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The Twin Kohmak: Literally just one Kohmak with twice the bullets [in it's clip*]...


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On ‎4‎/‎30‎/‎2016 at 8:41 PM, Serious_Smith92 said:

You have a valid point there Paradoxbomb. No dip in reload speed while having extra ammo for an Akimbo weapon is a positive, indeed. However, this still does not change the fact that the weapon is functionally the same weapon as the singular Kohmak. I did some play testing, and for the most part, the base damage output was the exact same as each other. I used a base Kohmak and my unranked, base Twin Kohmaks. I used Excalibur as my frame; I originally had Mesa equipped, but I had to change her because her pistol damage passive would've skewed my test results. 

How long does it take to empty the magazine on the twin version compared to the original?

I ask this because the Twin Grakata shoots a bullet from each gun every trigger pull, consuming 2 of the 120 bullets per squeeze, each dealing the listed damage.  The end result is a secondary that blows through it's massive magazine in the same amount of time it takes a singular Grakata to empty, but throws twice the lead down range in that time frame.

I don't have the twin version, or a simulacrum key, so I can't test this myself, but it's possible the twin Kohmak does something similar, shooting a shot from each gun for the rated damage with every trigger pull, doubling ammo consumption, but doubling the number of pellets in play.


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9 hours ago, taiiat said:

the User Interface does a poor job of reporting all stats.
chances are other things are changed that don't display on the User Interface.

there's a lot of hidden stats in the game.

uh - AKbronco Prime is the only Dual Sidearm that isn't a direct upgrade. the only. one.
(and Twin Kohmak, potentially. but we'll see once the hidden stats are evaluated)

Akbronco Prime was the last ak released too.

Also it's been said that due to power creep claims and whatnot twin and aks would get a different approach. No one knew they would cease to exist up to now, but you're old enough on the forums to know what i'm talking about. Countless were the threads about akbronco p and the direction the next aks would take, many times the bearded guy from dev stream said that due to these very issue they would stop and think them better so they don't end up being straight upgrades; akbronco p materialized those claims.


People got pissed at the magnus akmagnus incident too and so on. That's magnus-akmagnus all over again.

Edited by (PS4)DanteVincent
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1 minute ago, UltimateGrr said:

How long does it take to empty the magazine on the twin version compared to the original?

I ask this because the Twin Grakata shoots a bullet from each gun every trigger pull, consuming 2 of the 120 bullets per squeeze, each dealing the listed damage.  The end result is a secondary that blows through it's massive magazine in the same amount of time it takes a singular Grakata to empty, but throws twice the lead down range in that time frame.

I don't have the twin version, or a simulacrum key, so I can't test this myself, but it's possible the twin Kohmak does something similar, shooting a shot from each gun for the rated damage with every trigger pull, doubling ammo consumption, but doubling the number of pellets in play.


It is pretty much the exact same rate of fire as the singular. It basically takes twice as long to empty the gun. For me, emptying out the base single Kohmak took 6 seconds. The base Twin Kohmaks took 12. 

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2 hours ago, Serious_Smith92 said:

It is pretty much the exact same rate of fire as the singular. It basically takes twice as long to empty the gun. For me, emptying out the base single Kohmak took 6 seconds. The base Twin Kohmaks took 12. 

Then we have a problem.  If it took 6 for both of them, then we'd have double DPS in the twin version, which would at least compensate some

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My only problem with the Twin Kohmak (and subsequently 90% of full auto dual secondaries) is the sh*t base ammo pool.


Give me double. Scavenger shouldn't be needed to clear one room.

Mutation I can understand requiring, but Scavenger? Pleh.

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6 hours ago, UltimateGrr said:

How long does it take to empty the magazine on the twin version compared to the original?

I ask this because the Twin Grakata shoots a bullet from each gun every trigger pull, consuming 2 of the 120 bullets per squeeze, each dealing the listed damage.  The end result is a secondary that blows through it's massive magazine in the same amount of time it takes a singular Grakata to empty, but throws twice the lead down range in that time frame.

I don't have the twin version, or a simulacrum key, so I can't test this myself, but it's possible the twin Kohmak does something similar, shooting a shot from each gun for the rated damage with every trigger pull, doubling ammo consumption, but doubling the number of pellets in play.


You may have not noticed, but the Twin Grakatas have 2x the listed fire rate in the arsenal and 2x less damage per bullet, for the same final DPS at much higher ammo consumption. A ton of little mosquitoes!

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On 4/30/2016 at 11:01 AM, -BM-Leonhart said:

The status is also per pellet. Also, I said that the Kohmak is almost as good as the Kohm because even though it has half the max pellets, it also has better mods as a secondary and closes the gap between them quite a bit. Also, it doesn't use up the ammo all that fast, so a mutation may not be crucial, like with Kohm.

"Status per pellet" ???


Did they change Shotgun Status mechanic?

Listed UI Status for Kohm & Kohmak showed Global Status.

1st shot as 1 pellet is correct listed UI Status (not counting Multi-shot mods)

Innate Multi-shot accompanied as Fire-rate spool retains same 'Global' Status but lowers individual pellet Status.

Basically Kohm at full Spool has Base Status divided by 12 pellets. Where as 1st initial pellet would have been Base Status divided by 1.


Kohmak would be 5 or 6 pellets dividing the Base(Global Status).


Kohm series is not ideal for Status builds as to get reliable high Status you need to keep spool down which is contradictory to Weapon innate spool-up mechanic.

This is how Shotgun Status has been misrepresented in-game for awhile.


If they did change Status to reflect individual pellet Status rather than just the 'Global Status' - ignore my post.

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I believe all these D polarities are only to force people to spend an extra forma for maxing the weapon.

Warframes aside, the only thing you will ever put there is either cold damage or Life Strike, if its a melee, and either way you are better with a Dash polarity.

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5 hours ago, (PS4)MrNishi said:

"Status per pellet" ???


Did they change Shotgun Status mechanic?

Listed UI Status for Kohm & Kohmak showed Global Status.

1st shot as 1 pellet is correct listed UI Status (not counting Multi-shot mods)

Innate Multi-shot accompanied as Fire-rate spool retains same 'Global' Status but lowers individual pellet Status.

Basically Kohm at full Spool has Base Status divided by 12 pellets. Where as 1st initial pellet would have been Base Status divided by 1.


Kohmak would be 5 or 6 pellets dividing the Base(Global Status).


Kohm series is not ideal for Status builds as to get reliable high Status you need to keep spool down which is contradictory to Weapon innate spool-up mechanic.

This is how Shotgun Status has been misrepresented in-game for awhile.


If they did change Status to reflect individual pellet Status rather than just the 'Global Status' - ignore my post.

If I'm not mistaken kohm/kohmak function on the extra pellets working like multi shot. In other words they both function as rifles in the status department, the extra pellets being treated like built in multi shot as opposed to actual pellets. As such it is per pellet that their status is rolled as all shotguns should be.

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1 hour ago, DarcnyssWolfe said:

If I'm not mistaken kohm/kohmak function on the extra pellets working like multi shot. In other words they both function as rifles in the status department, the extra pellets being treated like built in multi shot as opposed to actual pellets. As such it is per pellet that their status is rolled as all shotguns should be.

I tested Status on Kohm without Hell's chamber

The Innate Multi-shot does appear to work like Rifle(Split-chamber Multi shot) for the number of rounds consumed. Meaning at 92.5% Status - I am seeing 4 Status Procs for the 4 rounds consumed at full spool. 

But I am not seeing each individual pellet have a 92.5% Status chance.

Basically at full spool each round consumed has 3 pellets total. (It looks like 3 pellets are being divided into the listed UI Status ...so full spool is 12 pellets total but with 4 separate 'Global' Status chances of 92.5% being split amongst 3 pellets so 12 pellets with an individual Status of 30.83% each.

Compared to single Tap firing having the 1st initial single pellet having 92.5% Status.

Videos below:





Seems Kohm Series splits 'Global' Status amongst pellets per round.

Example: Kohm no spool = UI 'Global' Status divided by 1pellet as 1 round is consumed.

Full spool Kohm is 4 rounds consumed but 3 pellets per round for 12 pellets total. UI 'Global' Status divided by 3 pellets. Granting a 'global' Status per each round consumed.


Still not UI Status per pellet, when looking at Full spool where there are multiple pellets per round like a normal Shotgun.

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