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What Themes/Inspirations should [DE] go off of for the next 'Frame?


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1 hour ago, IKaeden said:

I really want to see a Knight themed warframe. Like, Dark Souls style aesthetic: shield on the back, 2h on the shoulder, medieval armor. Highest armor in the game, maybe the slowest run speed with a Diablo 3 Crusader mounted jousting style mobility ability. An ability that deploys a shield in front of you and blocks all fire from that direction, etc. That type of thing.

In before rhino gets a Havel skin.(wait isin't one of excaliburs new steam helmets called Arturius;a reference to Artorius?)

Edited by (XB1)Azure Rainbows
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15 hours ago, N7-CommanderShepard said:

they should do a "its a prank bro [gone wrong] [in the hood] [social experiment]" themed frame 

Papa bless.

There was a frame concept someone created of a demon frame that was honestly breathtaking. It was featured on the Devstream in the past.

Edit: Andaius posted it.

Edited by Outfighter
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As mentioned previously, i would love to see DE pull of a gravity based Warframe. I can see this working well for CC as his powers can consist of intensifying or decreasing gravity fields in a certain range. His 4th could be an outwards burst that decreases gravity within x range for x duration that makes enemies float in the air. But this is just what i would have in mind.

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A Chimera Frame, based on the Daoist Four Symbols, named Sì Xiàng.

1, 2, 3, 4 would correspond to different aspects of the abilities being cast, a combination of three would determine the resulting ability that is cast (if you are familiar with Invoker from DotA, it would be similar)

When you use an ability, the symbol for that ability number appears, after three abilities are used, or 3 seconds passes, the ability is cast. 

Base abilities 
1 - Lightning Ball  -  A ball of lighting that shoots forward at medium speed, striking out at nearby enemies, can bounce off walls. 
2 - Needle Storm - A gust of wind that increases your speed and causes needles to fly off your frame, causing puncture damage in an aoe.
3 - Trample - Single target snap melee attack with a 15m range (landslide but distance is effected by power range) 
4 - Tempered Skin - Makes you a tank, draws aggro and returns damage to attackers 

Ability Combo Modifiers:

1 - Scale 青龙 - (Efficiency/Status) 
2 - Feather 朱雀 - (Power Range/Attack Speed)
3 - Claw 白虎 - (Power Str/Crit) 
4 - Shell 玄武 - (Power Duration/Armor+HP) 

Possible Altered Ability Examples: 
1 - 1 - 1 = Lighting Ball (1) that has very low energy cost and (1) very high status chance
1 - 2 - 2 = Lighting Ball (2) that has very large power range and (2) has a faster cast animation
1 - 3 - 3 = Lighting Ball (3) that has very high damage and (3) can crit
1 - 4 - 4 = Lighting ball (4) that last for longer and (4) restores shields equal to the amount of damage dealt, to the team

2 - 1 - 1 = Needle Storm increases movement speed in aoe, has elevated efficiency and has a chance to proc bleed
3 - 4 - 2 = Trample leaps on closest enemy knocking them down, knock down last longer and has faster animation/attack speed. 
4 - 3 - 2 = Creates an armored shell which draws aggro, (3) increased damage absorption and (2) faster cast speed animation. 


More information on the "Four Symbols"


Edited by Pyus
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I would really love to see a beast tamer frame. One with some patches of fur here and there, maybe around his neck or wrists.


First Ability: Lash - Swings a whip in a cone in front of him, dealing a small amount of slash damage to any enemies hit. Any wild or enemy animals that are hit will fight for the player for a short time.

Second Ability: Alpha Howl - Gives a significant buff to the armor and damage of all Kubrows, Sentinels, and Kavats in the squad for a period of time. Perhaps also buffs any animals currently under the control of Lash.

Third Ability: Haven't thought of one...

Fourth Ability: Kubrow Pack - Summons a pack of up to 4 spectral Kubrows made of energy. They behave and attack just like a regular companion kubrow with no special precepts, they will also scale with any damage mods the player has on their kubrow/kavat, if they have one. Has an activation cost of 50 energy and costs 2.5 energy a second to maintain. The kubrows take damage but do not have health, instead they absorb and store the damage they take. Upon deactivation of the ability, each kubrow will seek out a nearby enemy, tackle it, and explode. The explosions have 1000 base damage in the form of blast and gain more from the damage the kubrows stored.

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I probably post too much about this, but I really want to see some branching out into "non-warframe" playable characters, like maybe Tubeman Bailiffs or Grustrag Three Clones that have been taken over by the Transference process. I'd also like to see some Infested frames.

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Is that all the content that DE develops in this game ? Skins / Weapons and frames and thats it ?

TBH there are already enough frames and weapons in the game, they should better rework some abilities and weapons so every frame / weaon is useful / at least OK ... you dont need more.

More content would be good, Iam just playing 1 month so there is still enough for me to do but I can see it already. If thats the only content DE brings out then its pretty much game over for the game.

Other thing which boggles my mind is that invasions / alerts most are low lvl. But new players dont need to farm these, this should be all high lvl content. And if you need to farm t hese you are already so advanced that you just rush through (this game sadly feels often more like a running simulator and not like a MMO shooter and thats bad design)

So there could be already more content in the game because its already there but the lvls of the mobs are too low to be content so its just a grind.

Same with bosses, they are low lvl and if you have the components of the frame you dont need to farm these anymore. Again thats bad design, you develop something with alot of time involved like all these quests / nodes new players have to go through but then you dont need it anymore.

Thats such a waste of ressources. You could do it even like in D3 or kind of ..... you hit a specific lvl in this game and BAM all nodes / quests / invasions / alerts are high lvl, whatever you want to call high lvl in this game. Rewards also would change for the nodes, some would have ressources at the end, some money or whatever ....

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- Blind warframe just like kenshi(or whatever his name is) in Mortal Kombat
- More futuristic warframes
 Basically I want warframe to be more futuristic. Warframe should stop bringing ancient history to this game and maybe focus more on the space and sci-fi elements.

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Maybe a fungus-themed frame? Could use things like health drain, poison, ensnaring, area denial/control fields, even mind control via a parasite (like Ophiocordyceps Unilateralis, for example.) or just plain rotting enemies into dust. The frame could have some crazy aesthetics too.

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Despite the Second Dream thingys I've always considered that warframes so far are pretty organic. So I was thinking something more machinery'ish, more cyborg'ish and more robotic theme.


Edited by carnaga
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