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Volt Rework Feedback [Post Update 18.13]


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 Faster base sprint speed 

1. Where's my shock buff!?!

2. Why am I so slow? more duration,faster reload speed 

3. Not using MES unless in void, more duration and size/circular, hard to visually see, LESS DRAWBACKS no shield cap, already electrified 

4. Remove Discharges health cap, cast in air, more range, more duration

Edited by Wolfnrun
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please return Speed into team buff without picking Volt's Speed, just make ally not affected by shocking speed if they really don't like to break glass in corpus ship. and buff reload speed from speed equal to melee speed and running speed, and please make speed cast more responsive, its current state is like it has delay after cast, and let volt cast discharge in mid air

Edited by FitzSimmons
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I'm terrified...?  

VOLT is MY Warframe Experience.

He's been the catalyst for continuing to make this my signature game, real-$ investment and gameplay-wise, for this generation.

Is it really THAT aweful, PC Voltites?  Was daring to have hope for his rework a mistake?

Is he a 2nd-rate version of Spore Saryn now?? Reading this thread makes me sad.

Can someone succinctly break down the rework shortcomings?

Edited by (PS4)Silverback73
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6 minutes ago, (PS4)Silverback73 said:

I'm terrified...?  

VOLT is MY Warframe Experience.

He's been the catalyst for continuing to make this my signature game, real-$ investment and gameplay-wise, for this generation.

Is it really THAT aweful, PC Voltites?  Was daring to have hope for his rework a mistake?

Is he a 2nd-rate version of Spore Saryn now?? Reading this thread makes me sad.

Can someone succinctly break down the rework shortcomings?

Did you check my post on the previous page?

I can give you a slightly more concise version, if need be, or discuss things if that doesn't interest you.

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9 minutes ago, (PS4)Silverback73 said:

I'm terrified...?  

VOLT is MY Warframe Experience.

He's been the catalyst for continuing to make this my signature game, real-$ investment and gameplay-wise, for this generation.

Is it really THAT aweful, PC Voltites?  Was daring to have hope for his rework a mistake?

Is he a 2nd-rate version of Spore Saryn now?? Reading this thread makes me sad.

Can someone succinctly break down the rework shortcomings?

not a mistake. in my opinion, to me volt is now much better, aside from cant cast ult in the air and individual speed

Edited by FitzSimmons
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About Volt:

Passive: Good thematically. Utterly useless in reality:

-Punishes use of bullet jump

-raw damage from abilities is so low that building up more is useless.


-Needs a LOT more damage. Doesn't scale at all. Remember: POTENT alternative to gunplay. POTENT. 

-Needs slightly longer stun, or to chain to more enemies.


-Thanks for the FOV change. Needed that.

-Needs to be automatic for teammates, and they opt out by zooming (aiming) or blocking with melee (because neither are things you do when running fast but both are easy, one touch actions).


-Picking it up is good.

-Mobile version being smaller, AND restricting speed, AND draining energy, AND limiting weapon use is...awful, really. 

Shield is already limited by duration. Why drain energy, or limit speed, to carry it? The fact that it only protects from the front, and us time limited, are already limiting factors.

Does a mobile Riot Shield need FOUR drawbacks? That's extreme.

Mobile Shield should not restrict speed or weapons.

Overload: Crowd Control is nice, BUT

-The first shock from coiled to uncoiled enemies, should stagger the uncoiled enemy for a second. Just a brief stun, one time. That would by Volt a bit more time and space on crowded missions.




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3 minutes ago, BlackCoMerc said:

About Volt:

Passive: Good thematically. Utterly useless in reality:

-Punishes use of bullet jump

-raw damage from abilities is so low that building up more is useless.


-Needs a LOT more damage. Doesn't scale at all. Remember: POTENT alternative to gunplay. POTENT. 

-Needs slightly longer stun, or to chain to more enemies.


-Thanks for the FOV change. Needed that.

-Needs to be automatic for teammates, and they opt out by zooming (aiming) or blocking with melee (because neither are things you do when running fast but both are easy, one touch actions).


-Picking it up is good.

-Mobile version being smaller, AND restricting speed, AND draining energy, AND limiting weapon use is...awful, really. 

Shield is already limited by duration. Why drain energy, or limit speed, to carry it? The fact that it only protects from the front, and us time limited, are already limiting factors.

Does a mobile Riot Shield need FOUR drawbacks? That's extreme.

Mobile Shield should not restrict speed or weapons.

Overload: Crowd Control is nice, BUT

-The first shock from coiled to uncoiled enemies, should stagger the uncoiled enemy for a second. Just a brief stun, one time. That would by Volt a bit more time and space on crowded missions.




'Potent alternative to gunplay' is a terrible description, and the reason he is not pushed into the direction of a damage caster more  is because it would be bad design. There's no reason to use damaging powers to kill enemies (except when they're exceptionally powerful, such as on low level missions, or with Old Sayrn) when we already have two guns and a melee weapon which are used for that. I'm not against some buffs to his abilities' damage as a filler through adding weapon mod scaling somehow, % Health damage, damage amplification properties, a combo counter, etc. I'm just stating that buffing a non-scaling flat damage ability isn't going to do much, and even if it were to scale and be a viable DPS option over a gun, I'd much rather aim and click than aim and press 1. It might fit some people's fantasy for Volt, but it would most likely alienate most of his actual player base who love what he is, and not what his obsolete description states.


5 minutes ago, Wolfnrun said:

200 damage... "High damage" You HAVE to really on a PASSIVE to make it strong...let that sink it 

Volt's Shock damage is actually deceptively high. It triggers the Electric status, which means it deals 50% of the listed damage to each target hit by Shock, and all those standing within the procs AoE. If you hit a cluster of six enemies that are in melee range of each other, you will deal 200 damage to each with the initial shock, and then the Electric status proc will deal 100 bonus damage to all targets for each target hit, for a total of 800 damage and a stun for 25 Energy.


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20 minutes ago, FitzSimmons said:

not a mistake. in my opinion, to me volt is now much better, aside from cant cast ult in the air and individual speed

Thx.  It does seem like they are severely energy-restricting and limiting a frame that was supposed to be a free-wheeling/with-energy-to-burn type of frame.

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2 hours ago, YagoXiten said:

Volt's Shock damage is actually deceptively high. It triggers the Electric status, which means it deals 50% of the listed damage to each target hit by Shock, and all those standing within the procs AoE. If you hit a cluster of six enemies that are in melee range of each other, you will deal 200 damage to each with the initial shock, and then the Electric status proc will deal 100 bonus damage to all targets for each target hit, for a total of 800 damage and a stun for 25 Energy.

50%LESS damage to chained enemies with a very short stun, there is no damage increase unless discharge is casted, even when discharge is casted the increase is minimal.  There is no bonus damage and shock only chains to 5 enemies

Edited by Wolfnrun
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3 minutes ago, (PS4)Silverback73 said:

Thx.  It does seem like they are severely energy-restricting and limiting a frame that was supposed to be a free-wheeling/with-energy-to-burn type of frame.

riot shield sucks, not because of limiting player to not use primary but because of the amount of energy drain and reduce movement speed including parkour, the only way to reduce its energy drain is by using zenurik passive.

that's just my opinions btw. everyday without unequip volt and that's what I feel on this rework

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"Damage, damage, damage, i wanna see damage! I need Volt's damage!" - guys, play Excalibur. What? Fixed? Damage reduction on range? Wut? nvm... 18.13.0 Rip most popular frames. (offtopic)
Anyway we are here, with some OverextendedStretch and Cunning Drift on our Volt, we can emerge from Discharge a lot of "Michael Bay's special effects", with a no LOS (i think for now) crowd control , and zip-zap things. One of the really disappointment thing that WE ARE GROUNDED, firstly because of passive (y, op one, just like ash's bleed or nyx's disarm) and secondly because of our Speed, that's not influence our parcour skills. I really had a hope, that with this rework DE's gonna to think about parcour speed buff on Volt, but after all we have what we have, so much potential HAYDEN in.
Hope that is not just the end,
Volt's phunboy!

Edited by Cryone
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20 minutes ago, YagoXiten said:

'Potent alternative to gunplay' is a terrible description, and the reason he is not pushed into the direction of a damage caster more  is because it would be bad design. There's no reason to use damaging powers to kill enemies (except when they're exceptionally powerful, such as on low level missions, or with Old Sayrn) when we already have two guns and a melee weapon which are used for that. I'm not against some buffs to his abilities' damage as a filler through adding weapon mod scaling somehow, % Health damage, damage amplification properties, a combo counter, etc. I'm just stating that buffing a non-scaling flat damage ability isn't going to do much, and even if it were to scale and be a viable DPS option over a gun, I'd much rather aim and click than aim and press 1. It might fit some people's fantasy for Volt, but it would most likely alienate most of his actual player base who love what he is, and not what his obsolete description states.


Volt's Shock damage is actually deceptively high. It triggers the Electric status, which means it deals 50% of the listed damage to each target hit by Shock, and all those standing within the procs AoE. If you hit a cluster of six enemies that are in melee range of each other, you will deal 200 damage to each with the initial shock, and then the Electric status proc will deal 100 bonus damage to all targets for each target hit, for a total of 800 damage and a stun for 25 Energy.


Good points. All very well made.

Two concerns: first, the obvious. Volt's obsolete description can no longer be called Obsolete. Now, it's deceptive, or at best inaccurate. That needs fixed for the sake of new players, stat.

Second: if damage abilities will always be subpar to weapons even midway through the star chart...why have damage abilities? I am all for Sortie and Raid enemies needing top tier, decked out gear to take down. That's extreme late game.

But now that Ceres and Pluto are no longer late game, I think it's about time DE did something to fix the fact damage frames mostly don't. Damage, that is.

To;dr: when every damage frame needs some form of crowd control or armor stripping to make it viable, your game is flawed.

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27 minutes ago, YagoXiten said:

As a Volt main that has played since U7 with 2400 hours logged according to Steam, with 30% of my play time on either Volt or Volt Prime thank you for the rework. Below is my feedback about post-rework Volt, gathered from several hours of using the Simulacrum, theorycrafting, and playtesting, offered as thorough yet concise as I can, with a longer section in an ending spoiler tag containing more a more detailed and personalized opinion.

First of all, Thank you for your post and great job on experimenting and posting up your findings. I am also a Main Volt Player, MR 21, playing since u9 w/ 5700 hrs on steam (3000+hrs in game) and just about 30% play time with volt & volt prime.  We need to meet up online btw Yago! I want to see your volt's fashion frame :D  

Volt - This is a high-damage warframe perfect for players looking for a potent alternative to gunplay.
(For me, it was his shield stacking that was the 'high damage')

Since Volt/Shock has a nature to 'buff' damage (shock on tesla coil mobs and the shocking touch mod), I think it would still make sense for Shock to also buff or add additional damage (at least +50% additive damage to projectiles) when casted on the electric shield--in addition to your suggestion of armor reduction or other utility effects.

Not that this will directly influence a change or anything, but this is how the rework affected this Volt Player:

I personally like playing in high-level or end-content missions and (to me) what made Volt special was his high duration + efficiency + shield stacking.   Which allowed him to take ANY (primary/secondary) weapon (including the weakest) and make it viable in end content due to shield stacking damages.  This allowed me to play ANY weapon combinations and made the game MOST enjoyable to me--I finally had a way to play with ALL the weapons in the game and not feeling completely restricted to the 'meta' weapons like tonkor, soma prime, etc etc.  In addition, the (almost) limitless shield stacking allowed me to place shields in many strategic angles and places in the combat zone allowing me to be strategically mobile and running behind each shield stacks instead of just shield stacking in one corner--in which having the 4 electric shield limit forces you to do. It also allows me to shield/protect members, downed players/kubrows, in different locations at once.  This is what made Volt so FUN to me! And ive been, primarily, playing this way on him since. As a supporter (purchased all PA since u9) and aged-veteran of this game, I feel disheartened that I can't play this freely with various weapon combinations anymore...and now resorting to being selective to 'meta' weapons (again) for all my high content missions.  

Despite this, I do have other Volt playstyles and  warframes I can play with (Ash and Excal)...but this particular change to Volt was the 'epicenter' for me. And I do hope that DE will make the proper adjustments soon to revitalize Volt's overall power mechanics -- and regain my interest to my most-favorite warframe.   Either way, I will still adapt and improvise to have fun with the game what ever gets decided.  


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51 minutes ago, Wolfnrun said:

50% less damage to chained enemies with a very short stun, there is no damage increase unless discharge is casted, even when discharge is casted the increase is minimal.  There is no bonus damage and shock only chains to 5 enemies

You are incorrect, though allow me to explain.


Shock deals 200 Electric damage, base, with a 100% Status chance. If you target an enemy directly with your reticle on them, you will cast it on them and then it will affect up to five additional targets for full damage, also with 100% Status chance. If you do not directly target an enemy, it will instead chain from the ground or wall to a nearby target, from which it can chain four more times. Therefore, you can affect up to six enemies with a direct cast, or five with if you utilize Shock's soft auto targetting. The Electric status chance deals 50% of the Electric damage in a small (3-5m) sphere centered on the target, which will also affect them. Assuming the forum accepts my offerings, here is a screenshot of my Volt with 220% Power Strength in the Simulacrum casting Shock on two Corrupted MOAs that are in close proximity to each other. You will notice that they are dealt 440 initial damage, with two instances of 220 damage from each others' Electric status proc.





32 minutes ago, BlackCoMerc said:

Good points. All very well made.

Two concerns: first, the obvious. Volt's obsolete description can no longer be called Obsolete. Now, it's deceptive, or at best inaccurate. That needs fixed for the sake of new players, stat.

Second: if damage abilities will always be subpar to weapons even midway through the star chart...why have damage abilities? I am all for Sortie and Raid enemies needing top tier, decked out gear to take down. That's extreme late game.

But now that Ceres and Pluto are no longer late game, I think it's about time DE did something to fix the fact damage frames mostly don't. Damage, that is.

To;dr: when every damage frame needs some form of crowd control or armor stripping to make it viable, your game is flawed.

They've needed that description fixed for years, and it's been brought up many times.


They're currently aware of this conflict with damaging powers. And they've mentioned perhaps adding weapon mod scaling, combo counters, or % damage to them in the Dev streams, I believe. At one point, damaging powers actually were more effective than most weapons, especially ultimate abilities. This is where Press 4 to Win came from. Sayrn and Banshee were obliterating enemies with just an Intensify. This had to do with Damage 1.0 calculations, and certain damage types ignoring enemy resistances, similar to Finisher damage now. Certain damaging powers actually remain relevant to varying points, depending upon damage type. Volt's damage with Shock is particularly lacking because of Electric damage being so awful. I can still use Shock to kill Ospreys in T4 Survivals with a cast or two for I believe around 20 minutes or perhaps 30, IIRC (it's been awhile since I've been very active in game, though I always keep up with the news and play here and there), especially if they are huddled close together with other enemies.


26 minutes ago, -Edrick- said:

First of all, Thank you for your post and great job on experimenting and posting up your findings. I am also a Main Volt Player, MR 21, playing since u9 w/ 5700 hrs on steam (3000+hrs in game) and just about 30% play time with volt & volt prime.  We need to meet up online btw Yago! I want to see your volt's fashion frame :D  

Volt - This is a high-damage warframe perfect for players looking for a potent alternative to gunplay.
(For me, it was his shield stacking that was the 'high damage')

Since Volt/Shock has a nature to 'buff' damage (shock on tesla coil mobs and the shocking touch mod), I think it would still make sense for Shock to also buff or add additional damage (at least +50% additive damage to projectiles) when casted on the electric shield--in addition to your suggestion of armor reduction or other utility effects.

Not that this will directly influence a change or anything, but this is how the rework affected this Volt Player:

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I personally like playing in high-level or end-content missions and (to me) what made Volt special was his high duration + efficiency + shield stacking.   Which allowed him to take ANY (primary/secondary) weapon (including the weakest) and make it viable in end content due to shield stacking damages.  This allowed me to play ANY weapon combinations and made the game MOST enjoyable to me--I finally had a way to play with ALL the weapons in the game and not feeling completely restricted to the 'meta' weapons like tonkor, soma prime, etc etc.  In addition, the (almost) limitless shield stacking allowed me to place shields in many strategic angles and places in the combat zone allowing me to be strategically mobile and running behind each shield stacks instead of just shield stacking in one corner--in which having the 4 electric shield limit forces you to do. It also allows me to shield/protect members, downed players/kubrows, in different locations at once.  This is what made Volt so FUN to me! And ive been, primarily, playing this way on him since. As a supporter (purchased all PA since u9) and aged-veteran of this game, I feel disheartened that I can't play this freely with various weapon combinations anymore...and now resorting to being selective to 'meta' weapons (again) for all my high content missions.  

Despite this, I do have other Volt playstyles and  warframes I can play with (Ash and Excal)...but this particular change to Volt was the 'epicenter' for me. And I do hope that DE will make the proper adjustments soon to revitalize Volt's overall power mechanics -- and regain my interest to my most-favorite warframe.   Either way, I will still adapt and improvise to have fun with the game what ever gets decided.  



You're very welcome. I'm pretty passionate about Volt, and have played him almost exclusively for a couple of years now. I tend to take breaks after I run out of content or when y social circle meanders off to another game for awhile, so I don't have as much play time as I'd like.

It'd be great if, Shock had that effect, and I'd considered it myself, but did not put it in my feedback post, as I had a lot contained there and forgot.


I generally avoided literally stacking the shields, though I did tend to fall back on it on occasion when my weapons were starting to fall off, or for hilariously high numbers on low level missions. I myself generally placed more than four, so that I could run around ducking behind them as my personally created cover whenever I needed it, or because enemies would often position on the other side of where I had placed it to shoot me on the other side of the room. That said, I can live with the shield limit as the size did get buffed a fair deal, and assuming they tweak the Energy cost, I can pick it up and position myself and my camera to similar effect. You should be able to cover much of the Defense objectives with three shields placed in a tight triangle, and keeping the fourth for yourself when reviving, though this is more vulnerable than being able to place two quickly, as you used to be able to. That said, Volt's Electric Shield has always been a knock-off Frost for Defense type missions, so I don't mind it too much.

Overall, I agree with you, the shield limit should be removed. But I also can live with it, if they do not want to.

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4 minutes ago, YagoXiten said:

You are incorrect, though allow me to explain.


Shock deals 200 Electric damage, base, with a 100% Status chance. If you target an enemy directly with your reticle on them, you will cast it on them and then it will affect up to five additional targets for full damage, also with 100% Status chance. If you do not directly target an enemy, it will instead chain from the ground or wall to a nearby target, from which it can chain four more times. Therefore, you can affect up to six enemies with a direct cast, or five with if you utilize Shock's soft auto targetting. The Electric status chance deals 50% of the Electric damage in a small (3-5m) sphere centered on the target, which will also affect them. Assuming the forum accepts my offerings, here is a screenshot of my Volt with 220% Power Strength in the Simulacrum casting Shock on two Corrupted MOAs that are in close proximity to each other. You will notice that they are dealt 440 initial damage, with two instances of 220 damage from each others' Electric status proc.

Robotics are the only exception because electricity deals more damage to robotics, and 6 targets is only including the initial target, the chains are being redirected back at the 2 enemies as well, due to not having more enemies. This isn't a matter of who's right who's wrong, it's what it does and how good it is at doing it. Some argue that it's based off the stun, then why does it stun for 2-3 seconds? If it's based off damage why have a passive the increases damage output? Why does shock deal 200 damage as opposed to ember who does more? I think it needs more damage and duration, regardless of the function at hand 

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2 minutes ago, Wolfnrun said:

Robotics are the only exception because electricity deals more damage to robotics, and 6 targets is only including the initial target 

I'm not sure what you're getting at, to be quite honest. The damage in that screenshot was dealt to the Shields health type. Furthermore, even if the damage does not get a bonus against most enemies, and is not particularly effective to armored targets, it is still capable of dealing rather high damage for a rather low Energy cost, relative to many other similar powers. I did 880 to two targets, there. And the damage only goes up if there are more targets and they are grouped closely together so as to all take each others' Electric status's bonus damage.


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First off i want to ask: can i have 30 minutes back from reading every single post on this thread.

And second: i partially agree on the energy drain, but its way to well, Why is it even energy draining?

Volt Speed Buff: What? Whats that? I miss the old version of speed

Discharge: Wha? Overload to discharge? cool i can make enemy's dance.

Sheild: Wha riot sheild? It actually blocks bullets? COOL?? Blocks aoe Nice.

Mag's rework was better, FYI.

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I think the devs should capitalize on the held Electric Shield idea, they should really sell that volt could be like a lancer or something. He runs to front lines with his shield in hand and a pistol or melee weapon mowing down enemies throws a lightning bolt like frickin Zeus every now and again. Cool stuff right there.

On the Feedback side, I think when Volt picks up his shield it should have like 1/4 of the drain it has now and only be a small drain every few seconds instead of being time and distance based. Speed is wonderful (especially that reload buff thank you), I don't really mind the pickup thing because I play Volt a lot and I'm sure my friends and clan mates are tired of always being sped up.

Shock should be looked at I think and maybe instead of zapping (zapping seems kinda weak as much as I like shock while reloading) make shock one of those powers people really like using because it makes them feel like a god. Maybe something along the lines of Volt creating a lightning bolt in his hand quickly and lobbing it into an enemy, and just like now it would chain off that enemy into the few bad guys around it.

"When a bolt of lightning does strike a human frame, very bad things happen. In addition to the 300kV of energy coursing through you, the power of the strike heats the surrounding air to 50,000 degrees F, causing third degree burns at the bolt's entry and exit points. The heat and force can singe and shred clothing. Lightning strikes have blown people clear out of their shoes," got this little explanation off of gizmodo. Even though electric damage is kinda meh maybe by working heat damage or possibly a lot of blast damage into Discharge or Shock you could get massive amounts of CC and the Abilities would probably be better off because of that. Think if Volt hit a giant group of enemies with Discharge and it shocks them and blasts them away. But that's just a concept.

Tl;dr Make Volt more like Zeus and add Blast damage to his Damage skills for insane CC potential.


     A Volt enthusiast

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Hmm. I like Volt passive but I believe that needs some tweaks, what about this:?

Increase max storage electricity from 1,000 to 5,000

Next attack gets a bonus of 10% of store electricity.

Add a cooldown between attacks with bonus electricity; Example: 0.5 sec.

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6 minutes ago, Brozenwall said:

Hmm. I like Volt passive but I believe that needs some tweaks, what about this:?

Increase max storage electricity from 1,000 to 5,000

Next attack gets a bonus of 10% of store electricity.

Add a cooldown between attacks with bonus electricity; Example: 0.5 sec.

I came up with that idea for the passive except I caped it at 10K, I think that would work wonders so you don't always have to keep refilling the passive for your next attack 

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1 minute ago, Wolfnrun said:

I came up with that idea for the passive except I caped it at 10K, I think that would work wonders so you don't always have to keep refilling the passive for your next attack 

You Tenno are a good thinker.

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13 minutes ago, DaedricToast666 said:

I think the devs should capitalize on the held Electric Shield idea, they should really sell that volt could be like a lancer or something. He runs to front lines with his shield in hand and a pistol or melee weapon mowing down enemies throws a lightning bolt like frickin Zeus every now and again. Cool stuff right there.

On the Feedback side, I think when Volt picks up his shield it should have like 1/4 of the drain it has now and only be a small drain every few seconds instead of being time and distance based. Speed is wonderful (especially that reload buff thank you), I don't really mind the pickup thing because I play Volt a lot and I'm sure my friends and clan mates are tired of always being sped up.

Shock should be looked at I think and maybe instead of zapping (zapping seems kinda weak as much as I like shock while reloading) make shock one of those powers people really like using because it makes them feel like a god. Maybe something along the lines of Volt creating a lightning bolt in his hand quickly and lobbing it into an enemy, and just like now it would chain off that enemy into the few bad guys around it.

"When a bolt of lightning does strike a human frame, very bad things happen. In addition to the 300kV of energy coursing through you, the power of the strike heats the surrounding air to 50,000 degrees F, causing third degree burns at the bolt's entry and exit points. The heat and force can singe and shred clothing. Lightning strikes have blown people clear out of their shoes," got this little explanation off of gizmodo. Even though electric damage is kinda meh maybe by working heat damage or possibly a lot of blast damage into Discharge or Shock you could get massive amounts of CC and the Abilities would probably be better off because of that. Think if Volt hit a giant group of enemies with Discharge and it shocks them and blasts them away. But that's just a concept.

Tl;dr Make Volt more like Zeus and add Blast damage to his Damage skills for insane CC potential.


     A Volt enthusiast

A Volt based on Spartan/Greek combat tactics is a great concept.

I personally see Volt as Tenjin, the Celestial King of Fire and Thunder, the vengeful spirit of feudal Japanese Statesman Sugawara no Michizane.


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