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Volt Rework Feedback [Post Update 18.13]


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10 minutes ago, lancelance said:

Can't agree more on FOV pre-rework is better, personally i max out the FOV in-game cause that gives me more sight on the land and the Warframe. Currently the FOV can't satisfy my need on the distant between the camera and the Warframe, that is one of the reason why i loved to play volt so much cause it would give me a greater view. 

What i am trying to say is there must be also wide-view loved player, a setting on choosing the ability FOV so player can choose a greater FOV on volt, while those motion sickness player can choose a reduced FOV(but personally i believed those player got sick from their too fast "look sensitivity" in setting), or elsewise just match player FOV to ability FOV. At lease gives player a chance to choose their style but not just reduce FOV it like that, this is one of the disappointment from this update. 

You know, this brings up an idea of mine to have ability settings available in the abilities tab in the arsenal. Like you could set Fov on speed, Chroma's element, which means you would now be able to use any energy color, what Exalted blade looks like, etc. Like miscellaneous things that don't affect game play too badly. I hope I am conveying my message properly.

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17 minutes ago, lancelance said:

Can't agree more on FOV pre-rework is better, personally i max out the FOV in-game cause that gives me more sight on the land and the Warframe. Currently the FOV can't satisfy my need on the distant between the camera and the Warframe, that is one of the reason why i loved to play volt so much cause it would give me a greater view. 

What i am trying to say is there must be also wide-view loved player, a setting on choosing the ability FOV so player can choose a greater FOV on volt, while those motion sickness player can choose a reduced FOV(but personally i believed those player got sick from their too fast "look sensitivity" in setting), or elsewise just match player FOV to ability FOV. At lease gives player a chance to choose their style but not just reduce FOV it like that, this is one of the disappointment from this update. 


4 minutes ago, ElectronX_Core said:

You know, this brings up an idea of mine to have ability settings available in the abilities tab in the arsenal. Like you could set Fov on speed, Chroma's element, which means you would now be able to use any energy color, what Exalted blade looks like, etc. Like miscellaneous things that don't affect game play too badly. I hope I am conveying my message properly.

Far FoV is certainly a must for Speed, and I liked the idea from @ElectronX_Core, it would be a nice way to smooth in a few treats.

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the Tesla Coil idea is neat, but the Range of the cross Arcs is too low, honestly. 4 Meters means Enemies basically need to be in a Vortex in order for them to actually zap each other and stick around as Tesla Coils.

i know you guys were talking about how it was lasting for "wow that's a long time bro" on InDev, but due to the short Range this doesn't last very long. many Enemies start walking around and shooting again in just a few seconds, while others actually manage to be Tesla Coils for the Duration give or take.

capitalizing mechanically and aesthetically on the Electric Status Effect style is great, this just needs to be larger scale so that it applies the effects... effectively.


Elec Shield is hard to see for some apparently (insert H3dsh0t joke).
finding the center also takes longer than no time at all - there should be some sort of marker in the middle of the Shield so that you can instantly find the center to pick it up without having to think about where the center is.

and as ever, being forced to use your Secondary Weapon is still completely stupid, i mean comeon, who in the office still hasn't gotten the memo that Secondary Weapons are pretty much all on par with and some drastically better than their Primary counterparts.
oh no, i've been forced to only use my best gun! the horror!

stop stifling the Players' Weapon choices. it stopped being meaningful years ago. now it just laughs at the Player if they were using a Primary they liked.


you can recast Speed perfectly smoothly now, which is pretty nice. appreciate.
and when i'm not a Volt, i'm not forced to partake if i don't want! great. but why is it a spring? doesn't make sense. why isn't it some sort of like, 'Speed Arrow'? classic Mario Kart/Trackmania/other arcade racing game style booster markers. you know what they are, these kinds of things.


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2 minutes ago, ElectronX_Core said:

You know, this brings up an idea of mine to have ability settings available in the abilities tab in the arsenal. Like you could set Fov on speed, Chroma's element, which means you would now be able to use any energy color, what Exalted blade looks like, etc. Like miscellaneous things that don't affect game play too badly. I hope I am conveying my message properly.

Yes, i get what you are meaning and that's one of my wishes that if DE can make it happen. However, i think the Chroma are bound the energy color to the elemental thing, it is a kind of setting i guess. So...no hope :(

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So. I can't cast Discharge in the air now, despite it just being renamed, or was it like this before? I hardly knew how to play volt but I've been testing his new rework. the wiki says you can do so. that means they changed it and the wiki hasn't picked up on it.

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3 hours ago, Exodess said:


1. DoTs

Bear in mind that when talking about damage over time, you also need to consider other factors like like speed of application and re-application, for example. In Saryn's case it's extremely fast and multiplicative (as in you can have more than one dot at a time). Agreed that it is not as effective against one-two enemies as it is against groups, but 1-2 enemies are hardly a problem, even at 100+. Additionally, it is completely possible to apply them from a (relatively) safe spot via Molt for example and keep them going. It might not be as fast as killing enemies with a burst of damage but certainly not less effective. I don't quite understand what you mean by some weapons rendering dot warframe useless? You mean that some weapons will kill faster than dots will? Sure, but that's a good thing, no? You can take such a weapon with Saryn and do both burst and dots which is better than only burst, no?

Also it feels to me, like your gripe with Saryn is lack of cc, since at some levels one gets one-shotted. Well, this is the thing with Saryn, thanks o her dots she can easily dodge and hide behind corners and such. She has a perfectly viable and quite good kit to deal with a problem in a different way than other frames. Diversity is a good thing, sadly many, many players can't see past the obvious, easiest meta.

2. Reworks, nerfs and buffs.

I do not share your view that the more powerful frames should be nerfed. In fact, I strongly oppose nerfs and am all for buffing up the "weaker" frames up to the level of those considered top frames. I understand that you feel that Volt and Mag were not brought up to that level. I do not know, I don't play those frames, my husband plays Mag and is yet to test the change. Therefore I am not arguing whether they are good or bad, I am arguing your example of Saryn, where you implied that her rework was a nerf, where in my oppinion it was a straight-up buff, cleverly done at that, because even though she was made very powerful, no one is going to scream "nerf!" because she wasn't buffed in a "press 4 to win" way. I am sad to see how very few people realise her potential, because it requires somewhat more work than other frames. Perhaps too cleverly, after all.

Anyway, DE should aim to bring up frames to top level, not nerf the top ones. I assure you, though, that even if currently weaker frames were brought up to the same level, people would still cling to what they already know and even if all the frames were-more or less the same in terms of usefulness and strenght, even then people would find the best/easiest/most efficient way of utilizing all the options.

3. Trials.

Now, to make it clear, I have not yet ran a raid in WF, because I do not play in a guild. I have throught about it many times and therefore read on it and watched videos. Before posting, I've watched two different videos as well, but my knowledge is still purely theoretical, so bear that in mind, please.

So, from what I've read and seen, the issue with the trials is co-ordination and knowing what to do, not damage output, The only frame that is a must is a Trinity and probably Frost for his snow globes. I understand that ideally you want a CC frame as well. And that's it. I do not see any reason to restrict other frames, except wanting to run it as fast and effortless as possible. If there is any other reason I do not know of, then please tell me. As far as I know, majority of the people shouting for nerfs are people who find the game too easy and want more challenge. Here is the challenge for them, go do a raid outside of the meta team, because as far as I've seen it's more than doable. So to answer your question, still hypothetically, yes, I would take Saryn or Mag with me instead of Nova. However I would make sure everyone knows what to do. But then again, I'm the kind of person that does not need to achieve everyting as fast and as flawlessly as possible.

Also, I do apologise for the poor wording of my last post, only later when I re-read it I realised it was uncalled for. I did not mean to come across so agressive. Sorry!

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Welp, that's it.  I've officially given it my best shot.  I can't build Volt to work in a useful way with all of his moves.

The problem here is that I feel I MUST build to 200%+ on duration while keeping every other stat as positive as possible.  I came to that decision based on the way duration affects 3 of Volt's skills.

Then, I have to have efficiency in order to use ES and Overload for area control.  Moreover, if I'm ever to use Riot Shield mode efficiency becomes the most crucial stat to control drain.

Range makes Overload so effective, is so powerful, that I can't help but to keep it as high as I can.  The way I can lock down areas so that I can move safely with 170% range is plain silly.

This leaves me with (at my very best) all of 110% strength.  Speed is so slow at that level I can't hardly tell when it's active.  But for the streamer effect graphic and sound effect it's barely anything at all.

In short, you just can't use Volt's full kit.  That's pathetic.

The passive, had it stayed a power strength boost, could've made Speed viable even without a massive strength-heavy build.  This skill is more crucial to Volt than any of the others due to his lack of other mobility options (even bullet jump isn't a choice for Volt now).

The fact that building this 'Frame revolves around choosing either Speed or EVERY OTHER TOOL IN HIS KIT is the problem.

Speaking of that kit, new Overload is built around setting up defensive zones.  This is especially effective in conjunction with ES.  The problem here is that Speed brings little to this strategy.  What are you gonna do?  Pay 25 energy to reload the Sobek in an acceptable time frame?  And how are you supposed to get any use out of a movement based passive if you're not able to MOVE, let alone save it for when you need it (because every bullet just wastes your charge).

Everything I do comes back to this point:  Speed and the passive vs Electric Shield and Overload.  Shock is almost a non-entity here, except that it only adds anything to your 3 and 4.

So do you build for one move and a passive, or do you try to use everything else...?

Volt is broken.

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4 hours ago, YagoXiten said:

I also forgot to mention that the variable of Distance Moved is especially punishing for melee, who has to move a lot more to select targets, and that the self-slow inflicted when you pick it up counteracts Speed, which is Volt's signature ability and always has been. It isn't like on Ivara, who can choose to use Cloak or Sleep arrow to toggle off Prowl before moving. You literally cannot account for how much you have to move. I'm fine with the Energy cost per second, but the self-slow and the drain on distance moved needs to get the boot. If they were worried about Volt leading the pack and being a hallway hero with the Riot Electric Shield, then the changes to make Speed awkward for allies to acquire to keep up seem out of place, as well. I know that they changed Speed because many players did not want the buff, and not for that reason, but it still exacerbates that effect.

yep that too. second biggest complaint so far.

4 hours ago, Phyrak said:

My solution/s for volt and him being an alternate to gun play


Hey there,

With the new update, volt has had some buffs and some things which need tweaking

First and foremost, it seems DE wish to make volt THE alternate to gun play as Rebecca said on the dev forum a day or two back prior to update drop

At this current point, guns may compliment volt's abilites but he is no where near what they have advertised him to be the last 3 years

Give his 1 an alternate ability like that of Ivara and Vauban - let there be shock and electrocute

Shock stays normal

Electrocute is now an amprex out of your hands using primary fire, alt click charges up for massive damage

For the same cost as shock - let volt go UNLIMITED POWER ad infinitum, no timer, no drain - with some decent scaling with mods

Such would adress him being a caster-esque frame


Overload/discharge needs a slight buff

Once enemies are made into coils - their shock range is only 4 metres - very useful on small tilesets but as the sets get bigger, the arching becomes less useful

Boost it to at least 7-10 to allow for greater arching range

Final point on shock damage

Shock damage is one of the weakest elements - therefore, sided with the caster style DE wish for volt to be - he needs a way to buff it akin to what ember does with acceleratant 

My solution;

Upon an enemy/ies gaining a shock proc, any incoming shock damage is doubled - this can happen exponentially

Both the duration and the aoe proc itself size is double giving the chance to shock proc surrounding foes

Upon receiving a proc - % hp damage is dealt 

Such will both allow for scaling to mid game for cc and dps


1 can now interact with 4 more often due to proccing shock procs allowing for greater damage as a 'caster frame' and actually playing one at that 

Thank you for reading,


been a while since we talked phyrak! i like how you are keeping the Exalted lightning alive but you may need to reel it in a bit.

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9 minutes ago, Aquasurge said:

yep that too. second biggest complaint so far.

been a while since we talked phyrak! i like how you are keeping the Exalted lightning alive but you may need to reel it in a bit.

Hello again aquasurge!

Good to see you still kicking it around the forums :P

Emperor Palpatine was mad with power

With that in mind, why not give volt an alternate 1 to use/make it a shock of UNLIMITED POWER!!!!!...

Such would truly make him an alternate to gunplay whilst having abilities that compliment various weaponry

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23 minutes ago, Cytobel said:

Welp, that's it.  I've officially given it my best shot.  I can't build Volt to work in a useful way with all of his moves.

The problem here is that I feel I MUST build to 200%+ on duration while keeping every other stat as positive as possible.  I came to that decision based on the way duration affects 3 of Volt's skills.

Then, I have to have efficiency in order to use ES and Overload for area control.  Moreover, if I'm ever to use Riot Shield mode efficiency becomes the most crucial stat to control drain.

Range makes Overload so effective, is so powerful, that I can't help but to keep it as high as I can.  The way I can lock down areas so that I can move safely with 170% range is plain silly.

This leaves me with (at my very best) all of 110% strength.  Speed is so slow at that level I can't hardly tell when it's active.  But for the streamer effect graphic and sound effect it's barely anything at all.

In short, you just can't use Volt's full kit.  That's pathetic.

The passive, had it stayed a power strength boost, could've made Speed viable even without a massive strength-heavy build.  This skill is more crucial to Volt than any of the others due to his lack of other mobility options (even bullet jump isn't a choice for Volt now).

The fact that building this 'Frame revolves around choosing either Speed or EVERY OTHER TOOL IN HIS KIT is the problem.

Speaking of that kit, new Overload is built around setting up defensive zones.  This is especially effective in conjunction with ES.  The problem here is that Speed brings little to this strategy.  What are you gonna do?  Pay 25 energy to reload the Sobek in an acceptable time frame?  And how are you supposed to get any use out of a movement based passive if you're not able to MOVE, let alone save it for when you need it (because every bullet just wastes your charge).

Everything I do comes back to this point:  Speed and the passive vs Electric Shield and Overload.  Shock is almost a non-entity here, except that it only adds anything to your 3 and 4.

So do you build for one move and a passive, or do you try to use everything else...?

Volt is broken.

this is kind of hilarious but also so true.

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7 minutes ago, Phyrak said:

Hello again aquasurge!

Good to see you still kicking it around the forums :P

Emperor Palpatine was mad with power

With that in mind, why not give volt an alternate 1 to use/make it a shock of UNLIMITED POWER!!!!!...

Such would truly make him an alternate to gunplay whilst having abilities that compliment various weaponry

with some restrictions of course. otherwise it would be broken. we can't have that now can we?

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Just now, Aquasurge said:

with some restrictions of course. otherwise it would be broken. we can't have that now can we?

Restrictions are what makes things fun

A game of soccer without the borders of the pitch and rules unexplained leads to madness

I'm all for them

I just wish for volt to become a real caster frame

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5 minutes ago, Phyrak said:

Restrictions are what makes things fun

A game of soccer without the borders of the pitch and rules unexplained leads to madness

I'm all for them

I just wish for volt to become a real caster frame

but one too many and soccer becomes more of a nazi death camp than a prison. sorry i mean game, i mean game.

Edited by Aquasurge
nazi and prison
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Just now, Aquasurge said:

but one too many and soccer becomes more of a nazi death camp than a prison


Thus the some 15 page's of discussion about the balance of volt

One may hope that soon enough the fixes will come akin to that of altas and ivara when it came to mod scaling (my hope for sith mode is that it will scale like that)

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More like... Elite Dancer...

Third Sortie. Yeah, the Grineer interception percent is pretty high, but then again... I only entered to take screenshots, and we still won, Sorry for the pose. inb4 Capacitance gets nerfed... that's on 40% str. I don't see a reason to up it anyways. Not main frame either. My V.Prime has a Shields build, a Speed Build and a Endurance Build (vit,rage,quick th, hand spr. etc...), Overload Discharge build is very relyable, but I guess I'll keep it on regular Volt.

Yes, damage is low, but this is Criticframe, so, whatever.

Edited by Duduminador
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There r 2 things that i don't like about the re-work:

1 the old fov for speed give me more the idea that volt is faster during the use of his high speed and i don't like the idea that people have to catch that tiniy thing for having the speed that i can't see is better something like his shield but in a little version(a kind of speed door) that is more visible

2 discharge have low arch range e the big problem that we can't casting that when we r jumping(volt do a little jump to use it!!!) and we have always a the time where is completly vulnerable

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4 minutes ago, Duduminador said:
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More like... Elite Dancer...

Third Sortie. Yeah, the Grineer interception percent is pretty high, but then again... I only entered to take screenshots, and we still won, Sorry for the pose. inb4 Capacitance gets nerfed... that's on 40% str. I don't see a reason to up it anyways. Not main frame either. My V.Prime has a Shields build, a Speed Build and a Endurance Build (vit,rage,quick th, hand spr. etc...), Overload Discharge build is very relyable, but I guess I'll keep it on regular Volt.

Yes, damage is low, but this is Criticframe, so, whatever.

yep, the only mod for shields that constantly regenerate overshields with out spamming. quite like it actually

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37 minutes ago, Cytobel said:

Welp, that's it.  I've officially given it my best shot.  I can't build Volt to work in a useful way with all of his moves.

The problem here is that I feel I MUST build to 200%+ on duration while keeping every other stat as positive as possible.  I came to that decision based on the way duration affects 3 of Volt's skills.

Then, I have to have efficiency in order to use ES and Overload for area control.  Moreover, if I'm ever to use Riot Shield mode efficiency becomes the most crucial stat to control drain.

Range makes Overload so effective, is so powerful, that I can't help but to keep it as high as I can.  The way I can lock down areas so that I can move safely with 170% range is plain silly.

This leaves me with (at my very best) all of 110% strength.  Speed is so slow at that level I can't hardly tell when it's active.  But for the streamer effect graphic and sound effect it's barely anything at all.

In short, you just can't use Volt's full kit.  That's pathetic.

The passive, had it stayed a power strength boost, could've made Speed viable even without a massive strength-heavy build.  This skill is more crucial to Volt than any of the others due to his lack of other mobility options (even bullet jump isn't a choice for Volt now).

The fact that building this 'Frame revolves around choosing either Speed or EVERY OTHER TOOL IN HIS KIT is the problem.

Speaking of that kit, new Overload is built around setting up defensive zones.  This is especially effective in conjunction with ES.  The problem here is that Speed brings little to this strategy.  What are you gonna do?  Pay 25 energy to reload the Sobek in an acceptable time frame?  And how are you supposed to get any use out of a movement based passive if you're not able to MOVE, let alone save it for when you need it (because every bullet just wastes your charge).

Everything I do comes back to this point:  Speed and the passive vs Electric Shield and Overload.  Shock is almost a non-entity here, except that it only adds anything to your 3 and 4.

So do you build for one move and a passive, or do you try to use everything else...?

Volt is broken.

His passive isn't worth building for, and isn't affected by anything, really. The passive actually discourages normal gameplay. Ignore it. Speed is Volt's signature ability. And it's not where the issues in his kit lie. Riot Electric Shield needs some serious efficiency tweaks, because you have a variable you can't control very much, on top of two different Energy drains on it. (It also needs to have the weapon restriction and the self-slow removed, but at least those don't create modding issues.)

Honestly, it's still kind of Overload/Discharge that's lacking. It's the only ability in his kit that's significantly affected by range, and it's CC is in many cases outclassed by Shock. At least,  until you get to the point where enemies don't die very quickly, but at that point, though Discharge offers hard CC, (where as Shock's is thwarted by Ancient Healers and is very brief), it ends prematurely on non-armored targets, and though it scales amazingly for a damage power, damage powers still are rather lack luster when you can Synoid Simulor or Tonkor to delete or maim any enemy that dares approach. It really should have the CC effect not end prematurely if a Tesla Coil runs out of damage, and it's wave expansion range should be based upon Duration like Molecular Prime and Polarize.



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9 minutes ago, YagoXiten said:

His passive isn't worth building for, and isn't affected by anything, really. The passive actually discourages normal gameplay. Ignore it. Speed is Volt's signature ability. And it's not where the issues in his kit lie. Riot Electric Shield needs some serious efficiency tweaks, because you have a variable you can't control very much, on top of two different Energy drains on it. (It also needs to have the weapon restriction and the self-slow removed, but at least those don't create modding issues.)

Honestly, it's still kind of Overload/Discharge that's lacking. It's the only ability in his kit that's significantly affected by range, and it's CC is in many cases outclassed by Shock. At least,  until you get to the point where enemies don't die very quickly, but at that point, though Discharge offers hard CC, (where as Shock's is thwarted by Ancient Healers and is very brief), it ends prematurely on non-armored targets, and though it scales amazingly for a damage power, damage powers still are rather lack luster when you can Synoid Simulor or Tonkor to delete or maim any enemy that dares approach. It really should have the CC effect not end prematurely if a Tesla Coil runs out of damage, and it's wave expansion range should be based upon Duration like Molecular Prime and Polarize.



it should also act spore and/or Bastille in the sense of enemy death, turn another enemy into telsa coil. limit to amount of enemies and should scale very well with power strength

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As a Volt main that has played since U7 with 2400 hours logged according to Steam, with 30% of my play time on either Volt or Volt Prime, thank you for the rework. Below is my feedback about post-rework Volt, gathered from several hours of using the Simulacrum, theorycrafting, and playtesting, offered as thorough yet concise as I can, with a longer section in an ending spoiler tag containing more a more detailed and personalized opinion.



  • Thematically awesome.
  • Free damage.
  • Very impactful for starting players who do not yet have much damage.


  • Charge is consumed on missed shots.
  • Charge is consumed at negligible values.
  • Non-interactive: Cannot be played around, has no scaling with weapon or Warframe mods, charging discourages combat and parkour.
  • No utility.
  • Damage is essentially negligible at mid and end game levels, even when fully stacked.
  • Lack of flair: Seems to be no visual or audio effect upon releasing the charge.


  • Maximum charge changed to 600 from 1000.
  • Only triggers upon reaching maximum charge.
  • Has 100% status chance.
  • Add sounds or visual effects.


Unchanged with the exception of the new mechanics with Electric Shield and Discharge


Empowered Electric Shield:


  • Power synergy.
  • Allows the strategical creation of traps and choke points.
  • Additional damage: Deals full Shock damage, including up to an additional 1,000 with a passive charged Shock.
  • Can enable persistent damage with 'Riot Electric Shield' option.


  • No status chance, or other effects, meaning most enemies pass through it unphased.
  • Most mission types will have few, if any, enemies that reliably pass through it.
  • Can be Energy intensive.
  • Damage falls off in mid and end game missions.


  • 100% status chance, a brief slow, armor reduction, or other utility effect, as damage is not relevant for most missions.


Empowered Discharge:


  • Additional damage.
  • Power synergy.


  • Too many numbers to actually tell what it is doing, could not notice any significant bonus.


  • Clarity on the effect.
  • % HP damage.


Mostly unchanged.


  • Reload speed is a welcome addition.
  • Allies can opt into it and will no longer be unhappy if they do not want to receive the buff.


  • Often difficult for allies to take the pickup.
  • Base duration still very low.
  • Volt is unable to know where he dropped the pickup.

Electric Shield:


  •     Improved area.
  •     Can be picked up for mobile defenses, especially helpful with melee.


  • Energy drain is extremely excessive.
  • Energy drain is extremely hard to judge.
  • Slow penalty extremely unnecessary, requires but then nullifies Speed.
  • Shield limit.
  • Weapon restriction.
  • Users with Reload / Activate same key option enabled causes manual reloading to drop a held shield.
  • Shield is dropped upon activating life support, etc.
  • Cannot cast another shield whilst holding one.
  • No longer can be parkoured off of.


  • Completely remove slow penalty.
  • Completely remove energy per meter moved.
  • Possibly remove weapon restriction.
  • Casting a new shield whilst holding one drops the first held one and immediately picks up the newly created one.
  • Context Action key no longer drops the shield with Reloading, activating Life Support, etc.



  • Potent crowd control option.
  • Heavy nuke damage.
  • Effective support option with Capacitance.


  • Unreliable Crowd Control: Ends prematurely on clustered non-armored enemies.    
  • Unreliable Damage: Tesla Coils can be killed by allies before zapping anything.
  • Unclear purpose: Crowd Control? Damage? Currently, this is dependent strictly upon the enemies affected and not upon Volt's strategies or modding.
  • Damage falls off significantly against mid and end game armored enemies.
  • Tesla Coil arc range is low.
  • Base wave expansion range is low.
  • Cannot be cast in the air.


  • Can be cast in the air.
  • Expansion range affected by Duration as Molecular Prime / Polarize.
  • Tesla Coil arc damage changed to % of maximum health.
  • Maximum Tesla coil health changed to % of maximum health.
  • Tesla Coil Crowd Control lasts the entire duration, only damage can end prematurely.
  • Tesla Coils release a burst on death that either lowers armor/slows/procs Electric status/does damage.




  • Volt was given a number of nice new mechanics.
  • Visual/Audio changes are great.
  • Melee specialist build made more viable / supported with Speed and Riot Electric Shield.


  •     Passive is negligible for mid and end game content.
  •     Shock Empowered abilities do not feel useful.
  •     Modding is extremely difficult, rendering newly introduced mechanics practically inaccessible to many builds, especially melee focused ones.

Several QoL fixes needed: Casting Electric Shield whilst holding one, Shield no longer dropping upon Reloading or taking context actions, Discharge being air castable.



As for my personal opinion on the rework, it's currently rather promising, but very undertuned. All of the things that Volt could do previously are still accessible, with a couple of buffs to Speed boosting Reload Speed, and to Electric Shield's size, and Discharge's damage. However, accessing all four powers and the new mechanics introduced with the rework is exceptionally difficult if not pragmatically impossible with present values.

His passive feels very invisible. If you go a significant amount of time out of combat, you'll see a minor but welcome 1,000 damage buff, but for the most part, you'll be consuming it at values less than 50. It has no effect, otherwise, than a small drop of damage, and this renders it irrelevant to all of Volt's playstyles. The thematics of it are very enticing however, and it could easily be tweaked to be very lovable. Being able to charge it whilst utilizing parkour would be nice, too, but not needed, either.

Shock is always good, though it's empowered effects are not strong enough or impactful enough to make me want to use them. Flat damage is not  a value that Warframe abilities tend to value, as it quickly fades to irrelevance in higher level missions, even in the non-infinite ones.

Speed's base duration is too short to sacrifice Duration, and sacrificing Power Strength makes Speed completely ineffective. It is Volt's signature ability, and despite heavily buffing melee, Riot Electric Shield, which also supports melee, has modding conflicts that create anti-synergy. It's unclear to the Volt player where, exactly, he dropped the pickup, and that should be remedied.

Base Electric Shield is amazing as it covers a larger area and the benefits of the previous dome shape were minor at best. The four shield limit was not needed. It's an understandable restriction, and one I have no significant qualms with. I miss being able to parkour off of the shield, however. Shortly after the initial Parkour 2.0 update, you could Wall Latch to it, and could still Wall Hop off of one until very recently. On the other hand, Riot Electric Shield's Energy cost formula is absurd and unpredictable whilst playing as one cannot be sure how far they will move, and you will also still lose Energy over time whilst stationary. Two Energy drains is completely unnecessary,  as are all of the restrictions. Whilst the defensive buffs it can provide are powerful, they are nowhere near powerful enough to justify such costs. There are more effective defensive abilities on many frames. Even if Volt is intended to be a vulnerable and fragile frame, as a cost for his utility, the survivability boost provided is not significant enough to remove that weakness. You will still take considerable damage from the sides, and even from enemies that are close enough to cross through the shield, or from enemies standing directly beside a melee range target. It might provide offensive buffs, but those only work for shots fired through the shield, and those attacking at range have the luxury to remain stationary and still select targets, and to wait until it is safe to move position, whilst melee benefits from none of the offensive buffs, and needs the Riot Electric Shield option to be a viable playstyle against mid and end game enemies.  It also requires both Efficiency and Duration to even use on top of having a limited duration, which makes it impossible to mod for Strength, which every other ability Volt has scales off of. The weapon restriction is odd, as many Secondary weapons are stronger than Primary weapons, and Primary weapons tend to have better Critical builds, which is what Electric Shield synergizes best with, other than melee with the Riot Electric Shield option. That said, I understand if the weapon restriction is more of a coding restriction, and can live with it. Please remove at least the self-slow and the cost upon movement. If need be, slightly increase the Energy drain per second. It already has a limited Duration and a 50 Energy activation cost, it does not also need to cost so much to actually pick it up. It also has a number of QoL tweaks, such as dropping the shield upon a manual reload or activating Life Support that are sorely needed.

Discharge is still the black sheep of Volt's powers. Whilst significantly more powerful, it still requires Range, a stat that Volt's other powers do not utilize, and has two very different effects depending upon the spacing of Volt's enemies, and what those enemies are. This makes it incredibly difficult to tell how effective the CC or damage will be, as it has a high chance to end prematurely, or deal negligible damage. This NEEDS to be resolved, or the unreliability will make the ability undesirable outside of Grineer missions or Capacitance, even if the strength of the ability is very high.  It has some nice support options with Capacitance with the buffs, thankfully. Volt is a master of versatility, capable of quickly switching between long ranged and close-quarters combat, but being unable to cast it whilst in the air breaks the regular fluid gameplay patterns that Volt is wont to use.

The mechanics of the rework, and the new features, are very promising, my main concerns are just that Riot Electric Shield is nearly inaccessible for melee Volt builds, and that Discharge is highly unreliable. All of this means that he is still too difficult to mod for, which is a shame.




Edited by YagoXiten
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Volt used to be one of my favorite to play

Now... Volt is nothing more than a husk of what he was. 

Everything is now duration based besides Shock. 

Speed is just terrible for other people

Shield Drains way too much energy on everything, not even worth to pick up, even for re-positioning it, just cast a new one

And his ultimate just sucks now. Doesnt do any good damage (like the old one), doesnt affect electrical items (like the old one) so it doesnt give out more damage... BUT it stuns enemies and make them shock people like Vaubans Tesla ball... But it deals little to no damage.. OH... and its all duration based.

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26 minutes ago, Zurakci said:

Volt used to be one of my favorite to play

Now... Volt is nothing more than a husk of what he was. 

Everything is now duration based besides Shock. 

Speed is just terrible for other people

Shield Drains way too much energy on everything, not even worth to pick up, even for re-positioning it, just cast a new one

And his ultimate just sucks now. Doesnt do any good damage (like the old one), doesnt affect electrical items (like the old one) so it doesnt give out more damage... BUT it stuns enemies and make them shock people like Vaubans Tesla ball... But it deals little to no damage.. OH... and its all duration based.

Whilst I agree, as I have said multiple times here, as have many other players, that Electric Shield's Riot option has far too great of an Energy cost, please do not spread misinformation.

Volt's Speed and Electric Shield have always scaled off of duration, and Volt's Discharge deals about three times more damage than Overload previously could, for each target, to each target in range of each other, over its duration. You are welcome to test this, but I was capable of killing a few of twenty closely clustered level 100 Corrupted MOAs after a few casts with a 299% Power Strength build.  Also, Duration greater than 75% does not matter very much for Discharge, as the Tesla Coil CC effect ends upon an individual target dealing enough damage to themselves or other nearby targets. This damage dealt cap is called 'Health' in the UI. This means that both the damage and stun associated with being a Tesla Coil will end on non-armored targets after, at most, about nine seconds of self-damage at all levels of Power Strength, with this going down based upon the number of other targets it zaps. Unless, of course, those targets also have armor or other significant damage reduction, in which case it is capable of lasting longer or even the full Effect Duration, as it is listed in the UI.

Edited by YagoXiten
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