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Vauban's building requirements are too high [Reply from DE]


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And so my excitement is dead again... 500 hours played, have 4k oxium... really wanted to try vauban with his prime, but not gonna happen now unless i wait for every nitain alert over the next 2 days (i thought i m save with 13 saved up -.-)  and farm oxium for hours in the other time. @(*()$ dumb... just because they made regular vauban @(*()$ terrible to get, they shouldnt make his prime just as bad.. ffs rip hype

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there are websites and apps that show when alerts are up....just have that on your phone or in a tab and when it goes off do a quick mission, they happen FOUR times a day at least one of those four you will have time off. 

really nitain is easier then argon to obtain when it came out.

not that it matters, everyone will eventually forget about it till something else comes up to complain about.


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Yes, it's another of these threads.

DE, I really can't get behind these recent build costs. You're pushing the plat purchases too much now. I know you said with the Sibear that it was to give vets something to spend their stored up resources on, and I can see why it would be a good idea to have something to spend our huge amounts of resources on, but weapons and warframes are not the way to go. Speaking as a veteran, who has stockpiled a fair amount of some resources, these recent costs are ridiculous.

All gating items behind these extreme resource costs does is make your players think that you are pushing harder and harder on the pay-to-acquire aspect of this game, whether or not that is the case. There are players talking of leaving if U19 doesn't do something to alleviate this somehow. You can only push people so hard and so far before they say enough is enough, and it seems to me that we're now right on the edge of that limit. I think it's best to stop this trend now, and ideally even reduce those costs down to more manageable levels. Because it's not just the veterans, the players that have stuck by you for so long, that are going to want this content. It's the new players, the ones that haven't had three or so years to stockpile resources. Is this a reasonable thing for them? One can only grind so much before it becomes overwhelming.

I realize that there is a fine balance here, between making items acquirable for free with enough effort and making it difficult enough that some players will opt to buy it instead. That's fine, it's a f2p, that's how the model works. But this is pushing it to the breaking point. These resource costs are going beyond "work hard or pay money." This is too much. If this trend continues, more and more players are going to leave. I don't want to see that happen, because I love this game, and I want to see it continue to be great.

If you want to have something for players to spend their stockpiled resources on, why not make it some consumable, with smaller costs. Something that is useful, but not a weapon. Maybe something new to go on the Gear wheel. Or used in crafting some kind of key for some new content. I know that would take time, but as long as it's fun, I think people would be happy to sit on their stockpile of whatever until it's ready. They'd certainly be happier than they are now with these resource costs. Hey, maybe tie it into this Lunaro thing somehow. Maybe that'd work. I'm just spitballing ideas at this point.


tl;dr: I think the resource costs on recent items are too high and are just turning people off of even continuing to play. Instead, make consumable items that take these resources to build, and reduce the existing extreme costs to reasonably grindable levels.

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Oxium isn't as bad as Nitain extract. Now that I've been busy with school, it's hard to get nitain extract. I propose that we can get at least 1 or 2 a day without a time limited mission. If that happens then I wouldn't complain too much about getting nitain because DE is basically telling us to wait by the computer or get the app that'll notify you to get on warframe. It needs to be more consumer friendly for those who don't have a lot of time anymorw

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I'm @8400 oxium atm so I agree with Foxkid_8 that playing normally will get you resources.  I wasn't trying to get oxium...it just kinda happened lol.

But I can also understand people's issue with the shear amount of resources Booben P requires.  It's definitely biased in favor of the grinder over the casual gamer.

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30 minutes ago, (PS4)Foxkid_8 said:

I still don't see the issue. Just playing nets you a lot of resources without even noticing it. I have 14k oxium after a binge of blueprints that require it (including Zephyr).

Just do Corpus missions and break boxes and ospreys. You'll get it without much hassle.

The resources aren't the only problem. They are very huge, considering some of us have lives outside of this, and we don't spend time Heiracon for Oxium, or stay up 10 hours a day for Alertium. 

No the real problem here is the fact that on top of absurd resource costs, the parts (for the entire PA) drop in Rot C of T3 and 4. The drop chances are tiny, and of course, these missions are already polluted with other parts with equally tiny drop chances.

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9 minutes ago, T7Alpha said:

I must be one of the only people who decided that I just cannot be bothered to grind mats for a 25 shield 50 armor bonus ?
Pretty sure everyone just wants him because hype.

It's not that we love him so much (although I do really want Akstiletto Prime). It's the fact that DE seems to be milking money at this point, by putting the PA in the worst drop locations (a.k.a, Rot C of any mission), which are already diluted with a dozen other rare items, keeping the drop rates low, and of course, making the parts themselves extremely expensive to farm.

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On 5/18/2016 at 10:47 AM, Chipputer said:

I really want to see a list of these "extreme" resource costs.

I feel like it won't be as large as these recent topics are trying to make it out to seem.

Sibear costs 30,000 cryotic. http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Sibear

Vauban Prime costs 7,000 oxium and 9,000 cryotic. http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Vauban It also costs 20 nitain, which may or may not be an issue. If you haven't been stockpiling it then I can see that being a problem.

Edit: It's maybe worth noting that on release Vauban Prime's oxium cost was 14,000. However, DE did reduce the cost and refunded the difference to those that had already started the chassis building.

Edited by Archeyef
Dunno how I mispelled cryotic twice exactly the same way...
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6 minutes ago, PrVonTuckIII said:

It's not that we love him so much (although I do really want Akstiletto Prime). It's the fact that DE seems to be milking money at this point, by putting the PA in the worst drop locations (a.k.a, Rot C of any mission), which are already diluted with a dozen other rare items, keeping the drop rates low, and of course, making the parts themselves extremely expensive to farm.

Oh yeah I know what the issue is I guess for me it's just I plainly don't have the money for the PA and even though vauban is probably my favourite frame I already forma him  a couple times so I just don't see any reason I would waste 3+ days gameplay in corpus missions + possibly  a week in the void.

For me the worst bit is they made him look heavily armored and yet he is still as soft as a marshmallow nipple in the middle of a hot chocolate.
Try to force me to pay and things very quickly become optional content xD.

Edited by T7Alpha
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For everyone saying "just have the alerts on your phone" not everyone is able to get to their computer/console 24/7. And yeah you can spout statistics all day but despite all your pointless numbers there ARE still people who log in a few hours a day and never get a chance at nitain and for those people this resource is disheartening. I can log in and play for 3 hours and make 0 progress towards the goal im working on which is counter productive to this type of game. 


To everyone who brings up the fact they can drop in reactor sabotage... the drop rate is 0.6 percent, most people don't know it even has a chance to drop there and even less people have actually gotten it. Notice how everyone who says they get nitain drops from those missions was already in favor of nitains current system that doesn't allow anyone to purposefully work towards acquiring it.

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I can't believe they cut down the oxium and not the nitan... oxium you can farm whenever you want... I feel TROLLED de. After all this excitement i had for vauban this whole nitain thing is leaving a bad taste in my mouth and killing my drive to play the game :/

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9 hours ago, Nesit1 said:

I agree. Nitain is best recource in world, because you, honeslty, can't grind it. No grind = good. And you obtain it from various (mostly easy) missions.

Yep, it means, you can't get it in few hours or smth. It'll require days, but hey. Why you should haste at first place?

See I'd argue the exact opposite. If I can't work my way to having it at any given time, that means if I'm just not on at the times I can get it I get 0. This means someone could be unable to build any number of new things and things to come just because they can't play when DE thinks they should

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4 hours ago, Madway7 said:

I guess since DE wants to push resource farming more for freeplay it's not a reasonable expectation to have anymore...


It was never a reasonable expectation to get everything for free. 

3 hours ago, Nomen_Nescio said:

Only. Only. You're aware that people have a life huh? Seems not, just like DE. Also what a great freaking game, play 3 hours a day just to farm bs oxium. 

Not FARM 3 hours a day, PLAY 3 hours a day. You can spend 40 minutes farming and the rest of the time doing whatever it is you do. 


3 hours ago, Nomen_Nescio said:

. Go farm beggars. Remember your place. You're not here to play the game, you're here to grind for opportunity to grind more.

Nice hyperbole you got there. 


3 hours ago, Nomen_Nescio said:

I'm sure as hell will have 0 oxium once I will (at last) get all his parts which also will take eternity. And I will be left with literally nothing, even though I already farmed for oxium in hopes that it will be enough if something will come up and if I build this something there still be be some amount of that oxium left to use later. 

Then you'll farm some more, because you can. Why do you need to IMMEDIATELY refill your stocks? Why do you need to IMMEDIATELY build Vauban Prime? Why is it an issue when you have literally nothing else to spend it on? Why are you ignoring that you have LITERALLY EVERYTHING ELSE you need to build it tenfold?  This is only an issue if you want it NOW,and that's only an issue in the first place because power farming has been around for years now, and the players at large didn't care enough to stop it. It's far too late to complain now. 

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1 hour ago, Reedfish said:

there are websites and apps that show when alerts are up....just have that on your phone or in a tab and when it goes off do a quick mission, they happen FOUR times a day at least one of those four you will have time off. 

really nitain is easier then argon to obtain when it came out.

not that it matters, everyone will eventually forget about it till something else comes up to complain about.


4 times a day averages to once every 8 hours. 8 hours of sleep guarantees I'll miss at least one, 8 hours of work, likewise. Now count driving, meals, and basic chores and errands and I've probably missed another one. so you "4 a day" is down to MAYBE one if I'm lucky to be playing WF/have an alerts app at that exact moment

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