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Anyone else getting screwed over from the sortie rewards(snipetron Vandal parts)


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This is bugging me to no end. I've been running season 6 sorties got the first two parts and the BP pretty early on but still no barrel. I had an idea why but only got conformation recently.

It works like this each person has non repeatable rewards checked differently. the problem i'm running into is that everyone gets the same reward but if one in my squad has already got the barrel i'm sh!t out of luck, WHYYYYYY. Why does it work this way, I can't run it with my friend because he got it when we couldn't do them together and probably can't do it with random ether because there might be someone who has it already in the group. soloing sorties because that's what you want to do with end game.

Edited by junothefox
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That's... not how Sortie Drops work... it rolls randomly on the loot table, and gives out what it rolled. IF you already have the item (assuming it rolls a non-repeatable reward) you get 25 or 50 Cores instead




I've been getting NOTHING but Cores, Lenses, and Nezha parts. I've run them every day and I've only managed to get 1 Snipetron piece. I personally HATE the new drop system because now there's almost no market for SELLING/BUYING the parts you're missing, 'cause everyone only gets ONE. at least before if this happened I could go out and trade some of my plat or other weapon spare parts to GET the Snietron pieces I'm finding impossible to get, but since everything only drops once, IF I find those pieces they'll be like, 200 plat apiece and YEEAAAAHHHH NO.

Thanks for breaking Sorties DE

but yeah, I've been finding that the drop rates on the Snipetron parts DO SEEM to be weighted differently than normal and are being MUCH harder to get. IDK why

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5 minutes ago, KiloFoxx said:

That's... not how Sortie Drops work... it rolls randomly on the loot table, and gives out what it rolled. IF you already have the item (assuming it rolls a non-repeatable reward) you get 25 or 50 Cores instead




I've been getting NOTHING but Cores, Lenses, and Nezha parts. I've run them every day and I've only managed to get 1 Snipetron piece. I personally HATE the new drop system because now there's almost no market for SELLING/BUYING the parts you're missing, 'cause everyone only gets ONE. at least before if this happened I could go out and trade some of my plat or other weapon spare parts to GET the Snietron pieces I'm finding impossible to get, but since everything only drops once, IF I find those pieces they'll be like, 200 plat apiece and YEEAAAAHHHH NO.

Thanks for breaking Sorties DE

but yeah, I've been finding that the drop rates on the Snipetron parts DO SEEM to be weighted differently than normal and are being MUCH harder to get. IDK why

ok i guess i was wrong but i'm still getting screwed in rewards because of others in my squad if that's the case.

Edited by junothefox
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Just now, junothefox said:

ok i guess i was wrong but i'm still getting screwed in rewards because others in my squad if that's the case.

no actually, it rolls everything on the table regardless of who's playing. you have the same chance solo as if you "stacked the deck" by running it with people who're only missing the same things, as you do if you run it with complete noobs.

in short, DE didn't think this through very well when they changed the drops. been sayin' it since day 1

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10 minutes ago, KiloFoxx said:

That's... not how Sortie Drops work... it rolls randomly on the loot table, and gives out what it rolled. IF you already have the item (assuming it rolls a non-repeatable reward) you get 25 or 50 Cores instead




I've been getting NOTHING but Cores, Lenses, and Nezha parts. I've run them every day and I've only managed to get 1 Snipetron piece. I personally HATE the new drop system because now there's almost no market for SELLING/BUYING the parts you're missing, 'cause everyone only gets ONE. at least before if this happened I could go out and trade some of my plat or other weapon spare parts to GET the Snietron pieces I'm finding impossible to get, but since everything only drops once, IF I find those pieces they'll be like, 200 plat apiece and YEEAAAAHHHH NO.

Thanks for breaking Sorties DE

but yeah, I've been finding that the drop rates on the Snipetron parts DO SEEM to be weighted differently than normal and are being MUCH harder to get. IDK why

You'd have a point... If everyone wasn't likely trying to sell off the same stuff you are. 

Rather have cores than having a high chance of getting some crappy common part again. 

Edited by Naith
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People have a natural tendency to find a pattern where there isn't one, and for some reason the Snipetron is really bringing that out this season.

Personally, I got three pieces by day 15 and bought the fourth for about 50p.  If I end up getting the fourth before the season is over then I'll sell it and get my plat back.  My guess is that prices won't skyrocket until after the season is over.

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Just now, Naith said:

You'd have a point... If everyone wasn't likely trying to sell off the same stuff you are. 

Rather have cores than having a high chance of getting some crappy common part again. 

Nezha should never have been put in Sorties. Imma come right out the gate with that. He should've been put on his own planetoid (Orokin Moon) with his own boss that drops him (they've fully modeled and aren't doing anything with Nef Anyo, why not him?)

That being said, my issue isn't trying to sell the commons (Nezha, at this point) it's with trying to BUY the parts I actually want. but since it's a part from a weapon comparatively FEW players ever got, MOST people are gonna wanna keep it for posterity, bragging rights, to actually use, collection, MR fodder, whatever. meaning SUPPLY of it is going to TANK, and those of us like myself that REALLY want the parts, but the parts refuse to drop for us, will be foreced to either go without, or buy from the extremely few sellers at jacked-up prices. in the OLD system, there'd be a huge supply as one person could have 4 or 5 of the same part. prices would be low, and yeah you'd have to spend a lot of time in Trade chat, but you'd actually, feasibly, get what you wanted. now, I just get cores. (and Nezha parts)

Cores are kinda a slap-in-the-face for me in Sorties. I have nearly no use for them, they're by and far NOT what I'm trying to get in Sorties (Barring Legendary cores) and if I REALLY want to farm cores, I'll go to one of the MANY core-farming nodes rather than the sometimes-actually-difficult Sorties. 25 cores is NOTHING compared to how much time and effort you put into Sorties, and you can get FAR more from the various core farms. I DO NOT want cores, and getting cores from Sorties makes me feel like I've wasted my time, much like when I get Forma BPs from the Void.

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I've also been getting nothing but cores and lenses. For two weeks straight. I did manage to get 2 parts, but had to buy the other 2 with plat. I have no idea when the season will finish, but when it does and the next season doesn't include the Sandal, the prices for parts are gonna sky rocket. If you have plat or can trade stuff for plat, do it now, don't take the risk xD

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I consecutively got 50 R5s in 7 days, and 3-4 days of 25 R5s in the last weeks.

And the Snipetron V receiver is the only part that I'm missing.

But speaking on contrary, I now swim in tons of cores to max out my Primed mods.

Just buy those parts from trading if you really can't don't want to wait.

Edited by SpryCrow
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1 hour ago, SpryCrow said:

I consecutively got 50 R5s in 7 days, and 3-4 days of 25 R5s in the last weeks.

And the Snipetron V receiver is the only part that I'm missing.

But speaking on contrary, I now swim in tons of cores to max out my Primed mods.

Just buy those parts from trading if you really can't don't want to wait.

I would. except they're gonna cost an arm and a leg thanks to DE's "Fix" of "Everybody only gets 1" at least in the prior setup there was a surplus to trade with. now there's a shortage

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