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corrosive projection why is it forced on other people?


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Just now, hazerddex said:

what i said is i dont want to waste the entire time formaing a perfectly good V polarity just to put a dash on chroma just to have to forma it back to V again later 

Then don't.

But you can't complain if your chroma doesn't get picked up for groups because the group in question wants 4x CP.

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Just now, hazerddex said:

what i said is i dont want to waste the entire time formaing a perfectly good V polarity just to put a dash on chroma just to have to forma it back to V again later

Then don't. Its your build afterall. Just be prepared for people to not always be happy with that if you're using their key.

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Because Armor Scaling is forced on us.... :c

Vicious cycle.

If there is a Trinity > no need Energy Siphon, no need Rejuv, no need basically any worthwhile mod besides Steel Charge that a low minority of frames love to handle.

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47 minutes ago, Padre_Akais said:

Truthfully, it is one of the more efficient mods depending on the lvl and type of mob being faced.

But for the majority of the star chart and most missions a player will join, it's overkill.

Ideally, given the fact that players have multiple loadout options, they should be able to change the polarity of slots at will for each loadout in each provided it had been forma'd previously.

Something like that would allow you to have a loadout with a build conducive to CP  and another loadout that's conducive to something with a different polarity.

*cough* Or better yet, apply this rule to all slots. This is something I've been lobbying for, since I have so many 3-5 forma builds. It would allow for more creativity, and make forma a much more desirable resource.


8 minutes ago, PikeOrShield said:

Because it's about not being selfish and taking one for the team.  Why should someone else have to sacrifice an extra slot just because you don't want to bring CP?

You could just as easily say that it's selfish to expect everyone to conform to a singular meta. The fact that this attitude exists means DE needs to make some balance adjustments.

...or I would say that, except there are many frames with massive armor debuffs, such as Banshee with her spammable 70% armor reduction ragdoll AOE, and Mag's new Shield Polarize. There's also the fact that a properly modded Chroma doesn't give a rat's &#! about armor. He can slaughter lv100 eximus heavy gunners without breaking a sweat. There's no reason to bring four CPs, really.

Edited by (PS4)BlitzKeir
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If you're not intending on going the extreme lengths that some people (like myself used to) do, then Corrosive Projection is not needed. However, if you intend to go against 300+ leveled enemies, you're going to need four of them (or three with three Coaction Drift) in order for non-armor ignoring abilities. The armor scaling becomes so brokenly high, that you're going to empty your reserves of ammo trying to kill single enemies instead of having people with things like Dread completely eating everything since there is no armor stopping the Slash damage. The difference between doing 100% of a weapons damage and 2% is massive.


Using Corrosive Projection is a team effort. Making three other people give up a slot to use Coaction Drift is the most selfish, "I'm so important" line of thinking that it makes me laugh.

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28 minutes ago, hazerddex said:

then explain why i usually out damage people with cp? 

You do realise auras effect the entire team right? That could also be one of the reasons, they help you debuff a huge amount of enemy armor without you realising.

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1 minute ago, (PS4)BlitzKeir said:

*cough* Or better yet, apply this rule to all slots. This is something I've been lobbying for, since I have so many 3-5 forma builds.

I never mentioned a specific slot, merely different loadouts. Ideally, if you have forma'd to add (or modify an existing) polarity you should be able to change it and move it where ever you want independently from other loadouts.

A system like that would resolve the OP's issue immediately as well as open lanes for experimentation for the less than hardcore.

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5 minutes ago, (PS4)ToastyFairy01 said:

If you're not intending on going the extreme lengths that some people (like myself used to) do, then Corrosive Projection is not needed. However, if you intend to go against 300+ leveled enemies, you're going to need four of them (or three with three Coaction Drift) in order for non-armor ignoring abilities. The armor scaling becomes so brokenly high, that you're going to empty your reserves of ammo trying to kill single enemies instead of having people with things like Dread completely eating everything since there is no armor stopping the Slash damage. The difference between doing 100% of a weapons damage and 2% is massive.


Using Corrosive Projection is a team effort. Making three other people give up a slot to use Coaction Drift is the most selfish, "I'm so important" line of thinking that it makes me laugh.

you know theres a slot in this game specifically for drift and other utility mods? hell ill bring Coation drift if they wont  the extra melee damage wont hurt my chromas build but modding a Dash polarity will so making people give up an aura they like to use Cp is not selfish?

also thats implying everyone uses guns some perfier melee

Edited by hazerddex
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Can you explain what makes you so special? Why you should be picked in favour of a chroma (or any other frame) with a corrosive projection? What benefits do you bring, aside from that odd melee damage bonus aura? Or why 3 other persons should use the aura boosting drift mods just to fit your huge ego into the squad?

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6 minutes ago, (PS4)ToastyFairy01 said:

If you're not intending on going the extreme lengths that some people (like myself used to) do, then Corrosive Projection is not needed. However, if you intend to go against 300+ leveled enemies, you're going to need four of them (or three with three Coaction Drift) in order for non-armor ignoring abilities. The armor scaling becomes so brokenly high, that you're going to empty your reserves of ammo trying to kill single enemies instead of having people with things like Dread completely eating everything since there is no armor stopping the Slash damage. The difference between doing 100% of a weapons damage and 2% is massive.


Using Corrosive Projection is a team effort. Making three other people give up a slot to use Coaction Drift is the most selfish, "I'm so important" line of thinking that it makes me laugh.

You could also say the same thing about everyone expecting people to conform to the meta. It works both ways.

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5 minutes ago, Padre_Akais said:

I never mentioned a specific slot, merely different loadouts. Ideally, if you have forma'd to add (or modify an existing) polarity you should be able to change it and move it where ever you want independently from other loadouts.

A system like that would resolve the OP's issue immediately as well as open lanes for experimentation for the less than hardcore.

You suggested allowing players to freely change an aura's polarity, once one is added.

I suggested taking it further and allowing you to freely change the polarity of any slot with an existing polarity, whether innate or added through forma, and keep the configurations specific to each of the three frame loadouts. It would solve problems with builds requiring more than 3 forma. You tend to get locked into your choices, unless you're willing to remove a polarity and lock out the build you designed in the first place.

Edit: Wow, this thread went downhill fast.

Edited by (PS4)BlitzKeir
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7 minutes ago, (PS4)ToastyFairy01 said:

If you're not intending on going the extreme lengths that some people (like myself used to) do, then Corrosive Projection is not needed. However, if you intend to go against 300+ leveled enemies, you're going to need four of them (or three with three Coaction Drift) in order for non-armor ignoring abilities. The armor scaling becomes so brokenly high, that you're going to empty your reserves of ammo trying to kill single enemies instead of having people with things like Dread completely eating everything since there is no armor stopping the Slash damage. The difference between doing 100% of a weapons damage and 2% is massive.


Using Corrosive Projection is a team effort. Making three other people give up a slot to use Coaction Drift is the most selfish, "I'm so important" line of thinking that it makes me laugh.

If you’re going to enforce a corrosive projection meta at the bare minimum bring 3 coaction drifts with you so you can actually get an optimal usage out of auras. You don’t find it at all hypocritical saying that it’s rude to force people to bring a mod, and then forcing someone to bring a mod?

Hek, you can straight up farm coaction drifts, corrosive projection you have to wait for alerts to get or, buy from other players.

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Just now, hazerddex said:

you know theres a slot in this game specifically for drift and other utility mods? hell ill bring Coation drift if they wont  the extra melee damage wont hurt my chromas build but modding a Dash polarity will 

I use the Exilus slot mainly for Rush and very few Warframes of mine use one of the Drift mods. I'm not saying to not use Drift mods, but there is a time and place for everything. Since I mainly use Vazarin (gasp!), my priority is to fallback and keep the team up if I ever should need to. My Chroma, for example, can use Effigy, sprint with a speed that makes Sonic blush, pick someone up instantly, and reclaim my Effigy. My Trinity (and Prime) and Nova (and Prime), however, use Endurance Drift since I use their massive energy reserves as padding for Quick Thinking (which makes my Blessing Trinity nearly unkillable...).


The Exilus slots are intended to augment playstyle, not enforce one.

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Just now, (PS4)ToastyFairy01 said:

I use the Exilus slot mainly for Rush and very few Warframes of mine use one of the Drift mods. I'm not saying to not use Drift mods, but there is a time and place for everything. Since I mainly use Vazarin (gasp!), my priority is to fallback and keep the team up if I ever should need to. My Chroma, for example, can use Effigy, sprint with a speed that makes Sonic blush, pick someone up instantly, and reclaim my Effigy. My Trinity (and Prime) and Nova (and Prime), however, use Endurance Drift since I use their massive energy reserves as padding for Quick Thinking (which makes my Blessing Trinity nearly unkillable...).


The Exilus slots are intended to augment playstyle, not enforce one.

You used your exelsius slot on your chroma to run faster with him? Wow you can't even adapt your play style to help the team yet expect others to do so for you?

To strip armor of all things... Something that there are multiple ways to circumvent...




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because for Lv70+ Enemies (if we assume you're using a myriad of Weapons instead of using Overpowered Weapons as your replacement crutch), Armor Scaling makes all Damage poop.

so however much time it takes for you to Kill them, if you stripped most or all of the Armor, you'd universally Kill them faster.
pretty simple concept.

besides, there aren't any truly good V Polarity Auras in the long run in the first place. a single Steel Charge being present is kind've acceptable but only because it's high bonus means it gives a sort've relevant Damage increase.
which is still not that amazing, Steel Charge gives, at best, a ~27.2727% Damage increase. ~18.75% if you also use Spoiled Strike.

not to mention that if your Warframe is setup correctly, you shouldn't even need to rely on Aura points. you should be able to swap to any other Aura and not have a problem.


this sounds much more like the usual user error/laziness and then the problems that happen because of it.
and partly the vagueness of the information in the game, which makes +Damage Auras sound a lot better than they actually are.

1 hour ago, hazerddex said:

so with melee and shattering impact on it does not take as long as people often assume it does

no, it still takes a long damn time. having to hit an Enemy ~84 times to strip it's Armor is a long damn time.
and ~42 hits to strip about half of the Amor - IF it live updates, and removing ~250 of the base Armor also removes 50% total Armor.

but even if you assume it does live update, that's still a long. damn. time.

1 hour ago, hazerddex said:

Co-Action Drift

it's much easier to ask one person to Equip a Mod than expect three[/u] others to find room to Equip a Mod.

1 hour ago, (PS4)BlitzKeir said:

The fact that this attitude exists means DE needs to make some balance adjustments.

Digital Extremes is well aware. it can't be fixed overnight.

1 hour ago, hazerddex said:

 hell ill bring Coation drift if they wont

the 3 other Players with Corrosive Projection are the ones that have to Equip Co-Action Drift. if you Equip it, it'll affect your Steel Charge only.


Edited by taiiat
f... it, Autoformatting cancer is going to make fixing that bunch of extra underlining a huge pain, y'all can deal with it.
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6 minutes ago, (PS4)ToastyFairy01 said:

I use the Exilus slot mainly for Rush and very few Warframes of mine use one of the Drift mods. I'm not saying to not use Drift mods, but there is a time and place for everything. Since I mainly use Vazarin (gasp!), my priority is to fallback and keep the team up if I ever should need to. My Chroma, for example, can use Effigy, sprint with a speed that makes Sonic blush, pick someone up instantly, and reclaim my Effigy. My Trinity (and Prime) and Nova (and Prime), however, use Endurance Drift since I use their massive energy reserves as padding for Quick Thinking (which makes my Blessing Trinity nearly unkillable...).


The Exilus slots are intended to augment playstyle, not enforce one.

as chroma i Dont use rush mod i usually put what ever mod i feel like the mission needs in the exilus slot but im running a vastly different chroma than effigy chroma as for focus i dont really have opinion one way or another on them since they are pretty much as good as each other in my opinion

also in this game need is a strong word

and if it really was only level 300+ that people acted like needed corossive people would not ask about it in raids all the time especaily seeing as its pointless when all the enemies are CC and the only enemy your really supose to kill is veyhek in that case i would just bring a frost shred his armor of with his 4 and be done (not talking about nightmare raid)

also i dont own cp so telling me im selfish for not putting on a mod i dont have is  kinda silly 

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1 minute ago, hazerddex said:

as chroma i Dont use rush mod i usually put what ever mod i feel like the mission needs in the exilus slot but im running a vastly different chroma than effigy chroma as for focus i dont really have opinion one way or another on them since they are pretty much as good as each other in my opinion

also in this game need is a strong word

and if it really was only level 300+ that people acted like needed corossive people would not ask about it in raids all the time especaily seeing as its pointless when all the enemies are CC and the only enemy your really supose to kill is veyhek in that case i would just bring a frost shred his armor of with his 4 and be done (not talking about nightmare raid)

also i dont own cp so telling me im selfish for not putting on a mod i dont have is  kinda silly 

I actually use a Cold based Chroma. Since Chroma cannot innately recover his health, I can use Vazarin as a means to recover my health. I'm built more for using Vex Armor and Elemental Ward than Effigy. Effigy is better served as sudden CC in my case. An Effigy based Chroma falls off rather hard (though, ironically, that can be eliminated by four Corrosive Projections) compared to a weapon in his hands.


Since you brought up the raid and its methods, here's my suggestion: Get a squad together with no Corrosive Projections and get to the three hour mark of T4 Survival. When you do that, please post the screenshot of it. That's the only way you're going to learn about the difference between CCing an enemy and killing them to survive apparently. You can also easily obtain Corrosive Projection from a player (there's plenty of us with a dozen of the things- the alerts aren't rare).

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7 minutes ago, hazerddex said:

also i dont own cp so telling me im selfish for not putting on a mod i dont have is  kinda silly 

Buy it for 20p in the market then, rather than come to the forums to justify your unwillingness to change.

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1 minute ago, taiiat said:

the 3 other Players with Corrosive Projection are the ones that have to Equip Co-Action Drift. if you Equip it, it'll affect your Steel Charge only.

Actually, only one person would need to equip Coaction Drift. The mod increases the efficacy of your aura by 30% for you, and (if the aura affects allies) 15% for allies. Coaction Drift + 3x CP gives you a total of 99.9~% armor reduction. At that point, an enemy would need base 10,000 armor to not get one-shot.

Frankly, at that point, I would rather have a 4th player with Reju or Rifle Amp to get Tonkor's red crits up over 60k.

1 minute ago, PikeOrShield said:

Buy it for 20p in the market then, rather than come to the forums to justify your unwillingness to change.


...no. No, it's too easy. I'll just leave it there and appreciate it.

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