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Toxic Players


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1 minute ago, SilvaDreams said:

I think I would have died from laughing,  then once revived and caught my breath I'd have responded with something witty.

I didn't believe that this mentality existed in Warframe for an obvious mechanic o.0 I just asked him what kind of drugs he had "because I want some" I said and he immediately rage quitted before extraction xD its dumb really

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I can't speak for everyone but the community in warframe is pretty much the same everywhere. You have your jerks and then you have the people who want to help you out. While I do sometimes get a little frustrated with people who seem to not be trying, and leeching off me, I won't disrespecting them in that way. Anyone who need to be a complete mule is probably just doing it to get a reaction out of you. Just ignore it. Those people aren't worth your time. Probably best finding some friends to run these missions with, as sad as it seems.

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Once you get to a point where you have mastered how to play the game, by modding etc.

And you get to pubs and see people with terrible builds, constantly over and over again I'm pretty sure it will have its effect on you one day.

Because I played loads of pubs, I helped many people. Most of them don't like good advice and trash talk. I guess some people are immune to good advice. So I won't share my builds and won't bother arguing with people.

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3 years in and I think the last voice I've heard over a mic on a random pug group was in year 1. Sounds like you just got a jerk, they come in all varieties from mastery rank 1 to 21... As if MR means anything beyond extra trades and load out slots, but I sum that strange hang  up to prior games tending to leave their e-peen expectations on every other game after them. 

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Just now, (PS4)FriendSharkey said:

3 years in and I think the last voice I've heard over a mic on a random pug group was in year 1. Sounds like you just got a jerk, they come in all varieties from mastery rank 1 to 21... As if MR means anything beyond extra trades and load out slots, but I sum that strange hang  up to prior games tending to leave their e-peen expectations on every other game after them. 

Had one of those mic trolls the other night in a dark sector excav. 

Squeaky voiced pre-teen thinking he was 'all dat'

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57 minutes ago, Ghogiel said:

The real question is are low MR players A******s

Na, people in warframe with higher MR think they are MLG in a PvE focused game, idk why maybe u/they are to unskilled to acculy get good on a true skill based game, so they grind for hours up on hours untill they finally reach high rank so they can make themselves think they are good and can finally get their ego boost they always wanted but was to unskilled to earn in a true skilled based game. Sad truth is nobody really see u high MR as ''good'' just that u have grinded more maybe abit more knowledge but thats it. This is also why high MR complain on low MR doing Draco i belive, where will they now go? When people can reach their rank easy, who will notice them with their amezing skill.

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I'm Mastery rank 21, getting close to 22... and I like to think I'm a decent fellow who doesn't judge people for anything other then their actions...

So sure, in a PUG match I'll help you down a boss, get some loot with me, finish an alert, or if need be carry through a sortie set.


I Will not however, just give you my rare void drops because you assume I have them because I'm MR 21. Then proceed to call me all manner of names for not "helping" you get free stuff you'd either use or resell while bragging about how stupid I am for giving it to them.

So does that make me an elitist jerk? I'd like to think no, but to everyone they talk too from then on, I'll be everything wrong with warframe/humanity.

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1 minute ago, HimitsuDragon said:

I'm Mastery rank 21, getting close to 22... and I like to think I'm a decent fellow who doesn't judge people for anything other then their actions...

So sure, in a PUG match I'll help you down a boss, get some loot with me, finish an alert, or if need be carry through a sortie set.


I Will not however, just give you my rare void drops because you assume I have them because I'm MR 21. Then proceed to call me all manner of names for not "helping" you get free stuff you'd either use or resell while bragging about how stupid I am for giving it to them.

So does that make me an elitist jerk? I'd like to think no, but to everyone they talk too from then on, I'll be everything wrong with warframe/humanity.

Wait. People are expecting you to give them free S#&$? I've not seen that implied anywhere in this thread, or did I miss a post?

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You're asking/making about a generalization... sooo... since you're generalizing that should answer your question.

I'm MR 18 or 19, I forgot. But I'm a helpful teammate, I do my part. But you probably wouldn't notice me as the "nice high MR" player because I just keep quiet and play the game silently.

Also whoever that high MR player was, clearly isn't sensible in the least bit.

If he actually cares more about his mind controlled pet more than a max dmg reduction Blessing... then idk >_>... I can't think of any single enemy I would want to keep permanently mind controlled that I would value over the entire purpose of the Trinity frame.

So yeah, that dude's bonkers. I'm trying to imagine him in actual competitive games; like imagine if he pulled out a microphone in Dota, Csgo, Starcraft, Lol, Hots, or Cod.

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10 minutes ago, DakotaStorm said:

Wait. People are expecting you to give them free S#&$? I've not seen that implied anywhere in this thread, or did I miss a post?

Without going into some long discussion, I was Just trying to say that I don't even have to say or do anything negative sometimes to be labeled the stuck up MR 21. They'll just make up or say whatever they want afterwards, even when I'm still there and able to read their comments... Maybe they think I can't read/type in English because of the name I picked?

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9 hours ago, SYL3NZR said:

seems like you got the same sense of "toxic entitlement" if you need to generalise everybody down to that, and if "every high MR" is toxic and entitled and whatever you consider negative then you must be the problem and not the world around you

Whoa, whoa easy there man. How do I have a sense of "toxic entitlement" explain that to me? I did nothing wrong. I was simply trying to play a match and somebody got upset because I didn't play how they wanted me to play, and that is all. I'm not entitled to anything, but I do like to be shown the same level of respect I show other people. At the end of the match, I even apologized to the guy for upsetting him, and was still mad and most likely would have continued to smack talk and troll me if we continued to play together.

I'm pretty sure I'm not the problem when someone continuously taunts me, trolls me, and tells me to F*** off when I apologize to them. I don't want to say that this guy was &#! and he was the problem... but he was &#! and he was the problem. And I'm not generalising anything, I simply said that I'd had some pretty bad experiences with higher MR players, though I've met some good ones and some bad ones, but it all comes down to individual players and not the MR itself. 

Yes, I did generalize a bit in my first post, and yes I did make follow up posts saying that I was pretty flustered by this players horrible attitude and treatment at the time, so of course my post was going to be a little harsh. And yes, I did make follow up posts explaining the good experiences I've had with higher MR players too. If you think that I was the problem here man, you're out of your mind. Never have I ever trated another player the way I was treated, it's just disrespectful. Wouldn't want it done to me, so I don't do it to others.

So what you basically said is Gets trolled, gets taunted, gets cursed at, gets harrassed > I'm obviously the problem here. Sorry, but your logic just doesn't make much sense at all to me.

I know by the responses in this thread I've gotten that there are many many high MR players that are very kind, and very generous. Please do not get rude with me, and think before you speak. My generalization was out of nothing more than bad personal experience, that is all. Sorry if that offended you. And as I've said before, I've had higher MR players go as far as to even give me full weapon sets for literally nothing, I'm not here to slap around higher MR players and belittle them, that was not my intention, so don't take it as such. And what I consider negative by the way, is one player treating another player like trash for not playing their way. And sorry to break this to you my friend, that's not just my problem, it's everyones.


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14 hours ago, DuskLegendary said:

So, I just ran Sortie 1 and proceeded to cap my point, right? Well, the enemies start spawning in, and I'm playing as a Blessing Trinity. I figure, why not keep my team with a constant 99% Blessing so they won't go down, and they can stay on the points to defend them? Especially since there was a new looking player on the team, and he didn't seem to have that great of gear, so I thought this would be a good idea.

Well, an MR18 which was play as NYX proceeds to come over to my point and mind control the enemies in my spawn, and I needed the energy, so I sapped it from the mind controlled goons, and proceeded to kill them. He gets all upset, and calls me a noob and tells me to stop. I tell him to go back to his own point and protect it, and to get out of my spawn, that I needed the energy, and I was going to keep the team Blessed so nobody would die. He tells me that's what energy packs were for, and I told him if I wanted to use an energy pack, I wouldn't have brought Trinity. After the first round ends, I activate Zenurik and I tell him that I don't need to sap enemies anymore, so he doesn't have to worry about me killing his goons, and then he retorts by laughing and saying literally everyone has Zenurik, and calls me a noob, in which I reply that I never said nobody else had it, I was just saying mine was active.

But wait! I finally get downed and he proceeds to come over to me.... and tea bag me, while laughing and calling me a noob. Luckily I was revived by my other team member who was actually helpful, and stayed silent the entire match while actually playing the objective, instead of throwing out insults. Granted, I might have started the whole thing by killing his mind controlled zombies, but he was on my point and should have been protecting his own in the first place anyways, and all I wanted to do was make sure nobody got downed. He ended up being the first person I ever put on my ignore list.

But the thing I noticed is, I haven't met any acutal helpful high MR players, just toxic ones like these who have a very strong sense of entitlement. Are you out there? Does any high MR player out there not go out of their way to trash on lower MRs? Does any high MR player acutally help lower MR players out, for the sake of being helpful? Sorry for the huge rant that probably appears as if I'm whining, but this made me pretty angry.

mr 19 or 20? here after a game I used to invite lower mr ranked players to our dojo to give them a starter pack of helpfull mods

But these days after seeing a lot of feedback be ignored on focus(packman? really? lol no thanks!) and saryn, etc I most times just barely bother to log in in favor of playing other games

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10 minutes ago, (PS4)aiptekfanboy said:

mr 19 or 20? here after a game I used to invite lower mr ranked players to our dojo to give them a starter pack of helpfull mods

But these days after seeing a lot of feedback be ignored on focus(packman? really? lol no thanks!) and saryn, etc I most times just barely bother to log in in favor of playing other games

Now you see, this is what I love to see. My current clan leader, I remember he picked me up as an MR1 and gladly took me in, before I even knew there were clans in the game. I didn't know anything about anything at the time, and he knew it... he didn't care. He immediately invited me and gave me a loadout of essential mods, and he was MR14 at the time, still is. I still remember that, and I still appreciate it. Now we normally just play a lot of Conclave together, this is the kind of stuff that makes this community great

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11 hours ago, _Rue_ said:

Why did he bring a nyx instead of a blind mirage? >_>

Good question, I'm not sure myself ^ I mean, he did good and everything, we actually had a very solid team. There was me as a Blessing Trinity, NYX, Mirage, and a Rhino, he was just... salty... very very salty. Everything went as intended in the match, I kept everyone alive (But I did get one shot at one point right before I could cast off a Blessing), Mirage kept the CC up, and Rhino just... you know, did Rhino stuff

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14 hours ago, Magneu said:

Are all new players clueless and obnoxious?

Obviously no. Please don't make generalizations based on circumstantial anecdotes.

Also, how did you kill something that was Mind Controlled? MC'ed enemies are immune to Tenno damage AFAIK.

Well, the generalization wasn't really intended to come off the way it did, I was just flustered mate. And I'm not familar with NYX's abilites, I believe he used Chaos, not his mind control, because I was able to kill them as a group with the Synoid. This would be an easy mistake for me to make, as I've never touched NYX at all, not even the vanilla version.

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14 hours ago, PUR3K1LL3R said:

Mastery rank does not indicate that at all... and generalizing higher ranked players doesn't help.

Players can just be jerks, regardless of MR.

True, I've met my share of low MR players who were just as rude. It really does just come down to the indiviudal player... also probably reveals the character of the person too. But maybe not so much, the guy could have just been having a bad day, I don't know.

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1 minute ago, DuskLegendary said:

True, I've met my share of low MR players who were just as rude. It really does just come down to the indiviudal player... also probably reveals the character of the person too. But maybe not so much, the guy could have just been having a bad day, I don't know.

There's always that, but you know in any game community there are those... bad eggs...

...Who be jerks just to be jerks.

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