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I Need Some Strategies For Grinner

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Bombard rocket can be avoided same thing for napalm.

The real weakness of that faction is range.

Has silly has it sound the simple fact to retreat will force them to follow you.(They have terrible aim at long distance and flamer won't try to shoot you.)


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Use cover elements in the map to avoid direct damage from enemy units. 

Focus fire on harder mobs first: bombards, napalms, hyaka masters, switch to scorpions as they come to prevent them from dragging you into the open.

develop an understanding of parkour and how it can aid you in moving about the field and avoiding damage

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*Thinks Grineer are hard*

*Never played Corpus*

Honestly, keeping your distance and taking cover is your best bet. Scorches are deadly, sure, but as long as you have some distance, they're harmless. Slash damage is pretty annoying, but it can be mitigated by something like Rejuvenation or Medi-ray. 

Grineer Heavy units are quite easy. Heavy Gunners should be blitzed fast from a distance to prevent wind-up, and Bombards should be taken with a lot of mobility to avoid the rockets. Napalms I'll I agree are stupidly powerful, and just staying mobile is your only defence there.

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grineer is the easiest faction in this game

54 minutes ago, (XB1)xxTHEKING1006xx said:

In my opinion I think the Grinner are the hardest faction in the game. The slash damage they do is terrible, the flamers are devastating, the bombarders are impossible to avoid, and don't get me started on the napalms.

wtf bombards rockets are slow you have to be standing still to get hit by one 

meenwhile corpus have sappers that leave aoe's of death and destructions

cobas that say no to your powers

bursas while now are reather weak then before still pound out tons of cc

and then there nulifiers that stop your bullets dead

shockwave moas knocking you down every second and the fusion moas burring you to death

dont get me stared on the fking techs with there clown balloons 

and there theres the mine ospray that leave instant death on the ground for any squshy frame

then theres the laser with burn damage

also most corpus units do slash damage as well

dont get me wrong i love that about the corpus

and infested

the debuffs are unreall

toxic viral disruption fields energy drain and hords of them and then theres the ancients making them super tanky 

and you think grineer with there toyguns are harder? 

when did you start playing? 


grneers only dangerous unit is heavy gunner and nalpm/flameblade/comandos (when they bother to show up)

the best advice for grneer is DONT STAND STILL but thats every faction sadly corpus make it hard not to stand still

Edited by hazerddex
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If you're still new to the game then try to use cover (when it's available) to recharge your shields.

But usually running-and-gunning is the easiest way to survive.

Looking down your sights to shoot enemies is a good way to die quickly.

Edited by (PS4)Magician_NG
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Just now, (PS4)Magician_NG said:

If you're still new to the game then try to use cover (when it's available) to recharge your shields.

But usually running-and-gunning is the easiest way to survive.

Looking down your sights to shoot enemies is a good way to die quickly.

which is why snipers need 100% hip fire accuracy ;P 

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36 minutes ago, hazerddex said:


the best advice for grneer is DONT STAND STILL but thats every faction sadly corpus make it hard not to stand still

Huuuu... i can't say that about the infested....damn gas cloud.

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9 minutes ago, chaotea said:

Take mods that reduce status duration on self, warframes that avoid or mitigate status effects, or warframes with some sort of shielding mechanic.

Make them run toward you.

Unless you'r in survival wich is simply allways go forward.

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Did everyone forget one of the most hated ladies of the Grineer empire, the Bastilla? I am seeing all the others but at least they have weapons that make tons of noise before you get hit / knocked down. Bastilla be pulling off the 360 no scopes (especially at higher levels) and only slows down to aim if you get real close.

And yes, while the Grineer are tough (in some regards), they can normally be handled by ranged fighting if not use of your Warframe powers. They rarely have units that can combat against those and even then the only ones that do are eximus units. Or if they have a setup where it is a long hallway and a rampart at the end that is manned, then they are a big pain (extra points if a commander is in front and decides to swap with you.)

Now the Corpus and Infested, like Hazerddex pointed out, have more than enough to make tenno upset if not ruin their day. Too many times have I had Corpus take me out of Stealth (as Ivara or Loki) or take me out of another channeling ability all because their Comba units spawn on the other side of a wall and I can't see them to knock off their helmets. Or having a unit that you are relying on energy (E.G. using Hysteria) to escape a pack of Infested only to have two drainers spawn and rush the group, thus getting all that precious energy because everyone is hitting you rapidly.

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some strategy tenno 

Status types:

-corrosive removes armor 

using weapons with this element on grineer can be very effective 

though some higher ranked ones are not effected by this much due to type of armor 

using radiation can be more beneficial in that case 

some nice combos 

corrosive (heat /cold/blast) 

Radiation (viral/toxic/cold )

Bullet Jump:

bullet jump is your friend, it can damage as well as knock enemies down 

Crowd Control (CC)

Grineer tend to run about and shoot in groups. using frames that take advantage of CC powers can be useful for tying them down so you have time to deal with them 

lock down heavy gunners/ bombards as main targets they are heavily armored and have a quick damaging weapons, getting them out of the way makes things easier 

check your rear ..grineer can be sneaky.... butchers especially  as well as scorchers and shotguns 

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37 minutes ago, (XB1)EternalDrk Mako said:

some strategy tenno 

Status types:

-corrosive removes armor 

using weapons with this element on grineer can be very effective 

though some higher ranked ones are not effected by this much due to type of armor 

using radiation can be more beneficial in that case 


Corrosive still has x1 multiplier on alloy armor, retaining the full 180% elemental damage, or 120% or 150% depending on combination, and it will still proc and remove armor, in addition to having the standard 75% bonus on ferrite armor. At high level, corrrosive becomes more viable for killing enemies than radiation and viral, or radiation only, if no 4xCP and if using a high status weapon, or a high fire rate with 25%+ status chance, simply because you will be able to strip the armor considerably and the stripping is permanent, it will tear down chunks of hp stupid fast, as the comparison between CP and damage increasing auras, removing armor provides better net damage than pure damage increase. The viral proc combined with radiation does very little once damage reduction gets to stupid high levels, even with half the hp the damage received is just too low and unviable.

I've been testing for a while the corrosive proc in the simulacrum with different guns and its just insane how high status primaries or secondaries with a decent fire rate melt enemies at level 135 with a single or less than a clip. Even a status chance of like ~30% but with a high fire rate ends up being really good at tearing armor out.

Radiation is good, up to a certain level, since it gets the 75% bonus on alloy, but it should be focused more on CC with the confusion proc rather than damage dealing as ranks go up. For instance, a sonicor built with radiation can be quite good since the explosion has a nice status chance. But once armor starts stacking, the damage falls off fast, while corrosive with the proc only keeps scaling even on alloy.

Edited by nms.
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1 minute ago, nms. said:

Corrosive still has x1 multiplier on alloy armor, retaining the full 180% elemental damage, or 120% or 150% depending on combination, and it will still proc and remove armor, in addition to having the standard 75% bonus on ferrite armor. At high level, corrrosive becomes more viable for killing enemies than radiation and viral if no 4xCP and if using a high status weapon, or a high fire rate with 25%+ status chance, simply because you will be able to strip the armor considerably and the stripping is permanent, it will tear down chunks of hp stupid fast, as the comparison between CP and damage increasing auras, removing armor is always better than damage at higher enemy ranks. The viral proc combined with radiation does very little once damage reduction gets to stupid high levels, even with half the hp the damage received is just too low and unviable.

I've been testing for a while the corrosive proc in the simulacrum and its just insane how high status primaries or secondaries with a decent fire rate melt enemies at level 135 with a single or less than a clip. Even a status chance of like ~30% but with a high fire rate ends up being really good at tearing armor out.

Radiation is good, up to a certain level, since it gets the 75% bonus on alloy, but it should be focused more on CC with the confusion proc rather than damage dealing as ranks go up. For instance, a sonicor built with radiation can be quite good since the explosion has a nice status chance. But once armor starts stacking, the damage falls off fast, while corrosive with the proc only keeps scaling even on alloy.

i was not discussing endgame mechanics, but basic starting strategies to deal with grineer , some starting mods can be annoying to locate and just giving them the options that are available tenno

I am well aware of corrosive endgame capabilities and do many days straight in simulation testing and tweaking my own builds

not trying to discuss viability of endgame mechanics , just simple strategies that are viable 


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4 hours ago, (XB1)xxTHEKING1006xx said:

In my opinion I think the Grinner are the hardest faction in the game. The slash damage they do is terrible, the flamers are devastating, the bombarders are impossible to avoid, and don't get me started on the napalms.

Lot of good pieces of info in this thread so far. I'd like to try and add some helpful intel.

When folks are telling to learn to dodge there are really good reasons for it. You take a % less damage if you are hit while rolling.

Grineer heavies weapons track oddly which allows most of their most damaging attack to be avoided outright provided you aren't in the open.

Melee based Grineer have the ability to either teleport to you or grapple and pull you so be mindful of that and watch your back.

Grineer Commanders have the ability to teleport you into the enemy and leave you helpless for a moment so give them priority if you see them.

All of the Grineer heavies have a PBAoe knockdown skill, so if you are close to them and have no KD protection try and knock them down first.

Puncture and slash based weapons are your best friends for grineer as well as the corrosive status effect. Corrosive status is made by equipping both toxic and electric damage mods next to each other in the weapon's mod slot. If the weapon's status chance is high enough, those effects will periodically activate and apply one or more debuffs to the enemy.

Also, it's important to ensure that your frame is properly equipped mod-wise to handle the enemy. Depending on the frame you might or might now need to equip a health mod or a shield mod ( or both) until your mod library fills up some.

Lastly, ensure that you are familiar with what your frame does exactly. Become accustomed to those skills as each frame will play differently and have different synergies with weapons and tactics.


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Learn to love to roll.  Rolling makes you immune to knockdowns and staggers and gives you 75% damage reduction during the animation.  This damage reduction also applies to damaging status effects like bleeding or being on fire, so if those proc on you you can roll on every tick to preserve your health/shields.  Rolling through Bombard rockets will prevent you from being knocked down and may spell the difference between life and death.  

Take out Seekers, Ballistas, Scorches, and Shield Lancers first.  These enemies do tremendous spike damage with their guns, but are only moderately durable so you can get them out of the way more quickly than you could a heavy unit.  

Go to the Damage 2.0 page and learn which damage types are effective against various health and armor types.  Keep in mind that when a damage type is deals % bonus damage to a given armor type, it also ignores the same % of armor on that enemy, making it far more effective than just a % increase in damage.  Unfortunately, this also works the other way around; damage that is a $ less effective against a given armor type also behaves as if the enemy has that % more armor, making it dramatically less effective.  

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