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Lumped Together Mosh-Pit of Ideas I've had for too Long


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                                     Post 567                      

(Conceived circa  December 26th, 2018 at 21:15.)

This one I'm a little unsure of in all honesty. It fits the theme of Venus, without fail, but, I have a few concerns about whether or not these units would be to frustrating for players to go up against, based on how it functions. With any luck, a bit of responsive editing should iron out the kinks, fingers crossed!


Designation: Sentry/Molossus 

Unit Designation: Medium/Proxy.


Health Type:

Shields and Flesh/Shields and Robotics.

Manufacturer: Anyo Corp trains the recruits and "brain trains" the A.I., though various components and accessories need to be outsourced from various companies. These costs are covered under the "assurance of safety" portion of the average Solaris member's tax plan.

Kit and Equipment:

  1 Dividend pistol held in the left hand, "Enforcer" heavy workplace suit, head-mounted matter-transmission pinpoint targeting beacon,  "Beekcloud" brand lens-mounted proxy-link H.U.D., 1 "Elenko" livestock restrainer/ "tail-mounted" matter-transmitter targeting beacon, 2 "Crippler" brand proxy jaws, 1 back-mounted sonicor (low yield), all terrain quadrupedal locomotive design, "Brightpath" brand sensor suite, "Brightpath" brand chemical particulate-analysis nozzle.


  In unabashedly narcissistic yet grossly typical fashion, the Jailor's garb reflects the features and coloring of Nef Anyo's while retaining the combat functionality of a crewman suit. Fairly typical in appearance, things suddenly take a disturbing turn once one observes the armored helmet, as it is a fully shaped rendition of Nef Anyo's head that is worn directly over one's own in a tight fit. A set of cyan blue lenses adorn the forehead on a flippable hinge, a wireless remote-viewing system for monitoring proxies in the field through their own sensors. A half-moon arc of sorts rises over the head from one ear to the other in a metal facsimile of a halo, crowned with the slowly rotateing red transmitter of a beacon pole. Unlike their master's stock exchange and successful transaction data set, their electrono-cloth beards house a rotating list of convicted felons, their crimes, and goodwill tips on how to be a good citizen, updated in real time.

   Each inductee is carefully trained in the art of ambidexterity, allowing them to wield both their Elenko livestock clamp-staff and their Dividend pistol at the same time with equal aptitude, making them much more adaptable then most Corpus troops in combat.


   Lanky and skeletal, the Molusses proxy bears a resemblance to the vicious hyena war machines, but, is significantly  stripped-back of polymer skin down to it's metallic endoskeleton in order to allow it to reach break-neck speeds out on the frozen plains of the Vallis. The vast majority of the proxy is a fractal snow-colored pattern that covers every square inch of it, making them extremely difficult to see in the snow and especially snow storms. A lack of potential "snow gathering" surfaces and aluminum snowshoe feet sustain this speed across harsh Arctic waste, allowing it to perform it's essential duty at upmost efficiency, slowing down or fully stopping runaways by harrying and harassing them every step of the way. A glowing beacon "tail" ensures that the proxy is always tracked via satellite uplink, in addition to allowing for quick and accurate transmatting of reinforcements. On the front, emerging from the center of their triple set of red optics is a small rail-thin proboscid tube that gives it a needle-nosed insectoid appearance. This protrusion is a complex chemical analysis system tied to a carefully curated archive attached to the proxies' blackbox that matches sensed data to previously recorded material, roughly equivalent to a living being's olfactory system. Thanks to years of "field testing" this sensor system is effective for a range of up to 10 miles from the source point and up to six hours old.

 Aside from kicking, leaps, and general interception to keep targets boxed into a certain area for approaching teams to secure, the proxy is equipped with a set of progressively more "final" options if the target is not compliant. The first is a set of serrated switch blades mounted in a tusklike manner on the head that swing out to either side up to their full length. These "Crippler" blades are used by the proxy to sever tendons, impale feet, slash into legs, and generally pinpoint an enemies' means of locomotion in order to slow them down to a crawl for apprehending forces to catch up. If the target is fully non-compliant even then, then the proxy will fully swap over to deadly force and deploy an inline back-mounted sonicor to bring foes down into a crumpled heap, dead or otherwise. They almost never stop moving when in "combat", constantly running in long loops around foes while generally avoiding their quarry's gaze. In groups in whiteout conditions against typical runaways, molussi can be absolutely devastating to morale, an invisible pack of mechanized wraiths circling ever closer as their siren-bays echo off the Vallis' mountainsides, the runaways' final moments of freedom consisting of a red glow, a spatter of crimson on the snow, and the deafening mission complete calls of the molussi circleing above them in a perfect circle as everything goes dark. 




 A bit more vigilant then their more ground-pounding associates, Sentries tend to respond to alerts much more quickly, and are much more quick to sound the alarm. Not only are they able to plant a transmat beacon themselves in order to call in reinforcements, their helms also act as beacons, accelerateing the speed by which the response gauge fills. In combat, rather like the proxies they deploy, sentries spend more time actively attempting to hold enemies in place rather then try to destroy them, using their elenkos to pick foes up and toss them back towards allies or simply to crush them in place as they struggle to free themselves. They are usually found on the boundaries of Corpus facilities as opposed to the wilds, maximizing their chances to call in backup. If/when targets attempt to flee, they transmat in molusses proxies equal in number to the current alarm level and sick them on the runner.


  While not quite as lethal as most of the Corpus' Arsenal of combat machines, the molussis' purpose is not to openly engage enemy forces. Instead, thanks to the transmat targeting device they have as a tail, they are meant to allow Corpus forces to keep up with a target while their combat capabilities slow their quarry down to the best of their ability. Their sense of "smell" and overtuned sensors allow them to pick out enemies at disgustingly long ranges, though they won't reach full alert until they can actually see a target to lock on to. Faster then the naturally fastest Warframes available, molussi will gang up on a target and attempt to dash in opportunistically out of an enemies' viewing range in order to cripple their movement speed. In packs, one of the Molussi will commonly act as bait for the rest of the pack, dodgeing and weaveing out of enemy fire while the others close in from odd angles to bring the target down. Flying or out-of-reach targets are dealt with via a slide-in-slide-out sonicor swivel turret on their backs, the impact from it's ear-busting emissions commonly slowing a target down just enough for the cavalry to arrive or a pack member to properly reach their prey. If they are unable to get to their target, they return to their summoning sentry or the nearest Corpus facility in silence and patrol it's perimeter, a new threat to anyone attempting to approach it.


   "Basic" Description:

   At the beginning of Fortuna's indentured servitude to the Conglomerate, the Corpus were quite sloppy in matters of security and finance. Having never held indirect power over a nation after centuries of massed buyouts and conquests, the Corpus expectations of "buy our products and we will let you go" resulted in gaping holes that allowed criminals and rebels to function with almost impunity. Then came the day that Nef Anyo made the "purchase" of the colony. Having made a lucrative win in the form of a contract for it in the Annex from the lazy and indulgent Bethkenite C.E.O. that ineffectively managed it once upon a time (his name was stripped from the corporate rollcall, as well as his optics and hands.), Anyo dumped a fortune into making Fortuna as lucrative as possible. Suddenly drowning under a tidal wave of Corpus indoctrinary procedures, significantly increased taxes, and invasive "upgradeing" of key staff, Fortuna's native criminal underground was effectively slaughtered in a single night, either quiting cold turkey out of fear or by the sudden anhilation of their entire business (or co-opting by Corpus elements).

   Meanwhile the panicked citizenry embarked on several waves of rebel-assisted massed exoduses, desperately trying to escape Fortuna before the noose tightened on it's freedom once and for all. Angered by this arm and brain-drain, Anyo went about assembling a task force of loyal followers to cut these deserters off at the pass, with much more focus being on prevention of escape and zealous loyalty then proper arrests and due process. Unable to properly keep up with runners as the rebels began adjusting to a by-snowstorm escape timetable, Anyo called in a few favors from Beekloud in return for free reign on their part to regard the escapees as "test dummies" for whatever it would take to stop them. After only a few years, thousands of fatalities, and gigabytes of macabre "prototyping", the resulting "asset retrieval proxy" sounded the death-knell for any further escape from Venus.

   The last few out-of-settlement runaways were sniffed out, rounded up, and brain-shelved one and all, their bodies left to do mindless labor while their brains sat on shelves, screaming throughout their life-sentences, while the rebellion became effectively localized to Fortuna itself, before it's ruthless dismantling by Anyo's zealous sentries. Now, in the modern day, the sentries continue their vigil in stoic silence, as self-assured in their "patron saint's" belief in their abilities as they are in their loyal automated hounds who follow their every step. . . perhaps to much so.


   PHEW! Forgive me for the delay folks! Seems to me that actually playing the game, in addition to the trials and tribulations of reality, has gotten in the way of my production once again! Hehe, hope you like this one folks, I know I did in imagining the sad tales of would-be-refugees who never made it to the spaceports and the horror stories that come about in the "modern day".

Edited by Unus
Completed circa 3/11/2019 at 13:54.
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   Ugh, I HATE feeling like i'm padding my Pit out with postings, but, I simply have to explain something important. Thanks to you folks being such wonderful voters and assistants in guiding my wandering key-fingers, I have actually caught up with everything on my creation list, save for one thing!

This is a new feeling to have at the moment, to actually be almost empty for the first time in years on a reasonable schedule.. I think, after my upcoming pistol is complete, I may actually have to take time to think of both more material, as well as edits to pre-existing material, so, the Pit may enter a period of dormancy for a time. 

NOT for to long though, and, NOT without visits whenever my associates brew something new, haven't forgotten about you fellows Mr. Jado, Mr. Wolf, and Mr. Crow!

So, wish me luck folks, development may be slower these days, but, theres ALWAYS an idea that may need a little spit and polish out here somewhere!

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On 2019-03-17 at 3:27 AM, Unus said:

Hey howdy hey folks! Today, I have soem news for you that has me shuddering with glee! For, after finally finding time to get onto the forums, I can finally show you another wonder Mr. HugintheCrow has granted unto me for the sake of both our causes!

May I present. . . The Kwos Master and the Kwos!
Kwos Master and Kwos by HugintheCrowDA

A round of applause for the generous gentlemen!

This is giving me a strong Dune vibe (which means good in my language), good concept and design so far!

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On 2019-03-22 at 4:41 AM, Ammisro said:

This is giving me a strong Dune vibe (which means good in my language), good concept and design so far!

Heh, thanks, Mr. Crow assembled my Word Salad into something far more appetizing.

You know. . .I never put any thought into influences for the Kwos Master and the Kwos other then what I saw in game. Guess I accidentally drunkenly stumbled into the world of the Great Spice Worm in my mental travels.

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I have to apologize for the significant delay in updates i'm having lately, but, the Rhybos gun has been stuck in development due to the recent revelation of Borderlands 3 throwing me into a bit of a gaming frenzy and giddy news-following.

On the bright-side, Borderland's resurrection has also birthed a rather large update that should be coming quite soon in my Pit, that of the "Cultural Exchange".

I won't bore you will all the lengthy details just yet, but, basically, i'm gonna be working on a bit of intertwining between the Plains and the Vallis, mostly by cross-cultural weapons components, but, also with a little bit of resource crossover as well. What started with the developer's own "Cross-contamination" in the form of Plains Conservation, I will push to slightly greater heights!

See you hopefully soon! At the latest, i'm thinking it could be around April 4th that I return and goose-step my way through my designs.

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                                    Post 574

(Conceived circa 3/5/2019 at 02:50.).

  Heh, always happy to find that, for no reason at all, material seems to materialize out of the blue whenever I seem to be reaching a creative dead-end. No real desperate scrabbling, no countless hours spent researching, just a few quiet moments in bed where the next project and it's accompanying story somehow coalesce togethor on their own.


Designation: Rhybos

Weapon Designation: Secondary, Pistol Type.


Manufacturer: Tengus X Weapons. Delicate to make, only Tenno dojos have the means of from-scratch replication.

Statistical Breakdown:

Trigger Type= Semi-Automatic

Damage= 20 Corrosive.

Critical Chance= 5%.

Critical Damage= 1.5X.

Status Chance= 51%

Projectile= Projectile (Chemical Gob)

Cyclic Rate of Fire= 4.00

Magazine Size= 6 inset feed-stock cans.

Reload Speed= 1.00 dry load, 0.15 per spent can. Increased magazine size simply provides extra shots for cans, going in order (Pry off all "tendril fingers" on either side, spent canisters eject up and forwards, stick can in empty holder and twist until tight, fleshy internals fully suck can in and tendril finger pushes down on top of can, assume firing stance.).


Mastery Rank Requisite= 10.

Special Trait(s):

Universal Catalyst=

When a status p.r.o.c. is inflicted on the target, increase status chance for other elemental weapons by 20%. In addition, inflicted status effects on the target result in radial bursts of corresponding elemental damage. After 6 triggered effects, the substance is used up completely( follow-up shots on the enemy do not "replenish" the coating.).


The corrosive compound the Rhybos produces is much more then a simple acid. Once an elemental shot penetrates the thick outer "skin" that hardens over the spattered-on compound, the chemical structure of the polymorphic substance beneath rapidly changes to fit the "profile" of the impacting element. A fire-imbued round suddenly causes a horrific conflageration beneath the "skin", an electrical round's amperage is multiplied and rapidly conducted about, even a radioactive round's gamma wave output suddenly becomes that much stronger. 


 Ergonomic Handling= 

 20% Swap Speed to and from the Rhybos.

Thanks to the replacement of all of it's metallic components with lighter biological ones, the use of grineer-atypical polymer components in other areas, and a heavy clinical focus on ergonomics and handling, the Rhybos is extremely easy to hold and manipulate.



   While most hybridized weaponry is a ghoulish affair, consisting of shaped raw technocytic tissue or slowly "overtaken" original firearms, the Rhybos is more of a strangely "gentle marriage" of machine and macroorganism. Instead of a coating of cancerous growth, intertangled within the machinery, it is almost difficult to determine where the flesh and polymer meet. The front end is the most noticeably organic, with the barrel resembleing the open space where the nose on a skull would be, snubbed and containing a puckered sphincter just barely on the inside. The material, while still difficult to differentiate from the polymer portions, has a slightly "wetter" sheen to it when viewed in reflective lighting. Further back, emerging from the bottom and curveing up along the left and right of the body, are a set of phalange-esque tendrils, 3 on each side and each one curved over and pushing down on the top of it's own respective metal can that has been sunk into the weapon's upper surface.

   To reload, the wielder forcibly pulls these back onto themselves, causeing a muscle at the bottom of each can's respective hole to strike the can with a loud clank. If the can is full, it is jostled a short bit up before settling back into place thanks to it's connection to the muscle. If it is empty however, the strike causes the can to eject up and forwards in an arc, leaving the polymer hole with it's muscular bottom open to the world before the user puts a new can into place, the can is sucked further in, and the tendrils return to forcibly pressing down on each can. Past this area, the divide between flesh and polymer is passed almost unnoticed, save for the duller sheen of the material under lighting. On the top, a Warsaw Pact-class dove-tail rail occupies the space leading all the way up to the barely visible divide between the organic and synthetic sections, acting in concert with the bent tendrils to act as a rudimentary sighting system. 


   The grip, like the rest of the weapon, is a complimentary melding of organic and polymer components, with the top and bottom being made of polymer and the mid portion a soft skin, much like leather. When the wielder grasps the grip, the flesh conforms to the hand of the wielder, and, over time, gradually "learns" the wielder's hand specifications, ageing with the wielder and changeing along with them. The trigger emerging from the grip is a perfect hybridization of artificial and organic construction, an extrusion of chunks of polymer waste material, packed togethor along fleshy lines and constantly regenerated as the tissue slowly rejects fragments created due to wear-and-tear or created during construction. The final piece that stands out on the weapon is a curved hand-guard piece that half-pipes towards the wielder, the inside of it being filled with a fatty mass of tissue that acts as padding for the hand as much as it acts as a means "feed" the weapon intravenously, as shown by the track-scars the tissue has.


The overall skin pattern is a dark plastique orange that, in various areas, fades to a smokey black and back again in a marbled style, with portions in the organic areas having a wetter shine under direct lighting and the artificial areas shining much duller. The projectile it fires is a fluorescent orange gob of liquid, visually similar to the chemicals seen in reactors during sabotage missions, only a bit more transcluscent due to not being as concentrated. On impacting a target, the gob expands out a bit and does not drip, leaving a sizable splatter-pattern on the target.

"Basic" Description:

  A Tengus testbed-turned-breakthrough made prior to his attention turning towards harnessing the raw military qualities of the Infested, the Rhybos is essentially a containment unit for a lobotomized swarm living in a singular nanocyst. Unable to connect with the Phoroid Gestalt, it is purposefully stuck with a single purpose in mind, to convert raw materials down into a catalytic liquid, composed of elderly swarm members and a variety of eclectic compounds. While the catalytic liquid is certainly corrosive given it's consistency, it's true power lies in it's ability to multiply any received non-mechanical input to unprecedented heights. Thermal energy burns hotter, chemical energy reacts with much more potency, electrical energy outputs even more megawatts, the list goes on and on. In the modern day, lacking the sane mind behind which the breakthrough was made, the technology is only used in bulky atomic reactors found on ships or in facilities, where it is utilized for amplified "neutron breeding" of feed material. What hand-held tools remain, are either remnant's of Tengus' early work, or Tenno counterfeit copies, who see it's capabilities  have slightly more. . . unorthodox, uses.


Ack, blasted Borderlands. The new announcement has both simultaneously resurrected my Pit productivity and hampered it by "making me" delve through the entire series again anew. Sincere apologies folks! That old series is just so rooted into my gaming past.


At least it has been a refreshing inspiration for a very large new piece that's on the way! Hope to show ya soon!

Edited by Unus
Completed circa 4/1/2019 at 11:55
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  • 2 weeks later...

I have to sincerely apologize for the significant delay in releasing my latest project, the "Cultural Exchange".

I thought at first I had been waylaid by the various games I've stumbled across, but, it turns out, each new one I watch and read about has been bringing forth new concepts all their own. That, mixed with the headache of doing math in order to get the final pieces of the current project, has been the reason for the current stumble.

Rest assured, I WILL be back on track in the future!

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                                   Post 576

(Conceived circa 3/28/2019 between 5:40 and 5:44, courtesy of Borderlands 3's grand unveiling.)

It might not be a TRUELY revolutionary idea, but, it certainly got me all excited about the mere thought of it! Let me see if I can get you folks caught up in it as well.


The Cultural Exchange


  Thanks to the Tenno making shockwaves throughout the Sol-Origin System, opportunity has come a knocking once again. With massive holes blown in the Grinic blockades of Cetus and several Corpus-mandated austerity measures overturned due to pressure on the Vallis from Tenno and Vox alike, an unexpected opening has appeared for, for the very first time since the first colonies were formed, for commerce to take place between nations without a massive organization acting as a middleman and/or taking a cut from mercantile profits. Inevitably enticed by the possability of exotic riches being within their grasp and intermingled with the human-typical desire to see what lies elsewhere, a scattered few traders have taken to the heavens to seek new potential markets (and perhaps even allies)

The Sol-Origin system may never be the same again.



Current Exchange Programs:

The Biosphere Preservation Initiative=

  Spurred on by recent successes with sneaking species by the blockades, The Business has opened an accord with the fisher-folk of Cetus to acquire the less desirable portion of their catches as preserveable species (and, in the extremely common cases, as supplementary food for those who have not swapped over to nutritional drips) in the event that the Grinic occupation finally begins to take it's toll on the local biosphere, here to stay rather then passing through to press the attack.

   In return, the Fishers have requested access to the myriad worker drones of the Vallis' cryogenic fluids, that they might be reprogrammed and unleashed upon the Unum's waters to help in ways that human hands simply cannot.

The Quills secretly support the Business' efforts for their own particular reason, that being that each local creature that leaves the world is another set of eyes and ears through which the Unum can observe the System.

Crunchy Translation-

Intersettlement fish compatibility! Turn in fish to The Business to receive Solaris major and Ostron minor standing (each fish is accredited to the fisher's own arranged quota, as you ease the burden of the fisher's task of feeding The Business' voracious need to conserve.), turn in Servofish to Hai-Luk to receive Ostron major and Solaris minor standing. The only caveat is that fish, both servo and Plains, must be caught with the members of the stun spear series in order to be Exchange compatible.


The Suumbaat-Smokefinger Accord=

  Though coming from bewilderingly different backgrounds, with Suumbaat being more blue-collared and Smokefinger being more white, their shared love of the bounty of the earth, desire to educate the next generation, and paralleled old age grumbles have brought the old men togethor as something akin to cousins. Every new gemstone, every lump of ore brought from one world to the next ends up in their excited hands, carefully measured for value and material properties with all the giddiness of mischievous school boys who know what they are doing flies in the face of certain higher authorities.

Crunchy Translation-

   Intersettlement mineral compatibility, in the same way as the above fish, with an added bonus on top, alloying! A new crafting set, where, rather then requireing all new resources in whatever regions there are to come, a person takes prexisting metallic resources and smelts them togethor to create various specific alloys in a 2-1 ratio for various important material properties. Helps cut down on annoying new resource acquisition AND utilizes prexisting game elements.


Rude-Zuud and Hok's Killing Tools (or vice versa, depending on who's talking. Also known as the Anti-Pedlak-Chatter Alliance to it's proprietors.)=

While they hardly share much in the way of traits, Rude Zuud and Hok have discovered common ground through their mutual annoyance at their "partners". The "sob stories" they tell each other of the horrors inflicted upon themselves and their work have earned each the other's understanding and sympathy, paving the way for mutually beneficial idea cross-overs to fill in areas that each faction's arsenals may be lacking in.

Beneath the surface, Rude Zuud is further annoyed with the fact that Chatter has taken an interest in Pedlak for his goofy carefree nature, something Pedlak either doesn't know or knows but apathetically accepts.


Crunchy Translation-

GUNS GUNS GUNS! Nothing like a good sale!

Thanks to cross-referenced expertise and material shareing, both new Solaris Zaw-Tech and Ostron Kitgun-Kits have emerged to bring ruin to each nation's respective opposition and those beyond! Below is a list of currently compiled parts, specifically, three heads and three barrels.


Ostronian Kit-Barrels=


A mag-driver barrel. Harnesses the power of a Solarin battery to fire a slim Ostron-forged bolt, similar in appearence to a fishing spear. After firing, The next bolt slides into place from an internal magazine, which should be sufficient for at least one active engagement before it needs refilling, neccesitateing both Rude Zuud's disassembly prowess and Hok's weapon forgeing in order to stay in action (and thus ensureing an endless supply of repeat customers for both businesses.) ((Additional fees are waived for Tenno, as "end of all things prevention" is covered as a necessary expense in the joint charter.)).

Damage- Puncture, Slash.

C RoF- 





A cryotic gel matrix suspended in  a boxy square with a series of circular holes running through a grid in it's middle. The body is filled with excess metal shavings from Hok's forge, suspended in magnetic columns in such a way that each set lines with one of the grid's holes. On firing, a column of magnetic force is projected out each of the holes, forcing a fragment through the gel at a target with lethal velocity. As the fragment impacts the gel with extreme heat and speed, the cryotic hardens around it into a rock-solid chunk, which shatters on contact with a target into a hailstorm of freezing shards in addition to the still-traveling metal shards. Thanks to the need to refill with expireing cryotic and metal shavings from Rude Zuud's and Hok's respective stores, ownership is revolving door business for both (Tenno-clause adherence aside) (( Ocassionally, Pedlak spends time writing angsty nihilistic poetry onto the larger shards. Hok takes great pleasure hurling them into the shipping crates, claiming they imbue the weapons with malevolent force.))

Damage- Puncture, Slash, Cold.

C RoF- 




(Gap due to strange lack of possible "combo candidates" coming to mind for weeks, gumming up the works.)

Solarin Zaw Heads-

Davka= A heavy adjustable wrench-head. Great for "percussive maintenance".

Type- Machete (Zenurik), Polearm (Zenurik).

Damage- 80 Impact, 

Speed- 0.000

CC- 18%.

CM- 2.0X

Status- 18%.

Notes- Essentially the large model found in the hands of Solarin engineers throughout their city.


Udar= A heated piston hammer-head, run off a long lasting nuclear battery.

Type- Machete (Zenurik) Hammer (Vazarin ).

Damage- 23 Impact, 23 Puncture, 40 Heat.

Speed- -0.033.

CC- 18%.

CM- 2.0X

Status- 20%.

Notes- The head is non-static. On hitting a foe, a jackhammer piston projects from the front and glows orange-hot throughout the projecting process.


Diyez= A heated motorized drill, run off a long lasting nuclear battery.

Type- Rapier (Naramon), Polearm ( Madurai).

Damage- Impact, Puncture, Heat.

Speed- +0.067.

CC- 22%.

CM- 2.2X.

Status- 22%.

Note- The head is non-static. Every strike causes the bit to spin and rapidly heat up.


Annnnddddd ALMOST finished! It's been a frustrating experience I gotta say, hammering at this and hitting so many walls, I simply HAD to "prematurely" post it in order to get to the even more juicy material to come. Rest Assured, I WILL get back to it in the future!

Edited by Unus
Paused on 4/11/2019 at 21:00.
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                                  Post 582

(Conceived circa 4/7/2019 at 4:01.)

This one came to me after, once again, another question came to my mind, that of "So, the Tenno killed (almost) all of the Orokin, but, where are the bodies? Where are the gilded graveyards, frozen in time, or the splenderous husks, left where they had fallen for the ages warp and mar as they saw fit?"

As always, all my answers seem to immediately leap into the macabre and grotesque. Sorry if that's unoriginal folks.


"One has to pay dearly for immortality; one has to die several times while one is still alive."

                    -Friedrich Nietzsche

"Because I could not stop for death, he kindly stopped for me; The carriage held but ourselves and immortality."          

      -Emily D.i.c,kinson


Designation: Lemure.

Unit Designation: Corrupted "Heavy"


Manufactured: The Towers. Thanks to the Tenno's dark work, the Sentry has a nigh-endless supply of remains to work with. Orokin bodily robustness even post-mortem only further makes the supply nigh-infinite.

Health Type:

Fossilized/Protoshield. (Special rules apply.)


Peak physical condition, unnatural robustness due to embalming with "Grey Stock", unarmed combat prowess. head-enclosing sentry transmitter or skull-cap transmitter and ornate death-masque.


   Standing slightly taller then a Limbo suit, the Lemure is an imposing and regal presence on the battlefield. Billowing baggy extravagant robes with a hood hide much of the body's full frame, it's arms hidden within either sleeve in a monkish style. Only their ashen black feet are visible, with a sort of cloth wrapping in the manner of a sandal covering most of it. Their faces are either covered by a head-encloseing sentry transmitter, or an ivory and gold accented death masque with a pharaoh-esque sentry transmitter crown, it's open eye areas revealing nothing beyond black nothingness. When alerted, the Lemure withdraws it's hands from it's sleeves and assumes a martial arts combat stance, revealing it's sharp fingernails and jet-black hands and arms.

   In combat, they move in an extremely fluid manner, almost unnaturally so, as they go through a variety of punching and kicking combos with grace and skill. This sharply contrasts with their walking cycle, which starts slow, calm and collected, but slowly degrades into a twitchy, almost drunken stumble unless it switches direction. They have the voice of the Void singers of the soundtrack, but, they speak very rarely and only in short and curt Orokin words, such as "Attack." "Pursue.", "Lost", and "Alert", describing their current actions. Attacking a Lemure does not result in bloodshed, but, rather, for their form to "ripple" as if though they are a reflection in water, disrupted by a dropped pebble or a stick waved around in it's surface. Additionally, hunks of grey material will splatter out of the being and harden onto the ground, like viscous magma cooling or resin being dried. "Headshot" kills will potentially knock the mask off masked versions, revealing empty sockets, a skeletal nose, and a mouth containing very few remaining teeth with each orifice leaking grey stock in thin ribbons.


  Rare to encounter at all, Lemures are usually found in treasure rooms and acting as defenders of mobile defense consoles at higher difficulties, sitting in the lotus position in some out-of-the-way corner or blindly wander-patrolling around the room. Once roused, they are relentless followers, easily able to keep up with Warframes despite their rich adornment. For the most part they exist to disrupt the enemy's ability to act through their flurries of blows and to absorb horrendous amounts of enemy fire. In truth, the way to kill them is not by depleteing their health bar, but for what comes afterwards, where they lay on the ground and gradually begin to heal. This point is where a shrewd combatant can land a flurry of blows that spills a significant amount of Grey Stock from the Lemure's body, rendering it weaker and weaker. So long as the attacker can keep the Lemure from recovering the spilled Grey Stock (which quickly absorbs into them on contact), it will harden into a thick lump on the ground, defending itself from exposure to the outside via forming a hardy skin. On full depletion, they fall like a bag of stones, heavy and limp, their bodies quickly assuming a shriveled and mummified appearance. At that point, they actually become dismemberable, though the separated chunks will still scab over, leaving the parts with the disturbing appearence of the scattered pieces of a mannequin.

"Basic" Description:

   The Sentry had failed at it's appointed task with the death of a not insignificant portion of it's old masters, but, it's stubborn programming refused to accept the reality. Knife-wounded corpses were placed in beds as though they would wake up on the morrow, hewn-headed carcasses were returned to their homes and macabrly dumped inside, a grotesque form of ritualization took place where the Sentry went about it's assigned duties, defending the dead Orokin from scavengers, thieves, and animals as though they were at the peak of health. Over the centuries, however, the corpses were slowly retrieved by peripheral systems, wrapped for appropriate burial, and piled high by the thousands in automated mortuaries across the Sol-Origin system like so much offal, forgotten by the malfunctioning Sentry as it ruthlessly defended the homes and businesses of it's dead masters with all the ferocity of an obstinate guard dog, awaiting the return home of it's owners. As the war against the outside world grew fierce enough that the Sentry began to utilize the bodies of the slain as vessels of it's will to make up for robotic losses, the machine's many complex analysis systems continually searched for fresh sources of "material" with which to keep it's armies full. Through a typical search, the mortuary storage areas were rediscovered and the forgotten bodies within put to use without any fanfare at all. Lacking Oro, but, still containing the complex nanoparticulate matrix that makes up a part of the Kuva mixture, it did not take much at all to get the corpses up and moving again, needing only a source of cognitive functions and a simple biological jumpstart before they became indefatigable avatars of the Sentry. It's Masters had been brought back, and the Sentry would never notice.


THERE we are folks! Another bit of a twist on the bullet spongy formula, playing keep-away with the Lemures till the spilled Stock hardens and wearing them down over time. Sometime, it's fun to turn your brain on instead of off while playing, at least in my opinion!

Finally time to move onto the next chunka content folks! Hope you'll accompany me on the continuing journey folks!

Edited by Unus
Completed circa 4/19/2019 at 15:56.
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1 hour ago, HugintheCrow said:

Alright, this one's probably one of the best ones you've made. I felt kinda sad at the end. Dude, why is your writing so good?

Really? Wowza! I had absolutely no idea! 

I actually have absolutely no idea! The closest thing I can think of as an answer is "weeks of thinking, to much inputted effort, and an annoying thirst to make things.

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On 2019-04-19 at 3:56 PM, Unus said:

Peak physical condition, unnatural robustness due to embalming with "Grey Stock", unarmed combat prowess. head-enclosing sentry transmitter or skull-cap transmitter and ornate death-masque.


Something about this thing kind of reminds me of a lot of the Imperium of Man's aesthetic. All this gold, all this finery... but it's around something hideously dying.


On 2019-04-19 at 3:56 PM, Unus said:

. "Headshot" kills will potentially knock the mask off masked versions, revealing empty sockets, a skeletal nose, and a mouth containing very few remaining teeth with each orifice leaking grey stock in thin ribbons.

That's unsettling. I love it.


On 2019-04-19 at 3:56 PM, Unus said:

The Sentry had failed at it's appointed task with the death of a not insignificant portion of it's old masters, but, it's stubborn programming refused to accept the reality. Knife-wounded corpses were placed in beds as though they would wake up on the morrow, hewn-headed carcasses were returned to their homes and macabrly dumped inside, a grotesque form of ritualization took place where the Sentry went about it's assigned duties, defending the dead Orokin from scavengers, thieves, and animals as though they were at the peak of health.

This is ghoulish and I also love it. It's like a (more) nightmarish Wall-E. It was said that "the last robot fulfilling a task mindlessly, without anyone ordering it to do so" was a sort of ultimate futility, and you captured it here.


On 2019-04-19 at 3:56 PM, Unus said:

THERE we are folks! Another bit of a twist on the bullet spongy formula, playing keep-away with the Lemures till the spilled Stock hardens and wearing them down over time. Sometime, it's fun to turn your brain on instead of off while playing, at least in my opinion!



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I have to SIGNIFICANTLY apologize for the long delay folks!

The first week was just being busy with family, but the second part was due to technical complications that destroyed significant chunks of my current project. I think this is the most significant delay i've had in my entire time spent posting on the forums.


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7 hours ago, Unus said:

The first week was just being busy with family, but the second part was due to technical complications that destroyed significant chunks of my current project. I think this is the most significant delay i've had in my entire time spent posting on the forums.


That's never fun to deal with. My sympathies, dood.

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                             Post 588

(Conceived circa 4/10/2019 at 20:31.)

Not to often that I come up with a piece that has a direct inspiration from a prexisting design from elsewhere in the digital multiverse, but, after a ell of alotta twisting and tweaking and interuniversal adaptation, I think this un will be able to stand on their own two legs quite well.

Mr. Wolf? If your out there, enjoy!


Designation: Ala.

Weapon Designation: Secondary, pistol type.


Manufacturer: Tenno laboratories (The current pinnacle of the three Tenno technological disciplines, united by the fourth. Expensive to construct, but, such is the price for power.)

Statistical Breakdown:

Trigger Type= Semi-Auto.

Damage= 76 Corrosive (Bottom Barrel), 58 Fire (Top Barrel).

Critical Chance= 21%.

Critical Damage= 1.9X.

Status Chance= 14%.

Projectile= Projectile (Subsonic bullet).

Cyclic Rate of Fire= 5.41.

Magazine= 6 round cylinder.

Reload Time= .3 seconds per cartridge, 1.8 in total (Pull on front of weapon, pull barrel up to expose cylinder, feed round into cylinder, repeat till cylinder is full, relatch barrels, push barrel back into cylinder, pull back hammer, assume firing stance.)

Mastery Rank Requisite= 10.

Polarity= Madurai, Naramon.

Resource Requisite= Chemical Imprinting (10 Detonite Injectors, 10 Control Modules, 1000 Salvage.), Energy Containment (10 Fieldrons, 10 Control Modules, and 1000 Salvage.), and Biological Structural Reintegration (10 Mutagan Samples, 10 Control Modules, 1000 Salvage) blueprint components to be assembled in the Tenno Lab in the with the Ala Blueprint (30,000 Credits, 10 Detonite Injector, 10 Fieldrons, 10 Mutagen Mass.)

Special Trait(s):

Tandem Barrel=

Fires one projectile from both barrels that differ only in damage output. Elemental effects are section dependent, with the top row for the top barrel and the bottom row for the bottom barrel.

Each of the respective barrels is specifically optimized to handle a certain payload, entirely isolated from it's twin. While this compartmentalization does limit it's modification potential, it's natural damage types compensate for this.


Outwardly, the Ala is very much a Tenno creation, it's coloring mostly consisting of a bluish shade of silver on the metallic portions and a burnt blackish brown on the three-depressioned grip. The cylinder is a set of six hexagons connecting to each other around a center cylinder, all done up in the Corpus styleing and with lotus-flower color lights (lotus flower purple, energy colored) on the "final chambers" of the cylinder (if the gun is loaded properly). These lights shut off the moment the last bullets exit their chambers, indicating the imminent need for a reload. The hammer in the back is an elegantly bent tennobet sword, and is built to spark off both chambers with one blow. The top barrel is very grinic in styleing, all stamped metal and phallic shapeing, yet retains the textureing and sheen typical of the Tenno's metalwork.

   The lower barrel, meanwhile, has a technocytic appearence, as though a small femur has been overtaken by the plague's metallic encrustations and hollowed out down the middle. It to also retains the Tenno-worked metal patterning of it's twin. Both barrels have a layer of the rubberized polymer separating them both, with an extra "peg" of material extending back into the gun to act as a secureing point for  when the it is fully loaded and ready to fire. To reload, the barrels are pulled forward to pull the safety peg free before the entire front is pulled upwards on a hinge to rest on top of the rest of the gun. The now-exposed cylinder is then loaded through the front, bullet by bullet, before the barrel pair is pulled back down and pushed back into place. The top of the gun is slightly indented, just enough to simultaneously work as a rudimentary iron sight while also snugly holding the bulbousness of the grinic barrel temporarily.

"Basic" Description:

For years, the Tenno have tirelessly reverse-engineered and outputted a wide variety of weapons from their dojo-based schools of scientific knowledge. Chemical labs have explored the many fold uses of detonite, Energy labs have exploited the power of Fieldron units for ever more exotic tools of destruction, and Biology labs have teased forth strain after strain of technocytic weapon morph from protean Mutagen Mass, all while delving into the secrets of their own creation through the specialized Tenno labs. Yet, despite these successes, never once have the schools ever cooperated with each other using the insights they've gained, so insular and cliquish they'd become. And then came the news of the loss of the Lotus. Suddenly, the bickering child savants were humbled with one swift blow, and the endless tumult and one-up-man-ship was replaced by a dispassionate brooding silence.

   The silence was only broken when, after months of stagnation and snail's crawl progress, the Tenno Council proposed that (or, rather, forced through furious saber rattleing and questions of honor) the schools work on a weapon to embody this grief that had taken hold of their hearts. Though a longshot, the Schools' hunger for new creations beat out on the pain of losing the Lotus, and, through somewhat awkward communication between the schools and much friction between egos, the Ala was born. 

The gun, as it exists now (though none of the schools will EVER admit it), has proven to be a much needed olive branch between them which has also helped draw them back into the proper Tenno fold. The need for more morphics for the ammunition (careful command sensors in the barrel help shape it into the appropriate elemental blast for each) ensure that common Tenno are constantly cycling in and out of the dojo labs, throughly disrupting the former solipsistic silence. While none of the schools appear to be actively pursuing any projects utilizing any of the information gained in jointly creating the Ala, the data's very presence only further helps to incessantly remind the schools of their extra-disciplinary compatriots. Though they may mutter and complain much more then they once did to their Tenno commanders and cohorts alike, the Ala gun project appears to have given rise to a new age of academic dialogue. . . or, at least, prevented a fall into a dark age of stubbornness and subsistence.


PHEW! At loooonnnnggg last! It pains me so much that I couldn't push this beauty out as soon as I could. With all the time I lost, I feared I might be locked down and throne into the abyss of abandoned thread-strands.

With any luck, this release will signal my return to a time of good consistancy! Or, at the very least, finishing projects in under a month.

Edited by Unus
Completed 5/1/2019 at 00:32.
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3 minutes ago, Unus said:

   The silence was only broken when, after months of stagnation and snail's crawl progress, the Tenno Council proposed that (or, rather, forced through furious saber rattleing and questions of honor) the schools work on a weapon to embody this grief that had taken hold of their hearts. Though a longshot, the Schools' hunger for new creations beat out on the pain of losing the Lotus, and, through somewhat awkward communication between the schools and much friction between egos, the Ala was born. 


It's super fun to see how the Lotus' departure affected the Tenno themselves.... and, indeed, actually see the Tenno themselves as a group. One thing I've always liked more about Destiny's treatment of its respective immortal superhumans is that Bungie applied their expertise at writing military and community to the Guardians themselves, writing up factions, characters that lead them, and giving us cool figures to look up to, like Shaxx or Saladin, or Zavala. And the lack of that in Warfrme has always lead to a weird feeling of blankness for me. (Cont'd later)

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8 hours ago, Unus said:

Designation: Ala.


8 hours ago, Unus said:

Elemental effects are section dependent, with the top row for the top barrel and the bottom row for the bottom barrel.

Now that's pretty cool.

8 hours ago, Unus said:

Both bullets are fired

(the end of appearance description)

Seems like something got lost?


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3 hours ago, HugintheCrow said:


Now that's pretty cool.

Seems like something got lost?


Turns out, it was a leftover from when I was going to enter it in the wrong spot and I missed out on eliminating it. Whoops.

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