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Game needs "fat" warframes


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4 hours ago, DrakoBluewing said:

We don't need that in video games, they are meant to be fun, not to push a political ideology. Yes, you can put a political ideology in a game, but it must be  fun, and it must be your game. Don't ask others to change their game for the sake of your opinion, that is cruel.

In that case, feedback category should be completely erased and forbidden, since asking people to change their game "for the sake ofmy opinion" is "cruel".

I dont understand why there is this insistence on separating games and political/social views/opinions, and forcing them to be "fun". No one demands movies to be fun. No one bans The Pianist for being depressive (hell, it is celebrated for it), no one forces a movie to be fun. Why do we expect games to be entertaining first, deep/thought provoking second? Call me an hipster hippie a$$ that thing that games are -- ugh--- art, but it is people like you who prevent video games to florish as an art type.

Plus, what's the problem with putting a fat person for the sake of fat people? Indeed: Why is that reason worse than any other? Why do we, on this society, see "doing X because of people" not only a bad reason to do something, but a reason not to do something? Why do we take people in such a low account? And why is "pandering" to fat people creating fat characters awful, but ok to pander to arrogant pubescent boys using barely dressed poorly made damsels in distress with massive %$#? That is, why is it wrong to pander to a social group by representing them, but ok to pander to other by representing yet a third social group as their object? Seems rather idiosyncratic to me, and hypocritical at best.

Games are meant to be for whatever the creators want. And if the Devs agree this is a good idea, than they should very well put it. Unless your opinion includes insulting and offending other people, there is no cruelty in presenting it.

to end: Please, don't use "physiology" as an excuse, because neither atlas nor rhino could go through vents either.

Seriously, Rhino is just a fat person with an upside down body. Indeed, I think a fat person would fair better than rhino, because with a balance point (or whatever it's called) so high, he'd have some problems keeping his balance.

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19 minutes ago, tnccs215 said:

In that case, feedback category should be completely erased and forbidden, since asking people to change their game "for the sake ofmy opinion" is "cruel".I dont understand why there is this insistence on separating games and political/social views/opinions, and forcing them to be "fun". No one demands movies to be fun. No one bans The Pianist for being depressive (hell, it is celebrated for it), no one forces a movie to be fun. Why do we expect games to be entertaining first, deep/thought provoking second? Call me an hipster hippie a$$ that thing that games are -- ugh--- art, but it is people like you who prevent video games to florish as an art type.

I'm going to broach this touchy subject because people are walking on eggshells over it all. It's one word: Gamergate. That's why. Preserve OUR culture, YOUR culture doesn't matter deal. Compromises; "live and let live" can't exist with extremists promoting "MY way or the highway" at any price. No sharing of the public space, it's invading boundaries and nastily so. It's why MMOs won't be able to exist anymore, as public groups have become so toxic about MEMEME and MY views it's becoming unplayable.

Lastest news I woke upto is this crap to explain that toxicity even...


Body types is a hot topic in gaming as gamers want to feel represented. Their identity they want to see in the lights. Years ago polls were made about the GTA 5 phenomenon, and what drew gamers to that game (especially those in LA) -- they wanted to see their neighborhood represented on the small screen. This is what's happening with other demographics as gaming is becoming mainstream.

But each extreme (GG on one end; no compromise/share the world gamers on the other pole) makes it a literal riot to have any game of traditional and progressive gaming. It's becoming too political, too "MY way or the highway" and too polarized. Frankly, I'm tired of it, too.

Warframe in this case is technically the only PvE space themed MMO that has lasted (and not considered vaporware :cough: Elite: Dangerous :cough:) that combines a lot of the mechanics and such that people like from other games (I always wanted a PvE version of EvE, for example and has the population of WoW to experience all corners of it). I don't want to see another concept ruined when two poles can't exist in one game world, each going after each other for political and unworkable ideas (NO FEMINISM IDEAS!!; or TRIGGER WARNINGS everywhere with bans for even breathing).

People want to see themselves represented in a game. As long as it's acceptable (because of national laws about decency), be happy enjoy the game -- and yes -- let's see a cross section of shapes and sizes, not Arnolds and pinups only.

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I'm liking some of the concepts for a bulky and/or fat frame. I especially like the gunboat idea; just as I was reading multiple ideas I was thinking: what if we combined the walking artillery frame with the sumo concept, have a literal TANK frame? Not tanky; an actual motherfragging TANK (as in the vehicle, in case you needed more clarification), with big-@$$ guns bristling from its abundent belly or chest, popping out of arm and shoulder compartments and such, hell, why not one coming out of each knee-cap, and the sheer power to throw and push enemies around sumo style. As for mobility, what if she (you read me right; if we're going crazy, let's go CRAZY ALL THE WAY!!! ]:D Also, in the wonderfully offensive words of abridged Alucard, b*****s love cannons) had animations showing thrusters (or guns; more guns is always good) popping out of strategic areas of her body, giving her an extra boost whenever she bullet jumps or parkours to compensate for her excessive bulk?

Gravity frame was also an interesting idea, with more mass needed to use its powers. Got no constructive ideas for that though :/

Well, OP, I'm sold: fat frame could work. Needs to be handled well, but I'd like to see it work.

On a sidenote, at the risk of derailing the convo so please don't reply to this comment, just think on it: what the hell backwards kinda beauty standards do you people have?! Banshee, fat? Banshee?! FAT?! Are people HIGH?! Is the new healthy weight standard the "Skeletor look"? Vauban, Rhino, Chroma, Wukong... FAT?!!!! Have any of you seen fat? I've seen fat! I'm fat! My girlfriend's about my proportions, so in all respect to her beauty, she's fat! And we're not so bad, at least we're in the passably healthy spectrum of fat, we've both seen way the hell FATTER! None of the warframes named here are by any stretch of the imagination fat! I don't even know what to say to that... just... WOW! My mind is blown! XD

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2 hours ago, (PS4)magnumcrowe said:

On a sidenote, at the risk of derailing the convo so please don't reply to this comment, just think on it: what the hell backwards kinda beauty standards do you people have?!

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. One guy's pretty is the other guy's ugly. It's a personal preference.

In the USA in the 50s Marylin Monroe was THE shape.

In the 60s Twiggy was THE look.

Now it's a mix of both.

So 10 years from now another shape would be interesting ... but it's still personal preference.

Now DE make us a Sean Connery frame!

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On 5/16/2016 at 9:33 PM, (XB1)Gray Silhouette said:

Ninjas aren't fat.


Being bulky has FAR too many disadvantages to it, especially if the name of the game is to be stealthy and agile.

Since when are we ever stealthy or agile anymore?

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Remember who designed the Warframes, and how. The Orokin, a bunch of perfectionists who place a great deal of value over aesthetics. If it doesn't look good to them, they're not making it. And fat, is not pleasant to look at. They (The Orokin), wanted their new saviours to be glorious, glamourous, awe inspiring. Fat, does not cut it. That's why.

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32 minutes ago, SpectreOverlord37 said:

Remember who designed the Warframes, and how. The Orokin, a bunch of perfectionists who place a great deal of value over aesthetics. If it doesn't look good to them, they're not making it. And fat, is not pleasant to look at. They (The Orokin), wanted their new saviours to be glorious, glamourous, awe inspiring. Fat, does not cut it. That's why.

Remember they got corrupted too.

Explains, things...........................

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1 hour ago, SpectreOverlord37 said:

Remember who designed the Warframes, and how. The Orokin, a bunch of perfectionists who place a great deal of value over aesthetics. If it doesn't look good to them, they're not making it. And fat, is not pleasant to look at. They (The Orokin), wanted their new saviours to be glorious, glamourous, awe inspiring. Fat, does not cut it. That's why.

Right....That's why Hydroid looks like his current state right?........

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16 hours ago, (PS4)magnumcrowe said:

I'm liking some of the concepts for a bulky and/or fat frame. I especially like the gunboat idea; just as I was reading multiple ideas I was thinking: what if we combined the walking artillery frame with the sumo concept, have a literal TANK frame? Not tanky; an actual motherfragging TANK (as in the vehicle, in case you needed more clarification), with big-@$$ guns bristling from its abundent belly or chest, popping out of arm and shoulder compartments and such, hell, why not one coming out of each knee-cap, and the sheer power to throw and push enemies around sumo style. As for mobility, what if she (you read me right; if we're going crazy, let's go CRAZY ALL THE WAY!!! ]:D Also, in the wonderfully offensive words of abridged Alucard, b*****s love cannons) had animations showing thrusters (or guns; more guns is always good) popping out of strategic areas of her body, giving her an extra boost whenever she bullet jumps or parkours to compensate for her excessive bulk?

Gravity frame was also an interesting idea, with more mass needed to use its powers. Got no constructive ideas for that though :/

Well, OP, I'm sold: fat frame could work. Needs to be handled well, but I'd like to see it work.

On a sidenote, at the risk of derailing the convo so please don't reply to this comment, just think on it: what the hell backwards kinda beauty standards do you people have?! Banshee, fat? Banshee?! FAT?! Are people HIGH?! Is the new healthy weight standard the "Skeletor look"? Vauban, Rhino, Chroma, Wukong... FAT?!!!! Have any of you seen fat? I've seen fat! I'm fat! My girlfriend's about my proportions, so in all respect to her beauty, she's fat! And we're not so bad, at least we're in the passably healthy spectrum of fat, we've both seen way the hell FATTER! None of the warframes named here are by any stretch of the imagination fat! I don't even know what to say to that... just... WOW! My mind is blown! XD

I originally tried to make a tank frame so to speak . let me dig it up.   My Own idea Here it is. He is in Rework 3.0 or was it 4.0?


Edited by (XB1)Solargeo
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On 19.05.2016 at 0:38 AM, tnccs215 said:

In that case, feedback category should be completely erased and forbidden, since asking people to change their game "for the sake ofmy opinion" is "cruel".

I dont understand why there is this insistence on separating games and political/social views/opinions, and forcing them to be "fun". No one demands movies to be fun. No one bans The Pianist for being depressive (hell, it is celebrated for it), no one forces a movie to be fun. Why do we expect games to be entertaining first, deep/thought provoking second? Call me an hipster hippie a$$ that thing that games are -- ugh--- art, but it is people like you who prevent video games to florish as an art type.

Plus, what's the problem with putting a fat person for the sake of fat people? Indeed: Why is that reason worse than any other? Why do we, on this society, see "doing X because of people" not only a bad reason to do something, but a reason not to do something? Why do we take people in such a low account? And why is "pandering" to fat people creating fat characters awful, but ok to pander to arrogant pubescent boys using barely dressed poorly made damsels in distress with massive %$#? That is, why is it wrong to pander to a social group by representing them, but ok to pander to other by representing yet a third social group as their object? Seems rather idiosyncratic to me, and hypocritical at best.

Games are meant to be for whatever the creators want. And if the Devs agree this is a good idea, than they should very well put it. Unless your opinion includes insulting and offending other people, there is no cruelty in presenting it.

to end: Please, don't use "physiology" as an excuse, because neither atlas nor rhino could go through vents either.

Seriously, Rhino is just a fat person with an upside down body. Indeed, I think a fat person would fair better than rhino, because with a balance point (or whatever it's called) so high, he'd have some problems keeping his balance.

Rhino is fat? With such a waist?


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8 hours ago, SpectreOverlord37 said:

Remember who designed the Warframes, and how. The Orokin, a bunch of perfectionists who place a great deal of value over aesthetics. If it doesn't look good to them, they're not making it. And fat, is not pleasant to look at. They (The Orokin), wanted their new saviours to be glorious, glamourous, awe inspiring. Fat, does not cut it. That's why.

In your opinion, maybe. But since there are no real life Orokin we can ask about their opinions, the Orokin ideal of aesthetic perfection can be anything we want it to be. 

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2 minutes ago, Akavakaku said:

In your opinion, maybe. But since there are no real life Orokin we can ask about their opinions, the Orokin ideal of aesthetic perfection can be anything we want it to be. 

Not really. Logically the Orokins idea of perfection would be a perfect societies idea of perfection and in all cases that does not include blubber. No land whale frame. Besides technocyte isn't fat but muscle so we cannot have a fat frame. Only a bulky frame. That type of thinking is dangerous it's saying "We don't understand something so the answer can be anything we want it to be until we find out the real answer" Beaides if we look at the Orokins idea of perfection form the previous prime frames none are fat.

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All I'm going to say is an overly wide Warframe is a no go, as Atlas is already pushing it since his shoulders cover the entire left-hand side of the screen. We don't need an overly tall Warframe, as Limbo's default helmet blocks the screen as well at inopportune times. I would like to see a bulkier female Warframe though, as I feel that would be pretty neat to see, as well a constantly hunched-over Warframe with massive arms or legs.


This is honestly the extent at which I could see a Warframe getting in terms of width and height, yet I'd suppose people would want a concept much like Roadhog from Overwatch.


As to how a concept and Warframe of this magnitude could fit on the screen without giving players trouble seeing or making them die out of laughter when the Warframe Parkours is beyond me.



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warframes arent supposed to represent humanity from what i've seen, their basis is in practices (martial arts, magic, ect) or gods/deities. now there is obviously sumo and there are indeed gods that are overweight, but where some games have used said gods who indulge themselves i feel like having a bodytype for the sake of a bodytype is silly. all this worry about political correctness and shaming ect isnt really helpful to creativeness. so we shouldn't press for fat characters just so they're there , but we shouldnt set the premise that they arent welcome.
if it works for the design of the character or frame then use it but dont force it onto anyone because you feel fat people should be included, afterall it doesn matter how toned or well exercised a person is because they wont ever match up to a warframe and that's how it's supposed to be. warframes arent designed to include different groups of people, they're designed to be cool and interesting so instead of thinking about fat frames think about combat styles or even gods who are heavyset for the betterment of their abilities.

Edited by I_AM_JUGS
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24 minutes ago, (XB1)Graysmog said:

As to how a concept and Warframe of this magnitude could fit on the screen without giving players trouble seeing or making them die out of laughter when the Warframe Parkours is beyond me.

Frames that look like they ate steroids daily can also be a replacement for "fat" frames, too. WoW's "Arnold" makeover is a perfect example of taking an athletic body and making a caster look like they ate Cheetos and beer for 10 years and caught Ebola along the way. :cry:



Billion dollar company's idea of "great design", shows players need a full example of the animations BEFORE release, too.

There's "fat" and then there's simply YUGLY!

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9 hours ago, SpectreOverlord37 said:

Remember who designed the Warframes, and how. The Orokin, a bunch of perfectionists who place a great deal of value over aesthetics. If it doesn't look good to them, they're not making it. And fat, is not pleasant to look at. They (The Orokin), wanted their new saviours to be glorious, glamourous, awe inspiring. Fat, does not cut it. That's why.

you are acting as if aesthethical beauty is constant throughout time and space.

it is not.

in several societies, the epitome of beauty was being overweight-- symbols of prosperity and pleasure.

To admit that the orokin would "logically" only build "pwetty" frames is simply narrow minded at best. Specially when we already are aware that they have a taste for irreverence.

In the end, their sense of beauty might be just that. Irreverence.

Think about that.

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