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Thoughts on the nerf/if it works too good nuke it mentality.


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7 minutes ago, DeadlyBannana said:

Lol I was pretty tired of playing warframe all day, and I figured I make a stupid post for the lolz and to get some reaction :). Dint expect to even get a single reply to all you guys crucifying me or supporting thank you for your time :P.

Move along people

No point in discussion anymore.

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17 minutes ago, Maicael said:

No one's forcing you to "grind." If you're not finding it enjoyable, then just don't do it.


I only got the BOOBEN Prime Chassis on a random run, not bothering to do others. The thought of doing a T4D makes me cringe those days... must be burnout, sadly.

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3 minutes ago, (PS4)WiiConquered said:

We're in a game where a Synoid Simulor and Tonkor are 80% of the primaries people bring to high level content. Are they fun? Is not aiming ever in a shooter fun? Was stabbing enemies who were completely unable to fight back fun? Was having 100x the effective health, making you effectively invincible, fun? How about being an auto-aim turret? And even if you think those things were, do you think most people would agree?

am not trying to argue, but isn't "Fun" objective. What you and me may fined enjoyable, others might not. i don't like using tonkor or synoid simulor, but others do, its not for me to decide that they're  not fun and must be changed/reworked.  

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1 minute ago, ryu-hayabusa1 said:

am not trying to argue, but isn't "Fun" objective. What you and me may fined enjoyable, others might not. i don't like using tonkor or synoid simulor, but others do, its not for me to decide that they're  not fun and must be changed/reworked.  

Finally someone gets it :D.

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The nerf on Trinity's Bless itself (the calculation behind it is ok) but limiting the range to 50m is nuts. Even on a small INT map you cant cover everyone. So what if you are out of affinity range, that is your choice or by map design. Trinity does not have "offensive" powers so please restore the blessing range.

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I think DE is going through a certain process with all the Warframes, one that I'd like to call "The Meh-ening". Every frame that excels in one particular area and is therefore highly useful will receive such a change in which the main power they are useful for is "nerfed". Then, DE will try to somehow make it so that you want to use (or pretty much HAVE to use) the other powers. In the end, you will wind up with not one single frame that particularly excels in any area, but every frame will be completely mediocre in multiple areas. 

Edited by (XB1)ToothlessApollo
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9 minutes ago, ryu-hayabusa1 said:

am not trying to argue, but isn't "Fun" objective. What you and me may fined enjoyable, others might not. i don't like using tonkor or synoid simulor, but others do, its not for me to decide that they're  not fun and must be changed/reworked.  

Playing a game that... well... plays itself is pointless, you might as well open Notepad++ and spam "9" it would be just as demanding as playing with Tonkor or Simulor.


There is a reason why noone likes to play games with younger siblings, its too easy, you don't gain anything by winning, you don't prove anything, you just sit there pressing buttons looking forward to when it ends

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2 minutes ago, markus230 said:

Playing a game that... well... plays itself is pointless, you might as well open Notepad++ and spam "9" it would be just as demanding as playing with Tonkor or Simulor.


There is a reason why noone likes to play games with younger siblings, its too easy, you don't gain anything by winning, you don't prove anything, you just sit there pressing buttons looking forward to when it ends

Crossing the highway with 150km/h limit on foor isnt fun either. A.K.A. trying to activate a life support in 200 lvl surv without stealth :P

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9 minutes ago, DeadlyBannana said:

Crossing the highway with 150km/h limit on foor isnt fun either. A.K.A. trying to activate a life support in 200 lvl surv without stealth :P

Logic suggests then that we're not really meant to survive against level 200's in survival...

OP is right in that WE don't really need to be balanced against our enemies, but there is a fine line between empowering us - DE's end goal - and trivializing the enemy.  In the latter's case, there's collateral damage in dually trivializing the presence and actions of our fellow players.

Edited by Littleman88
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41 minutes ago, (PS4)Cwellann said:


I'm sorry, but this is sticking your head in the sand.  At the point where you actually need a dedicated healer enough to give up damage or cc, player ttk is not reasonable for an actual healing tool.  Damage mitigation is the only option because scaling is completely borked.  So, hopefully this is the next thing on the table - my wife loved playing a whm in ffxi, and if this game had a viable healing class/mechanics, I might be able to talk her into playing.

DE is aware of the problem of countering enemy cheese, according to [DE]Rebecca's post.

However, I do agree that scaling is borked, however, what's the point of scaling enemies when all the frames are unbalanced aganist them?

So I'm just taking a risk and guessing this.

Once all the frames are reworked,(Like the severly broken ones) enemies will finally get a rework with damage 3.0...

Trinity has a viable healing class mechanic, however, you can't just heal unreasonably now. So the damage mitigation had to go now or later.

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Just now, Magnulast said:

DE is aware of the problem of countering enemy cheese, according to [DE]Rebecca's post.

However, I do agree that scaling is borked, however, what's the point of scaling enemies when all the frames are unbalanced aganist them?

So I'm just taking a risk and guessing this.

Once all the frames are reworked,(Like the severly broken ones) enemies will finally get a rework with damage 3.0...

Trinity has a viable healing class mechanic, however, you can't just heal unreasonably now. So the damage mitigation had to go now or later.

I agree with pretty much all of that. Just, at the moment, Rebecca's post is nothing more to me than a beautifully written piece of damage control that may or may not result in timely and meaningful change. 

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26 minutes ago, markus230 said:

Playing a game that... well... plays itself is pointless, you might as well open Notepad++ and spam "9" it would be just as demanding as playing with Tonkor or Simulor.


There is a reason why noone likes to play games with younger siblings, its too easy, you don't gain anything by winning, you don't prove anything, you just sit there pressing buttons looking forward to when it ends

True, but my point was that, Considering whats Fun and whats not, is an Objective matter and its different from person to person.

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43 minutes ago, ryu-hayabusa1 said:

am not trying to argue, but isn't "Fun" objective. What you and me may fined enjoyable, others might not. i don't like using tonkor or synoid simulor, but others do, its not for me to decide that they're  not fun and must be changed/reworked.  

Oh, of course people find them fun. But does the entire playerbase think they're the two most fun weapons? Or do they have to use them to be at all helpful in sorties?

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I hate nerfing but this "Don't nerf anything 'cause it's PvE" mentality has to stop. What's the point of using another weapon when one makes most categories obsolete (DMG 1.0, Acrid made EVERY weapon in the game a JOKE, and in DMG 2.0, it's synoids simulor and tonkors) and makes "end-game" content bearable?

"WELL DON'T USE IT BRUUH" Pathetic screaming that I keep reading over and over in many post (both region and forum) as for your reason to why it shouldn't be nerfed really makes me think you don't know what you're talking about.

Do I agree with the recent 18.13 changes? No, mainly because this is really something that should have happened at the same time enemies got their scaling reworked.

Do I believe balance needs to happen? Yes, but DE sadly will have to nerf some frames/weapons  (which they are right now) and buffs many (which they're not sadly, like oberon/zephyr/hydroid are the most mentioned).

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58 minutes ago, ryu-hayabusa1 said:

am not trying to argue, but isn't "Fun" objective. What you and me may fined enjoyable, others might not. i don't like using tonkor or synoid simulor, but others do, its not for me to decide that they're  not fun and must be changed/reworked.  


14 hours ago, TheBrsrkr said:

Getting real tired of this excuse.... 

"Fun" in the general, Grand conceptual axiom, is abstract. Fun with regards to a certain activity is not. Why? Because the abstract "fun" stopped being abstract when the activity that is fun was specified. There are things inside the game that are necessary for fun. Things like participation, ability and continuity. These things are not abstract, they can be measured,  and should not be treated as arbitrary personal preference. 


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21 minutes ago, (PS4)WiiConquered said:

Oh, of course people find them fun. But does the entire playerbase think they're the two most fun weapons? Or do they have to use them to be at all helpful in sorties?

no, some people like them, some don't. again its a personal preference. i know, that there is a LOT of other weapons/frames , that are more engaging and fun, but in the end , those who cheese high lvl content, either just want to be done with it or does not have the necessary skill to survive. 

Edited by ryu-hayabusa1
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It used to be difficult to decide which frame to use because they we're all so good at something, but they we're at least so different that you could assign them different roles for things, i.e. Limbo is amazing for totally cheesing spy and rescue missions, Excal and Valkyr are good for running around and aimlessly murdering EVERYTHING, Trinity's good at keeping everyone replenished and keeping noobs from dying with her motherly godly powers. The thing about all these frames is that they're easy to use. I think by conjunctioning everything and having to daisy chain everyone's powers together they're complicating frames and I think eventually there won't be any easy to grab frames for newer players to hold on to. Instead of making the good powers suck and forcing us to conjunction the other powers with it, they should just focus on changing the powers that do suck into something better and leave what ain't broken alone. The reason we loved Excal after Exaulted Blade rework is because we lost that completely and utterly useless superjump move and replaced it with something totally epic, but none of the other actually useful powers were made to be crap.

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24 minutes ago, TheBrsrkr said:

Getting real tired of this excuse.... 

"Fun" in the general, Grand conceptual axiom, is abstract. Fun with regards to a certain activity is not. Why? Because the abstract "fun" stopped being abstract when the activity that is fun was specified. There are things inside the game that are necessary for fun. Things like participation, ability and continuity. These things are not abstract, they can be measured,  and should not be treated as arbitrary personal preference. 

fun is whatever brings joy to anyone's heart. choosing a weapon/ frame you like, going to missions and continue to do so, is participation, ability and continuity.

(sorry if i misunderstood you English is not my first language). 

Edited by ryu-hayabusa1
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