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Grinding Gone Too Far


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5 hours ago, Xekrin said:

I find the most common problem people have with new events and new content is they waltz in expecting it to be exactly as all the other content they've gotten used to.  So, basically, yes you have to get good here.  Learn how the new content works.

I went into the first mission of the event and died 5 times in a row without even seeing where the enemies were coming from or how I got killed.  After a few tries, I was one shotting their faces off well into the 3rd mission and not dying more than twice the entire mission.

Bit unnecessary telling me this since I already go through Rathuum with 0 deaths and 1 shotting enemies each time. But thanks for the... advice? I guess?

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18 hours ago, Rosalyn said:

It's really not that difficult, and having proper team management you can successfully complete all of the event with an Ash and a Slow Nova.

Using a nuke frame and a CC frame = proper team management

Edited by -Himari-
removed gif.
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9 hours ago, Rambit23Z said:

Event was (mostly) fine up until "earn 50 more points to rematch Kela". Some might say that's why we get 10 days, but I'm gonna play Overwatch in 3 days.

Yup, DE couldn't find a better time to put on the event.

Sometimes i wonder if game devs even consider the launch or events in OTHER games before to put up theyr own... it could been worse tho (U 19 during the Overwatch open beta week)

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8 hours ago, Arlayn said:

How on earth did you get EV needed, and bullet sponge? I have seen people end these guys with bows, and shot guns in seconds. I have also ended the executioners using Excalibur's 4th while channeling. A few good swings and they are down. Valkyrs seem to dominate this event with flying colors though using that vicious 4th of theirs.

They might have done what I did. 100% armour removal Seeking Shriken followed by a full 60k Viral Sancti Tigris burst, and another 30k in slash. Two damage types that destroy cloned flesh.

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6 hours ago, Senpai-Pie said:

Bit unnecessary telling me this since I already go through Rathuum with 0 deaths and 1 shotting enemies each time. But thanks for the... advice? I guess?

Based on the entire post where I excerpted that quote from, yeah I was giving advice.  But I suppose you were being sarcastic there? lol, oh well, its advice for everyone else too?

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Just now, Xekrin said:

Based on the entire post where I excerpted that quote from, yeah I was giving advice.  But I suppose you were being sarcastic there? lol, oh well, its advice for everyone else too?

Sarcasm about gitting gud? Yeah, not entirely when it comes to the boss fight.

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Loved the story, getting up to Kela and doing the boss fight. Always cool to have new content. But I just spent ages doing the arena over and over to get to Kela, I don't want to have to run it 5 times just to fight her each time. Such a shame, as I'd like to do the boss more, but unless something changes I'm just done with the event.

I'm sure the reason is so that powerful players keep doing round 3 of the arena to help newer players get to Kela. But it makes far more sense to then put rewards into that map that players would want to strive for, so they do the map because that's what they want to run. It's not fun to push players to run a map for no reason except that it will unlock the map they do want to run.

I was really looking forward to this event, sad to see that I'm done with it already.

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11 hours ago, Lobotomy said:

1) The word you're looking for is "sane".

2) You don't have to do it 100 times. If you would actually do the event you would find out that the points you get accelerate in rate for each mission tier. Tier 1 is 1 point per run, Tier 2 is 3 points, Tier 3 is 10 points, etc.

oh yeah sorry english is not my main language.

i have done it 15 times and thats already too much for me. its easy and all but doing it over and over again gets too boring. 

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They have never learnt their lessons from Formorion assaults and Omega Isotopes.

I'm okay with grinding against RNG. I'm NOT okay with grinding for the "privilege" to grind against RNG. Two-layered grinds make people rage-quit.

Edited by Mattoropael
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1 minute ago, Mattoropael said:

They have never learnt their lessons from Formorion assaults and Omega Isotopes.

I'm okay with grinding against RNG. I'm NOT okay with grinding for the "privilege" to grind against RNG. Two-layered grinds make people rage-quit.

Grind to RNG feels like I work to gamble, and loss all my money

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6 hours ago, Ellthan said:

You can't scan executioners, how did you do it?

They are automatically scanned for you when they die, even if they are killed by a teammate (in my experience). Run enough missions of all three tiers and you'll get their codex filled for you. They all only drop cores of all three types, supposedly, but they have a tiny bit of "lore".

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This event is good & fun, stepping out of the usual is great, though some days later, yes, it may be grind feeling when I want to farm all 10 event mods.

My 1st run was hard, because was killed easily and my weapon didn't do so good damage on the executionners.
My 2nd run was super easy, as learning from the previous run, made a public player rhino with corrosive aura, redirection, vigor, vitality, steel fiber, 175% power efficiency and 190% power strenght and brought vaykor hek with primed mods, puncture 120% and radiation damage. Always used iron skin, when was low on hp, retreated to pick up energy and make iron skin again, so not even died once in many runs. With this build, 16 mins altogether to do 2 pieces of Rathum mission 3 for 50 points, and to kill Kela.

After these there are 4 problems I met with:

1.The Kala Boss mission is bad with unknown players, as they don't know what to do with the flashing circles on the ground and the revolving shield protected green lights on the walls, and if you tell them kindly and please, they don't care and don't do correctly, that's why 10 minutes pass and they still killing the rollers on the ground level bellow Kela Stage. That's why, Kela Boss fight is recommoneded as solo or with friends, clan, experienced players.

2. Kala drops me too many times the same mod, I fear I must kill it about 40-50 times to have all mods, and it's mass grind

3. Rathum endless fight is bugged for me, made it till 70 points after I died, and it didn't ended, waited lot, nothing, had to abort.

4. At endless fight, my vay hek becomes bad when the executioners reach around level 200, that's why better to swap the radiation damage with corrosive on hek, will try this variant to reach the 100 points.

Bests, T.

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On ‎4‎/‎30‎/‎2016 at 10:25 PM, Brosephelon said:

The arena bit was ok, those instant kill buzzing drones were pretty bullS#&$, but eventually I just said F*** it and always ran from them.  

I tried Inaros at first but his 2 doesn't work on arena enemies (straight up "invalid target") and his 1 didn't enable finishers/blind enemies.  I ended up settling on Rhino, I just ran my standard low efficiency high strength/range group roar build, nothing unusual or out of the ordinary.  The energy restrictions were a pain but not impossible to work around I camped the energy spawns and used a synoid simulor for the proc, a few times I had a trinity and let them get the energy instead so they could spread the love.   With a decent Iron Skin up most of the damage didn't really matter, and the simulor was able to deal with the enemies easily enough while still having the energy proc.  

I'm pretty sure I can run the Arena mode with most any frame once I figured out those buzz bots are broken as F***, seriously just as soon as you hear the buzz just start spamming roll and pray you live.  That said I can easily see how this mode could be rather daunting to any new-ish player, multiple enemies are capable of bursting you from around 600-800 total health to dead, no matter how much armor or anything else you have.  

Kela de BullS#&$ on the other hand is just annoying beyond all reason.  Shooting puzzle with standing on pads while getting swarmed with rollers?  alright, you enjoy receptive anal intercourse and I can respect that.  Shooting puzzle while standing on pads while getting swarmed by rollers while also getting pwn missiles carpeting the entire map.  Then after all that Kela herself who is a pretty serious health sponge multi-forma primaries from top tier stuff like the Synoid Simulor to sorta odd ball picks like a Supra all of with maxed mods and multiple forma and she just stands there and takes it like she couldn't give less of a F*** if she tried.  Then the fact you have to go grind 5 more Arena3's just to run her again!?  You'd be hard pressed to make a more annoying boss without just making it full on 1shots for days and making all the numbers bigger.  

I know... How about for the next boss you just spam us with Manic Rollers while we have to do parkor puzzles!

I had the same problem when I used valkryr. those bots totally rekt me hell hysteria was even broken through which is impossible since it has invincibility but it broke through luckily I beat the arena


Edited by viralslayer
to fix my gramar
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On 4/30/2016 at 8:56 PM, MobyTheDuck said:

I could ignore all this and say 'meh, its just DE doing what they do best again', but this event was right after the devstream where they talked about the ridiculous amount of grinding in the game. This is one level of irony I cannot handle.


This is what annoys me the most. DE have acknowledged their mistakes on multiple occasions and keep saying that they are working on things. But then we get stuff like this. Hilariously grind-heavy event AND band-aid mods. Like, why do you keep adding more junk on top of an already faulty system?!

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5 hours ago, Lobotomy said:

*sigh* I don't know how many times it has to be said until people get it, but Valkyr's Hysteria is NOT unbeatable. Anything that nullifies powers or that drains your energy will pull you out of Hysteria, leaving you vulnerable to being killed. In Rathuum some of the Executioners drop mines that can drain your energy and frazzle your ability bar leaving you unable to cast abilities momentarily. Chances are you stepped on one of those and that is what caused you to lose Hysteria and die.

Also, you people should start using Loki more often. You completely underestimate just how powerful it is being invisible in this game, and in game modes like Rathuum in particular. Valkyr has invulnerability to being shot, sure, but when you can't be seen and can't be targeted by the enemies and thus can't even get shot to take damage in the first place, that's also a form of invulnerability (and a better one at that).

sir it probably was a mine, but think about what you just said an what I said. I never underestimated invisibility and if you think about it doesn't invisibility have the same flaw also why do you think I didn't use any invisible warframe I mean I do own ivara I was just talking about one instance  in the entire game, and you go on a rant about your invisibility.

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