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corrosive projection why is it forced on other people?


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8 hours ago, Thebel said:

Why not just forma out the polarity then, be like excal or nekros huehuehue

Or better, just kill the Polarity stuff in the Aura slot in the first place and put +7 on each mod.

With that you can use any Aura that you feel for and doesn't break your build if DE decides to nerf/buff/add new/remove aura mods.

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When ur running 4 semi random people "deep" into a void endless....it is vastly more efficient AND easier to specify that each carries corrosive projection, and not worry about what weapon they are carrying.

instead of trying to make sure that each has a very high dps multi forma meta weapon.

The point where this is useful is, in my experience, about lvl 70+ void enemies, for your average randoms with mediocre weapons and wtf frames. This is about the 40 minute mark for t2 survival.


Although in practice, these days, if im going to do 2 hour void runs i just run solo ivara or some other game breaker and dont even worry about groups.

But for many people the first paragraph i wrote is still very relevant, which is why CP is important.

Also, CP, enemy radar and energy siphon all share the same polarity. 

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Just now, bolivianhighcommander said:

When ur running 4 semi random people "deep" into a void endless....it is vastly more efficient AND easier to specify that each carries corrosive projection, and not worry about what weapon they are carrying.

instead of trying to make sure that each has a very high dps multi forma meta weapon.

The point where this is useful is, in my experience, about lvl 70+ void enemies, for your average randoms with mediocre weapons and wtf frames. This is about the 40 minute mark for t2 survival.


Although in practice, these days, if im going to do 2 hour void runs i just run solo ivara or some other game breaker and dont even worry about groups.

But for many people the first paragraph i wrote is still very relevant, which is why CP is important.

Also, CP, enemy radar and energy siphon all share the same polarity. 

That's nice if you people started specifying that you are going deep instead of just jumping it on players after you have invited them. I'm fine if you ask for specific stuff before you invite players.

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Why are you playing with others if you have no intention to coordinate with or listen to them?

Want to keep your unique special snowflake playstyle that caters to you and only to yourself? Do yourself and all others a favor and play solo. Don't whine when your teammates ask you to coordinate with the team, no one's persecuting or forcing you, no one's disabling your solo feature. 

This is coming from someone who plays melee-only Ember solo 99% of the time. If you're not having fun with a team, play solo. Don't demand fun from others. 


EDIT: A bit salty because I came in expecting some discussion on how broken armor scaling corners the meta into 4xCP squad and it turned out to be immature whining. 

I'm not very optimistic about DE fixing armor though. Damage 2.0 was promised to address armor scaling at least indirectly (since Damage 1.0 meta was dominated by armor-ignoring weapons) but it only gave us slightly prettier bandaids of getting around the ridiculous scaling instead of, you know, actually doing something about the scaling. I look forward to Damage 3.0 and U19 but I don't think my skepticism towards DE's claims of ameliorating grind and scaling is unwarranted. 

Edited by traybong111
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11 hours ago, TermiteFrame said:

You mean this one?


Yes that was one of the two sortie Vey Hek fights so far, I Shattering Impact getting around the immunity to corrosive procs is nice! I wouldn't have even thought it would after we found that Corrosive wouldn't lower his armor; thinking that it worked in a similar fashion to corrosion status. Great thinking to try it.

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12 hours ago, PickleMonster21 said:

You'd presume wrong.

very well.
perhaps Winds of Purity then? :)

Rejuvenation is useful, but it only works if you only take Damage on fairly rare occasions.

11 hours ago, PickleMonster21 said:


yes, seriously.
because everyone, including the Chroma in the proposed situation, would be dealing more Damage if he Equipped Corrosive Projection instead.

'let people use whatever playstyle' is irrelevant when their playstyle is 'more Damage' but refuse to use another option that would net more Damage than the one they want to use instead without solid justification.

11 hours ago, PickleMonster21 said:

You wouldn't give a sniper C4. You wouldn't give a suppressor to the machine gunner.

If you can't get past 2 hours with less than 2 Corrosive Projections (and that's being nice), then you need to reconsider who you take, what you take and how to mod

(you actually would for those two... a Scout Unit should have a way to sabotage emplacements as well as take out units from Range, they go hand in hand - and putting a Supressor on your SAW heavily reduces the likeliness of him getting shot in the face due to the bright, constantly flashing beacon in his hands)

by your own 'hnngh muh playstyle' complaints - using Corrosive Projections let you use almost any Weapons you want, instead of only 1% (or 10% if you want to be lenient w/e) of the available Weapons in the game.
but instead, you talk s... about 'muh playstyle' and complain people are interfering with your personal expression, then instruct that others that want to use whatever they think is cool isn't okay and they should instead use certain specific methods so that they can put their Weapons on a Shelf.

11 hours ago, hazerddex said:

how does it make every enemy easy if the enemy does not have armor in the first place?

fun fact: all Factions have Armor. for Infested it's not innate but is still applied to most of the Units over time. and Corpus have some specific Units with Armor... maybe you can notice which ones regardless of what Faction you're fighting.
they'll be the ones with Yellow Health Bars...

5 hours ago, PrVonTuckIII said:

Although do note that beyond a certain point in T4S, only [Covert Lethality] can actually kill anything in a timely manner.

there's other ways Players have been abusing to have Survival run on cruise control for 12+ hours long before that Mod existed, btw.

5 hours ago, Second_Measure said:

Or better, just kill the Polarity stuff in the Aura slot in the first place and put +7 on each mod.

that's exactly what that person was saying actually - Excalibur and Nekros have a blank Aura Polarity.


Edited by taiiat
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No one is forcing you to use Corrosive Projection. In a PUG you have the right to use whatever aura you want -- same with a group you set up. When you join another group you agree willingly to follow the requirements they ask for -- sometimes this requirement is Corrosive Projection for strategic reasons -- if you don't want to join that particular group you don't have to. No one is forcing you. You are free to PUG it, find a different group that isn't asking for Corrosive Projection or you could start your own group. 

There, I solved the thread in one paragraph. This could have been over and done with in the first page. 

As for the strategy of when it's best to use? That's up to the squad/person hosting/person deciding what kind of group to look for/etc. to decide for themselves. If you disagree with a groups strategic decision to use it you don't have to join that group. 


Edit: Personally I will gladly switch to Corrosive Projection or even host matches asking for it sometimes in certain situations. But I don't bring it into PUG's, because imo Corrosive Projections value is greatly decreased if you don't actually have four of them... and your chances of everyone having it in a PUG even if you always bring it is very, very unlikely. So better to just bring Energy Siphon or Steel Charge for some frames or something that might give you better utility for that mission. 

Edited by Tesseract7777
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2 hours ago, taiiat said:


there's other ways Players have been abusing to have Survival run on cruise control for 12+ hours long before that Mod existed, btw.


I'm sorry, but last I checked the record was 7 hours. And by that point they were doing little more than spam EV and run away. They couldn't actually kill anything beyond a few hours.

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