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Will Mesa become a good frame once her Ult buff comes out?


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4 minutes ago, vazerd68 said:

everyone = vast majority

remember when there were tons of EB excals the first weeks following the rework

Everyone != majority. If a single person doesn't like it, not everyone likes it. 

And of course everyone was trying it out when it first came out. I did too. It was interesting and undoubtedly more powerful than super jump but after not much time with it it was obviously too easy to use and painful on the ears. It's boring and abrasive. I don't use Excal, I don't like being in the same mission with most excals. Which is sad because I feel like I should like a sword and Arthurian themed frame. 

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1 minute ago, g4yb4ll said:

Mesa's new passive:

if you leave her alone sitting in the ship long enough, she'll start making you coffee and automatically redecorate the ship interior every time you log-on.


She already has passives, probably no new ones. 

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I never really used peacemaker that much (along with her 1, the added damage is rather limited and only truly useful in a very specific level range, any levels below or over that range make the ability useless or nearly useless), and I find her a good frame. Just mod scaling won't really make her that better, it just means she will one shot things at higher levels, damage isn't really much of a problem until later one, when it becomes a problem for just about anything, usually in missions where we are supposed to leave or die anyway.

I have no issues with how it works now, compared with before, I do have issues with how moth worked, this is, aimbot and being static. I liked the "have to aim" change, until I noticed she was still static and had that silly aimbot which can't perform functions that even the Lato can. I still don't find it that terrible, it just doesn't entirely play for you.

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Well, not that many people will use her, maybe a bit more compared to now.

This mainly because she doesn't fit the "Meta" of Warframe, because there are now way faster and easier/overall better ways to deal with enemies.

For example, on a mission where Mesa is advantaged, a Defense, who did you think will do the most "work"? A Mesa protected on a pod or a Mirage/Excalibur/Valkyr with their Simulor/Tonkor/EB/Hysteria(which is basically god mode)?

You also have to take in consideration that Mesa drains A LOT more energy while using Peacemaker compared to these ones, and she can't move, plus her reticule will get smaller, so you'll have to interact more and you'll have to stop in order to take Globes/Pads. These frames can just go in, randomly spam their attack button, kill everyone and get what they need WHEN they need it.

Mesa will be better at scaling, yes, but she's too "hard" compared to the meta right now, so she won't get the place she deserves, especially after a week or so, like many other good frames.

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Mesa was good for clearing the Star Chart but beyond that really wasn't useful. (Pre/Post nerf).

Meas just isn't part of the Meta for end game missions/sorties. It would take a lot more than damage scaling to do that.

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