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Mag Rework Feedback [Post Update 18.13]


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1 hour ago, robbybe01234 said:


  • You claim people are wrong for thinking magnetize is op.  You just claimed the person's wrong then agree with them in the same sentence. 


  • You whip out tautology.  From your response it looks like you mean the logic formula and not the grammar form. However, you didn't disprove the guy's if/then. You just wound up stating " I think you're wrong therefore your argument is false."  But then twist back around agreeing with him anyway.  You say this power should fail...what else would someone call a power that fails to do the things it's designed to do?


Look, I'm not going to do anymore homework for you.  Just take a breather and consider what you're claiming and how that can or can't be extrapolated. 


Making a nonstatement about his supposed nonstatements and then taking the snooty high ground while claiming he's taking the snooty high ground...

POTY candidate here IMO.  

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37 minutes ago, RealPandemonium said:

Making a nonstatement about his supposed nonstatements and then taking the snooty high ground while claiming he's taking the snooty high ground...

POTY candidate here IMO.  

I'm pointing out areas where I see contradictions and where the person is being a jerk and overlooking some key areas, like assuming same results in various environments.  

What are you doing? Practicing irony?

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4 hours ago, robbybe01234 said:
  • You claim people are wrong for thinking magnetize is op.  You just claimed the person's wrong then agree with them in the same sentence. 

I didn't really agree. I said it is currently overpowered due to an exploitation-- an exploitation that is surely going to get fixed very soon. with that in mind, what does it matter the fact that it is overpowered now, if you know it wont be for much long?


4 hours ago, robbybe01234 said:
  • You whip out tautology.  From your response it looks like you mean the logic formula and not the grammar form.

I meant rhetorical tautology.


4 hours ago, robbybe01234 said:
  • However, you didn't disprove the guy's if/then. You just wound up stating " I think you're wrong therefore your argument is false."  But then twist back around agreeing with him anyway.

You forgot what I mentioned in the end:

"You are wrong, and even if you weren't, it wouldn't matter".

Because Magnetize current existence as OP but knowing the fact that it wont be OP for long, it ends up being a Schrodinger's Magnetize: a simultaneous state of OPness and non OPness (yes I know it's not a perfect comparison).

It is currently overpowered, yes. but since it wont be for long, we shouldn't consider it overpowered for all intents and purposes. simple as that.

Additionally, even if it wasn't going to be fixed it would still not be as overpowered as Polarise was, so it wasn't "just changing Polarise for Magnetise". Because Magnetise, even in it's current state, is still more engaging and balanced than Polarise, which means that the rework was an improvement.

I did not twisted it back. I simply explained both possible realities, said which one is the true one, but argued that the person would still be wrong even if it was the reality they claimed to be real, but is not. Don't take it off of context.

4 hours ago, robbybe01234 said:


  • You just wound up stating " I think you're wrong therefore your argument is false." 


 Hannah Arendt said "The truth is naturally oppressive". That is, the fact that the truth is the real, it does not accept any other truth. So you don't argue truths, you state them.

That is the busily. This wasn't an argument, an exchange of opinions. this was what someone thinks something is the facts versus what I think it's the facts.

Why am I right and that person is wrong? well, simply because what I'm saying is the truth: it can be observed, it can be tested, and it wont be refuted. Theirs will. 

That is, I didn't say "I think you are wrong therefore your argument is false". I said "You are wrong (because of X that you can obeserve in-game), therefore your argument is false".

4 hours ago, robbybe01234 said:

You say this power should fail...what else would someone call a power that fails to do the things it's designed to do?

Again, you are de-contextualising what I said. I say powers should start to fail when they get to certain levels-- that's how you increase difficulty: when powers can give as much punch as they used to.  And that's what Polarise does, it starts to be less effective at very high levels. However, until that soft cap (and even a bit after it), it does not fail to do what it was designed to do-- as I stated before. twice.

So yes, you forgot all the little details and variables in question. And please, stop saying that I'm saying things I didn't say, and that Ididn't say things I did say. 

4 hours ago, robbybe01234 said:

Look, I'm not going to do anymore homework for you.  Just take a breather and consider what you're claiming and how that can or can't be extrapolated. 

Eh, I wield a bit, and substitute it by this: Not all powers should scale indefinitely, otherwise difficulty increase will be virtually inexistent, and difficulty should increase with the increase on enemy level. with that in mind, the fact that Polarise no longuer scales-- and is still effective into high levels-- is not a problem.  

1 hour ago, robbybe01234 said:

I'm pointing out areas where I see contradictions and where the person is being a jerk and overlooking some key areas, like assuming same results in various environments.  

What are you doing? Practicing irony?

How ironic, because that was exactly what I did to the other person.

The difference, of course, is that I didn't conveniently decontextualised claims, I have actual factual support, and I do not ignore results simply because they were primarily obtained in controlled environments-- specially when those environments possess hindering characteristics rarely present on in-game situations (like a whole squad of only level 130 heavy gunners). 

As I said before, and risking sounding arrogant, I am right because what I'm saying is the truth. It is observable, open to testing, and above all, simply true. This is not a matter of arguments, it is a matter of facts. And what the other person said simply don't correspond to the reality of the situation, or, if they do (Magnetise overpoweredness due to beam weapon exploitation), they are irrelevant due to either still being better than the previous iteration of Mag, or because it is a bug, not a feature, and a bug that is bound to be fixed very soon. 

Edited by tnccs215
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1 hour ago, robbybe01234 said:

I'm pointing out areas where I see contradictions and where the person is being a jerk and overlooking some key areas, like assuming same results in various environments.  

What are you doing? Practicing irony?

Pointing out hypocrisy seems more like.

Regardless of how you feel about how tnccs is responding, this isn't the place to discuss it.  Report them, PM a Com MOd and express your concerns, but please don't derail the topic to settle your need to defend someone.

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Well, talked to a person, and they confirmed what I thought

@robbybe01234, you were right in the matter that I'm being a jerk. I apologise for it, I truly do. I suppose all that I said could have been said in a less arrogant, more complacent, and less aggressive fashion-- even if, in the end, I still believe I am right.

But yes, I am sorry for the arrogance and agressiveness and overall lack of care for other people's opinion.

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Well, there goes Continual Magnetise Master Race.

Absolutely disappointed that the detrimental bugs (multishot and crit) weren't addressed at the same time as the beneficial bug, though.


Waiting on my game to finish patching before I make a judgement call on the Nullifier changes too - they might be completely unreasonable with Magnetise bubbles now, since you'll have no way of proactively protecting them since you can't shoot through and shrink the Null-bubble, and you'll get that energy and bullet investment removed much more reliably than before, from my interpretation of the patch notes, although not from stepping inside it yourself...

(My heart goes out to the Frosts who'll lose entire teams to a single wayward pixel of nullifier contacting their snowglobes.. Especially those with globes on the large end of the scale.)

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1 minute ago, EDYinnit said:

Well, there goes Continual Magnetise Master Race.

Absolutely disappointed that the detrimental bugs (multishot and crit) weren't addressed at the same time as the beneficial bug, though.


Waiting on my game to finish patching before I make a judgement call on the Nullifier changes too - they might be completely unreasonable with Magnetise bubbles now, since you'll have no way of proactively protecting them since you can't shoot through and shrink the Null-bubble, and you'll get that energy and bullet investment removed much more reliably than before, from my interpretation of the patch notes, although not from stepping inside it yourself...

(My heart goes out to the Frosts who'll lose entire teams to a single wayward pixel of nullifier contacting their snowglobes.. Especially those with globes on the large end of the scale.)

Agreed. though I think my equinox might have gotten a slight buff... but thats irrelevant.

well, they really shouldnt have buffed nullies.

screw nullies.

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7 minutes ago, tnccs215 said:

Agreed. though I think my equinox might have gotten a slight buff... but thats irrelevant.

well, they really shouldnt have buffed nullies.

screw nullies.

Not losing all Magnetises because you stepped into a Nullibubble will be nice, admittedly. But yeah, literally nobody asked for Nullifiers to be any more adept at their jobs than they already are. Unless that whole thing came with a big caveat of "oh the bubble doesn't stop bullets at all now, have fun" or something, there could be no doubt what kind of backlash there will be in the immediate future. The unit with a thousand hats just gained a couple more.

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Just threw on my pre-patch Mag loadout and went out to check the damage.


One click of an Atomos dealt ~1400 white damage to the target magnetised. The next unit to enter the bubble ticked for 26 damage. 26/1400 = 0.01 = 1% beam damage to Magnetise DoT conversion = 1/25th of the appropriate damage absorption.


How few weapons actually work properly at this point? You need a non-critting, non-shotgun, non-explosive weapon ideally with no multishot at all, that puts out some good DPS.

Boltor Prime master race, I guess? Maybe a Supra?

Edited by EDYinnit
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So now that the bugfix is live with Specters of the Rail, how does Mag fair now?

Honestly, she seems pretty lackluster now. Of course beam weaponry bug is a fine fix and all but now almost all beam weaponry lost their shine. The bug allowed the forgotten Flux Rifles, Galaxion, Phage, Convectrix, atomos, Nukor, Spectra, etc rather low tiered weapons and usefulness. I rebuilt the Convectrix, Flux Rifle, and almost made the spectra again because Mag made them useful again. Now that's fixed and now we got more explosive weaponry used with Mag. But a further nerf was given to her as the Magnetize bubble now detonate whenever they touch a nullifier bubble turning once a really good CC into a no CC at all. Corpus Killer is getting hit harder and harder with these updates. I don't think even the F. Crush and Polarize combo will even make Mag viable anymore

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10 hours ago, EDYinnit said:

Just threw on my pre-patch Mag loadout and went out to check the damage.


One click of an Atomos dealt ~1400 white damage to the target magnetised. The next unit to enter the bubble ticked for 26 damage. 26/1400 = 0.01 = 1% beam damage to Magnetise DoT conversion = 1/25th of the appropriate damage absorption.


How few weapons actually work properly at this point? You need a non-critting, non-shotgun, non-explosive weapon ideally with no multishot at all, that puts out some good DPS.

Boltor Prime master race, I guess? Maybe a Supra?

tl;dr Nerf Hammer struck hard. Mag is now no longer viable.

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36 minutes ago, Dracario said:

tl;dr Nerf Hammer struck hard. Mag is now no longer viable.

...for you

I spent a couple hours running her on high end missions (Even what pass for a T4 now? idk how that works) and didn't run into any abnormal or extra difficulties. /shrug

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4 minutes ago, Noamuth said:

...for you

I spent a couple hours running her on high end missions (Even what pass for a T4 now? idk how that works) and didn't run into any abnormal or extra difficulties. /shrug

What was your load out and what were your teammates?

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16 minutes ago, Noamuth said:

Load out was the same that I've posted before and my teammate flipped between Oberon, Ivara and Excal.

The one with F. Crush?

Honestly i feel as if Polarize needs a tooltip on how much armor/shields it strips. However, this presents a problem for people in Syndicates who did not choose Perrin or Loka. Sure you can use trade chat but they'd expect plat out of it. The mod is a kind of crutch if Mag was to be used for late game. I strongly wish for Polarize to have some sort of low scaling that can be boosted with Power Strength. that way we can remove Greedy Pull and Fracturing Crush augments and grant mag a new batch of augments. The shards created by polarize are kinda...useless? They don't do much even when doing the proper ability combo. But not every play will use ability combos to just remove armor.Even if the combo is in a wide range, Mag is gonna be immobile for a pretty long time from casting magnetize > F. Crush x2 > Polarize to remove armor because there are times where a random enemy will come in and shoot you that is just out of Mag's range

Also nullifiers ruin everything, I mean everything >.> especially in the fissure missions where the random spawn points for Void enemies would slap a nullifier right beside you and ruin everything.

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1 minute ago, Dracario said:

The one with F. Crush?

Honestly i feel as if Polarize needs a tooltip on how much armor/shields it strips. However, this presents a problem for people in Syndicates who did not choose Perrin or Loka. Sure you can use trade chat but they'd expect plat out of it. The mod is a kind of crutch if Mag was to be used for late game. I strongly wish for Polarize to have some sort of low scaling that can be boosted with Power Strength. that way we can remove Greedy Pull and Fracturing Crush augments and grant mag a new batch of augments. The shards created by polarize are kinda...useless? They don't do much even when doing the proper ability combo. But not every play will use ability combos to just remove armor.Even if the combo is in a wide range, Mag is gonna be immobile for a pretty long time from casting magnetize > F. Crush x2 > Polarize to remove armor because there are times where a random enemy will come in and shoot you that is just out of Mag's range

Also nullifiers ruin everything, I mean everything >.> especially in the fissure missions where the random spawn points for Void enemies would slap a nullifier right beside you and ruin everything.

Actually, that would be tncc's build, not mine.  I don't really use Fracturing for much beyond Infested these days and lean more on Transference.  2310 shields are more useful over an ability that gets blocked.  Also, I have a negative duration, for reasons, as well as a flat 100 range.

I do agree that Fracturing should be inherent for Crush - it just makes the ability that much better, but it isn't required for late game play.  Many players were able to achieve that long before the Syndicate mods came out, and a few still do so without them.

Greedy Pull though...ehh....can of worms.  

The shards generated by Polarize aren't useless, they do a fair amount of damage, especially when you have several on hand.  I highly doubt DE intended for them to be the primary source of damage however, since part of Magnetizes function is to absorb and amplify incoming damage.  So...not sure how the shards are relevant since they're just a bonus.  Small, but still.

As to being stationary, eh.  I've managed to pull of those combos while being mobile.  I'm not saying that because I can do it, you should be able to as well or even "git gud" just that it's not impossible. 

While Nulls have been and always will be, annoying, I don't find them to be overly detrimental to my enjoyment of missions or Mag.  For me, it's just a matter of prioritizing them over the others, secondary to the healing Ancients, and always having at least one weapon that can handle those two targets. 


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1 hour ago, Noamuth said:

Actually, that would be tncc's build, not mine.  I don't really use Fracturing for much beyond Infested these days and lean more on Transference.  2310 shields are more useful over an ability that gets blocked.  Also, I have a negative duration, for reasons, as well as a flat 100 range.

I do agree that Fracturing should be inherent for Crush - it just makes the ability that much better, but it isn't required for late game play.  Many players were able to achieve that long before the Syndicate mods came out, and a few still do so without them.

Greedy Pull though...ehh....can of worms.  

The shards generated by Polarize aren't useless, they do a fair amount of damage, especially when you have several on hand.  I highly doubt DE intended for them to be the primary source of damage however, since part of Magnetizes function is to absorb and amplify incoming damage.  So...not sure how the shards are relevant since they're just a bonus.  Small, but still.

As to being stationary, eh.  I've managed to pull of those combos while being mobile.  I'm not saying that because I can do it, you should be able to as well or even "git gud" just that it's not impossible. 

While Nulls have been and always will be, annoying, I don't find them to be overly detrimental to my enjoyment of missions or Mag.  For me, it's just a matter of prioritizing them over the others, secondary to the healing Ancients, and always having at least one weapon that can handle those two targets. 


I mention nullfiers because of the recent fissures that start spawning a ton of enemies that lags the game greatly, mostly because of explosions of bombards and ground smashing. All of which is when nullifiers spawn  two each wave make it almost impossible to deal with since they block about 90% of damage players can dish out via weapons and abilities. Once 4 spawn then the fissure becomes impossible to deal with because of Ancients, excessive amounts of bombards and HG.

Mag would've been great there expect that the nul bubbles cancel out magnetize as soon as they touch it so majority of CC is nulled., As for the combos, i still feel iffy about the 'mobility' she would still have while casting it on the move. If polarize can be cast while on the move then that would be great. I would suggest more range so you can throw yourself into the bubble so you wont get shot but i've tested it out on occassion that some projectiles are still counted as an enemies and don't disappear into the bubble. (In other words, enemies still hit you while inside Magnetize). I still feel Polarize needs that scaling again so that F. Crush wouldn't be necessary for late game utility. Mag still needs some quality of life changes because most players currently are farming her before she's vaulted again. They'll pick her up, use her as mastery fodder and never used again. She doesn't fit anywhere unlike most frames whether it's DPS, utility, or CC and in this case Mag is master of none. So many other frames can do her job (Vauban's Vortex compared to magnetize, Sayrn with the Armor stripping and shield bypass, Displacement and enemy impairment with Excal blind). Mag has no niche and is easily outclassed by all the other frames

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8 hours ago, Dracario said:

I mention nullfiers because of the recent fissures that start spawning a ton of enemies that lags the game greatly, mostly because of explosions of bombards and ground smashing. All of which is when nullifiers spawn  two each wave make it almost impossible to deal with since they block about 90% of damage players can dish out via weapons and abilities. Once 4 spawn then the fissure becomes impossible to deal with because of Ancients, excessive amounts of bombards and HG.

Mag would've been great there expect that the nul bubbles cancel out magnetize as soon as they touch it so majority of CC is nulled., As for the combos, i still feel iffy about the 'mobility' she would still have while casting it on the move. If polarize can be cast while on the move then that would be great. I would suggest more range so you can throw yourself into the bubble so you wont get shot but i've tested it out on occassion that some projectiles are still counted as an enemies and don't disappear into the bubble. (In other words, enemies still hit you while inside Magnetize). I still feel Polarize needs that scaling again so that F. Crush wouldn't be necessary for late game utility. Mag still needs some quality of life changes because most players currently are farming her before she's vaulted again. They'll pick her up, use her as mastery fodder and never used again. She doesn't fit anywhere unlike most frames whether it's DPS, utility, or CC and in this case Mag is master of none. So many other frames can do her job (Vauban's Vortex compared to magnetize, Sayrn with the Armor stripping and shield bypass, Displacement and enemy impairment with Excal blind). Mag has no niche and is easily outclassed by all the other frames

I am so tired of reading that Mag is outclassed by other 'frames that "do it better" 

This is a game, typically games are played for fun.  If something isn't fun, don't play it.


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Due to the recent nullifier and power interaction change mags magnetize is no longer an option to use as cover and defense was this intentional or a oversight?

As it is now magnetize bubbles stop being a option when several nullifiers spawn. The issue only becomes worst if you play solo.

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6 minutes ago, Whit3Powd3R said:

Solo is not an option on void now ... 

oh you can still do it. its just very very annoying and you get way less rewards for doing so. I for one will skip void fissues until its sorted out. and mag will have to take a break until a clarification on what DE plan for her magnetize now that nullifier destroy the bubbles instantly.

When you strip a player of both the defensive and offensive aspect of a power due to one enemy type. Player response will not be to slug it out and just switch to an anti nullifier setup at all times. Most players will just shelf mag and never use her again.

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1 hour ago, Noamuth said:

I am so tired of reading that Mag is outclassed by other 'frames that "do it better" 

This is a game, typically games are played for fun.  If something isn't fun, don't play it.


Fun is subjective. For me, fun is when you (pre-rework Mag) use 2 to explode a bunch of corpus in a tileset, it's also fun seeing beam weapons (post-rework Mag) actually be useful again (that's not Synapse or Amprex) due to the way magnetized worked. Nullifiers are a type of fun police that will literally stop everything and cancel whatever CC that's necessary.


1 hour ago, GhostLacuna said:

oh you can still do it. its just very very annoying and you get way less rewards for doing so. I for one will skip void fissues until its sorted out. and mag will have to take a break until a clarification on what DE plan for her magnetize now that nullifier destroy the bubbles instantly.

When you strip a player of both the defensive and offensive aspect of a power due to one enemy type. Player response will not be to slug it out and just switch to an anti nullifier setup at all times. Most players will just shelf mag and never use her again.

I agree with this guy when it comes to the nullifiers and the lack of defensive and offensive power.

If Mag was supposed to have synergy with her moves I got a good suggestion for it. Undo the recent nullifier super-buff (because really that buff puts an end to any warframe ever).


-Keep it the same but allow special interaction with Magnetize. Aiming at Magnetize will cause enemies be pulled into the bubble up to a determined range (can be increased by power range)


-The pull is a bit stronger, enough so that slower enemy units can't escape like it's intended for. Make it have special interaction with each type of gun. Hit-Scan weapons deal direct damage to enemies inside the bubble, Beam Weapons increase the DoT, Projectiles have innate punch through due to the rapid velocity of magnetize. Also let Magnetize be castable on surfaces and not enemies, this will fix the bug where Magnetize will cost energy but not activate due the enemy dying immediately after casting it.


-Give it SOME scaling. As long as Power Strength mods cap it at 70% strip (so that only one teammate can equip Corrosive projection or Shield Disruption and can be used for solo). Allow it to affect ALL enemies caught inside the cast like Nova's. Some enemies somehow avoid the damage and strip entirely when Polarize is casted. I've tested this inside the test area). Shards still drop and for each shard dropped is based on every 5-10% of the shield/armor stripped (can be altered at any time, this is just a suggestion). Shards only interact with...


-The more shards around Mag the more powerful this ability is. Passively shards can be collected to increase Warframe armor by flat or by percentage (of armor stripped). This move is still an AoE nuke but more reliable than it is now and before. The idea is to shoot the shards into Magnetize as Crush will add damage to those shards (additive or multiplicative).


Also buff the power max with her, the way most people would build her is putting her in an energy crisis. Put it at like 500 with a fully ranked Flow. I wouldn't mind my suggested interaction with Pull and magnetize be a replacement for Greedy Pull because of mag's new passive.

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2 minutes ago, Dracario said:

Fun is subjective. For me, fun is when you (pre-rework Mag) use 2 to explode a bunch of corpus in a tileset, it's also fun seeing beam weapons (post-rework Mag) actually be useful again (that's not Synapse or Amprex) due to the way magnetized worked. Nullifiers are a type of fun police that will literally stop everything and cancel whatever CC that's necessary.


I agree with this guy when it comes to the nullifiers and the lack of defensive and offensive power.

If Mag was supposed to have synergy with her moves I got a good suggestion for it. Undo the recent nullifier super-buff (because really that buff puts an end to any warframe ever).


-Keep it the same but allow special interaction with Magnetize. Aiming at Magnetize will cause enemies be pulled into the bubble up to a determined range (can be increased by power range)


-The pull is a bit stronger, enough so that slower enemy units can't escape like it's intended for. Make it have special interaction with each type of gun. Hit-Scan weapons deal direct damage to enemies inside the bubble, Beam Weapons increase the DoT, Projectiles have innate punch through due to the rapid velocity of magnetize. Also let Magnetize be castable on surfaces and not enemies, this will fix the bug where Magnetize will cost energy but not activate due the enemy dying immediately after casting it.


-Give it SOME scaling. As long as Power Strength mods cap it at 70% strip (so that only one teammate can equip Corrosive projection or Shield Disruption and can be used for solo). Allow it to affect ALL enemies caught inside the cast like Nova's. Some enemies somehow avoid the damage and strip entirely when Polarize is casted. I've tested this inside the test area). Shards still drop and for each shard dropped is based on every 5-10% of the shield/armor stripped (can be altered at any time, this is just a suggestion). Shards only interact with...


-The more shards around Mag the more powerful this ability is. Passively shards can be collected to increase Warframe armor by flat or by percentage (of armor stripped). This move is still an AoE nuke but more reliable than it is now and before. The idea is to shoot the shards into Magnetize as Crush will add damage to those shards (additive or multiplicative).


Also buff the power max with her, the way most people would build her is putting her in an energy crisis. Put it at like 500 with a fully ranked Flow. I wouldn't mind my suggested interaction with Pull and magnetize be a replacement for Greedy Pull because of mag's new passive.

Now if DE made it so that your suggestion would be how magnetize worked, they would instantly make the skill 100% better.  I like the other suggestions as well.

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I figured I'd post this here, since the rework is still fresh, but it could go in the Specter's of the Rail thread just as well: Mag, immediately following the rework was actually in a pretty good spot. She had good damage in Magnetize that scaled incredibly well with certain weapons. She was viable against all factions.

With the nullifier changes (i.e. a nullifier bubble dispels abilities which it touches such as Frost Snowglobe or Mag bubble), she's taken a huge hit to that viability. Nullifier bubbles dispelling things which they touch is good conceptually, and for an ability like Frost's Snowglobe this adds compelling gameplay: keep the nullifiers away from the bubble. This isn't the case for Mag.

 Mag's damage (and to a large extent her survivability)  come from her Magnetize ability. The way she uses her bubble is a lot different from the way Frost uses his: she has to put it on an enemy (so placement is to some extent limited), she wants enemies to be in or near it, and she can't shoot through it. None of that lends well to counterplay against Nullifiers.

I've been playing Mag a lot since the rework, but she feels awful against the reworked Nullifiers.

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