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Lumped Together Mosh-Pit of Ideas I've had for too Long


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2 hours ago, Unus said:

                                                                                                                                                        Post 863
(Shielding colonial arm organisms conceived circa 1/3/2020 at 00:13. Completed circa 2/8/2022 at 12:10 P.M.) 

OH SWEET SWEET FULFILLMENT! I hate how long I've been away, but, I want to guarantee quality and non-retread concepts and. . . .gah, you know the drill. Dem it, I need to spice up my apologies for folks looking for fun.

Weapon: Scutumites

Weapon Designation: Secondary, Thrown Type

Manufacturer: The geneforgers of the Kheruxyati tribe. As the concept of “weapon husbandry” is a rather alien and exotic science to the rest of the Sol-Origin system, Kheruxyati weaponry rarely finds buyers on the open market, save for niche collectors. . or certain orokin-era weapon connoisseurs of a mercenary nature.

Statistical Breakdown:

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Trigger Type= Semi-auto

Damage= 5 Slash, 5 Puncture, 5 Corrosive.

Critical Chance= 8%

Critical Damage=1.5X

Status Chance= 26%

Projectile= Projectile

Cyclic Rate-of-Fire= 2.00

Magazine Size= 9 scutumites bound to one arm as a colony.

Reload-Speed= N/A.

Mastery Rank Requisite= 5.

Riven Disposition= ?????



Polarity= None.

Special Traits:

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Colonial Carapace:
When in the state of aiming, the scutimites will consolidate into a left shoulder shield of sorts with 450 item health that can absorb enemy fire. Inevitably, as its health bar depletes (50 per sctumite), individual scutumites will be blown off, shrinking the shield and leaving the scutumite stunned on the ground. While the scutumite will eventually shake off the stun and clamber back onto the user on its own, a user can expedite the process by retrieving it with a press of the X button.

Unyielding Lithovores:
When attached to an enemy, the effects of preexisting corrosive status effects are doubled as the tiny creature rips and burrows through hard plate while secreting a variety of caustic chemicals in its quest to consume. The doubling effect lasts for 12 seconds, and any corrosive effects the scutumite itself triggers can and will double themselves.


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Each individual scutimite resembles a squared topless barnacle of sorts, semi-flattened and made up of a dirty blackish green carapace with ten bony ridges that terminate in the center at a single bony nodule, bearing a resemblance to their namesake. Along the flared edges of the creature, in it’s “front and back” areas, a thin line of five tiny pale blueish green (energy colored) eyes, linked together with a webbing of similarly colored skin, squint from a crevice there, able to be pulled back into the shell for protection in the event of possible impacts. A set of three thin feeble-looking semi-translucent pale-blueish-green tentacles topped with toothed suction cups emerge from slots on the front, back, and the curved side edges of the organism, each branching off of a single “trunk” limb unseen within the shell  and used for both mobility and connecting to other scutumites when engaging in a defensive formation via intertangling them together through their side tentacles. Beneath the shell, on the under belly, there resides a truly horrifying sight, an odious suction cup maw dripping with caustic juices and ringed inside with a set of three grinding teeth shaped like peg covered gears. When eating, the dripping becomes a flow of sulfuric acid while the teeth jam against the targeted surface, spinning left, then right, then back again in the manner of a mining drill.


"Basic" Description:


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Renowned ( for those who even vaguely become aware of their presence, given their isolationist nature) in the Sol-Origin system for their biotechnological aptitude, the Kheruxyati Tribe’s vessels are filled to the brim with a wide variety of inde and intra-dependent engineered organisms which fulfill the roles commonly assigned to technology in a typical civilization. Using focused technocyte resculpting, genetic chimerism, and the meticulous focus of a cabal of geneticist shamans who spend centuries honoring their craft, living marvels are brought into being, selectively screened, and then bred into communal use, where introduced variation or general genetic variation result in a wide variety of breeds, color patterns, and general functionalities. The Scutumites are an excellent example of this, as they were originally bred for the singular purpose of mineral processing. Adapted from a deep-sea organism from the depths of the seas of the moon of Miranda, colonies would be unleashed upon great chunks of rock and, depending on the breed, would be consumed down to the materials required from the deposit, harvested from their excreta or simply picked up in its entire formation, “sculpted” from the rock to reveal the vein in its entirety. Adapting them to warfare was a “simple” matter, necessitating only a few changes between generations to shift their diet over to more artificial fair, such as ballistic ceramics, carbon plate, and aramid weaves.

  Unfortunately, while useful to the Kheruxyati against foes that wished to break their imposed isolation, their new diets also meant that they were useless on the very few closed markets the tribe maintained to the outside world, as no other factions in the system had the same degree of biological armor and equipment they themselves had, meaning the scutumites could very much fall upon their wielder as much as their foes. With a cultural need to spread life of all kinds through the Sol-Origin system and acquire data upon said life, the situation was devastating, as the militant breed’s diet could not be sustained by consistent enemy attack and, with such a small population bred into existence as is, the military scutumite would be rendered extinct. With nowhere else to turn, the Kheruyati are forced to turn to the unnatural horrors that are the Tenno, as the last hope for the continuous existence of an at-risk species. 

THERE we go folks! Progress all over my creative designs, but, for reasons I can't fathom, Warframe has been on the trailing end of my work. Maybe it's because the Hammer material has been so fertile while the Framework requires more deft maneuvering around what I and others have then whatever comes to mind after years of of production.

Enjoy folks! I'm STILL here, still whittlin away at the pile, its just. . hehe, you knowwwwww!

Oh, and, hello new folks and old folks alike! I assure you, the tales of my death are greatly exaggerated!

Realy fun and unique. And i like he flavour text. Good job, mate:-)

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On 2022-02-08 at 12:24 AM, Unus said:

or certain orokin-era weapon connoisseurs of a mercenary nature.

look babe it's us

On 2022-02-08 at 12:24 AM, Unus said:

Trigger Type= Semi-auto

Damage= 5 Slash, 5 Puncture, 5 Corrosive.

Critical Chance= 8%

Critical Damage=1.5X

Status Chance= 26%

Are we sure this is enough damage for the game's current meta?


On 2022-02-08 at 12:24 AM, Unus said:

When in the state of aiming, the scutimites will consolidate into a left shoulder shield of sorts with 450 item health that can absorb enemy fire. Inevitably, as its health bar depletes (50 per sctumite), individual scutumites will be blown off, shrinking the shield and leaving the scutumite stunned on the ground. While the scutumite will eventually shake off the stun and clamber back onto the user on its own, a user can expedite the process by retrieving it with a press of the X button.

...Okay, that's really cool. I've done the whole "shielded while aiming" thing too but like... I love this, this is so much more interesting.


On 2022-02-08 at 12:24 AM, Unus said:

When attached to an enemy, the effects of preexisting corrosive status effects are doubled as the tiny creature rips and burrows through hard plate while secreting a variety of caustic chemicals in its quest to consume. The doubling effect lasts for 12 seconds, and any corrosive effects the scutumite itself triggers can and will double themselves.


So it can deal double corrosive?! 

...While I'm still skeptical of the damage numbers, this is really interesting. You could just totally delete armor on Steel Path enemies.

On 2022-02-08 at 12:24 AM, Unus said:

Renowned ( for those who even vaguely become aware of their presence, given their isolationist nature) in the Sol-Origin system for their biotechnological aptitude, the Kheruxyati Tribe’s vessels are filled to the brim with a wide variety of inde and intra-dependent engineered organisms which fulfill the roles commonly assigned to technology in a typical civilization. Using focused technocyte resculpting, genetic chimerism, and the meticulous focus of a cabal of geneticist shamans who spend centuries honoring their craft, living marvels are brought into being, selectively screened, and then bred into communal use, where introduced variation or general genetic variation result in a wide variety of breeds, color patterns, and general functionalities. The Scutumites are an excellent example of this, as they were originally bred for the singular purpose of mineral processing. Adapted from a deep-sea organism from the depths of the seas of the moon of Miranda, colonies would be unleashed upon great chunks of rock and, depending on the breed, would be consumed down to the materials required from the deposit, harvested from their excreta or simply picked up in its entire formation, “sculpted” from the rock to reveal the vein in its entirety. Adapting them to warfare was a “simple” matter, necessitating only a few changes between generations to shift their diet over to more artificial fair, such as ballistic ceramics, carbon plate, and aramid weaves.

This is such a fascinating group of people.

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On 2022-02-08 at 1:01 AM, Neo3602 said:

Interesting indeed, I also really like the tenno being referred to as "orokin-era weapon connoisseurs of a mercenary nature".

  Heh, chock another one up for our list of nicknames we’ve obtained over the years!

On 2022-02-08 at 3:22 AM, (PSN)Jacobivan said:

Realy fun and unique. And i like he flavour text. Good job, mate:-)

  Daw, shucks, thanks (sincerely)! It takes far longer then it used to for sure, but, if I can keep hitting those two stated  traits, goddem will I keep it trucking! A backlog remains, Warframe is still moving along, so, here we are, and I have no complaints! Well, several, but, very few about Warframe, hehe.

On 2022-02-10 at 10:53 AM, (XBOX)Fluffywolf36 said:

look babe it's us

Are we sure this is enough damage for the game's current meta?


...Okay, that's really cool. I've done the whole "shielded while aiming" thing too but like... I love this, this is so much more interesting.


So it can deal double corrosive?! 

...While I'm still skeptical of the damage numbers, this is really interesting. You could just totally delete armor on Steel Path enemies.

This is such a fascinating group of people.

  Like a cardboard cutout you stick your face in at an amusement park, hehe!

OH, yeah, that came in with a reason! It’s part of what I call the “elemental support” style of weapons I’ve stumbled into randomly in the past, it’s the kinda weapon you’d actually equip weapon swap-speed modifiers for, as they boost the efficiency of the primary through their use (or, in this additional case, perhaps also glaives?).

  I’ve done it as well in the past, but, rather then having a “redeploy delay” or a oneshot sort of deal, I figured having a slightly “clunky” reshielding mechanic might make it fun in it’s own way, dashing through fire, leaving a trail of concussed scutumites behind that you either have to either wait for returning to you or you can pick up to speed things along. It also helps to remember that tossing them means losing some of the shield, bit-by-bit, and that, when a foe dies or the seconds are up, the scuts gotta be recovered or make it’s way back to you!

  Hehe, yes indeed! I had been thinking more about the Liches and their notorious walls of plate, but, your observations bring back to mind older content-worlds! The Sanctuary rounds, high-level invasions when you really REALLY need that detonite + credits infusion and the like.

  Largely thanks to you, long long ago suh! Back in the ancient days of 2018, you expressed an interest in a few of the many factions who produced an arm-bow side arm. I took that interest to heart and began looking for ways to expand upon a few. It’s a long time coming, but, the second of the tribal arms has arrived!


(Dem it, I don’t know why, but, I always forget folks still read my work even long after my Prime Time has passed, hehe.)

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  • 1 month later...

  Inevitably, I have to apologize for the significant delay on my part folks. Between medical crises, my job , my other projects, and the sheer weight of creation, things have been looking pretty down on Pit productivity. I’m starting to wonder if it’s that my youth from when I began has begun draining off and settling me into a sort of painful state of “just getting by”.


  I keep checking in here, I keep trying to work on my projects, but, something always seems to get in the way, inadvertently or not. Saw the unfollows recently, frustrated me that what audience I had is growing bored with my Pit and I can’t seem to DO anything about it. I promised myself I wouldn’t make filler posts in here anymore, so I don’t waste folk’s time with frivolous messages, but, I’m starting to realize that, without them, folks assume this place is properly dead and I’ve left it behind, when the reality is it’s always on my mind, what was, what could be, all of you and your support, insights, and personal creations all your own.


  I just. . . ugh, I need to force something out, push the other stuff out of the way, make SOMETHING, I STILL have so much I want to show you all, so much I want to tell you all about, hear your thoughts and insights and your own put out there but, the deeper I go, the harder it seems for me to put thought into digital wording.


Am I just. . . getting old? Is this. . . bah, you get the point. Apologies as always for the false hope folks. Let me try to make it up to you in the near future with a piece!

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  As an actually interesting topic, OH, wow, I just saw the Angels of the Zariman trailer and it really reminds me of an absolutely ancient design of mine from the Pit back in the day, the Trogolcytes section had an enemy known as the Eidolon (Waaayyy before we had Eidolons as Workshop made them) which very much resembles one of the horrors that popped up in it!


  Guess it goes to show that, when you scattershot in the dark in the joys of writing, you sometimes tread onto territory that will someday be tread upon by those greater! I’ll be very curious if the creatures function similarly, or, if Workshop will be more imaginative. Think I feel a few of me old creative juices flowing in a bit, traveling to some darker, cthonian places. Dare I delve to deep?

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14 hours ago, Unus said:

  As an actually interesting topic, OH, wow, I just saw the Angels of the Zariman trailer and it really reminds me of an absolutely ancient design of mine from the Pit back in the day, the Trogolcytes section had an enemy known as the Eidolon (Waaayyy before we had Eidolons as Workshop made them) which very much resembles one of the horrors that popped up in it!


  Guess it goes to show that, when you scattershot in the dark in the joys of writing, you sometimes tread onto territory that will someday be tread upon by those greater! I’ll be very curious if the creatures function similarly, or, if Workshop will be more imaginative. Think I feel a few of me old creative juices flowing in a bit, traveling to some darker, cthonian places. Dare I delve to deep?

Go ahead, I'm looking forward to seeing what you create.

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  • 2 months later...

  I don’t like having to jump in with a “bump” like this, but, a question has arisen in my mind as I desperately try to navigate the waters of creation so filled with my designs of yesteryear (it’s actually getting to the terrifying point for me that I feel I could bring out something from my old designs under a new name and no one would ever know. That feels. . .terrifying).


  Does digital still lock threads in a time-based manner, perhaps adjusted to the atypical wait-times of the fan section? Or, do they only do that for “controversial” topics these days?

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15 hours ago, Unus said:

  Does digital still lock threads in a time-based manner, perhaps adjusted to the atypical wait-times of the fan section? Or, do they only do that for “controversial” topics these days?

I don't believe they do... Jado's thread was randomly unlocked awhile back.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2022-06-13 at 2:23 PM, (XBOX)Fluffywolf36 said:

I don't believe they do... Jado's thread was randomly unlocked awhile back.

  PHEW, thank goodness, (I read your message long ago, I just hate how I diddn’t actively respond like I should to show you I was still alive)


Its strange, I’ve felt so hungry to make things lately, to speak and be spoken to through the whole design process of others and myself, yet, for some reason, I’ve just locked up and stopped talking on a elluvalot of social media. It’s so strange, I’ve just found myself wandering amongst my own old work, across franchises, and just browsing through, reminiscing here, tweaking bits here and there, despite being fully aware that I have far more to give.


  I’d say that I’m being lazy, but, maybe this is just a “calm era” I suppose. Guess I should go at my “”natural”” pace, specially since the spark is still there, burnin away.

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16 hours ago, Unus said:

I’d say that I’m being lazy, but, maybe this is just a “calm era” I suppose. Guess I should go at my “”natural”” pace, specially since the spark is still there, burnin

Trying to burn harder will only make burnout worse. Just relax, play games, and let things happen at their own pace. You’ll probably get some idea, and it’ll be better cause you came up with it naturally.


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  • 2 months later...

  Alright folks, just popping in to let you know about 1) My Existence still Existing and 2) an update is finally a long time coming!

Can’t do it now since I’m currently away from my computer, but, within a day, maybe even two, my first Warframe creation in a very very long time will finally show up. All it needs is a concluding sentence or two, and it will arrive!


  So many places I’ve been creating, in, all over the digital web, yet, I’ve never forgotten the place that gave my start, noir the fellow who convinced me my ideas might have had merit in Warframe chat so very long ago.


  To say nothing of all the people I’ve met in the times in between, all the periods in my life that my work has been with me, how could I stop? Why would I ever?


  Sappiness aside, yeah, design on it’s way!

Edited by Unus
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                                                                                                                                                                                          Post 875
(Asymmetric Gamma Radiator rifle/ twin pistols, Conceived circa 8/2/2019 at 1:32. Completed circa 8/29/2022 at somewhere between 12:45 and 12:55.)

  Man o man o man folks, this one is a LONG time coming! I have no idea WHY it has taken this long to produce a viable product, but, I can a least say I seem to have SOME spark of ability when it comes to writing. Have a look!


Designation: Sievert

Weapon Designation: Rifle/Dual Pistol.

Manufacturer: Beekloud, Department of Digital Affairs, Ultor, Mars.

Statistical Breakdown:


Trigger Type= Semi-Auto.  

Damage= 65 Radiation in carbine mode, 45 in akimbo pistol mode . 

Critical Chance= 14% in both carbine and akimbo pistol mode.  

Critical Damage=  2.0X in both carbine and pistol mode.

Status Chance=  22% in carbine mode, 12% in akimbo pistol mode

Projectile= Hit-Scan (Purely cosmetic beam displayed)

Cyclic Rate-of-Fire= 5.00 in carbine mode, 6.00 in akimbo pistol mode.

Magazine Size= Two 16-shot gamma-cells/ 1 32-shot consolidated gamma-cell.

Reload-Speed= 2.0 in pistol mode (Bring pistols down towards lower part of mag holsters, micro clamp darts out and grabs gamma cell, pull pistols lightly downward and backward, cell comes loose and is pulled up into the lower part of the charging station. User athletically flips the pistol upside down and positions the weapon over the charging station. Microclamp slides full charged cell into the top loading port. Flip pistols acrobatically back into standard hand-held position, clack the grip of each pistol onto each cell so that it sinks flush into the pistol, assume firing stance.), 2.2 in carbine mode. (Cell protrudes from top, remove cell and slot it into the bottom of the left mag holster loading port, cell slides into middle of port, second cell slides up and pops out of top of gun, remove cell and slot it into right side mag holster loading port just as left side port pops cell out of top, pull left cell out and return to gun slot, cell is pulled down deep into gun just as right side port pops cell out of top, slot cell into top of gun till flush, cell descends, assume firing stance.)

Mastery Rank Requisite= N/A

Riven Disposition= ?????

Polarity= N/A/

Special Trait(s)



Stack-Charge Cells= When switching from rifle mode to pistol mode (Defaults to Middle Mouse Click), the current magazine is divided between the two pistols, with the rightmost one receiving the greater amount when it is uneven. 

Voltage Adjustment= While it keeps the entire magazine that exists during a mode shift, the carbine mode feeds from the Rifle ammunition pool, while the akimbo pistols feed from the pistol pool. 

Neutron Enrichment= When dealing the Radiation status effect to mechanical or robotic targets, the target emits a 5 meter pulse of radiation dealing the same damage as listed in the weapon’s profile for one shot and with the same status chance.



Though bearing significant resemblance to Rude Zuud’s “makeshift” firearms, the sievert is not without its own corporate modifications, perhaps to conceal some of its derived nature. The barrel appears to be a hybridization of a grey gaze and tombfinger, with the general tombfinger layout augmented by the top metal railing of the gaze. This railing slots into the bottom of each pistol’s barrel, combining the two weapons together into a bulky-but-comfortable singular format. The receptacle for the grey and square particle cell resides at the very back of the barrel, and consists of a metal skeletal assistance rail that sticks partially out of the top of the weapon. The cell is placed into a rib-cage like container that sits flush with the weapon near the uppermost point (or lowermost point, depending on weapon positioning) and then sinks deep into the weapon towards the central charge plugs. The cell has a male charge point on it’s thin front side and a female charging port on its thin back side, each of which is plugged into by the internal plugs once the cell sinks into position. Like the barrel rails, the top point of each pistol “cell well” can slot into the open bottom of the other and connect the two rails into one unified whole. The trigger is a simple flat piece of metal that extends along the entirety of the back half of the trigger housing space, sinking completely into the grip with each pull. Just like the barrel and cell loader, the triggers merge together into a singular whole, yet are so finely tuned that one finger is still all that is needed for a successful trigger pull. The “projectiles” the weapon fires are heavy emissions of gamma radiation, though, in the absence of a visible effect for the shooter to “walk their fire” with, the barrel contains a heavily shielded dark purple laser diode which illuminates the target harmlessly while it is being harmed by the emissions. Stamped onto each barrel’s right side in Corpus is “FLAGSHIP PRODUCT” with a pseudo-barcode beneath it which leads to the corporate website for third party purchases. Emblazoned on the left side is “BEEKCLOUD: Lovely Machines”.

""Basic" Description


For the Corpus, any foe can provide a financial advantage to an enterprising corporate component, one way or another. The Conglomerate’s continuous trade in group 13 metals and polymers with the Grineer Empire despite abhorrent diplomatic relations stand in clear testament to that fact, as is the commonly uttered mantra among the leadership “Profit numbs the feeling”. Even in the case of the “anarchic rabble” of the inhabitants of Fortuna, so ideologically opposed and so culturally close as to sting whenever civilian unrest must be put down, no stone is unturned in the quest for the next big thing. Alas, in the case of the Sievert, sometimes the possibilities for maverick projects are snagged right out from under the collective noses of an unwary ally, albeit, in the Corpus Conglomerate, “Ally” is a very fluid term. Commissioned by Anyo Corp with the refurbishing of Fortuna in the aftermath of the Narmor Crises during that brief time of cross-conglomerate unity, Beekcloud had its eyes on the future when the goodwill would inevitably fade. 

   For every body that was disposed of, every gaudy decoration ripped down, and every vent resecured, there was always a bug to plant in an inconspicuous locale, a data trawler to plunge into the depths of a workstation, or an aural microphone to interweave into the structure of a support. Produced and planted by cheap third-party contractors convinced to remain tight-lipped about “the new anti-narmor measures” being installed, Beekloud has effectively full coverage of the station, short of actual security’s checkpoints and workplaces. In truth, Anyo’s “dirty laundry”, whatever it may be, is entirely irrelevant to the espionage team in charge of signals intelligence for this small “pet project”. Instead, the goal is actually Anyo’s most squandered resource in their eyes, the exploitable talents of its volatile citizens. Through this vast web of surveillance, personal projects from notable residents can be analyzed, monitored, produced, and then patented whole-sale, with none of the subterranean-bound citizenry privy to the poaching of their ideas and no need for costly expenditures on things such as “commissions” or “patent payments”. 

   Through this system, a certain valuable someone was discovered, a defective worker going by the moniker “Rude Zuud” who had an affinity for the construction of weaponry for the local Solaris United worker resistance cells, disguised digitally as “tool maintenance transactions'”. Months of tireless monitoring (as well as recovery time for monitoring personnel, as the asset’s muttered rhetoric either struck to close to home or grated painfully against employee psyches) resulted in a cornucopia of useful data on the repurposing of basic industrial components into ruggedly lethal combat implements. With a bit of component redistribution from palm-greased suppliers and an incremental increase in worker workloads at their foundries, Beekloud’s first prototype runs have begun seeing shelves system wide. Though said sales have been far and away from Anyo Corp strongholds and Solaris safehouses, it is unclear just what might happen if either learns of the company's deceit, something made even more unstable with possible third part sales or “five-finger discounts” of derived products. For now, Beekloud is simply content with acquiring yet another lucrative income source, and will, at the very least, seek to tap this market until the proverbial well runs dry, with a bare minimum of maintenance input save for the first-time cost input needed to start an operation. So it so very often goes with the Corpus.

So it is written, and so it goes! Goddem, what was it, three months, four since I last posted an update in here? I'm surprised I have any follows left at all, much less anyone answering back after I make a posting! The struggle continues in the epic battle between "Quality" and "Regularity" in the now truly subterranean depths of the Pit! How low can we go? Who knows!

Edited by Unus
Posted circa 8/29/2022 at 9:39 P.M. Important toggle finalization edit added circa 8/30/2022 at 14:48.
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On 2022-08-29 at 9:36 PM, Unus said:

Reload-Speed= 2.0 in pistol mode (Bring pistols down towards lower part of mag holsters, micro clamp darts out and grabs gamma cell, pull pistols lightly downward and backward, cell comes loose and is pulled up into the lower part of the charging station. User athletically flips the pistol upside down and positions the weapon over the charging station. Microclamp slides full charged cell into the top loading port. Flip pistols acrobatically back into standard hand-held position, clack the grip of each pistol onto each cell so that it sinks flush into the pistol, assume firing stance.), 2.2 in carbine mode. (Cell protrudes from top, remove cell and slot it into the bottom of the left mag holster loading port, cell slides into middle of port, second cell slides up and pops out of top of gun, remove cell and slot it into right side mag holster loading port just as left side port pops cell out of top, pull left cell out and return to gun slot, cell is pulled down deep into gun just as right side port pops cell out of top, slot cell into top of gun till flush, cell descends, assume firing stance.)


This is a baller reload animation.

On 2022-08-29 at 9:36 PM, Unus said:

Neutron Enrichment= When dealing the Radiation status effect to mechanical or robotic targets, the target emits a 5 meter pulse of radiation dealing the same damage as listed in the weapon’s profile for one shot and with the same status chance.

Okay, this sounds fun to use against robots (or, perhaps... Corpus shields as well?)


While I do like it, I kind of wonder... if you could also spruce up some of the stats, make rifle mode feel truly different from pistol mode. Maybe the rifle could be full auto or burst while the pistols are semi? Or something like that.

On 2022-08-29 at 9:36 PM, Unus said:

y Anyo’s most squandered resource in their eyes, the exploitable talents of its volatile citizens. Through this vast web of surveillance, personal projects from notable residents can be analyzed, monitored, produced, and then patented whole-sale, with none of the subterranean-bound citizenry privy to the poaching of their ideas and no need for costly expenditures on things such as “commissions” or “patent payments”. 

ooooooooohhh, that's a cool twist. That's a really cool twist. I love that.

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On 2022-08-29 at 8:36 PM, Unus said:

                                                                                                                                                                                          Post 875
(Asymmetric Gamma Radiator rifle/ twin pistols, Conceived circa 8/2/2019 at 1:32. Completed circa 8/29/2022 at somewhere between 12:45 and 12:55.)

  Man o man o man folks, this one is a LONG time coming! I have no idea WHY it has taken this long to produce a viable product, but, I can a least say I seem to have SOME spark of ability when it comes to writing. Have a look!


Designation: Sievert

Weapon Designation: Rifle/Dual Pistol.

Manufacturer: Beekloud, Department of Digital Affairs, Ultor, Mars.

Statistical Breakdown:

  Reveal hidden contents

Trigger Type= Semi-Auto.  

Damage= 65 Radiation in carbine mode, 45 in akimbo pistol mode . 

Critical Chance= 14% in both carbine and akimbo pistol mode.  

Critical Damage=  2.0X in both carbine and pistol mode.

Status Chance=  22% in carbine mode, 12% in akimbo pistol mode

Projectile= Hit-Scan (Purely cosmetic beam displayed)

Cyclic Rate-of-Fire= 5.00 in carbine mode, 6.00 in akimbo pistol mode.

Magazine Size= Two 16-shot gamma-cells/ 1 32-shot consolidated gamma-cell.

Reload-Speed= 2.0 in pistol mode (Bring pistols down towards lower part of mag holsters, micro clamp darts out and grabs gamma cell, pull pistols lightly downward and backward, cell comes loose and is pulled up into the lower part of the charging station. User athletically flips the pistol upside down and positions the weapon over the charging station. Microclamp slides full charged cell into the top loading port. Flip pistols acrobatically back into standard hand-held position, clack the grip of each pistol onto each cell so that it sinks flush into the pistol, assume firing stance.), 2.2 in carbine mode. (Cell protrudes from top, remove cell and slot it into the bottom of the left mag holster loading port, cell slides into middle of port, second cell slides up and pops out of top of gun, remove cell and slot it into right side mag holster loading port just as left side port pops cell out of top, pull left cell out and return to gun slot, cell is pulled down deep into gun just as right side port pops cell out of top, slot cell into top of gun till flush, cell descends, assume firing stance.)

Mastery Rank Requisite= N/A

Riven Disposition= ?????

Polarity= N/A/

Special Trait(s)


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Stack-Charge Cells= When switching from rifle mode to pistol mode (Defaults to Middle Mouse Click), the current magazine is divided between the two pistols, with the rightmost one receiving the greater amount when it is uneven. 

Voltage Adjustment= While it keeps the entire magazine that exists during a mode shift, the carbine mode feeds from the Rifle ammunition pool, while the akimbo pistols feed from the pistol pool. 

Neutron Enrichment= When dealing the Radiation status effect to mechanical or robotic targets, the target emits a 5 meter pulse of radiation dealing the same damage as listed in the weapon’s profile for one shot and with the same status chance.


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Though bearing significant resemblance to Rude Zuud’s “makeshift” firearms, the sievert is not without its own corporate modifications, perhaps to conceal some of its derived nature. The barrel appears to be a hybridization of a grey gaze and tombfinger, with the general tombfinger layout augmented by the top metal railing of the gaze. This railing slots into the bottom of each pistol’s barrel, combining the two weapons together into a bulky-but-comfortable singular format. The receptacle for the grey and square particle cell resides at the very back of the barrel, and consists of a metal skeletal assistance rail that sticks partially out of the top of the weapon. The cell is placed into a rib-cage like container that sits flush with the weapon near the uppermost point (or lowermost point, depending on weapon positioning) and then sinks deep into the weapon towards the central charge plugs. The cell has a male charge point on it’s thin front side and a female charging port on its thin back side, each of which is plugged into by the internal plugs once the cell sinks into position. Like the barrel rails, the top point of each pistol “cell well” can slot into the open bottom of the other and connect the two rails into one unified whole. The trigger is a simple flat piece of metal that extends along the entirety of the back half of the trigger housing space, sinking completely into the grip with each pull. Just like the barrel and cell loader, the triggers merge together into a singular whole, yet are so finely tuned that one finger is still all that is needed for a successful trigger pull. The “projectiles” the weapon fires are heavy emissions of gamma radiation, though, in the absence of a visible effect for the shooter to “walk their fire” with, the barrel contains a heavily shielded dark purple laser diode which illuminates the target harmlessly while it is being harmed by the emissions. Stamped onto each barrel’s right side in Corpus is “FLAGSHIP PRODUCT” with a pseudo-barcode beneath it which leads to the corporate website for third party purchases. Emblazoned on the left side is “BEEKCLOUD: Lovely Machines”.

""Basic" Description

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For the Corpus, any foe can provide a financial advantage to an enterprising corporate component, one way or another. The Conglomerate’s continuous trade in group 13 metals and polymers with the Grineer Empire despite abhorrent diplomatic relations stand in clear testament to that fact, as is the commonly uttered mantra among the leadership “Profit numbs the feeling”. Even in the case of the “anarchic rabble” of the inhabitants of Fortuna, so ideologically opposed and so culturally close as to sting whenever civilian unrest must be put down, no stone is unturned in the quest for the next big thing. Alas, in the case of the Sievert, sometimes the possibilities for maverick projects are snagged right out from under the collective noses of an unwary ally, albeit, in the Corpus Conglomerate, “Ally” is a very fluid term. Commissioned by Anyo Corp with the refurbishing of Fortuna in the aftermath of the Narmor Crises during that brief time of cross-conglomerate unity, Beekcloud had its eyes on the future when the goodwill would inevitably fade. 

   For every body that was disposed of, every gaudy decoration ripped down, and every vent resecured, there was always a bug to plant in an inconspicuous locale, a data trawler to plunge into the depths of a workstation, or an aural microphone to interweave into the structure of a support. Produced and planted by cheap third-party contractors convinced to remain tight-lipped about “the new anti-narmor measures” being installed, Beekloud has effectively full coverage of the station, short of actual security’s checkpoints and workplaces. In truth, Anyo’s “dirty laundry”, whatever it may be, is entirely irrelevant to the espionage team in charge of signals intelligence for this small “pet project”. Instead, the goal is actually Anyo’s most squandered resource in their eyes, the exploitable talents of its volatile citizens. Through this vast web of surveillance, personal projects from notable residents can be analyzed, monitored, produced, and then patented whole-sale, with none of the subterranean-bound citizenry privy to the poaching of their ideas and no need for costly expenditures on things such as “commissions” or “patent payments”. 

   Through this system, a certain valuable someone was discovered, a defective worker going by the moniker “Rude Zuud” who had an affinity for the construction of weaponry for the local Solaris United worker resistance cells, disguised digitally as “tool maintenance transactions'”. Months of tireless monitoring (as well as recovery time for monitoring personnel, as the asset’s muttered rhetoric either struck to close to home or grated painfully against employee psyches) resulted in a cornucopia of useful data on the repurposing of basic industrial components into ruggedly lethal combat implements. With a bit of component redistribution from palm-greased suppliers and an incremental increase in worker workloads at their foundries, Beekloud’s first prototype runs have begun seeing shelves system wide. Though said sales have been far and away from Anyo Corp strongholds and Solaris safehouses, it is unclear just what might happen if either learns of the company's deceit, something made even more unstable with possible third part sales or “five-finger discounts” of derived products. For now, Beekloud is simply content with acquiring yet another lucrative income source, and will, at the very least, seek to tap this market until the proverbial well runs dry, with a bare minimum of maintenance input save for the first-time cost input needed to start an operation. So it so very often goes with the Corpus.

So it is written, and so it goes! Goddem, what was it, three months, four since I last posted an update in here? I'm surprised I have any follows left at all, much less anyone answering back after I make a posting! The struggle continues in the epic battle between "Quality" and "Regularity" in the now truly subterranean depths of the Pit! How low can we go? Who knows!

Glad to see that you're back. I really like the idea of a weapon that switches between 2 different forms  as well as the fact that is draws from 2 different ammo pools. 

The lore for it is also amusing though if/when SU discovers what Beekloud is up do I think they might get a visit from some tenno who just want to talk to them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

  Consarnit! Blasted work is delaying me from striking while the iron is still hot!

On 2022-08-31 at 2:09 PM, (XBOX)Fluffywolf36 said:

This is a baller reload animation.

Okay, this sounds fun to use against robots (or, perhaps... Corpus shields as well?)


While I do like it, I kind of wonder... if you could also spruce up some of the stats, make rifle mode feel truly different from pistol mode. Maybe the rifle could be full auto or burst while the pistols are semi? Or something like that.

ooooooooohhh, that's a cool twist. That's a really cool twist. I love that.

  Heh, had to go a bit fancy-fancy there! I imagine if I had more digitally artistic inclinations, I’d be able to just show how it all worked, but, you know me, wordsmithery!


Hm. . . hm. . . potential to be seen there to be sure. Keeping a brain cell on the possibility as I try to come back up for air again!


  Oh, that’s not a crazy thought. I had considered the possibility of a sort of innate double-shot effect to represent the additional activation charge when they are merged. I’m. . . not sure why it didn’t go in the mix!

i figured, by Corpussian standards, nothing ever really comes “free”, so, in the aftermath of the Insurvasion, what would be more valuable then the credits the Conglomerate chucks at one another normally? Information, and what would be a highly vulnerable for an organization to spill information from? Why, the workers that hate the company around the water-cooler of course!


On 2022-09-01 at 12:06 PM, Neo3602 said:

Glad to see that you're back. I really like the idea of a weapon that switches between 2 different forms  as well as the fact that is draws from 2 different ammo pools. 

The lore for it is also amusing though if/when SU discovers what Beekloud is up do I think they might get a visit from some tenno who just want to talk to them.

  Heh, even with this modern age of ammunition slowly becoming consolidated, I still felt that having another pool to rely when one goes dry pays handsomely, specially if your lacking in the “fancy knifework” department!


 Heh, who knows? It might end up a three-way battle between Beekloud covering its tracks, Anyo looking to carve their way into a cut of the “profits” (incriminating data that Beek likely never uses, but, exists.) and, of course, the Tenno, who like neither option!


  Should be back again as fast as I can to do something that is a long time coming, housekeeping! I haven’t renewed the front-page’s “Popularity Section” in two whole years! Slapping meself in the face aside, I’ll be renewing that with all of the vote changes and new entries as soon as I get the time to evaluate em! Wish me luck folks!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Mission accomplished! The most popular section has been updated with the "latest" in most popular items, something I've neglected to do for quite some time, the last time being. . . .wow, 3/6/2020 at midnight!  Not has changed for a long time since the old "Like Rewrite" of eons past, but it seems like the Scutumites were quite a crowd-pleaser! Heres to a brighter future, or, at least, a very very very very slow sun-downing period! Hehe.

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On 2022-09-25 at 9:43 PM, Unus said:

Not has changed for a long time since the old "Like Rewrite" of eons past, but it seems like the Scutumites were quite a crowd-pleaser

The lore that time was really, really good.

Every WF player that likes lore hungers to hear more of the factions and independent colonies of the Origin System, and so that's like catnip to us. Case in point, all the times I've said "This gun is from the, I don't know, Sunjammers who ply their trade around the sun, filling up power cores and selling them to Grineer and Corpus alike. As a result, all their technology is easily rechargeable and painted white to minimize heat absorption."

Or maybe I just ignored Biggie's Rule number 4 and got high on my own supply. Who knows?

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On 2022-09-28 at 2:38 PM, (XBOX)Fluffywolf36 said:

The lore that time was really, really good.

Every WF player that likes lore hungers to hear more of the factions and independent colonies of the Origin System, and so that's like catnip to us. Case in point, all the times I've said "This gun is from the, I don't know, Sunjammers who ply their trade around the sun, filling up power cores and selling them to Grineer and Corpus alike. As a result, all their technology is easily rechargeable and painted white to minimize heat absorption."

Or maybe I just ignored Biggie's Rule number 4 and got high on my own supply. Who knows?

Oh, it’s not a crazy thought sir, our local proper purveyor of backstory in the Leverian seems to indicate there has to be some kernel of truth to the matter. My muse is largely unfocused and whatever pops up seems to, well, pop-up, but, with the backlog I have, I think I can nudge the storm in those directions,  make things as pleasing to the audience as it is for me!

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  • 2 weeks later...

  Want to apologize for the delay as of late! So much to process right now, with Warhammer, Warframe, Starfinder, and now Cyberpunk occupying my mind, production in one area slows development in others, yet, at the same time, cross-world enrichment comes into play! More work to work on, less time to work on it all.


  And, rest assured @Mr. Fluffywolf! I have not forgotten your old recommendations OR your own work! The sea of physical and digital work is “”merely”” vast and difficult to tread without being swept away, and my strange lack of energy as of late has not helped with things!


  I never thought I’d EVER expand beyond Warframe work in the slightest, yet, with every world I wander into that captivated me, my desire to expand there, to “give-back” somehow, it just develops a mind of it’s own!


  Hope folks haven’t been to disappointed in my quantity as of late! Maybe I need to find a way to interlink my work across forums and websites, to show folks I haven’t given up or lost interest, only expanded far beyond what I ever could have imagined!


  That’s all for now folks! Gonna give myself a swift kick in the rear and start polishing off things in some places so that others finally slot into place.


  See ya soon Chooms/Surah!



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  • 3 weeks later...

  Just popping up for air from my work across the scattered worlds and flesh and blood existence to wish you all a merry Naberus and a big thank you to the folks that have stuck with me for so long!

I must apologize to those who follow me who keep getting pop-ups of me “just talking”, I wish there was a filter option where you could make it so that you only got prompted to look if the poster posts in a specific area.


  As much as I would love to be constantly productive, I feel like my productivity has taken such a hit since I spread to other worlds.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

  On this day, at the stroke of 12:55 at night, I was born! Well, uh, several years ago, but, you get what I mean.


  The years go by like wind, yet, somehow, I am still here, still working on designs, even if only at a glacial pace these days.


  Here’s to hopeing that the glacier thaws and I begin to move at meltwater speed at some point! Thinking about it a bit, it mighhhhhtttt be a good idea to use this time to give back to the folks who have given so much to me, a little verbal present under the tree, maybe a little maintenance on the side to see what might need modernizing in the Pit (Can think of a few weapons that still have a focus on ammo types come to think of it!). As soon as work calms down a bit, think I’ll do just that!


  Be seeing you around my assorted viewers and fellow creators who may still be out here! That, I can very much still give a certificate of guarantee!

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