts give stuff you may need syndicates are for bonus rep

8.H: Hosting LF: looking for

9.lv 30 is the max for every gear in game

10.take your time to have more experience, don't rush to things that are too hard for you (endgame content)

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Rhino is a decent start. There's a lot of good frames to have.

Depends if you like hunting manics.

Streamline, flow, intensify, continuity are good pins.

Draco on Ceres, Sechura on Pluto, or basically any endless mission you fancy. Depends on what you want to grind.

Kill bosses for nav segments to unlock planets.

Rank a lot of weapons up to 30. I wouldn't focus on this though, because MR doesn't mean a lot, and it'll burn you out.

On the right side is conclave which is PvP, and a little recent news kind of thing, I assume that's what you mean. Syndicates are like factions.

There's a lot of messages in recruiting. Bit vague. https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/2l8jif/warframe_acronyms_lingo_and_community_specifics/

You don't, each bit of gear is max 30.

Take your time.

Edited by AdunSaveMe
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52 minutes ago, SonicYoshiFish2 said:

How to level past 30?

If you really like a piece of gear, you can put a Reactor/Catalyst on it to double the mod energy. Other than that, Forma put gear back to unranked, but add a polarity for moar OP.

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3 hours ago, SonicYoshiFish2 said:

Do you think Ash or Ash Prime would be easier? 


If you missed the Thousand Cuts event (i.e. playing on PC), Ash Prime has a lower barrier of entry. Otherwise, the event, as well as the Law of Retribution Trial, will net you a full set of Ash parts in a single run.

Edited by Ojimaru
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1. Rhino, valkyr, excalibur
2. Tyl regor assasination is the way to go (4-6 manics per a run. Grab Nekros) or farm Void for Ash p blueprints.
3. Vitality, serration, hornet strike, point blank, multishot mods, intensify, continuity, constitution, streamline, stretch, pressure pint, physical melee mods, fury, berserker. Those are the needed base.
4.Void. Period.
5.Whack avaliable planet bosses
6. Make a pilgrimage to Drako (Ceres), camp at one place and spam nuke abilities (like bladestorm) for a month or two in 24/7 mode, grow up to mr18+, become unreasonably proud of how much "pro" you are, start shaming other players who actually prefer to play the game and not to cheese on Draco and exploit meta gear, have an argument at one of the countless forum "Draco battlegrounds", come to a decision that "this community is made of inefficient hipster plebs", uninstall the game.
7.  http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Alert - alerts
http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Syndicates - syndicates
http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Conclave - PVP
8. "H" - is for hosting, "LF" - is looking for group to [destination]
9. You cant. Use catalysts / reactors, formas, aura mods
10. Play the game, learn it and do try to enjoy it's aspects. Fun > efficiency. And don't listen to those meta-chasers

Edited by Teloch
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1. What is a good second Warframe?

Oberon,  the part drops are quite common and does not require you to do much boss fight to obtain.

2. I bought Ash, and want to know if the grind for his blueprints is still impossible like it was in August.

It is easier to get Ash Prime than Ash as far as I know, because Maniacs are almost random encounter basis.

3. What are some Good Mods to have all the time?

Vitality, Redirection, Flow, Streamline, Serration, Hornet Strike, Presure Point, Fury, Reach

4. What are some Great places to grind?

Credits - Dark Sector Defense, XP Ceres - Draco

5. How to get more planets?

By clearing nodes on current planets and defeating the boss/ being taxi to boss node and clear the asassination mission.

6. How to get Mastery fast?

By grinding as much new items/ warframe/ sentinel as fast as posible, Warframe - 200 mastery/level, 6000 max

Weapons 100 mastery/level, 3000 max, each new node cleared is 100 mastery 

7. What is the alerts system/Syndicates/the PVP (I think, it's the one to the right of the nav in the ship.)

Syndicate - You join organization which you work to unlock rewards/ rank from, usually you would 
please 1 main, 1 alliance, and piss off 1 opposed, 1 enemy, pissed off syndicate might send death squad to

hunt you down during missions,

PVP/ Conclave is Players-Versus-Players, Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Last Man Standing, Capture the Flag... 

8. What do the messages in recruiting mean?

LF> - Looking For, H> Hosting,

Keyshare - 4 player rotate to use key for void mission, 4 run of identical mission, each player use 1 key.

Rotation C (5,10,15,20 A,A,B,C) Min/ Wave (1,2,3,4 AABC rounds interception)

20, 40, 60, 80,100, 120 are rotation C, 4,8,16,24 are Rotation C for interception

ODD - Orokin Derelict Defense, ODA - Orokin Derelict Assassination, ODE - Orokin Derelict Extermination
ODS - Orokin Derelict Survival

T1S - Tower 1 Survival, T2S, T3S, T4S (increased difficulty with T2,3,4)

T1D - Tower 1 Defense, T1E -Tower 1 Exterminate, T1Sab - Tower 1 Sabotage, T1MD - Tower 1 Mobile Defense

T1C - Tower 1 Capture

T4I - Tower 4 Interception,

Draco - Ceres Grineer Interception level 35-45 high xp reward mission.

Vault Run - Orokin Derelict missions carrying dragon keys for search of vault item, need 4 players to carry 4 keys 
since the vault is unlock by one of the 4 different type of key on random.

EV (Energy Vampire build Trinity)

Bless (Blessing build Trinity)

RJ (Radial Javelin build Excalibur)

Roar (Roar Build Rhino)

Slova (Positive Strength build Nova/ Slow enemy with molecular prime)

LOR (Law of Retribution - Earth Raid/ Trial Mission)

CP - Corrosive Projection (Aura)



H> Draco, LF> EV,  RJ,  Roar

(Hosting> Ceres-Draco Looking For> Energy Vampire Trinity, Radial Javelin Excalibur, Roar Rhino)

H> T2S Rotation C (Hosting> Tower 2 Survival Rotation C)

EV Trin LF> Draco (Energy Vampire Trinity Looking for Squad planning to Draco)

LF> ODS (Player Looking For Squad recruiting for Orokin Derelict Survival)


9. How to level past 30?

You don't gain XP after any warframe/ weapon reached level 30, you can however use Orokin Reactor/ Catalyst
for warframe/weapon to double the mod capacity from 30 to 60

You can further upgrade weapons with forma to polarize slot to fit mods which otherwise would be insufficient to fit in

These upgrading are all done without any bonus Mastery Points, so at your own expense.

10. General Pointers?

All Mods work on percentage, if the base stats is low, adding a mod to it is pointless

Modding the greatest stats is better
Modding Armor for Trinity is pointless, since her base armor is very low
Modding Shield for Valkyr is pointless, since her base shield is very low

Modding Armor for Valkyr works, her base armor is decently high
Modding Slash damage for Dark Sword is useless, since it has 0 slash, adding whatever % is still 0.

Edited by Ada_Wong_SG
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1. Rhino.

2. You can get part bps from Manics.

3. Vigor(Primed is better), weapon damage mods(Serration, Pressure Point,              etc.), Drift mods, loot radar mods.

4. Void, Draco, Moon.

5. Kill bosses.

6. Draco.

7. Syndicate console is the only one on the left.

8. H=Hosting, LF=Looking For

9. You can't level more than 30. If you mean Mastery Rank, you can't even reach      30.

10. Be useful.

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5 hours ago, SonicYoshiFish2 said:

1. What is a good second Warframe?

Common second frames are Oberon, Valkyr, or Rhino given their ease of access and survivability. Rhino and Valkyr both have invincibility powers, which can be helpful for beginners along with a range of offensive attacks, and Oberon (also highly offensive) can be a versatile attack and support frame. He is one of the easiest frames to get, since he can drop from any eximus enemy anywhere, and players often just wind up getting him, or most of him, without even meaning to. In higher level missions, it's possible to get an entire Oberon set in one mission, and sometimes even more than that.

5 hours ago, SonicYoshiFish2 said:

2. I bought Ash, and want to know if the grind for his blueprints is still impossible like it was in August.

If you already bought him, why bother farming for him again? It's true he's now one of the harder frames to get because he only drops from Grineer Maniacs which aren't exactly the easiest enemy to find, and difficult to kill, especially for a new player. It's probably easier (or at least less painful) trying to farm for Ash Prime instead. But either way, he's quite worth it.

5 hours ago, SonicYoshiFish2 said:

3. What are some Good Mods to have all the time?

For frames, you'll want to use Vitality and Redirection as a beginner, that way you can hopefully stay alive a bit easier on harder missions. As you progress, you'll find a larger variety of mods that you can mix and match to fit your playstyle. I personally almost never use more than one survivability mod (if any at all) in favor of mods that increase the effectiveness and power output of my frame's abilities. As for weapons, I basically always put on a standard Serration or Hornet Strike right away before anything else, then Split Chamber for rifles and Barrel Diffusion and Lethal Torrent for pistols. As much straight damage as possible first, and then after those base mods I play to the weapon's strengths.

5 hours ago, SonicYoshiFish2 said:

4. What are some Great places to grind?

Depends on what you're trying to get. Draco is the community's all-time favorite spot for farming exp or other things that stem from exp like syndicate rep(utation) or focus points. Hieracon is supposed to be good for finding fusion cores or Void keys. Elara on Jupiter or Jupiter's Dark Sector mission are both great places to farm for Neural Sensors. Earth excavations or (once you get there) the Orokin Moon are great places to farm Neurodes. It's really too broad of a question to answer any more detailed than that.

5 hours ago, SonicYoshiFish2 said:

5. How to get more planets?

Complete missions on the planets you currently have. Uncompleted missions will have a static effect, indicating you have not completed them yet. Fighting the boss of a planet should unlock the nav beacon for the next planet, but I'm not 100% sure on this because when I completed the solar system, it looked very different than it does now.

5 hours ago, SonicYoshiFish2 said:

6. How to get Mastery fast?

Build as many guns and warframes as you can. Get a sentinel. Later on, get a kubrow. Join a clan so you have access to clantech weapons, some of which you'll already be high enough rank to build. Farm resources quickly so that you can start new weapons right away. Other than that, don't worry too much about mastery past MR12, which is the highest rank you need to be to unlock every possible weapon.

5 hours ago, SonicYoshiFish2 said:

7. What is the alerts system/Syndicates/the PVP (I think, it's the one to the right of the nav in the ship.)

- Alerts are just random timed missions (globally) that give a random reward. Usually they're just credits and a good way to play a random mission if you're stumped on things to do, but other times they might have a rare mod, or a bundle of resources, or an alternate helmet for a warframe, along with other goodies. Usually rarer items last longer, but not always. Use the Warframe Nexus app on your mobile phone, or kingtaro.com/warframe on your computer to be notified when a new alert has begun.

- Syndicates are civilian groups of the Corpus, Grineer, or general populace who offer you missions and gear for earning rep(utation) with them. While fairly bland lore-wise at the moment, they offer some powerful upgrades, such as augments for most warframes, or blueprints for large gear restores (ie Large Health Restore).

- PvP is crap, don't play it.

5 hours ago, SonicYoshiFish2 said:

8. What do the messages in recruiting mean?

Guide to Recruiting Chat:

Anything starting with a T means Tower or Tier, referring to the Orokin Void (this is the most common found in Recruiting). The number in the middle denotes which tier it is (ie T2 is Tier 2). The final letter(s) denote the mission type, as follows:

--> D = Defense, I = Interception, S = Survival, MD = Mobile Defense, C = Capture, E = Exterminate, Sab/Sabo = Sabotage, A = Assassination (ie boss fight; only applies to Derelict)

--> So T4D is Tier 4 Defense in the Void

Anything starting with OD means the Orokin Derelict, basically the infested Void. It will be followed by the same mission type abbreviations listed above (ie ODD is Orokin Derelict Defense).

Guide to Trading Chat:

WTB = Want To Buy (this means you are offering PLAT ONLY)

WTS = Want To Sell (this means you are selling the item and only accepting plat as payment)

WTT = Want To Trade (this means that you have the item you state, and want to trade it for another non-plat item; an item-for-item trade rather than item-for-plat sale)

Trading is honestly something more common among clanmates or friends-- most people on public trade chat are only interested in buying or selling for plat.

5 hours ago, SonicYoshiFish2 said:

9. How to level past 30?

You don't level past 30. Rank 30 is the max rank of any item. You can continue to upgrade an item using things like "potatoes" (the slang name for Orokin Reactors and Catalysts, used to double the mod capacity of warframes and weapons respectively), or forma (an item that resets your weapon or frame's rank but let's you add more mods by choosing a polarity for one of the mods). Other than that, 60 total capacity with a potato, and fully forma'd, an item is at its peak potential.

5 hours ago, SonicYoshiFish2 said:

10. General Pointers?

A lot of people talk about burnout. This game can get very grindy, repetitive, and boring... IF YOU LET IT.

There are plenty of things to do to keep you from burning out, even if you play a hefty amount like I do. Make sure to complete the entire solar system first so you have access to every available mission node. Join a syndicate, and start earning rep with them. Play quests to unlock lore and content. Practice hacking terminals, as well as spy vaults, so you're proficient at those things and not the guy who sits back because "I'm not good at spy." Take time explore each tileset and learn all their hidden mysteries. I've been playing for three years now and am STILL finding new rooms I never knew existed, even in tilesets that have been around since the beginning. And of course, try as many new weapons and frames as you can to find the ones that you enjoy the most. There are literally hundreds of weapons in Warframe, each one with their own quirks and specialties, and a lot of the fun of the game is experimenting with them, trying new builds, upgrading, and being creative.


Hope that's a complete enough answer for you. If you have any other questions, don't hesitate to PM me.

Edited by SasoDuck
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1: Nyx, Rhino, Valkyr, pretty much any of the frames you can farm the parts for on the first several planets (except Phobos is pretty high level so don't go there too soon)

2: Ash is just one of those things you want but is a pain to get. Just kill Manics when they show up and you'll eventually get it. 

3: For frames it really depends on how they work. The best way to start out is with vitality, redirection, flow, and streamline. Weapons are almost always all about damage so try to have mods like serration and hornet strike. Having the mods that increase specific damage types (slash, puncture, impact) are must haves along with muktishot mods. 

4: For credit farming you should work your way to Pluto and a node called Sechura. For xp go to Draco on Ceres. For resources just go to the planets that have the resource you want and run missions.

5: Assassination missions. Bosses drop nav segments that unlock the next planet in the line.

6: Lots of things add to mastery but the vast majority comes from weapons, companions, and frames. You need to get them to rank 30 before they give you mastery points. You can only ever get them from any piece of equipment once. Building a second skana and maxing it won't work because you already got the points from a skana

7: Alerts pop up from time to time. They usually give something as a reward other than bonus credits. They can be cosmetic alt helmets from frames or resources or special mods or on rare occasions orokin catalysts/reactors (these are what people mean by potatos).

Syndicates have many things you can only get from them. When you join a syndicate you get a sigil which you must put on your frame. It gives you syndicate standing as you do missions. When you collect enough standing you can spend it on their goodies or save up to get to the next rank in the syndicate which unlocks more goodies to trade standing for. 

PvP is PvP. You fight other players with your weapons and frame of choice. PvP has its own mods though so don't expect your super killer weapons to super kill other pkayers. Stats are different too. 

8: Ada_Wong_SG has a very thorough list of recruiting chat slang. 

9: max rank for weapons/frames/companions is 30. You can add another mod capacity point per rank by using a potato (orokin catalyst/reactor) so 30 goes to 60. Auras and stances add more to the total mod capacity

10: Have fun! :D Don't let the jerks of Warframe get to you. Spend your starting plat on awarframe slot and as many weapon slots as you have plat left for. Baro has a kiosk in the relays with a timer to count down when he will show up. Don't ask people when. Just go check the kiosk. There's a lot more but I can't think of any tight now. Its a learning experience. 

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Everyone covered 1-9 pretty well, but I'll give you my take on 10:

Don't "farm" the Void for stuff you want. Sometimes you'll get lucky, sometimes you'll have long dry spells. Grinding combined with bad luck will lead to burnout and disappointment. I use the Void to practice new Warframes, weapons, tactics, etc. If I get something I want, happy day! If not, I'm not disappointed.

Just try to enjoy the game and learn. The loot will come.

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10 hours ago, SonicYoshiFish2 said:

So I am le scrub and have several questions.

1. What is a good second Warframe?

2. I bought Ash, and want to know if the grind for his blueprints is still impossible like it was in August.

3. What are some Good Mods to have all the time?

4. What are some Great places to grind?

5. How to get more planets?

6. How to get Mastery fast?

7. What is the alerts system/Syndicates/the PVP (I think, it's the one to the right of the nav in the ship.)

8. What do the messages in recruiting mean?

9. How to level past 30?

10. General Pointers?

1. Treat Warframe like Pokémon, "gotta catch'em all".

2. Ash parts are extremely common once you're doing endgame content such as the LoR raid.

3. The general stat boost mods are a good choice to focus on; stretch, intensify, streamline, etc.

4. Draco and Hieracon are two of the most popular spots for farming.

5. Try and play and complete every mission node at least once to unlock more nodes, defeat a planet's boss to unlock more planets.

6. Trying new frames, weapons, companions, and archwing gear.  Once a piece of gear reaches 30, whether it's formaed or rebuilt, no more mastery is given by that gear.

7. Finishing a node on the star chart opens that node for a possible alert mission.  Syndicates are merc groups you can join for exclusive mods, weapons, and accessories.

8. LF = person is searching for a squad to join.  Vault Run = Orokin Derelict mission in search of corrupted mods.

9. Level 30 is the cap.  However, you can continue to improve a frame by using forma to increase mod capacity.  Forma are a possible reward from Void and Dereclit missions.

10. Don't spend plat on anything other than slots, cosmetics, and possibly vaulted prime gear.  Everything else can be obtained by simply playing the game.


Edited by (PS4)Magician_NG
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