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Rathuum Feedback: Fun but Deeply Flawed Game Mode


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Another two worst parts:

  1. People still crying about Ash stealing their kills no matter how OP enemies are. When can they finally grow up and realize the fun won't last long and the only thing that keeps you playing are the rewards.
  2. To fight Kela again you need another 50 event score and one runs takes you over 10 mins. The Shadow Debt mods are still in limited supply, do we need another limited-time grind? Also let's see how much grind we need to farm Saryn parts in the future.
Edited by VCaptiion
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5 minutes ago, peekitea said:

Played tier 3 once and lost. Tier 2 until I cheesed out and took Mirage and a tonkor, and got pretty lucky. But as soon as I entered tier 3 I immediately died when it started. No amount of jumping around like an idiot or hiding behind hall of mirrors helped. Tonkor didn't kill them sufficiently enough either. I tried knocking them down with sonicor, only to have my back turned just quickly enough for the Drakgoon guy to pop me a new one. Was playing with one other competent player. Had Energy Siphon on. The guy I was playing with was playing Rhino, and he too, got one shot. It was even for a little bit, as we were spending more time trying to not die than trying to kill them. Eventually they caught up and it was over.

Also, there appears to be some glitch where if the enemy has 24 kills we weren't able to make any of ours count. Not sure if anyone has this problem of not.

well, based on what you are saying, probably the tier 3 should get fixed. The 2nd and 1st tier are ok then. 
but as far as I watched the event on videos, I have seen people destroying the enemies on tier 3 without using Trinity. 
But personally, I don't think getting killed in the event is that bad, this is a TDM against the COM after all, if you tell me that the AI obliterates your team in the final scoreboard, then there is a real problem.

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I guess my conclave skills help me a lot since i find it pretty fun. (The karabus sentinels are OP tho)

Now im cheesing it with Ash to make it quick and fight Kela.

1 minute ago, VCaptiion said:

Another two worst parts:

  1. People still crying about Ash stealing their kills no matter how OP enemies are.
  2. To fight Kela again you need another 50 event score, which gives you a mediocre uncommon mod. Let's see how much grind we need to farm Saryn parts in the future.

Im pretty sure that there will be no requirements to fight her after the event, although i dont know if the special mods will stay.


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1 hour ago, BlackCoMerc said:

Update: Event is COMPLETE GARBAGE.

Just tried the Rank 40 enemies. Yep; you guessed it. Grapple hooking, turret placing, drone floating BULLET SPONGES. Again. Spent half my time off my feet (cause one shot ruins Iron Skin and my shields) and struggling to even know where the enemies WERE. Since, you know, maps full of enemies who teleport at light speed and turn invisible is somehow fun?

I mean...they turned the game on its head. This is is NOT even Warframe any longer. NOW the enemies are MORE powerful than we are. One to one. Not even in groups. One. To. One. MORE powerful. AND they still have us outnumbered to boot. 

Absurdly unfun and frustrating, to the point that, yet again, DE has left me wondering how their latest idea got past QA Testing in the first place.

Because it shouldnt have.

IT was fun for me. It's getting harder and harder and yes, if your gear is not well prepared you can't kill anything. But my Tonkor, Sonicor and Lession did a good job even with Rhino or even without.

One note, you can't go engage everything like a truck. Because you're not anymore :D

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1 hour ago, giantconch said:

When a 5k health Inaros is dead in under 1 second from a sidekick friggin drone, an enemy is too OP. This event has become garbage for me really fast.

Yeah, I think DE added one too many zeroes to the carabus. It's ludicrous.

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2 hours ago, BlackCoMerc said:

Early thoughts on Rathuum: Fun in short bursts. Gets repetitive very quickly. 


Conclusion (for now): 

Different. Harder than it is either fun or rewarding. And it gets repetitive very fast, which is not helped by completely negating half of the frames immediately due to enemy damage and a lack of energy for those frames that rely on it for their only shields.

I have no complaints(aside for the drones) regarding the damage. I was able to do those missions with my Excalibur(700 Health, 300 Shield) with just pure melee, using EB only a few times and shooting the drones from a safe distance when required. I don't feel like grinding in these missions though.

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I read a comment earlier about how this event is just a front to help/make people accept conclave as a game mode and to play it more, along with that lunario thing. All this event did was remind me why I hate PvP and will never play conclave or that lunario thing ever.

I'm going to grab my mastery fodder wraith and be on my way, I don't even care about the mods.

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The reason the enemies are that strong is to simulate the Conclave experience. Essentially, it's compensating for the fact that our health and shields aren't reduced like in Conclave. In Conclave, we have lower health and shields, and can pretty much be one-shotted by other players. Because we keep our health, shield, and armor mods in Rathuum, DE added something that could oneshot us. The point of this game mode seems to be to get PvE players more comfortable with Conclave-style gameplay. It's almost like a means of trying to ease PvE players into Conclave if they've never tried it. So it plays like Conclave. It's pretty much PvE Team Annihilation, except instead of enemy players, it's enemy NPCs. So I think that's why the drones are so strong, and why I don't think DE will ever nerf their damage.

That said, it's the reason I absolutely can't stand this game mode. I don't like Conclave because of those things, and this is pretty much the same experience to me.

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10 minutes ago, Jaysus41 said:

I read a comment earlier about how this event is just a front to help/make people accept conclave as a game mode and to play it more, along with that lunario thing. All this event did was remind me why I hate PvP and will never play conclave or that lunario thing ever.

I'm going to grab my mastery fodder wraith and be on my way, I don't even care about the mods.

Yep. And, once you play Team Annihilation, you see the same tilesets, the same health/energy positions, the same UI elements, the same pace of gameplay, and the same experience of either oneshotting you enemies or being oneshotted by them. But that's exactly how I feel about it. It's why I can't stand PvP.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)BrutalReaper32 said:

I still don't get why people is so angry with enemies killing them...
I mean, the whole point of one of these trials is to see if Grineer champions kill more than the Tenno. How are you supposed to lose if the Grineer team can't kill you once? 
This missions works different to any other mission in the game, the objective is the same you have on a TDM. The only way to fail the mission is by dying more than the other team, so it is almost impossible to fail the mission. 
I think people that are having trouble to survive (if it is your only goal in the mission) should play the easiest one. 

^ Has no idea how broken the carabuses are because he is a ps4 player commenting on a new PC event.


Let me just break it down for you.


5k hp

armor that doubles that EHP

gets killed in .5 seconds by a carabus when the inaros opens a door.


No, these enemies are not difficult. They are broken. They stomp on the difficulty curve, and then mutilate the stomped on curve.


Sure, these enemies should be tough, to give the grineer a fighting chance.


But this is insane. We have some of the enemies who can barely scratch you, and others that spawn @&#(&*@#$#s that are tiny, fast, and one shot any warframe.


And I am so @(*()$ sick of every time a broken enemy shows up, all the elitists coming out of the woodwork and calling us crybabys. If I wanted to die in one shot in a game, I'd play CS:GO. At least my suffering is worth a few cents an hour there. But this S#&$ does NOT belong in warframe.

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I absolutely despise conclave. I hate having to dash around like a spider monkey, dealing with 1hk crap. I dont like this event at all, but have now grinded my way to Kala and beaten her.


Turns out the twin Khomak BP is a drop from here, but its MOTHER @(*()$ RNG. ITS RNG. WTF. WTF. I have to grind this goddamn garbage out AGAIN because for some pissheaded reason DE decided to make it cost points when you battle this chick.


In the devstream they talked about getting rid of grind. Dont particularly see this actually happening since they release events which are basically massive grindfucks of rng rewards.


So annoyed right now, and this is SUPPOSED TO BE FUN! YAY GRIND! FUN RYTE.

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15 minutes ago, AntoineFlemming said:

The reason the enemies are that strong is to simulate the Conclave experience. Essentially, it's compensating for the fact that our health and shields aren't reduced like in Conclave. In Conclave, we have lower health and shields, and can pretty much be one-shotted by other players. Because we keep our health, shield, and armor mods in Rathuum, DE added something that could oneshot us. The point of this game mode seems to be to get PvE players more comfortable with Conclave-style gameplay. It's almost like a means of trying to ease PvE players into Conclave if they've never tried it. So it plays like Conclave. It's pretty much PvE Team Annihilation, except instead of enemy players, it's enemy NPCs. So I think that's why the drones are so strong, and why I don't think DE will ever nerf their damage.

That said, it's the reason I absolutely can't stand this game mode. I don't like Conclave because of those things, and this is pretty much the same experience to me.

If this is a ploy to get us to play Conclave, I'll never pay this game again. S#&$ like that is skinner-level psychological torture, and I don't think I could stomach supporting people that do that.


DE has seemed over the past few years to play nice, but it's crap like this that makes me wonder if these "slip-ups" are them trying to shove difficulty down our throats.

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I did the boss fight 3 times now.

Got a mod duplicate on the 3rd fight.

If you wouldn't have to repeat this trashy mess of a *who oneshots the other one first?* 5 times for every attempt it wouldn't be so bad. But this, this is too much. I thought they learned from Shadow Debt and would return point based mod packs like they did in all other events, nope, totally needs more grind.

I honestly don't think I'm going to bother with this.

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1 hour ago, AdunSaveMe said:

No, they can't. That's why we keep getting it.

The executioner's design is beyond average to begin with. One of them is just a hyekka master, and her HITSCAN ignis instakills players, along with her random firebombs. One of them spawns drones, and these drones do an absolute crapload of damage in LESS than a second, feels like it's doing close to 800 damage right off the bat, in ONE TICK. One of them fires missiles, but I only know he fires missiles because the actual missile projectile effect gets stuck in midair for a second, before you suddenly die, assuming you haven't already been frozen to oblivion. One of them drops mag proc mines which you're going to be lucky to see before you walk near them, further proving the fact that the effect of magnetic procs is fundamentally stupid mechanic. And one is a ballista, which speaks for itself.

This event honestly feels like a flagship for DE's fleet of frustratingly bad design choices; it's full of instakills, bullet sponges, and overall, a complete cancellation of player skill. Just like every new enemy and almost every event that gets released nowadays, your skill is almost irrelevant, cheesing is practically encouraged, and all that matters is the numbers on your gun.

Does DE playtest?

because there is no way a level 40 carabus erasing an inaros before he can move was intended.


Unless DE are wanting to force us to play conclave. I'd rather just not play, thank you very much.


In fact, that's pretty much my reaction to this event. Why would I melt my face on bad enemy design to get mastery S#&$ and mods for grineer weapons, which I despise the looks of. Why the Hell should I bother.

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1 hour ago, AdunSaveMe said:

This event honestly feels like a flagship for DE's fleet of frustratingly bad design choices; it's full of instakills, bullet sponges, and overall, a complete cancellation of player skill. Just like every new enemy and almost every event that gets released nowadays, your skill is almost irrelevant, cheesing is practically encouraged, and all that matters is the numbers on your gun.


Stupid AI in Bots with huge health pools and huge DPS output.  Matches yielding bad rewards if you cheese through them.

Sounds like recent design choices all right. 

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Just now, Stouty22 said:

Serious question. Why do people complain about grind in a RNG based game? It should be expected.


Because sometimes its just too goddamn much.


Not only do you need to grind fighting Kala to have a chance at the mods, but you need to grind like a @&#(&*@#$# just for the opportunity to grind fighting Kala. Thats utterly ridiculous.

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It is funny how difficult people find the new event when yesterday I saw numerous posts about how easy it will be to defeat Kela's forces. Nevertheless, OP hit the nail here. The event could be fun, and to some extent is, but heavy grind and enemy design prevents it.

Just now, Stouty22 said:

Serious question. Why do people complain about grind in a RNG based game? It should be expected.

This is a completely different level of grind. It's grind within a grind. First you grind the arena to get to the boss, then you grind the boss, then you go back to grinding the arena in order to grind the boss. Phew.

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1 hour ago, VCaptiion said:

Another two worst parts:

  1. People still crying about Ash stealing their kills no matter how OP enemies are.
  2. To fight Kela again you need another 50 event score, which gives you a mediocre uncommon mod. Let's see how much grind we need to farm Saryn parts in the future.

My opinion is that there is a nice spot between way too easy to get to being just down and out ridiculous. Especially for the amount of work you put into this. 

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