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Lumped Together Mosh-Pit of Ideas I've had for too Long


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Blast and stagnation! Pardon the delay folks, reality comes at you in waves when you least expect it!


The piece continues to come along properly, molasses like speed notwithstanding. I hope to have it out for you during the upcoming week!

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  • 2 weeks later...

   Ugh. . .


  I wish I had some control over my mental output, where imagination resources are allocated for maximal balanced production.


  I have soooo many more Warframe project pieces almost done, so many improvements I can make, yet, for some Goddem reason, all production inputs have been targeting my much younger "Warhammer Homebrewery" zones!


  Try as I might to balance out the course, creation keeps skewing in that direction when it comes to new bits.


  As infuriating as it may be and has been (to say NOTHING of my poor neglected associates desireing direct input!) I think might need to engage in another art piece search while the ship remains rocked like this sailing on strange tides.


  Significant apologies folks, I understand if this might be making the Pit stagnate and boring by modern standards!

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  • 2 weeks later...

  Haha! Breakthrough useful revelation folks! My Warhammer period is on a not-insignificant hiatus!

I think it was just so liberating to focus my brainpower in a different direction and another setting so that I could flex creative muscles that hadn't already been flexed ad-nauseum. It still frustrated me that I had so much of a backlog building in the Warframe pipeline and it felt like I was neglecting my original work, but, I think it was actually a healthier idea then anticipated.

On the OTHER other hand, in my fervor elsewhere, I completely neglected my other brethren in the creative content network who, unlike me, are capable of drawing a significant audience due to their capabilities in artistry. In the older days, I used to be able to flit from thread-strand to thread-strand, chattering on and on about their work regularly, pointing out interests, flaws, etc.

That is the part that hurts the most I feel, for, while the new setting provided so much in the way of brain stretching. . .I never. . really. . found the camaraderie I used to have with my fellow creators artist and writer alike.

I need to skitter back in here again, be apart of everyone's work properly, been stuck inside my own head for to long and been away on my little "vacation " as well.

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Alright, enough of my bullshet, sickness, and being busy, first piece will be coming along in the next 3 days. Got several pieces in the old pipeline, but, two of them have the most progression.


Be seeing you folks real soon (And you to commentarywise Mr. Wolf, Crow, and Jado!)

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                                                                                                              Post 721
(Conceived circa 8/31/2019 at 21:01.)
And now, after untold millennia, a new piece.


Designation: Phobeter

Weapon Designation: Rifle.

Manufacturer: Tenno Labs across the Sol-Origin System, in conjunction with the Helminth Mind. 


Statistical Breakdown:

Trigger Type= Burst (3).  

Damage=  20 Magnetic, 20 Electric, 20 Heat.

Critical Chance= 10%.

Critical Damage= 2.0X.

Status Chance= 35%.

Projectile= Projectile (Focused Electromagnetic Wave Emission.).

Cyclic Rate-of-Fire= 8.95.

Magazine Size= 48 Charge Focus Chip.

Reload-Speed= 2.0 (Focus chip is peristalticly removed from cerebrum slot out of upper flesh seam and stops halfway. User removes the focus chip and swaps it out for a fresh one, planting it into the upper seam. Upper flesh seam peristalticly pulls the focus chip inside and positions it towards the cerebral slot. Wielder pushes fingers into flesh seam and clicks the focus chip into the cerebral slot, which begins focusing energy into it from the surrounding cabling and nerve fiber.)

Mastery Rank Requisite= 7.

Riven Disposition= ?????

Polarity= Madurai and Naramon.

Special Traits: 
Amygdalan Riposte
Shots in a burst decrease accuracy by -5% per shot on targets, capping out at 15%. On reaching -15%, friendly fire is switched on for enemy units, meaning they can shoot, strike, or explode their allies whether aimed at or not.

 The Phobeter’s multi-spectral emissions are attuned to the mind’s neural pathways. On striking the target, they batter and overload their Amygdala, disrupting years of experience with jolts of primal fear and emotional discord. Even the most veteran of soldiers will lose any semblance of training or experience and fire wildly like a pants-wetting recruit at the mere sight of the enemy. Against electronic targets, the combined multi-spectral assault on it’s own does all of the work, scrambling sensors and wiping systems that will render any machine a malfunctioning mess.

  Though most certainly from infected stock, the Phobeter lacks the sheer outward grotesqueness that is typical of the plague’s handiwork. Instead, the clean lines and smooth contours of the Tenno themselves hold court, particularly focused upon the color and general shaping of the Nyx suit. The “barrel” portion in particular looks very much like the head of a Nyx suit, though it’s prominent crest has been elongated into an aiming rail along the top of the weapon and the start of said rail has been transplanted to where it ends on a normal Nyx. In addition, ringed around the color-lit areas and black material portions are thin”cracks” revealing vibrant blue “skin”.  When the weapon fires, this skin projects outwards in long flowing fishlike “fins” or sea-slug-like membranous wings embedded with mesmerizing circular patterns of cyan “weapon colored” lights. 

   The only area of this blue flesh where this does not apply is a slot-shaped portion of tissue located on the “forehead” of the skull that leads down into the “brain” of the weapon. It is here that the clear crystalline control chip is inserted and ejected, an important regulatory piece of technology that harnesses the raw coruscating energies generated by the weapon’s tissues into the full electromagnetic spectrum and projects the resulting multi-frequency wave out of the weapon through the half-circle emission point at the front in a faux-rainbow pulse. The weapon is almost entirely silent save for a faint clicking sound as the chip slots in and out of the ready position during firing. The body of the weapon itself is short and elegant, with a short arched gripping portion behind the barrel that leads into the body, specifically consisting of a squared midsection with a resemblance to a lump of bone that the rail ends at the “butt” of, two flesh layers of vibrant blue flesh on either side of the midsection, and then three harpoon-tipped “legs” that arc from the area where the tissue meets the swordflesh metallics on either side in a curved arachnoid-esque style that are bound together in between with accordion-esque thin membranes. While folded inward to the body normally, when the weapon fires, these stretch outwards one at a time with each shot from a burst, revealing the same hypnotic patterns as those on the frontal flesh portions. 

   The trigger and grip are one of the only places where the tenno focus on elegance and sleekness is somewhat despoiled, as it is simply a lato’s that has been surgically implanted into a suitably comfortable position for holding and has been colored to fit with the organic portion’s color aesthetic.The only thing that separates it from a typical lato grip is a set of four cyan (weapon colored) “somatic node-points” that correspond to the warframe thats using it’s finger positions. These are the means by which the weapon actually fires at all, as the Warframe surges (but does not discharge) energy in order to command the weapon to fire by focused exposure. To any other would-be shooter, there is no way to actually fire the weapon, the trigger just being a reflexive rest for the suit’s trigger finger. 

“Basic” Description:
  The first successful culmination of Tenno research into the Void conductivity of swordflesh, the Phobeter stands on the prototypical line between an independent warframe’s “natural” ability to bend and twist the Void’s proto-matter-energy into varying forms and the Infested’s ease of mutability and production. Conceived externally by the Helminth’s gestating mechanisms and internally by Tenno suit techno-doctors with the purpose of providing Warframe suits with portable tools by which one could use a differing suit’s abilities from their current one’s or provide ability alternatives that do not require energy from the suit in question to fuel their use, the unfortunate drawback found through the design is that, on its own, the Phobeter cannot direct the power of the Void, it can only contain it in the manner of an organic battery of sorts. To truly manipulate void matter-energy, a conscious mind is required in order to focus it into the desired form and shape, accommodated only through the installation of somatic implants and the presence of a void-touched mind. While this is a significant boon safetywise in that any void-filtering strain-weapons are little more than exotic semi-living decorations in the hands of an enemy, it takes significant time to learn the specific vagaries of synchronizing somatic signals with each individual operator and warframe, with numerous nerve architectures grown from warframe gestation vats outright rejecting use by specific suits, operators, or even combinations of both. This, combined with the fact that only a single warframe strain has proven currently pliable enough to modify to any radical degree, suggests that the Phobeter may be the only “Tennomoprh” swordflesh weapon for quite some time to come.



I have. . .no excuses and no real words to describe the cascading sensations of annoyance, depression, rapture, and satisfaction that come from pressing that submit button on this day of 3/5/2020. The time-span bothers me, but, hopefully, some manner of quality in this will compensate!


Edited by Unus
Completed Circa 3/5/2020 at 23:15.
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19 minutes ago, Unus said:

 The Phobeter’s multi-spectral emissions are attuned to the mind’s neural pathways. On striking the target, they batter and overload their Amygdala, disrupting years of experience with jolts of primal fear and emotional discord. Even the most veteran of soldiers will lose any semblance of training or experience and fire wildly like a pants-wetting recruit at the mere sight of the enemy. Against electronic targets, the combined multi-spectral assault on it’s own does all of the work, scrambling sensors and wiping systems that will render any machine a malfunctioning mess.


...This sounds like a fun gimmick.


20 minutes ago, Unus said:

  Though most certainly from infected stock, the Phobeter lacks the sheer outward grotesqueness that is typical of the plague’s handiwork. Instead, the clean lines and smooth contours of the Tenno themselves hold court, particularly focused upon the color and general shaping of the Nyx suit. The “barrel” portion in particular looks very much like the head of a Nyx suit, though it’s prominent crest has been elongated into an aiming rail along the top of the weapon and the start of said rail has been transplanted to where it ends on a normal Nyx. In addition, ringed around the color-lit areas and black material portions are thin”cracks” revealing vibrant blue “skin”.  When the weapon fires, this skin projects outwards in long flowing fishlike “fins” or sea-slug-like membranous wings embedded with mesmerizing circular patterns of cyan “weapon colored” lights. 


I like this aesthetic! Including the idea of using the Nyx's crest as the carry handle of the weapon. That's a cool idea.


22 minutes ago, Unus said:

   The trigger and grip are one of the only places where the tenno focus on elegance and sleekness is somewhat despoiled, as it is simply a lato’s that has been surgically implanted into a suitably comfortable position for holding

I love seeing other weapons end up cannibalized for new designs! That's a fun idea.


24 minutes ago, Unus said:

To any other would-be shooter, there is no way to actually fire the weapon, the trigger just being a reflexive rest for the suit’s trigger finger. 

That's easily the most unique trigger idea I've seen in a fan concept. I like it!

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6 minutes ago, (XB1)Fluffywolf36 said:

...This sounds like a fun gimmick.


I like this aesthetic! Including the idea of using the Nyx's crest as the carry handle of the weapon. That's a cool idea.


I love seeing other weapons end up cannibalized for new designs! That's a fun idea.


That's easily the most unique trigger idea I've seen in a fan concept. I like it!

  Heh, figured I could weaponize a few of Nyx's abilities into a single cohesive, shooty whole.

PHEW, one of the hardest parts I stumbled across was the Tenno-skull-esque barrel aspect, wondered how ridiculous it might look if I don't paint the picture suitably descriptive enough.

Heh, I've had a few pieces like that, but, its rare that its as "clean" as it was for the Phobeter

Ah, thank you power of backstory! It wasn't there at the start, but, it just crystallized so well as the long nights progressed and conceptualization reached it's conclusion.



11 minutes ago, (XB1)itz SwirlZz said:

Hey! Love your content, DE should accept you content by now! Come on DE !

 Hehe, I can think of at least four things where I've felt some bored intern has paged through my pile and stumbled across something that looked worthwhile to add with an appropriately Digital twist, but, those possibilities aside, I feel like the only way i'd show up on one of their streams again is if I spontaneously spawned the ability to actually render my art into a fan-art picture. A big reason that I've made it this far is because so many of my associates have actually donated to me artwise and polished me up to look all fancy. I owe em an unpayable debt, i do.


13 minutes ago, Neo3602 said:

I was not expecting a Nyx head gun, still pretty interesting. 

  Heh, I honestly thought after all my babbling and alluding to something coming would have sapped interest in whats to come by now. Happy to see, I can still spawn minds-eye candy!

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1 hour ago, Unus said:

PHEW, one of the hardest parts I stumbled across was the Tenno-skull-esque barrel aspect, wondered how ridiculous it might look if I don't paint the picture suitably descriptive enough.

It can work. I've done sillier things. Trust me on that.

1 hour ago, Unus said:

Heh, I've had a few pieces like that, but, its rare that its as "clean" as it was for the Phobeter

Yeah, normally when that comes up on my end, it's sort of hacked together.

1 hour ago, Unus said:

  Heh, figured I could weaponize a few of Nyx's abilities into a single cohesive, shooty whole.

Makes me wonder what else could be made into a gun...

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On 2020-03-06 at 1:28 AM, (XB1)Fluffywolf36 said:

It can work. I've done sillier things. Trust me on that.

Yeah, normally when that comes up on my end, it's sort of hacked together.

Makes me wonder what else could be made into a gun...

  Hm, I don't recall anything particularly mad from your collection, at least, going back among the last 7 or so.


Certainly. The Grineer weaponry in particular seems to take the largest "hit" with this idea on my end, from the "junk and rebar" of Deimos' militia weapons to the Dotter Grineer's Tek-Tribalism.


Been on my mind very recently, involving a particular olde-but-with-a-twiste piece on the way, wrought in Deimos' sewers, for it's sewers it bes.


As a side note, holy shet on the new Warframe influx! Luck be with you boys and girls from me and my "space-soldier" missus, the Feynman suit!

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  I. . . I never thought I'd see the day, but, after hours spent reading about everyone's Warframe designs and trying to figure out how to answer them all back meaningfully (if I even could) I feel something growing mentally.


 I don't like the idea of creating sudden new Warframes, as I feel it is to easy to invalidate other's abilities or ideas, if not downright xeroxing them by design or mistake.


And yet. . . the swamp bubbles, thick and green. Something clambers among the treeroots, multi-limbed and savage, yet patient and cunning.

All around you, the bushes stir with life, yet no animal cries are heard and the plants move in unnatural ways, dripping with corrosive fluids.

 As your blood suddenly spatters the earth beneath, a fact crystallizes in your mind, one of your last as you lay gasping out dead space as the root-tentacles emerge from the soil and begin to dig deep into your warm flesh and a figure slowly approaches from the undergrowth, the silhouette of a woman, yet, with extra portions added on.

"Mother Nature is not kind to those who go it alone. Mother Nature is a cruel mistress, who's teaching methods are brutality and extinction."

Then, blackness.

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  Just a quick but informative report on current Pit work.


Piece 1 = The "Quality Mark" pass through is complete, meaning that the items on the bottom of the front page now fully reflect what was (prior to the Purge by Digital) the most highly thought of pieces in my Pit. 

  If you ever want to read my best according to my viewers, the answers are right there.


Part 2= Current progresswise, due to a recent job application that has been a bit of a nail-biter due to Internet inconsistencies and lost sleep because of them, weapon design and returns to unfinished entries have been slower then usual.


  Part 3=  That said, progress on the swamp frame of Project: Hag has been progressing in leaps and bounds in some areas (mainly design aesthetic, theme, and one and a half of it's abilities) while remaining stubbornly stagnate in others. 

I think I will need to consult with the folks on the Discord with what I have in concrete, see if Project: Hag can get a bit more wind neath it's wings and become viewer-worthy.

As always, I'm extremely EXTREMELY leery about createing new frames for fear of stepping on Digital's toes or accidental bouts of ability xeroxing, so, unlike the time when ol Feynman was created in those "pioneering" days, Project: Hag will require much more effort and pre-posting refinement before she can bring the way of the jungle upon the battlefield.


Report= Concluded. May we all be in for bright creative times and a flurry of actual activity!

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  • 2 weeks later...

  Agh, good news and bad news folks!


The good news is, without meaning to, my new Frame just sort of, well, completed itself. I thought I'd have to work really hard at it, yet, early in the morning, as I tossed and turned, it just. . . happened. The maiden and the crone, Mother Nature and the Law of the Jungle, one body, two very different forms, the ultimate being a swap to the other, each one laying ground that the other will reap.

Only thing missing is physical data input to show you folks, And THAT will be the focus of the next few days.


Now, bad news, my lovely dose of sunless melancholy is being supplemented with now living in a brand new tornado alley, right near my home. Depending on whether my city is ravaged by hot and cold wind having molecular arguments in the next few weeks, production might be slowed.


Rest assured, I am EXORBITANTLY excited to show you the Maiden and the Crone, so, I'll be using as much of my strength as I can to bring you the data, "personality", and abilities of this twofer, just, be prepared for the possibility of longer then normal (can I get even longer?) comma blackouts due to Cyberpunkian levels of State Chaos.


With that, wish me luck folks, as I wish for all of you dodgeing the bat plague!



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8 hours ago, TheMetrocop said:

bro you're still at it? good for you man

  Always mam! The production cycle continues unceasing! Slowed-down, but, unceaseing. Gotta keep that "quality" stamp up on my pile, no copying, no half-arssery!


  I hope life has been treating you well. I still recall our times together in Mr. No's own little slice of our forums.

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7 hours ago, Unus said:

  Always mam! The production cycle continues unceasing! Slowed-down, but, unceaseing. Gotta keep that "quality" stamp up on my pile, no copying, no half-arssery!


  I hope life has been treating you well. I still recall our times together in Mr. No's own little slice of our forums.

hella, i can only like. draw every few months you feel me? 😞🤙 i'm glad you're still at it! your ideas have always been great man

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On 2020-03-21 at 8:33 PM, .corvon. said:

hella, i can only like. draw every few months you feel me? 😞🤙 i'm glad you're still at it! your ideas have always been great man

  Ah, the inspiration only strikes rarely, like a full moon or a sunny day in Scotland, eh? Inevitable when it comes to creative working from what I've been experienceing, hopeing it's been meaning that you put all of your best power into each little outburst then!


Well, shet mam, thanks! You would think the well-wishes would fade with the passing of the ages, yet, it still warms the cockles of my stone-cold and shriveled heart to hear that I inspire feelings in folks, hopefully good ones!

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  Alright folks, just want to let you know that the piece should be done today, and, if it is not, you are well within your rights to tear me a new one accordingly!


The design is there, all that's left is for me to apply the poses section and the last two "summoner" abilities and the suit should be all set, though, I'm having some second thoughts on the suit's designation of "Kali".


The suit has significant tribalistic themes behind it, meaning that, while the name is appropriate for it's functionality, cultural-inspiration-wise I'm starting to have a few doubts. I'm wondering if I need to scrabble a bit to see if I can find a better designation from the American or African "mask cultures".


Should I just follow through with the original name, or, should I take a bit more time after completeion for name shopping? Blast, Feynman was the total reverse of this situation, save for it's ultimate.

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                                                                                                                                                 Post 737 
(Dual Nature “Nature” Warframe (Kali? Dheghom) conceived circa  3/7/2020 between 03:00 and 03:53 and fully gestated circa 3/19/2020 at 03:45. Completed circa 4/6/2020 at 01:51)     

And thus, from blood, sweat, distraction, fury, fear, and sheer determination to see a task through, a suit is born, be it  a feast for the eyes or an emetic for the soul. May I present, Dheghom, Mother Nature, the Maiden and the Crone.

Frame Designation: Dheghom 

Tissue Gender: Female

Tissue Integrity Rating:125 - 300 Health

Void Shielding Battery Strength :125 - 375 Shield

Onboard Fission/Fusion Battery Strength:150 - 235 Energy

Armor Plating Rating: 230

Void Shielding Jump-start Rate: ??

Maximum Run-speed: 1.0

This is Dheghom, life-giver and life-taker
Mother Nature has two faces Tenno, and nature needs both in order to thrive.


Aesthetic Design: 
Maidenform= Youthful and maidenlike in it’s bodily layout, yet, with a maternal and motherly air to it’s “personality”, the Maiden form of the Dheghom suit looks much less like the sharp metallics of it’s relatives and far more as a fantastical amalgamation, as if though wood and stone were merged into one substance and sculpted/carved into a flexible statute, pitted with various stonelike cracks and woodlike creases that hide the fantastical warmachine that lies beneath. 

   In certain areas, particularly the lower arms and the upper thighs, a thin layer of “forest floor” grows in symbiotic carpets composed of grasses, fungi, lichens, and mosses, gathered around larger than typical cracks which are bordered by a strip of leaf green (energy colored) lights that cycle in a clockwise pattern on the suit’s right side and a counterclockwise pattern on it’s left.

 The carpeting of life around them wilt and shrivel a bit when the light is not present near it, yet shoots up into vibrancy when it is, meaning the carpeting of “life” is constantly shifting and moving even when there is no wind or other phenomena around to move it. 

  The head of the frame is disturbingly rounded, as if one had taken a human skull and shaved off all of the features that stood out, leaving it a stone-woody outline, save for the frontal section. Here, a section of the face extends forward a bit, as if though, under the skin, the body was wearing a mask, only, in this case, it is wholly a part of the suit’s bodily structure.

 On the smooth “face” of this mask, two long vertical cracks lined with leaf-green light come down to the “mask’s” halfway point, lined in the same way as the patches of life on the arms and thighs, only, here, it is much more ordered, with more fungus concentrated toward the middle, like a nose, more grasses outlining the cracks, as if in the manner of disturbing eyebrows, and patches of lichen in between as if to imply a covering of actual flesh. 

   The final uncanny-valley addition is a faint crack that goes across the “mask” vertically, with individual leaf green (energy colored) lights emitting from within it.

Crone Form= Age. Age is the defining trait of the Crone form, it's feminine portions matching those of a person who should be 80 to 90 years of age, yet, with a “tribal” fitness in its portrayal that defies typical “urban” accounts of age. 

The rock-wood has been visibly corroded by time and warfare. Bullet-holes, claw-marks, bite marks, and weathering mar the frame’s skin throughout, while the once vibrant “skin gardens” have been overcome with rot and wasting taint.Not even the fungi, masters of rot, have been spared, shriveled and wilted down as if by a long-lasting cold-snap. 

The once expertly human-styled hands and feet of the frame have been rendered skeletal, showing the individual bones connected with technocytic tissue with a dry, almost jerky-like texture. 

The most pronounced change of all occurs on the head of the suit, where the crone’s nature shines through with a baleful light. The entire front of the head has been ripped forwards, or, rather punctured and torn from within by the crone’s head. From out of that nauseating dripping crevasse where caustic fluids and rot flow like discharge from a wound, the crone’s face emerges, looking for all the world like the upper half of some manner of ungulate’s skull, complete with empty eye-sockets ringed with sickly leaf green (energy colored) lighting that weep rot and noxious fluid in small rivulets down the sides and drip off onto the ground. 

The constant sound of wheezing can be heard faintly as the suit moves, as athletic as any other suit, yet, with an air of age and exhaustion to each action cosmetically. When equipped with a polearm or staff weapon, the crone form of the suit will hold it with one hand, lower portion planted on or in the ground, giving off a shamanic appearance.

Color Patterning=
In Maiden form, the warframe’s “skin” is a seaweed green, marbled (in the manner of the stone) with splotches of walnut wood-brown. The ecosystem portions, meanwhile, are forest green in coloration, uniform even down to the mushrooms and lichens which are technically separate species. The cracks are colored  an earthy, woody brown (as is the exposed technocyte tissue from when the suit pulls off the ecosystem from its body) coloration, while the energy lights are leaf green.

In Crone form, the skin becomes darker and faded, the ecosystem portions become a dead and wilted brown, and the color lights become yellowed and sickly looking in coloration. The “rot eaten streaks” beneath the eye sockets are colored the same as the cracks, though they have been darkened and chemically color-leeched. 

Abilities (Warning! Subject to change as concept creation continues):
First Ability:
Maiden Form = Nurture = The Dheghom maiden raises its arm before it in a gesture similar to a bow before the micro-ecosystem upon its arm releases a discharge of “spores”at any ally. If the spore cloud hits, the unit gains a 20%-30%-40%-50%-60% bonus to its movement speed, a 10%-20%-30%-40%-50% bonus to swing speed, and a +0.2-0.4-0.6-0.8-1.0 Health Regeneration bonus that lasts for 30 seconds. If no allies are present, the Dheghom will make a similar bow, but instead run it’s hand through the ecosystem on its arm, releasing a self-enveloping cloud of spores that self-apply the effect.

Crone Form = Cull the Weak = The Dheghom crone raises a gnarled finger at a single target and fires it’s fingertip at it with limited guidance and a nasty yellowish acrid discharge before it grows back with a sickening crunch. If the tip strikes a unit, original or otherwise, it turns necrotic black, spreads gnarled roots, and the unit takes on a faded, washed-out appearance that any allied units can see through walls as a hazy blur that moves with the marked target. For standard units, the target suffers from an X1.2-X1.3-X1.4-X1.5 increase  to it’s main vulnerabilities, minus 20%-30%-40%-50%-60% to its movement speed and (if it is a melee unit) a minus 10%-20%-30%-40%-50% swing speed malus. Powerful units can shrug off the movement speed and swing speed aspects of this ability, but only ability nullifying units can escape the vulnerability increase.

Card Descriptions:
The maiden brings youthful vigor to its allies. 

The crone gifts the agony of age and decay to a single foe.

Battery Cost= ??/??/??/??/??

Battery Cost= ??/??/??/??

Second Ability:
Maiden Form= Feed the Pack = The Maiden form analyzes each target it kills in combat and renders each defeated foe into a miraculous healing panacea via it’s floral and fauna ecosystem. On killing a target while under the effects of Feed the Pack, 15%/30%/45% of that unit’s health is given to the Dheghom suit with an energy cost. With a sentinel, pet, or ally within affinity-gaining range, the acquired health is distributed among those present, with a slight bias towards the Dheghom getting more if the distribution must be uneven.  

Crone Form=Food for the Worms=The noxious rot dripping from the Crone’s “face” surges and bubbles into a steady fountain of vomitous fluid as it emits a gurgling geriatric laugh. On killing a target while they are within the resulting lingering vomit-vapor field of Food for the Worms, a noxious pool of sludge will bubble out from the corpse wherever the body first touches on death, dealing ??/??/???/ corrosive damage to those within its area of effect for ??/??/?? Seconds while also slowing units by 10/20/30% in a ??/??/?? radius. If Food for the Worms is not deactivated prematurely by the player and the pool kills at least one unit before it dissolves, the energy cost is paid again and the latest corpse creates a new pool. 

Card Descriptions=
Maintain your frame and your squad by wrenching life from your foes.

Turn your foes to necrotic mush, let their remains spread the rot to new victims.

Battery Cost= ??/??/?? ?/?/? Energy-per-Second

Battery Cost= ??/??/??

Third Ability:

Maiden Form: Mothertree= The Maidenform peels one of the biosphere layers off of its body (revealing the pulsing and throbbing layer of technocyte roots that lay beneath with a minimal amount of blood before promptly growing back at unnatural speed.) and throws it lightly overhand onto the ground in front of it. In mere moments, the control mechanisms formerly flowing through the biosphere’s constituent parts cease functioning and the tangle of fungi, plants, and spores promptly blend together and bloat in size to become a large infested “pseudo-fungi tree” with two long weeping-willow style arms. The Mothertree bears some cosmetic resemblance to the ancients among the Infested and, much like them, emits a radial damage-reduction field that covers a 10/15/20 meter radius and reduces damage by 10%/20%30% for any allies within its range. It’s health bar is equal to that of the frame’s current energy bar when full and it’s health bar type is that of the tenno without armor or shielding. Though it cannot move from the spot it is rooted in, it can use its significant reach to impact foes with it’s fists for __ impact damage or even arm sweep when surrounded to scatter surrounding foes across the battlefield in a messy pile of ragdolls which heavier units can resist against  to a  degree. While it is active, its continued existence drains the suit’s energy. When it's energy runs out or health is depleted, it will freeze in place before wilting away piece by piece in a saddening manner, similar to autumn leaves leaving their original tree.

Crone Form: Spawn Underling= The tips of the crone’s gnarled claw of a hand ooze and smoke with rotting essence and, with a mad geriatric cackle, the suit draws back and swings into the gut of the nearest foe. If it strikes, it deals 150/200/450 corrosive damage and continues to deal 40/80/120  corrosive damage for 8/9/10 seconds afterwards. If the target dies from the effect and is an organic unit, then the target will enter the panic animation before freezing up and then promptly splitting down the middle into two fleshy halves, front to back. Standing in its place will be a skeleton, interwoven with various fungal growths and tendrils taking the place of tissue that would hold it together, warping it’s appearance to look vaguely similar to the Crone. The underling moves in the manner of and at the speed of the Red Veil phantoms from the “Chains of Harrow “ Quest. In addition, the underling is equipped with the weapon of its host, and will use it accordingly. Though slow and ponderous, underlings are hellishly resilient against attack and have a significant health-bar. Unfortunately, maintaining the  underling’s presence is highly taxing, meaning that, as long as the underling is present, a chunk of the energy bar equivalent to the ability’s cost is “occupied”. Only two Underlings may be present on the battlefield, and they can be removed one after the other by holding down the three button, whereupon they drop like a doll who’s strings have been cut and become a rot-pool equivalent to one spawned by Food For the Worms. 

Card Descriptions: 
Stand firm with the Mothertree to defend a patch of land against aggressors. The Mothertree emits a damage-reducing aura.

Turn foes into mere instruments of decay with a rake of your fetid claws. Dispose of them to spread pools of rot where they fall.

Battery Cost= ??/??/??. ?/?/? Energy per second.

Battery Cost= ??/??/??

Fourth Ability: The Cycle Shifts Anew: With a visual warping blur as it holds head in its hands for a moment, the Dheghom suit shifts into its next form, either to the accompaniment of the sounds of water dripping, trees slowly shifting in a forest, and birdsong when going from Crone to Maiden, or a howling gale in a snow storm, the steady crack of falling trees, and the sound of carrion birds squabbling when going from Maiden to Crone.

Card Descriptions:
Shift into the next form.

Passive: Growth to Rot, Rot to Growth
The opposite form of the suit’s selected starting form starts with zero energy. Whenever the current side uses an ability that costs energy, the amount spent is added to the other form’s energy bar. (E.G. The Maiden form spends 50 energy from its energy bar to cast an ability, the Crone form gains that 50 energy.)

Maiden Form= The suit raises its arm up to its “face” and meticulously examines the life inhabiting it, running its hand through each individual bundle of grass, each toadstool, each lichen clump before seemingly realizing its presence on the current battlefield and re-shouldering it’s weapon.

Crone Form= The suit holds it’s weapon off to the side as it reaches the shaky gnarled hand of it’s left arm towards its empty “eye-socket” before clenching it in an audible knuckle crack and assuming combat readiness. 

Maiden Form= The Maiden crouches low into a hunter’s stance, weapon-of-the-moment presented and ready to fire. Little changes at all between this state and actually firing the weapon in question. Occasionally, the suit will very slowly look to the left and right before returning to it’s ready stance.

Crone Form= The Crone holds it’s weapon offset and holds it’s right hand forward, slowly and repeatedly flexing it inward toward itself as it drips corrosive rot. Occasionally, it clenches the hand into a fist forcing the flow of rot out even more into a small torrent, paralleled by a similar surge from its eyes, and for it to give a short triumphant laugh before returning to normal. 

Maiden Form= The Maiden stands with right hand extended and finger slightly pointed, as if a bird will alight on it at some point. In time, a vineish growth emerges from the ecosystem on that arm, grows across the hand, wraps around the finger, and then sprouts a miniaturized version of the “head” of the Mothertree, which emits a “wood creaking” sound before wilting away and the vine retreating back into the “ecosystem”. 

Crone Form= The Crone stands, hunch-backed and haggard, as if the weight of age is weighing it down. Occasionally, it breaks into a quick coughing episode that turns into a dark geriatric cackle. With each cough, rot surges from it’s eyes and splatters sizzling onto the ground.

((Possible Augments= Increase tree longevity through kills, add regeneration field through kills for tree.))

Edited by Unus
Brought to the forums circa 4/6/2020 at 02:01
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On 2020-04-06 at 1:59 AM, Unus said:

(Dual Nature “Nature” Warframe (Kali? Dheghom) conceived circa  3/7/2020 between 03:00 and 03:53 and fully gestated circa 3/19/2020 at 03:45. Completed circa 4/6/2020 at 01:51)     


Full disclosure, when it comes to numbers, I... am not too good, so... when it comes to the actual crunch of this concept, I'll be little help.

On 2020-04-06 at 1:59 AM, Unus said:

   In certain areas, particularly the lower arms and the upper thighs, a thin layer of “forest floor” grows in symbiotic carpets composed of grasses, fungi, lichens, and mosses, gathered around larger than typical cracks which are bordered by a strip of leaf green (energy colored) lights that cycle in a clockwise pattern on the suit’s right side and a counterclockwise pattern on it’s left.


...interesting. I don't think Warframe has really created a Frame that's so overtaken by nature, so that's a very striking aesthetic.


On 2020-04-06 at 1:59 AM, Unus said:

The once expertly human-styled hands and feet of the frame have been rendered skeletal, showing the individual bones connected with technocytic tissue with a dry, almost jerky-like texture. 


I like that there's a very horror-movie sort of tinge there.

On 2020-04-06 at 1:59 AM, Unus said:

Crone Form = Cull the Weak = The Dheghom crone raises a gnarled finger at a single target and fires it’s fingertip at it with limited guidance and a nasty yellowish acrid discharge before it grows back with a sickening crunch. If the tip strikes a unit, original or otherwise, it turns necrotic black, spreads gnarled roots, and the unit takes on a faded, washed-out appearance that any allied units can see through walls as a hazy blur that moves with the marked target. For standard units, the target suffers from an X1.2-X1.3-X1.4-X1.5 increase  to it’s main vulnerabilities, minus 20%-30%-40%-50%-60% to its movement speed and (if it is a melee unit) a minus 10%-20%-30%-40%-50% swing speed malus. Powerful units can shrug off the movement speed and swing speed aspects of this ability, but only ability nullifying units can escape the vulnerability increase.


A target marking ability? That sounds useful for "heavy" enemies. I like this so far.


On 2020-04-06 at 1:59 AM, Unus said:

The opposite form of the suit’s selected starting form starts with zero energy. Whenever the current side uses an ability that costs energy, the amount spent is added to the other form’s energy bar. (E.G. The Maiden form spends 50 energy from its energy bar to cast an ability, the Crone form gains that 50 energy.)


I love this mechanic! It'd work interestingly with Rage, and it'd dissuade people from picking one form and sticking with it. Which... for other dual-form characters in games (can't speak for Equinox. I do not have Equinox) has been a problem on my end. 

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On 2020-04-08 at 4:53 PM, (XB1)Fluffywolf36 said:


Full disclosure, when it comes to numbers, I... am not too good, so... when it comes to the actual crunch of this concept, I'll be little help.

...interesting. I don't think Warframe has really created a Frame that's so overtaken by nature, so that's a very striking aesthetic.


I like that there's a very horror-movie sort of tinge there.

A target marking ability? That sounds useful for "heavy" enemies. I like this so far.


I love this mechanic! It'd work interestingly with Rage, and it'd dissuade people from picking one form and sticking with it. Which... for other dual-form characters in games (can't speak for Equinox. I do not have Equinox) has been a problem on my end. 

  Agh, in my long period of discombobulation, I missed out on your posting!


I'm completely alright with that suh! I'm not asking folks to output one of my own thesis style statements for any of my designs! Whatever comes out from others, I'd hope it was natural.


It was an unexpected addition on my end as well! The suit started as more of a primitive statue style, more like one of the ancient fertility idols. The even more natural aspect came out all on it's own with time.


   Felt that it needed that extra push,  to imply the whole rot and age aesthetic, age having a tendency to leave things looking less-then -aesthetically pleaseing when it comes to living things.


Heh, I can certainly see that. Turn the strong into the weak.


Once the whole "duality" aesthetic came into play while the suit was createing itself, that was DEFINITELY one of my own conscious decisions on the production line. Make both sides work with each other, in addition to having abilities in-motion carrying over through transitions so that the constant "cycle of life" could juggle through as needed.



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Excuse me for the significant delay in progress ladies and germs, progression has been physically stymied due to planning attempts at teaching me to craft my own planned works, other folks who need help with their own designs, and my Tau Empire work slapping me across the face with progressional leaps and bounds.


Updates will promptly resume as soon as I can, as we'll be heading back to Deimos quite shortly to highlight a failed attempt at drudge multi-task militarization.


If you rike big bangs, you might rike disun.



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