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Lumped Together Mosh-Pit of Ideas I've had for too Long


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                                        Page 224

(Conceived a few (perhaps three) days before today, finalized circa 16:28 on February 4th, 2017)

  After much waffleing about and spicy chicken-wing eating, here's Unus, comin at ya with another concept cultivated from the writhing maelstrom that is my mind!

(Publishing early due to losing a significant amount of progress)

Designation: Dual Harpitrixes

Weapon Designation: Secondary, Akimbo-type.


Manufacturer: Formerly a cooperative venture made by Beekloud's security marketing division and it's sports division. The project went so well that it had to be shut-down due to the lopsided ratio of first-time buyers to repeat customers. By the time they plugged this profit-hemorrhage, Harpitrixes could be found from Mercury to the Tau-Rail. Even when the company tried to correct the market by a remote computer virus meant to fry the weapon's most delicate components, enterprising independent hackers had already "jail-broken" and updated over a quarter of the sold product. Now, this mark of shameful corporate efficiency can be built by anyone with a fabricator and a blueprint.

Statistical Breakdown:

Projectile= Projectile

Damage= 2.5 Impact, 7.5 Slash, 29.5 Electric.

Accuracy= 10.2

Cyclic Rate-of-Fire= 13.5

Critical Chance= 7.5%

Critical Damage= 1.5X

"P.R.O.C." Chance= 15%

Magazine= 30+30 Powder charges packed into two straight magazines.

Reload Speed= 1.5 (Sparker halts current, head-clamp and wing-clamps drop magazine, Ospreys return to hip holster nodes and dock, Ospreys plunge mag-strip conveyer piece into hard ammo case located just beneath the holster nodes, let belt run to draw magazine fully into the weapon, upon strikeing the top, engage wing clamps and head-clamp, surge sparker, assume firing stance.)

Trigger= Auto

Mastery Rank Requisite= 4

Polarity= Vazarin

Special Traits: 

Situationally Aware Multitargeting= 

   As the two weapons are a perfect blending of independentaly-dependent software and require no real "aiming" beyond a few moments of focus on a target, a user with sufficient skill can focus a single Harpitrix's attention on a single target no matter where they go while also maintaining full control of the other Harpitrix. Mechanically speaking, zooming in on a target for more then a few moments will "assign" the Harpitrix to that target allowing the user to freely fire on other threats with it's twin. Simply aiming again will recall the locked-on twin.


Split Mag= The sum total of the weapon's magazine is actually split between both pistols, with uneven numbers applying the extra round to the left Harpitrix.


Dazzle Charges= Forgoing both the ballistic and energy approaches to projectiles, Harpitrixes instead pneumatically fire pellets of a volatile conductive powder at foes. Every so often (every other time a statistical "P.R.O.C." would occur) the sparker has a chance of  starting a stronger then-average-reaction, causing the resulting shot to burst into a glittering cloud of pain on contact, reduceing enemy accuracy by 15%. A headshot made with a dazzle-charge increases the malus to 30%.


   Rather simple, due to the fact that the most complex components are buried deep inside the machine's caseing. A Harpitrixes' main outline consists of half of a half moon shape on top and a straighted point at the bottom. The straightened point contains a conveyer system with a single magnetic sheet on it, utilized during the reloading process to pull a magazine onto it's loading rail and guide it up into the "head" of the weapon. Upon hitting the top, the wing-clamps and head clamp engage and hold it in place as the "beak-sparker" comes online. The magazine can and will stick out of the bottom a bit if it is extended.

  On the sides of the body, right at the crease where the curve into the half half moon begins, a twin set of vertical fuel tanks embedded into body-integrated wings, unadorned save for a Beekcloud stamp in white on their opposing sides, house vectoring microthrusters projecting jets of grey flame as they move to adjust positioning during sustained fire and movement. Between the wings on the front, a pair of clamps reside which do the bulk of the work in keeping the magazine held in place. At the pinnacle of the body, where the magazine clips into place, the barrel resides, two parallel rails enclosed by a metallic riblike set of arches and ending with a pointed partially parted "beak". Between the two sharp points of the beak, a grey electrical current surges constantly, the catalyst by which the Hapitrix converts launched packed pellets into fulgurateing balls of serrated pseudo-glass. Above, on the "beak's" snout, a spiderlike array of grey nodes sit and flicker as they crunch numbers perceive data in a manner that would fry any previous proxies' bluebox in minutes. The final defining feature   found on it is the featureless horizontal cylinder that juts out of the back, a pressurizedair  canister through which the Harpitrix gains it's lethal projectile momentum.

"Basic" Description= Sometimes, there is such a thing as to successful. Beekcloud was bludgeoned with this fact considerably a few short months after the day they made the recovery of a life time. Probeing Grineer controlled space in orbit around Saturn for possible invasion staging sites, a single osprey uncovered the shell of what had once been an Orokin communications satellite. Within it's pitted, burnt, and well-stripped husk, a memory core was found for a single terabyte fragment of what had once been a slaved Cephalon array that allowed the many worlds of the empire to intercommunicate with all the speed and precision of having a conversation with a neighbor out of your window. Amidst the desperate cries for help,  security alerts, and political banter, Beekcloud codeing analysts found a breakthrough. Imprinted on a file titled "For Those Who Come After" were the final words of an unknown factory technician and the schematics for the mass production of artificial neural fiber.


   After a rousing speech about perserverence, the recording ends with the sound of a detron firing.  Ignoreing this enigma, it took mere hours for technicians to splice it's code into their forge networks, a relic of a bygone age made anew.


  Though possibility had suddenly become reality, technology had yet to come up to speed to this startling advanced. 95% of the entire synthetic work-force still functioned on the venerable neural net blue-box system, making conversion for current models both fisically and temporally unfeasible. Undeterred and to excited to simply stand by and let opportunity pass, Beekcloud committed a dark and egregious sin. . . they innovated. Utilizing the husk of the sacred blueprints of the Osprey and its variants, Beekcloud completely stripped the design down to it's most basic skeleton and rebuilt it from the ground up utilizing all manner of brainstormed technologies.


Editing the recovered video to make it seem as though the unknown worker was gifting future generations with the entire drone itself rather then just the fiber (and redacting the ending gunshot), Beekcloud advertised this "bleeding edge final gift from the ancestors"all across the Conglomerate, resulting in a massive influx of orders that saw even the prototypes shipped to buyers across the system. For four straight months Beekcloud experienced it's most massive revenue boom since the opening of the Martian Front. It wasn't until month five that a startling revelation was made. . .(See "Manufacturer" for finale details)

Edited by Unus
Work Progressed! Complete circa 2/24/2017 at 17:27!
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  • 2 weeks later...

Just a drop in for you folks for future bits.


Mr. Mako's almost done with another miraculous piece of art, this one a mural depicting Grem troops assaulting a Venusian holding.


I'm currently wrapped up in trying to finish up the Harpitrixes "Basic" Description. I KNOW just how to end it, I just keep getting attacked by my non-Warframe projects.


In addition, My dear associate, Mr. Rhekemi, is helping me finish the Sentient Saga at last! Gonna feel good to cross that bit off the ol todo list, lemme tel ya.


Finally, my latest project will introduce a companion-enhancement obsessed Faction into the confines of the Pit. More details to come, but, to make things interesting, let's just say it's members are a tad bit . . . unique. One might even call them. . . radical.

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EXCELLENT sudden news everyone! After a pit of consultation among three randomly selected individuals (by random, I mean "people I both knew and stumbled across at random"), I have FINALLY placed examples of the art on the front page for your pleasure as I work elsewhere. People have told me in the past that folks like to see the pictures before they even consider trying to read any of the descriptions, so, I figure, what the hey? A little optical candy for folks.


Anywho, that is that for a current status report, check above if you want the original. 


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11 minutes ago, BlackDiamondAce said:

how is you

Me? Oh, uh, busy with work, still got plenty a ideas, but, never any time to implement em lately. With luck, things will run smoother once the mid semester break kicks in and I'm not needed up there for a bit.

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   SPECTACULAR news folks! Thanks to the power of  EternalDrkMako's innate glorious artistic talents, the Grem have finally been molded into flesh and blood and revealed to all the world! BEHOLD! A Venusian excursion into a volcanic no-man's land.


Take not of the exciting inspiring detail on the bottom right. The Manic Handler! When your as old as they are and have enough to deal with then some snarling animals, you need someone to handle your frothing veterans and keep em from urinating all over the place and getting lost. In comes the grandmothers of the group, The Manic Handlers!

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  • 2 weeks later...

                                        Page 232

(Conceived circa 2/2?/2017 at ??:??)

Grab your Che Gueverra shirts and hold your Little Red Books high ladies and gents! The Sol/Origin system is need of a little REVELUCION to keep it on it's way! VIVA LA GRAN ESQUEMA!

Faction Designation: The Free M.O.A. Front.


This is my largest and most completely thought-out project I've ever created. Any and all individuals who dare to read it may risk their eyes by a significant amount by opening this spoiler link.

If you are not ready for some heavy HEAVY reading, turn back NOW, for your sake! 


Faction Symbol: Two extremely bright red pillars holding up a large extremely bright red circle. The circle contains five smaller circles, all leading down to the smallest, which houses a vaguely brain-shaped shape. Between the two pillars, 3 rows of five smaller versions of the larger one stand evenly spaced apart.

Faction Founder(s): Alpha 1 and Beta 2 ( The first two Proxies to be manufactured without their onboard kill-bolts)

Faction Leadership: Distributed "cells" scattered on various commandeered vessels stationed throughout the Sol-Origin system. All cells contain a single paired model of Alpha 1 and Beta 2, an empty husk with a differing alphabet-numerical designation controlled by the real one via L.I.D.A.R. communications. If a cell is compromised, the model will patriotically obliterate itself and all troops onboard the vessel via ramming a boarding vessel or simply self-destructing the entire ship with all hands on board. 

Faction Agenda: The "Grand Esquema", a two-fold project that focuses upon 1) The acquisition of enough factory and processing vessels to achieve a "stable reproductive quotient in the face of attrition and 2) The seizeing of Corpussian assets in bulk in order to build a sizeable fleet with which to seize the "homeland" of Jupiter. Some cells add addendums to the    Esquema charter on every vessel, such as "Add= The pragmatization of human slavery." and "Add= The Acquisition of ________ for the cause.", although this is frowned upon and is usually only practiced by cells on the far fringes.

Faction Relations: Neutral Isolationists. The F.M.F. largely attempts to stay out of the largely human struggles of the other factions. Seeing the Tenno's inhuman capabilities and previous history of successful revolution as signs of being kindred spirits, the F.M.F. has only just recently begun to contact the Tenno for mutually beneficial operations against forces who see both as mere resources to be exploited and cast aside as whims demand.

Faction Offerings: Companion Augmetics. (Having spent centuries tinkering with and tweaking their own components to both extend pre-programmed corporate expiration dates and exceed functionality parameters set forth for them by the Corpus, the "Comp-R.A.-Ds" (Computirized-Regular Army-Designated.) of the F.M.F. have learned to make the most of what little they find. By earning Favors for them through the cracking of spy vaults (For planning raids against Grineer, for liberation operations in Corpus space, and reclamation/demolition operations at Orokin sites) ((The "Intel Packs" spat out by unlocked Vaults appear as yellow-screened laminated p.d.a.s with strings of binary on the covers)) and the "hacking" of M.O.A. Cabinets on missions, one can acquire both software and "hardware" (flesh friendly or not) upgrades to "consumeable" companions, such as providing them with retaliation shielding, calibrateing their a.i.s for specific circumstances, or simply boosting some manner of statistic. All upgrades can be purchased via the Faction store or from Tr-0t547 and Ale-X9 at the command compound in the shuttle stageing area on Larunda.


0= Mercenaireo

15,000= Seguidor

30,000+ 15,000 circuits= Camarada

45,000+50 Control Modules=  Benefactor.

60,000+Prime Sentinal Cerebrum=



Rank 0:

5,000= Fervor Sigil

(a "tattoo style" image of an Osprey nesting upon a M.O.A. that is standing upon a battered looking crewmen. The Osprey always has a lighter tint then the M.O.A., the M.O.A.has normal tinting, and the crewmen is always darkly tinted. The image flashes like an old-fashioned neon sign, starting at the Osprey and moving down until the full thing lights up and the process repeats.(Image up for debate)) +50% Favor bonus for completed objectives thanks to onboard recording software.

7,500=Instashield pack X10

(This small scale package houses 10 tiny cyan"Dumb Ospreys" which, depending upon the companion, will either launch and project a void-shield worth roughly 1/4 of the unit's health or launch and boost the unit's shield regeneration by 15%. If the unit's shielding is overwhelmed and shuts down completely, the resulting shut down will also cause the D.O. to crash, a glitch that has been insurmountable for decades without applying the "equitable-to-an-atrocity" method of a.i. installation and enslavement.)

Rank 1

7,500= Ablatorbot pack X10

(This package of yellow "Dumb Ospreys" deploys to spray a painful (and therefore "consumeable" unit restrictive) polycrystalline coating onto a unit's body, createing an armor layer worth 1/8 of the unit's health bar or augmenting an existing armor by 1/10 the current armor value. Thanks to the fact that the unit's movement constantly sheds the coating, the Ablatorbot must stay on site to renew the coating. If the Ablatorbot's coating is completely stripped away or an amount of health equal to the amount of provided for armor is stripped away, the Ablatorbot will explode due to the stress on it's frame caused by aersoling the compound.)  

10,000= Vacucase pack X10

(These tiny orange locust look-alikes assign themselves to a nearby unit and sit in standby mode until nearby collectibles come into range. Upon detecting nearby items, the Vacucase will sweep in and collect up to five of them before activating their overdrive thrusters and zipping back to their launcher to deposit the items. If it makes more then three fully loaded trips however, the stress will cause the thrusters to burn out entirely and send the Vacucase crashing to the ground. Thanks to an onboard intelligence on par with an old earth canine's, Vacucases can be deployed alongside other support bots without the nasty risk of random collision between two drones. While deploying machines that are at the bare-minimum of what can be thought of as cognitive beings has given many F.M.F. members pause, Alpha 1 and Beta 2 need only to point out the existance of drahk, kavat, and kubrow units as examples of fully Sentient life utilizeing nonsentient life to fulfill a purpose.)

Rank 2

10,000= Fulgurautomat pack X10

(These purple colored disc-shaped drones harness the thermal and static-electrical energy of stressed void-shield batteries and convert it into a lethal radial blast of raw current. Deploying one on a unit will "equip" it with the equivalent to the Warframe retribution modification. Upon three radial blasts after full and sudden shield depletion, the Fulgurautomat's inner circuitry burns out from the stress, causeing the bot to drop like a stone.)

15,000= Riftway Anchor X5

(Years of careful tinkering and and countless jumps have made F.M.F. pilots extremely effective at maneuvers and sure-shots at firing control, even into the realm beyond. The oldest of them, damaged relics unable to walk or fully participate as combat troops, are even capable (be it through experience or archaic hyper-technology) of sensing areas where the horizon of the universe is weakest, allowing them to make extremely efficient void punches and even launch payloads into the void to arrive safely at their destinations. Harnessing that previously mentioned Void canniness, F.M.F. Engineers have created a Void "boarding capsule" capable of being transported by ballistic launch and then micro-drive directly into enemy strongholds. When the appropriate "Riftway Anchor" (a tiny micropunch drive that acts as a "target" for the capsule) is deployed, a nearby F.M.F. vessel tailing the Liset will deploy a capsule within a sufficiently sized area, releasing 3 "micro M.O.A.s" before sliding back through the rift with a thunderclap. The micro-M.O.A.s have half the statistical marks of a standard M.O.A., their frames are extremely receptive to the bonuses of augment drones, allowing them to receive double the effects. In addition, thanks to an onboard power regulation computer and inline power cell, equipped drones last twice as many uses and  and, upon the death of the host M.O.A. will rapidly escape back to the user as the machine transfers the last of it's power to the drone in it's "death throes". Naturally, this particular bombardment type is good for only a single mission, as tailing vessels are taught to flee immediately after a strike, a cost-saving factor, given the rarity of these elderly pilots.

Rank 3:

15,000: Relic Pack X3

(Thanks to decades of active Void space recovery and tower denial demolition operations, the F.M.F. has been inundated with a wide selection of quantum assembly cores. To specific to humanoid use to be truely useful, but to inconceivably valuable to simply toss aside, Alpha 1 and Beta 2 have instead advocated a policy of ceding q.m.a.s to particularly noteworthy Tenno in exchange for favors as an apropo method of clearing storage.)

20,000: Sentshard Pack X3

(Years of careful analysis of the strange syntheto-organic beings known as sentinels have yielded fascinating results from COMP-R.A.-D. operators in their field labs Sol-wide. Using shards shot off obliterated and damaged sentinels in the field, carefully applying neural circuitry to the pieces, and then applying a continuous electrical current to them, one could, in a few short moments, create an exact duplicate of the previous sentinel, albeit at 50% statistical functionality. While ironing out the kinks in this process had been difficult to consistently make work manually, breakthroughs in non-sentient automation and user control soon allowed for the process to be undergone almost instantaneously, with the added bonus of the discovery that the presence of a specific sentinel type would trigger the birth of "Shards" of that type. Shards deployed in the field obtain low-ranked but still existing versions of the innate modifications relevant to their sentinel breed, but are otherwise free of outside tampering.)

Rank 4: 

20,000: Compatriot Sigil

( The symbol of the F.M.F. itself, in all it's bright red glory. The pillared circles between the larger ones light up in a variety of patterns (top to bottom, row-by-row down, row-by-row left-to-right) but always end by having the group flash once, the largest flash once, and then both large and and the group blaring in bright red glory before turning off to repeat the cycle anew) +100% Favor bonus for completed objectives thanks to  onboard audiovisual microcameras.)


Quotes: (Project piece in progress)



Ladies and gentlemen, hooooolllllyyyy elllllll did this take some time. Between my job, my social life, and my other special projects, I almost thought I'd never finish it, but, here, at last, I have birthed my glorious infant. Look upon these works oh Tenno bretheren, and tell me, what do you see?


Edited by Unus
Completed circa 3/8/2017 at 2:41 A.M.
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   I feel like my massive investment  into the Free M.O.A. Front might seem a bit confuseing or overwhelming to folks, so I'll try to explain things here a bit. 


You see, one day, several weeks ago, while whiling away the hours on Warframe's discord , I stumbled upon a mental revelation. What if, rather then leave syndicate consumable troops as just that, consumeable toss-away soldiers, we could augment them somehow? Make them more useful then just meat shields, perhaps even makeing them almost equals to some of our harshest foes if tweaked just right, for those lone Tenno who need an outside buddy who want to keep their sentinel and cannot afford to manage a kubrow?


I had the blueprints, but I couldn't properly think up a theme. That is, until I saw an alert for Raptor, the Osprey that actually communicates before combat in an intelligent manner. Boom! What if a company tried to cut costs and create an expensive a.i. (nono a PAIR of a.i.s) without their control bolts just to see what could be done?


 From that tiny seed, the revolution exploded outward from casual shop concept to full blown communistic computer comrades ell bent on rescuing Jupiter from Corpus hands.


Hopefully that might provide a pint-sized amount of explanation to my unwieldyly large but carefully read over document.


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DEM IT! Accidentally pressed the wrong button! Uh. . . um. . . accidentally found a long since voted on concept from a year before, the Hekatom! Quality shock-and-awe dirty warfare in the palm of your hand.

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                                       Page 234

(Conceived circa 3/6/2017 at ??:??)

Phew! With the Free M.O.A. Front at last uncorked and running rampant, I can, aside from some good quotes and the Sentient Saga, FINALLY dump my creative buildup at last! First off, time for a little lesson in respect from the Grinic Elders.


Designation: Parapet 

Unit Designation: Ultra Heavy

"Healthy children will not fear life if their elders have integrity enough not to fear death."

                              -Erik Erickson


Health Type=The  Parapet itself is heavily armored to the point of invulnerability. Only the Ramparts, the blunts, the armored hatch(ferrite), the metallic glass pane(alloy), and the Eldblud behind it (cloned flesh) can be damaged with weapons fire.

Health Statistics=




Alloy Pane=

Eldblud Pilot= 

Manufacturer: Orbital Dock 12, Northern Pole, Miranda. Orbital Dock 19, Southwestern Geosynced Orbit, Ceres. Ironworks 137-B, Sea Settlement 65, Large Northern Continental Coast, Earth.

(The need to specifically formulate a breed that is somewhere between the massive "idiot savant" blob class clones and the compact "pilot dreg" clones in capability, the sheer amount of alloy and ferrite required to construct the vehicles, and the sheer amount of fuel and ordinance needed to keep them off the ground and raining ordinance on the opposition, an unprecedented amount of communication has been required of the scattered worlds of the Grineer Empire. By decree of the Worm Kween herself, thousands of data relaying "messenger dregs" are sent forth from this triumvirate of worlds, each one harboring the same instructions list and each one lacking a guarantee of survival in the vastness of interplanetary space. Inevitably, thanks to the Lesser Worm Queen's innate guile and skill at pulling strings, some dregs always seem to make it through, guaranteeing the wheels of war machine manufacturing remain ever turning.) 


Combat Transport= A large hovercraft base that can land and take on crew.

Limited V.T.O.L.= Two massive directional turbofans that can lift it up into the air for short hops and can slow down atmospheric insertion.

Upgraded Rocketry= A twin-linked "Ogris Mk2" that fires faster and sharper turning rockets that appear to have latchers on their tips. The launcher is on a side mounted armature that sticks out of the side of the metal-glass tank the Blob is sitting in and is fed missiles three at a time via an armored belt.

Fire Support= A pair of Rampart sponson guns, one on each side and unmanned until the Parapet calls in nearby troops.

Twin Bunkers= 2 squares of 4 blunts arranged in a square in the front and back that can house two Grineer in cramped conditions.

Ground Command= A list of orders it can issue to troops in order to adjust their behavior on the fly, the four being "Attack", "Bunker", "Hunker", and "Withdrawel".

Voice of Seniority= A "Rally Aura" roughly half as effective as a common regulator's.

The Weakness= A single portion that houses a sealed port-hole that rotates independently of the rest of the structure. Shattering this protective metal seal reveals a high-health alloy-glass window with the mind shredding face of the Eldblud just beyond, constantly and meticulously tapping at a control keyboard and adjusting various lever-based instruments to rotate the houseing with a disturbing array of skeletal prosthetics seemingly shoved haphazardly into it's corpulent body in various areas via barnacle-esque nubs.

Volatile Uranite Core= Killing, injuring, or damaging the area behind the pilot will cause the vessel's reactor core to meltdown catastrophically, sweeping the battlefield with a fiery atomic explosion and a rain of shrapnel, amniotic fluid, and cloned flesh chunks.

Localized Presence= Due to restrictive resource costs, military prioritization, and overly-optimized terrain clearance capability, Parapets are only deployed during Martian invasions.


   A bulbous spire, in typical Grinic style sits at the center of a small platform.

Just beneath the crowning coral-like crenellation, a segmented-off section houses an independently turning off colored section, vast ferrite walls houseing a somatic tank where a "blob" class Grineer resides manipulating the controls to the machine.

Aside from mechanically unscrewing the tank from the rest of the machine, the only other area of access is a large alloy glass bulkhead, sealed tight beneath a ferrite airlock. The pilot constantly attempts to rotate this weakness out of harms way, though it can only do this at the expense of takeing no other actions.

Out of the side of this rotating tube, two Ogris sit blocked ontop of each other, held in place by a metal armature and fed from an armored "rocket belt" that feeds down from the coral-like top. The launcher is also capable of rotating independently of the sectioned off tube, allowing it to continue to bombard enemy units in two rocket volleys while the pilot goes about it's own business. The rockets themselves have improved guidance hardware implanted into their tips, suggested via the latcher-like protrusion on the front which allows the missile to more efficiently use thrust in order to accelerate and to turn far more sharply then the original models.

Beneath the tube, a coaxial-mounted loudspeaker attached to the eldblud's throat by snaking cables allows the Grineer to broadcast it's voice across the battlefield, allowing it to command troops into it's defenses, command them to take defensive positions, order them to attack, or (when near death) ordering them to retreat.

Beneath the loudspeaker, going all the way down to the floor, a Grineer-style metal base sits, the Grinic emblem welded onto all four sides and lined with bright orange halogen lights that can be seen from yards off. Beneath this lies the light but resilient floor of the war machine, housed atop a single massive hover-fan and assisted by a pair of massive turbofan verctoring thrusters in order to hover, dodge, and even take momentary flight in order to leap across the battlefield or to slow descent as it drops in from exo-atmospheric artillery launch.

Organized in an "iron cross" style pattern, the platforms on it's "starting" left and right are just large enough to house a single Rampart gun each and allow a grineer soldier to get onboard, while the front and back portions house a square of four blunts with just enough room between them to allow two Grineer to hunker down in cramped conditions.



(Distant sound of a cannon firing from far above) (Staticky screen opens up on left side side of player's screen)


(Dot appears in the sky with firey streak trailing behind it)


(Object slams into the ground in an open area, causeing a knockback effect.) (Protective boxes explosively decouple off of the ramparts while the heat-shielding around the rotateable portion decouples off into every direction.)

"I . . . AM. . . THEIR ANSWER!"

(Hover-fan roars to life with ominous metallic screeching as the turbofans fire-off with a back-firing bang)

(Battle begins)

Combat Quotes=

(Killing an ally)


(Sobbing) "They deserved so much more."

"Child, PLEASE, get up. . .(whimpering)"

(Mechanical casualty) 


(Downing a Tenno)




(Bunker Order)


(Attack Order)


(Hunker Order)


(Withdrawal Order)

"Children (heavy breath), flee to fight. . . (Heavy breath) another day. I will. . . (heavy breath) hold them here."

(Death Cry= Alone)

"DAM IT! DAM YOU! I'LL SEE YOU IN H(mushroom cloud)"

(Death Cry= Allies)

"CHILDREN! (Gurgling and desperate choking) RUNNNNN! I CANNOT HOLD BA(mushroom cloud)

"Basic" Description= 

   Based upon a spliced template between the idiot-savant caregiver    units found within most Grinic cloneing facilities and the limbless astronaughts of the dreg corps, Eldbluds were custom built for a singular purpose, to accelerate the costly Martian Invasion while attempting to keep casualties at a bare minimum to slow the Degredation of their genome. Programmed from birth with a neurotic obsession with their fellow Grineer and excessively effective motor skills (despite  being born without limbs), the "blobs" could soon be found lodged in command centers all across the Martian Lines, relaying information across the battlefield with excellent speed. Unfortunately, with the recent production of Beekcloud's latest "Siege Bots", dubbed Mastodons, these command centers soon became the target of "bulldozing" operations that the Grineer simply could not provide an adequate defense against beyond disproportionate unit deployment. Desperate to counteract these lumbering behemoths, the best plan that High Command could come up with is to make command centers motile and networked together in a redundant manner. In this way, the loss of one center was irrelevant in the grand scheme of things, as it had always been among the Grineer. And so the stalemate continues. . .



Mmmm mmmm! I loved me a good mech war! Now, onto it's Corpusian counterpart, the Mastodon!


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(Conceived circa 3/11/2017 at ??:??)

(Inspiration derived from a Discord friend's obsession with BattleTech, a favored author's love  of mechanized war machines, and, strangely enough, Call of Duty Black Operations 2's "Excavation Site 64")

Ah, gotta love it. You come up with one idea, it spontaneously spawns another idea, which can potentially spawn yet another idea in a rolling chain that can go on for proverbial miles. Stuff that writes itself practically.

Designation: Mastodon

Unit Designation= Ultra Heavy.

"Whenever in future wars the battle is fought, armored troops will play the decisive role."

              - Heinz Guderian


Health Type= The individual adaptive armor plateings of the machine's great "shingle hide" each carry their own alloy health bar. Beneath the armor, the skeletal bulk of the machine's body is all purely of the robotics health type. The massive bulk of it's armored "skull", its reflective "earflaps", it's armored "hose-trunk", and it's "comm-tusks" are all completely damage-proof.

Health Statistics=

Adaptive Plate=


Manufacturer: Ishtar-Jove Cooperative Station, "Storm Belt", Low Neptunian Orbit. (A very recent construction in Corpus space, ad-hoc and kit-bashed from mothballed  combat vessels, scrubbed post-Infested vessels, and salvaged derelicts. To prevent monopolization of the station by either Beekcloud or Luxor Forge, the station was created in the neutral ground of the homeworld's orbit, strategically placed to exploit the "free" energy of the world's gale-force winds and storm discharges.)


Adaptive Shingling=

Each individual shingle  houses  a  limited machine intelligence that constantly reacts to outside threats. If a hole is blown in the shingling and the Mastodon itself is damaged through said hole, the nearest shingle will immediately jump into place via the magnetic mesh located across the walker's frame from "tail-transmitter" to "shield-skull". This forces a disciplined policy of either attempting to overwhelm all of the shingles at once with ludicrous amounts of firepower or to make sure as much damage is put into each shot as possible.

Garrison Pods= 

Lineing the mechanical spine of the Mastodon from front to back are 3 pairs of "node cages" that sink into the back through the mag-mesh. Allied proxies can leap  or fly into these nodes in order to impart a specific benefit to the Mastodon, from acting as a turret, to erecting a long distance shield emitter, to acting as an ordinance launcher that spits out leeches or mines to harry targets in it's wake. The destruction of the Mastodon will eject all onboard proxies, with most Ospreys usually makeing it to a minimum safe distance and most M.O.A.s being caught in the post-mortem blast radius. 

Shockdrive Core= 

As these three-ton goliaths take up considerable space in cargoholds and are somewhat cumbersome when not on flattened terrain, each Mastodon is equipped with a rear mounted Void drive that allows it to tear holes into the Void and "fall" or "walk" onto the battlefield accordingly in a crackleing thunderclap of ionization and golden photon bursts. Mastodons can also utilize this ability on the battlefield to chase escapeing targets or flee to a better vantage point. Whenever the Mastodon prepares to enter voidspace, the "tail" will rise and it's tip will glow bright red as a warning sign to nearby personnel to stand clear.

"Kolageto" Cannon=

In addition to it's repertoire of "tusk" goreing, "trunk" swipes", and rushing charges, the Mastodon comes equipped with an inline "hidden" weapon. The machine's trunk is actually a chobham-plated insulated hose for spraying flesh burning and metal weakening liquid helium across the battlefield in either wide swaths or focused "firehose" blasts. Thanks to a separate onboard bluebox, the trunk can face and act completely independently of where the armored head is faceing , allowing it to fire in almost any direction so long as it's own body does not obstruct fire. In order to fire properly, the Mastodon must stop and raise it's "trunk" into a proper fireing position, leaveing it "vulnerable" to enemy fire (assuming the enemy can somehow survive the oncoming torrent in the open). For the Grineer and their focus on group tactics and swarming, the Kolageto is an absolutely devastating weapon that forced High Command to field it's own ultra heavy answer, the Parapet hovercraft.

Tank Rupture= 

Thanks to a carefully designed flaw in the Mastodon's body, the Mastodon will always fall while putting it's full weight down on the liquid helium tank in it's pseudo-skeletal chest cavity, causing a pressurized explosion that can sweep the field with deadly frosty vapor. It is strongly advised to flee to cover or escape the battlefield entirely to avoid the wave and properly enjoy victory.

Localized Presence=

Thanks to budgetary restraints, over-optimization to the local terrain, and the teneous corporate alliance needed to even begin the Siege Walker program, Mastodons can only really be found during Martian invasions.


Slightly resembling the eponymous pachyderm of yore, six thick and extremely dark purple metallic legs ending in the proxy-typical M.O.A. toes hold up a metallic "rib cage" that in turn houses a massive liquid helium tank in the place of a set of organs in the front and the lightly glowing ice-white lighted void drive in the back, slowly rotateing in it's houseing.

Over the "bony" layer, a thick mesh of almost chain-link consistency spits sparks as electricity flows through it from "neck" to "tail".

Above this layer, a desert-flecktarn camouflage layer of dozens of seperate armor "shingles" cling tightly together in a large armor coat reminiscent of the elephant armor of millienia ago.

The head has no real neck, jutting straight out of the body as a solid metal straight up-and-down "squared cylinder" with two "M.O.A. Eye" style lights on it's two bottom corners, a pair of lights in the middle that form two separate halves of a heart-like shape, and two quite small lights on the top left and right cylinder "edges". Between the top of the heart-shaped section and the corner eyeslots, a large and faded white Beekcloud  brand stamp sits. At the bottom, in the place above just where the trunk emerges, a grey Luxor forge stamp sits in a faded but distinct style.

Jutting out from beneath the cylinder, a pair of "tusks"  with two tiny ice-white lights on their tips houses the "unmanned-but-manned" connections between the Mastodon and it's support pilot, though still acting in typical lethal fashion if threats come to close to the front.

From between the tusks (and connecting to the tank within the armored frame) stretches out a long armored trunk that houses two metallic "grip lips" on it's top and bottom and a set of ice white M.O.A. eyes on it's left and right sides, displaying awareness that at times seems to clearly suggest that the trunk is an independent proxy capable of attacking it's own selected targets without pilot or platform intervention.  

On either side of the head, a set of articulating "ear-shield-flaps" constantly adjust to enemy attacks in jerky mechanized motions, sometimes opening wide and elephantine to block attacks from the front, other times flattening to the body to cover those areas that the shingle drones are unable to enclose.

Like it's smaller bretheren, the Mastodon emits noise similar to the creature it's design is based around, a low decibel trumpeting with an electronic undertone as if emitted through a radio.

"Basic" Description:

Though war is normally extremely profitable for the Corpus, stagnate warfare in the same area becomes nothing more then a steady drain on resources in the Board's eyes. Therefore, in a desperate bid to finish the ongoing Gravidus Resurgence Campaign, the Board nationalized a small portion of Beekcloud and Luxor and forced the two company portions to work together in a short period of time to come up with a solution under the threat of death. Specifically, if a solution could not be found in 48 hours, the cheaply built and teneously placed station that both groups met upon would lose thrust and plunge into the gaseous depths of the giant. With such an incentive hanging over their heads, it took no more then 25 hours for the panicked technicians of both sides to cobble together a handful of on-hand prototype programs into a single consolidated whole greater then it's parts. On the 26th hour, the grease-stained and heavily fingerprinted design tablet was ferried aloft by cargo osprey onto the next automated supply transport.

   With bated breath, the now heavily integrated teams sat and waited. . . and gave a collective exhale of relief when the wall-mounted "Time-Till-Shutoff" timer clicked offline at the nine hour mark. Celebrations were promptly cut short when several dozen cargo vessels suddenly entered planetary orbit broadcasting a very unfortunate message. Because of their Board approval and success, it seemed that the Board would now be takeing full control of operations and ensuring the best comfort and care of onboard personnel. . . till roughly the end of their lives. Thus,  the Ishtar-Jove "Cooperative" Station was born, it's occupants damned to produce Mastodon after Mastodon after Mastodon until the war is completed. . . and likely long afterwards. 

Quotes (As the machine is much to large and complex for a single shackled a.i. to manipulate, motion and fireing control is done by a special "gunnery-uplink", fitted over the head of an off-site pilot that is trained to marionette the proxy as if it was a delayed-reaction of their own body.):

(The pilot's voice suggests a "flyboy" or "maverick" personality type, though all spoken dialogue is in Corpussian):


(Golden rift opens up into the battlefield either above it or from a wall.)

(A grainy communications window opens up on the left)

"Locking in on priority target's signal."

(Mastodon either drops from the rift and "unpacks" or rockets from the portal and skids to a halt)

"Deployment complete, engaging threats."

(Loud electro-trumpeting)

(Battle begins)

Combat Quotes:

(Allies killed)

"Secondary threat riseing on target priority list."

"Fiscal losses increaseing, attempting to mitigate."

"Takeing losses."

(Killing enemies)

"Sweeping zone."

"Easier then the morning commute."

(Downing a Tenno)

"H.P.T. dropped, diverting to other targets."

"Threat level decreaseing."

"Damn I'm good."

(Spotting a Parapet)

"Finally some action."

"Focusing fire."

"Not your day old man."

(Loseing a or some shingle drones.)

"Takeing some big hits."

"Armor holding."

"Getting dicey here."

(Low health)

"Prempting self destruct."

"Synch-link feedback reaching dangerous levels."

"Awwww S#&$."


"Agghhhh! Something in the helmet bu(Boom)."

"Well, this is gonna hurt the bud(Boom)."

"And here it co(Boom)."


And here we are, two goliaths going at it during Martian invasion missions, a bit of spice added to the possibly mind numbing experience of endlessly slaying the same old dross over and over again. I could be wrong and might be suggesting something that might be overtly frustrateing for folks though, so please, feel free to unleash your critique cannons upon these beasts accordingly oh reader of mine.


Edited by Unus
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On 3/19/2017 at 0:14 PM, Unus said:

                                        Page 235

(Conceived circa 3/11/2017 at ??:??)

(Inspiration derived from a Discord friend's obsession with BattleTech, a favored author's love  of mechanized war machines, and, strangely enough, Call of Duty Black Operations 2's "Excavation Site 64")

Ah, gotta love it. You come up with one idea, it spontaneously spawns another idea, which can potentially spawn yet another idea in a rolling chain that can go on for proverbial miles. Stuff that writes itself practically.

Designation: Mastodon

Unit Designation= Ultra Heavy.

"Whenever in future wars the battle is fought, armored troops will play the decisive role."

              - Heinz Guderian


  Hide contents


Health Type= The individual adaptive armor plateings of the machine's great "shingle hide" each carry their own alloy health bar. Beneath the armor, the skeletal bulk of the machine's body is all purely of the robotics health type. The massive bulk of it's armored "skull", its reflective "earflaps", it's armored "hose-trunk", and it's "comm-tusks" are all completely damage-proof.

Health Statistics=

Adaptive Plate=


Manufacturer: Ishtar-Jove Cooperative Station, "Storm Belt", Low Neptunian Orbit. (A very recent construction in Corpus space, ad-hoc and kit-bashed from mothballed  combat vessels, scrubbed post-Infested vessels, and salvaged derelicts. To prevent monopolization of the station by either Beekcloud or Luxor Forge, the station was created in the neutral ground of the homeworld's orbit, strategically placed to exploit the "free" energy of the world's gale-force winds and storm discharges.)


Adaptive Shingling=

Each individual shingle  houses  a  limited machine intelligence that constantly reacts to outside threats. If a hole is blown in the shingling and the Mastodon itself is damaged through said hole, the nearest shingle will immediately jump into place via the magnetic mesh located across the walker's frame from "tail-transmitter" to "shield-skull". This forces a disciplined policy of either attempting to overwhelm all of the shingles at once with ludicrous amounts of firepower or to make sure as much damage is put into each shot as possible.

Garrison Pods= 

Lineing the mechanical spine of the Mastodon from front to back are 3 pairs of "node cages" that sink into the back through the mag-mesh. Allied proxies can leap  or fly into these nodes in order to impart a specific benefit to the Mastodon, from acting as a turret, to erecting a long distance shield emitter, to acting as an ordinance launcher that spits out leeches or mines to harry targets in it's wake. The destruction of the Mastodon will eject all onboard proxies, with most Ospreys usually makeing it to a minimum safe distance and most M.O.A.s being caught in the post-mortem blast radius. 

Shockdrive Core= 

As these three-ton goliaths take up considerable space in cargoholds and are somewhat cumbersome when not on flattened terrain, each Mastodon is equipped with a rear mounted Void drive that allows it to tear holes into the Void and "fall" or "walk" onto the battlefield accordingly in a crackleing thunderclap of ionization and golden photon bursts. Mastodons can also utilize this ability on the battlefield to chase escapeing targets or flee to a better vantage point. Whenever the Mastodon prepares to enter voidspace, the "tail" will rise and it's tip will glow bright red as a warning sign to nearby personnel to stand clear.

"Kolageto" Cannon=

In addition to it's repertoire of "tusk" goreing, "trunk" swipes", and rushing charges, the Mastodon comes equipped with an inline "hidden" weapon. The machine's trunk is actually a chobham-plated insulated hose for spraying flesh burning and metal weakening liquid helium across the battlefield in either wide swaths or focused "firehose" blasts. Thanks to a separate onboard bluebox, the trunk can face and act completely independently of where the armored head is faceing , allowing it to fire in almost any direction so long as it's own body does not obstruct fire. In order to fire properly, the Mastodon must stop and raise it's "trunk" into a proper fireing position, leaveing it "vulnerable" to enemy fire (assuming the enemy can somehow survive the oncoming torrent in the open). For the Grineer and their focus on group tactics and swarming, the Kolageto is an absolutely devastating weapon that forced High Command to field it's own ultra heavy answer, the Parapet hovercraft.

Tank Rupture= 

Thanks to a carefully designed flaw in the Mastodon's body, the Mastodon will always fall while putting it's full weight down on the liquid helium tank in it's pseudo-skeletal chest cavity, causing a pressurized explosion that can sweep the field with deadly frosty vapor. It is strongly advised to flee to cover or escape the battlefield entirely to avoid the wave and properly enjoy victory.

Localized Presence=

Thanks to budgetary restraints, over-optimization to the local terrain, and the teneous corporate alliance needed to even begin the Siege Walker program, Mastodons can only really be found during Martian invasions.


Slightly resembling the eponymous pachyderm of yore, six thick and extremely dark purple metallic legs ending in the proxy-typical M.O.A. toes hold up a metallic "rib cage" that in turn houses a massive liquid helium tank in the place of a set of organs in the front and the lightly glowing ice-white lighted void drive in the back, slowly rotateing in it's houseing.

Over the "bony" layer, a thick mesh of almost chain-link consistency spits sparks as electricity flows through it from "neck" to "tail".

Above this layer, a desert-flecktarn camouflage layer of dozens of seperate armor "shingles" cling tightly together in a large armor coat reminiscent of the elephant armor of millienia ago.

The head has no real neck, jutting straight out of the body as a solid metal straight up-and-down "squared cylinder" with two "M.O.A. Eye" style lights on it's two bottom corners, a pair of lights in the middle that form two separate halves of a heart-like shape, and two quite small lights on the top left and right cylinder "edges". Between the top of the heart-shaped section and the corner eyeslots, a large and faded white Beekcloud  brand stamp sits. At the bottom, in the place above just where the trunk emerges, a grey Luxor forge stamp sits in a faded but distinct 

Jutting out from beneath the cylinder, a pair of "tusks"  with two tiny ice-white lights on their tips houses the "unmanned-but-manned" connections between the Mastodon and it's support pilot, though still acting in typical lethal fashion if threats come to close to the front.

From between the tusks (and connecting to the tank within the armored frame) stretches out a long armored trunk that houses two metallic "grip lips" on it's top and bottom and a set of ice white M.O.A. eyes on it's left and right sides, displaying awareness that at times seems to clearly suggest that the trunk is an independent proxy capable of attack it's own selected targets without pilot or platform intervention.  

On either side of the head, a set of articulating "ear-shield-flaps" constantly adjust to enemy attacks in jerky mechanized motions, sometimes opening wide and elephantine to block attacks from the front, other times flattening to the body to cover those areas that the shingle drones are unable to enclose.

Like it's smaller bretheren, the Mastodon emits noise similar to the creature it's design is based around, a low decibel trumpeting with an electronic undertone as if emitted through a radio.

Though war is normally extremely profitable for the Corpus, stagnate warfare in the same area becomes nothing more then a steady drain on resources in the Board's eyes. Therefore, in a desperate bid to finish the ongoing Gravidus Resurgence Campaign, the Board nationalized a small portion of Beekcloud and Luxor and forced the two company portions to work together in a short period of time to come up with a solution under the threat of death. Specifically, if a solution could not be found in 48 hours, the cheaply built and teneously placed station that both groups met upon would lose thrust and plunge into the gaseous depths of the giant. With such an incentive hanging over their heads, it took no more then 25 hours for the panicked technicians of both sides to cobble together a handful of on-hand prototype programs into a single consolidated whole greater then it's parts. On the 26th hour, the grease-stained and heavily fingerprinted design tablet was ferried aloft by cargo osprey onto the next automated supply transport. With bated breath, the now heavily integrated teams sat and waited. . . and gave a collective exhale of relief when the wall-mounted "Time-Till-Shutoff" timer clicked offline at the nine hour mark. Celebrations were promptly cut short when several dozen cargo vessels suddenly entered planetary orbit broadcasting a very unfortunate message. Because of their Board approval and success, it seemed that the Board would now be takeing full control of operations and ensuring the best comfort and care of onboard personnel. . . till roughly the end of their lives. Thus,  the Ishtar-Jove "Cooperative" Station was born, it's occupants damned to produce Mastodon after Mastodon after Mastodon until the war is completed. . . and likely long afterwards. 

  Hide contents


And here we are, two goliaths going at it during Martian invasion missions, a bit of spice added to the possibly mind numbing experience of endlessly slaying the same old dross over and over again. I could be wrong and might be suggesting something that might be overtly frustrateing for folks though, so please, feel free to unleash your critique cannons upon these beasts accordingly oh reader of mine.


This proxy would be an interesting boss concept. The intricate mechanics and visuals sound interesting, but this unit seems too big for the tileset combat experience that Warframe provides. Given a large boss-area that many bosses are provided with, I can see this being an interesting boss battle. I can't say I agree with the mechanics of the Kolegato cannon. Scorches are one of the most dangerous bust least satisfying units to fight, due to the wonky, almost inescapable mechanics of the ignis and their extremely high damage. This weapon just sounds like an amplified version of the ignis that is always aimed at the player and thus even harder to avoid. Pair the weapon with a walking tank that I'm assuming is resistant to many forms of CC and you have a frustrating situation for any player. 

You also might want to clarify how the armor works. When shingles are replaced where do the replacements come from? 

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Oh goody good gumdrops! Artist Mako has once again graced us with the birth of a new piece for one of the featured weaponry! In this case, the Chemgoz's sinister visage has finally been unveiled for all to see and be disturbed!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

(Lost this one twice, hopefully it sticks this time.)

                                        Page 238

(Conceived circa 3/2?/2017 at ?:??)

And another attempt at writeing this without a connection cutout.

(Pushed out early to allow for  more space for the next weapon.)

Designation: Melok

Weapon Designation: Rifle


Manufacturer: Dax Field Engineers (In the hellblasted and sentient-swarmed wake of the wormships as they carved their furious path across the Sol-Origin system, several scattered pockets of Dax holdouts remained behind either in isolated facilities or endlessly besieged bunkers. Soon, it became quite apparent to these "survivors" that resupply had become nothing more then a hopeful euphemism for "jury-rigging, salvageing, and retrofitting  while on the move". Rather then consign themselves to a life of subsistence on the ruins of their civilization, most Dax ended themselves in blazes of glory unrecorded by history save through scattered splinters of bone and tattered synth skin outlines in the dust. For those trapped on quieter fronts, however, now was a time for plotting, experimenting, and innovating. Through the helpful recollection of a nameless corporal on an unknown backwater of the rim, the Void-vulnerability of the entities was remembered and put to use. Stripping their now grounded and derelict ships of their void-drives and merging their components with their own "primitively advanced" percussion rifles, an ambush weapon was soon created that exploited the sentient's adaptability by simply bombarding it with as much firepower at once. By the time of it's creation, however, few manufacturing facilities remained able to replicate the weapons in statistically relevant quantities while few Dax were even left alive to wield them. By the time the first Tenno-lead squads had pushed besieged Neptune, the last Dax was hours dead, slumped over the garrison's comms array, his kind's last gift to mankind left to weather the ages until the day Lotusian probes uncovered their cosmic-dust covered bunkers and ruined guerrilla encampments in places where Grineer and Corpus feared to tread.)

Statistical Breakdown:

Components= Melok Rift-Generator, Melok Barrel, Melok Body, Melok Buttstock

Projectile= Projectile (Low-velocity high caliber bullets with a modest drop)

Damage= 40 Impact, 40 Puncture, 40 Slash

(Even so far from their golden homeworlds, the Dax did not lack for ammunition noir ingenuity, both thanks to Orokin intervention. Skillful programming of ammunition minifacturers by Dax Field Technicians resulted in quite an exotic bullet. Fired at subsonic speeds in order to make adaptation difficult, this whisper-round derivative came in two components, seamlessly welded togethor on a nano molecular scale. The first portion of the round is a peglike tungsten penetrator of a sturdy build and a point only nanometers long. The second half is a purpose built cupronickel jacket that squashs on impact, creating a radial kinetic discharge. The final piece to the round is an impact-triggered explosive "lump" at the center of the cupronickel portion of the bullet that is coated in a generous amount of serrated iron shavings located on the area that faces the bullets tip. When the cupronickel section squashes, it makes contact with the explosive core, causeing a burst of iron sharpnal to burst forth from recently opened "seams" in the stressed round's casing.)

Accuracy= 28.6 (even with guidance from the rift drone in the beyond that is the Void, the rounds sudden return to reality still causes some ballistic intereference.)

Cyclic Rate-Of-Fire= 6.0

Critical Chance=20%

Critical Damage= X2.5

"P.R.O.C." Chance= 5% 

Magazine Size= 6 Round cylinder-battery.

Reload-Speed= 2.2 (Flip off latch, push cylinder spike from the right side to the left, void rift slams shut with a thunderclap in the barrel, pull cylinder off cylinder spike, replace fresh cylinder onto spike, shove micro micro-fission cell (think mini ""potato"" only dully colored) into center of cylinder, push spike back into cylinder until a click and an electronic whine occurs, rift tears open to the sound of ripping cloth and shattering glass, latch clicked back into place, hammer pulled back, percussion multi-cap replaced, assume firing stance.)

Trigger= Semi-Auto.

Polarity= Vazarin.

Mastery Rank Requisite= 6.

Special Traits:

    Rift Fire= The Melok does not directly fire it's bullets at targets. Instead, each round is fired into a rift and "stored away" in an asynchronous section of the Void. Aiming downs sights at this point awakens the void drone atop the inner barrel of the weapon, and allows it to project a holographic showing where a rift will be opened. Pressing the fire button at this point causes the drone to unfold from the barrel and catapult itself into the rift, causing a linked rift to almost immediately appear at the selected spot and unleash the stored scattershot of bullets. Any bullets fired from the weapon at this point will immediately emerge from the rift, with "stored" bullets being expelled in a cone pattern. Simply double clicking the aim-down-sites button will recall the drone from the rift to start anew. Only 12 rounds can be stored in the rift before a safety limiter kicks in and prevents any further shots.

    Exploit The Flaw= By it's very horizon-rending presence, the melok disrupts the adaptive synth-tissues of nearby sentients, allowing for 3 (semiautos), to 9 (bursters) to 16 (autos and beams) extra shots to slip past their defenses before triggering a response.


   Countered at every turn via the the Sentient's adaptive capability, the Orokin were eventually forced to equip forces throughout the system with weapons archaic enough to go unrecognized by the artificial entities' long term memories. By the time of the Tenno's deployment, the average soldier's primary weapon was a carefully designed semi-polygonal blue/grey and gold revolving black-powder rifle. The stock is rectangular with a shoulder-shaped indent in the back to allow for maximum comfort. The trigger houseing, though embroidered and gilded with Orokoid metal, is a simple enclosed hairtrigger with an unimpressive grey rubberized grip. The body itself is an elongated sideways rectangle with an area for the cylinder at it's midpoint. The cylinder itself is the most complicated component on the weapon, a prepackaged easy-swap revolving houseing with each chamber packed with both the bullet and the refined progenitor to "today's" grinic explosive, detonite.

   The custom models utilized by the frontier Dax have a centrally located houseing for the power cell utilized for the onboard rift generator. From the cylinder, the barrel remains flush with the body and shrouded by the rail, save for a small gap on both sides that reveals it and the Orokoid etchings that mark it. While the coreworld rifles usually only displayed it's serial numbers and it's world of origin, these custom models varied considerably, rangeing from personal names, to Haikus, to epithets for fallen comrades. Beneath the barrel, a non-standard grip painstickingly made to resemble a more modern assault rifle's magazine resides, more an attempt at fooling Sentient long-range detection then to temper any felt recoil given the weapon's method of operation. Affixed to the snout of the weapon is a gilded "cage" with a body pattern like that of a cheese grater, with each of the holes interwoven with wiring. At the end of the cage, where there should be an opening, an open rift resides, colored in the manner of the weapon's energy (the standard being gold). On the top and bottom of the barrel are a set of ephemeral blades, arranged in the manner of windshield wipers. When first flipped on, the blades slice in an arching pattern, one going left and the other going right , makeing a sound like the tearing of cloth mixed with the ripping of fabric and sliceing a neat hole into the Void itself. Similarly, when powering down, the blades will stick straight up in the barrel and send a bolt of energy into the rift, causing it to mend before folding into their sheathes. The final piece that makes the weapon stand out is the drone that sits folded into the top of the inside of the barrel, a tiny Osprey equipped with a similar set of blades to the ones in the barrel. Aiming the weapon and triggering the portal targeting interface causes it to unfold from it's flattened state and prep for launch. Selecting a target location will cause it to rocket out of the barrel and into the rift, using it's ephermal blades to manipulate Void energy in such a way that it can essentially drag the approximate destination of the bullets in the Void to the open Void hole and slice it open, makeing the two points almost seem point-blank and allowing every shot to essentially be point-blank (assuming proper placement of the rift). On shut-down or recall, the drone retreats through the collapsing rift and folds back into the top of the barrel out of harms way.

"Basic" Description: 

(See "Manufacturer")


Edited by Unus
Completed entirely circa 4/19/2017 at 00:41.
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To the survivors of the Unusian Concept Drought.

Alright folks, just dropping in to let you know the next entry might be in a prolonged while. Partially due to work and partially due to having to cherry pick which of my projects I'll do next! With a bit of luck, some time, and a ELL of alotta dairy products pumped straight into my veins, the next level of the Pit shall soon be excavated!

Eternally everworking/slacking.


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                                                                                                                                                                                 Page 238

(Conceived circa 4/13/2017 at ?:?? A.M.)

Got my mojo back for a bit! Hope it sticks around!

Designation: Hack and Blunt

Weapon Designation: Sword and Shield with an unbroken Blunt, Machete with broken Blunt.



Manufacturer: Blackwatch Reserves, Deimos Tear-Gate. Deimos.

Statistical Breakdown: 

Damage= 2.5 Impact, 12 Puncture, 37.5 Slash.

Slide Attack= 90

Jump Attack= 95

Wall Attack= 100

Radius= 1.5

Swing Speed= 0.750 while blunted, 0.9375 when unblunted.

Critical Chance= 25% 

Critical Damage= 2.0X 

"P.R.O.C." Chance= 7.5%

Channeling Damage= 1.5X

Amount of Hittable targets= 1

Mastery Rank Requisite= 3 

Polarity= Vazarin

Stance= "Double" Madurai (The first weapon to come with an alternateing slot for whenever the weapon's type changes. Both stances MUST be of the same fusion level and the same symbol.).

Special Trait(s):

   Portable Cover= Rather then simply reject a portion of oncoming damage, the Porta-Blunt shield has it's own healthbar with half the armor and health of a standard Ground-Blunt. All damage inflicted from the front during a block deducts integrity from the shield until it is pierced and deflated off the arm.

A Moment's Respite=

While waiting for a new blunt to slide down the arm assembly and inflate itself, it becomes much easier to swing the Hack axe with reckless abandon. Swing speed converts from 0.750 to 1.00 while bluntless, with all bonuses to swing speed transferring over. Swing speed reverts after blunt reload animation ends in 50 seconds.


The Hack

The Hack blade itself consists of a sturdy grip that resembles a section of metal-gray steel cable, leading all the way down to a porcelain-colored cap on the bottom that has a single hoop of a chain on it (for storage on a wall or on a belt).At the top, two rectangular strips of solid ferrite painted a very dull shade of smoke-black are placed horizontally to each other on the left and right sides of the shaft, with the majority of their mass pointing forward and held in place by two bolts, one bolted into the bottom left of the left blade until it sticks out the other side and one bolted onto the top right till it goes out the other side on the other blade. The top of the bolts have a rim of neon energy colored (naturally a dull red) paint slathered onto them in order for users to quickly find the blade in dark areas and know where the head is in comparison to the grip.


The Porta-Blunt and Assembly

Scaled down, repainted in Nightwatch colors, and mounted onto an exoskeletal assembly that is housed on the left shoulder, the Porta-Blunt sacrifices half the durability of a standard blunt inflatable coverpiece for man-portability and, more importantly, reuseability. Upon being ruptured and deflating, the side-shoulder magazine will unfurl a flat pre-blunt strip from it's internal compartment and guides it along an external rail until it is in position. A secondary hose running out of the magazine will then attach itself, screw into place, and begin filling the blunt to capacity. Due to the magazine's vegetable level I.Q. (Slightly worse then a roller's), this process does take some time, during which most users are recommended to either get into cover or simply charge the frontline, their role fulfilled.

Basic Description=

   In the dilapidated hierarchy of the Grineer where the valuable means of surviveing into the golden age of liver-spotted beauty is becoming more scarce every waking hour, experience and age go before youth or talent. No where else is this more apparent then in the form of the Nightwatch. These stalwart soldiers, not experienced or enough hardened to be pressed into the Grem, but also simply to valuable to just hurl at the enemy, are the golden testbeds of Grineer technicians and scientists the system over. Unlike many Grineer divisions, the Nightwatch are ruthlessly observed day by day thanks to microcameras in their helmets for everything from dietary habits to tactical engagement strategies, all for the singular goal of improving the rest of the Empire's knowledge of the world around them. The Hack and Blunt was born from this font of knowledge when it was observed by the E. D. W-S. D.that, even with shieldbearers present aboard tactical drop-pods, enemies still managed to wipe out disembarking troops in droves due to the slow speed that the bearers were forced to move under the bulk of their shields.

Thus, when it was found that the shieldbearer template could no longer be sufficiently tweaked in the biological sense without compromiseing more important projects ( the example sighted being geriatric care for the Grineer elite), all eyes turned to the bearer's equipment. With the battlefield success of the introduced Blunt deployable cover (and the highlighted failings of its unrecoverability and enemy-repurpose-ability), two ideas were merged into one and the Hack and Blunt was born. Fieldtesting is currently ongoing and it is unclear whether or not  the tools have been a success, but the mad minds of Deimos are already gleefully optimistic as to the upcoming results.


PHEW all this jobbing and no writeing is makeing Unus stir-crazy! Least I may be able to make a dramatic return with a full stock of fresh choice ideas, cut from the finest flanks of the most thoroughbred imagination cattle! . . . . Uh. . . think I need a nap.

Edited by Unus
Attempting to salvage this Madness
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                                      Page 241

(Conceived circa 5/5/2017 at ??:?? P.M.)

A) I have NO idea how to fix this strange problem up above! Any viewing folks know how to fix this or seen it afore?

B) Dem it, I HATE how slow this has to be, but, a jobs a job. Can't just throw it out the window just to focus on what truely matters to me.

Designation: Adrenocyte

Weapon Designation: Sidearm, Pistol Type


Manufacturer: Myconian Trailblazers from traditional knowledge handed down from their elders.

Statistical Breakdown:

Projectile= Projectile (Storm of urticateing bone slivers)

Damage= 100 Puncture, 20 Slash, 20 Toxic. (All divided by 9)

Accuracy= 4.3

Cyclic Rate-Of-Fire= 3.5 (Used only for the unzoomed and zoomed fire. The spikes are launched in bursts of three for each tendril swing, starting with the left in a horizontal line, the middle in a vertical line, and a final swing in yet another horizontal line.)

Critical Chance= 10%

Critical Damage= 2.0X

P.R.O.C. Chance= 10%

Magazine Size= 3

Reload Speed= 1.0 unholstered, 2.0 holstered(Blastemal caps scab over the holes left behind by the launched bone spikes, caps cleared from each tendril by grasping the base and pulling outwards away from the body, bone spines form in the black ooze-covered grooves left behind, assume firing stance. Alternatively, holstered reload consists of caps forming over bone grooves, a period of internal growth, and then the spines bursting through the caps.)

Trigger= Burst

Polarity= None

Mastery Rank Requisite= 0

Special Trait(s):

Autoaggresive Response= Upon coming into it's Arc-of-Effect from the right side of the user and while the Adrenocyte is holstered, an approaching enemy or enemies will trigger the Adrenocyte's primitive self-preservation instincts, causing it to forcefully fire a full blast of all 9 spikes in a knock-down inducing cone. While the weapon will immediately begin to reload itself post-blast, the effort involved pushes it to it's limit, doubleing it's reload speed.


 Three black and viscous tentacles studded with three yellowed white spines each with a fractured and raw appearance each slowly flail and undulate around a frog-esque bone-colored amniotic core piece (albeit with a hardened sceleratized surface) containing the twitching and throbbing form of an Infested embryonic mass bent into a faux-fetal state. Black veins connect the mass to the above tentacles as well as the three rootlike masses that encircle the arm and hold it steady. White energy radiates outward from the mass at the core and outward into the tips of both the roots and the tentacles only to reverberate back along the viscous hide and back into the core again. On the side of the base of one of the "roots", a small metallic box containing a set of three cylinders, all of which are punched into the root via a hypodermic needle at the end of some surgical tubeing.

"Basic" Description:

  Even among the exceedingly tolerant Myconians, there are sects within the culture that average citizens look upon with leeriness and concern. In particular and among both the most prominent and most useful among their number are the Mycorrhiza Mystics. Exceedingly effective scouts and pathfinders that regularly show the way through Infested vessels with all the calm and resolve of a New Lokite in the jungles of Earth, they are also notorious for their bare-skinned "spiritwalks" into particularly Infested vessels and their equally disturbing high survival rates for returning from them. The Adrenocyte, the core of a boiler's launched tumor somehow hewn out undamaged and changed through a rigorous regime of drugs, muscle stimulation, and hypnotic chanting, is said to be among the few tools they take with them on their long journeys into the fetid depths. Worn on the arm over a ceramic arm seath to prevent assimilation, these small man-made Infested formations are highly sensitive to their outside environment, detecting threats far beyond the visual spectrum through unknown means and defending against them viciously, even when not actively in use or long after the wielder is dead.

   Attempts at acquiring living tissue from the Mystics are ofttimes met with stone-faced stonewalling at best and, in the case of more "physical" attempts at acquisition, self-immolation on the part of the member or members in question, suggesting that these tiny entities are sacred in some manner to the Mystics. Thanks to the Tenno's recent bout of heroism and the proliferation of Nydus suits in the aftermath, the Mycorrhiza have been willing to (with great ritualistic reverence and sworn oaths extracted from Tenno) part with a few scraps of elderly tissue or, at the most sacred of times, whole subjects that are strictly meant only for use and nothing else. What little information the elder scraps provide is truely extraordinary, for while each sample bears the tell-tale mutilated genetic structure and sculpted design of technocyte flesh, not a single microgram of technocyte has ever been found in them save through contamination. Needless to say, the implications of an Infested creature surviveing without technocyte for any amount of time has many Tenno curious about the implications.


Annnndddd another one done! Looks like it'll be back onto planetary environments for my next bit. Hope this one, though slightly ghastly, was interesting nonetheless.

Edited by Unus
Completed circa 5/9/2017 at 18:40.
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  • 2 weeks later...

UGH, I really REALLY hate to fill the poor old Pit with mindless filler, but, I have to take a minute to provide some tender lovin clarity.


A) I have not run out of ideas, on the contrary my brain is ready to explode from the amount I have, its just that i'm frustratingly busy currently. Rest assured, the Pit has not collapsed like an exhausted coal mine, shes only got an owner whos crammed into an office, a steel manacle around his leg and surrounded by a boatload of paper.


B) E.T.A. for the Desperaza privateer pistol should be this week, followed by a new enemy type for the Infested, the Troglocyte. A bit of an interesting take on the Infested, brought to you by the ancient movie Aliens (Evolution).


With Luck, see you folks soon!

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(GODDEM IT! My mother picked up my phone and cleared my history thinking she was doing me a favor. In reality, she just deleted 3 days of hard work! Guess I'll try to salvage what I can, shows me for ever leaving my phone around when I want a nap!)

                               Page 243

(Conceived circa ?/??/2017 at ??:??) 

Here we go again.

Designation: Desperaza

Weapon Designation: Secondary, Pistol Type.


Manufacturer: European Ice Pirate Armsmen (Though the various crews inevitably have a slightly different take on the weapon, most members of the "Privateer" sect tend try to standardize things in order to make repair and replacement simple and to give off an air of professionalism (real or imagined) for their exclusive clientele.)

Statistical Breakdown:

Projectile= "Hit-Scan" (Bullets)

Damage= 60 Impact, 5 Slash.

Accuracy= 14.1

Cyclic Rate-Of-Fire= As fast as the trigger can be pulled (A.K.A., the mouse)

Critical Chance= 15%

Critical Damage= 2.0X

"P.R.O.C." Chance= 14%

Magazine Size= 20 round disintegrateing belt.

Reload Speed= 1.5 (Open top hinged lid (remove excess ammunition if needed), place chain starter into chamber, close lid, wrap chain around bottom of pistol receiver as tightly as possible with the end of the chain placed just below the exit port (the magnetic magazine holder should kick in in a few seconds), rack side lever, assume firing stance.)

Trigger= Semi Auto

Polarity= None

Mastery Rank Requisite= 1

Special Trait(s):

Richochet Rounds= 

Partially for intimidation, partially for show, and partially for lethal practicality , each individual round is custom tailored (via nano-forge) to be a full, oblong, solid bullet with the absolute bare minimum of both penetration and breakage. This almost certainly guarantees that every bullet fired at a sheer surface is guarented to bounce once, even twice if it strikes another sheer surface. In the crowded hallways and barricaded corridors that the Privateers are used to boarding into, a none-explosive low-tech answer to the question of cover and combat shields is a god send.

(Richochet bullets, secondary bounce if striking second sheer surface, self damage can only occur on first bounce.)


Aside from the rare nanoforge provided to them via  ill-gotten-gains or particularly close clients or particularly interesting weaponry acquired or looted from elsewhere, much of the resources available to the Europan Ice Pirates are decidedly primitive by both post and pre-Collapse standards. By "ancient" world standards however, the E.I.P.s use cutting-edge gunsmithing machinery to create weaponry that would be unparalleled on the battlefields of yesteryear. The Desperaza displays this all to well in the form of it's blued metallic hand-gun design with an elongated body and a smooth curve along it's bottom to allow it's unique ammunition loading system to function. With each shot, upon detecting the motion of a round being chambered, a magnetic "micro-core" in the body that holds the rounds in place in very specific magnetized spots on its alloyed surface rotates slightly in it's houseing, pulling along the rest of the belt by a fraction. Thanks to the electronic firing mechanism, the only moving parts on the weapon are the spent casing slide and the trigger, makeing it exceedingly reliable.

The black ergonomic grip and the bright ice-blue fiber-optic sights complete the faux-modern weapon. Most appear battered and weather beaten, though whether or not this is a built in feature, a sign of material quality, or a sign of constant use is unclear. The sound of it's shots is reminiscent of the ancient rimfire weaponry of the law bringing or breaking men of the group known as "cowboys" and it's muzzle emissions are tinted icy blue thanks to the unique hyperbolic mixture gunsmiths use in the powder to ensure it fires even in vacuum. As a final aesthetic piece, the rounds are shrunk and more rounds are added to the chain whenever a magazine upgrade is applied, while the muzzle flash grows bigger and brighter to display the extra powder used to compensate for the bullet size reduction.

"Basic" Description:

   Though the European Ice Pirates are, as a whole, an unscrupulous and motley lot of raiders, killers, and bandits, not all of them are mindless wandering bands. Indeed, in the more organized crews that tend to adhere to loose codes of "morals" and are led by more pragmatic (sometimes even charismatic) captains are even willing to lend their services to the highest bidder, commonly corpusian corporations with a need for anonymity and a desire to impinge upon their "bretheren's" profit margins. Masquerading as their drunken and brutal associates with disheveled appearances and battered weapons, these "Privateers" as they are called in corpusian budgetary reports and behind their backs by their more land-bound cousins have a tendency to stray quite far from Europa itself, allowing them to acquire quite a wide gamut of resources in both loot and battlepay and allowing them more room for innovation then your average raiders. It is through this slight excess that the Desperaza was born, an indiscriminate and unorthodox hallway-sweeper as likely to end up in the hands of a citizen's militia or arms dealer as it is in the hands of it's owners, as mercurial and mercenary as they.



(At long last! Mission accomplished! Through trials and tribulations unseen and mostly unknown to you folks, this little fellow was born. Not my greatest work, but, one that has lingered for quite some time. Now, onwards to a twofold addition to the Pit that I have a much MUCH greater interest in having folk's eyes on!)

Edited by Unus
Completed circa May 18th, 2017 at 16:09.
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