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Void Trader Forecast (Console 6-3-16)


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Hi All,

The following forecast is for console void trader items only.  I don't know of any way to forecast the PC stuff as it is mostly a surprise when it comes.

When Baro comes this Friday 6-3-16, he should bring:

Nexus Fur Pattern
Prisma Hecate Syandana
Primed Slip Magazine
Voltaic Strike
High Voltage
Machete Wraith
Prisma Tetra
Kiteer Syandana

Grustag Three Beacon?
Stalker Beacon?
Zanuka Huner Beacon?

(Note I'm not 100% sure about things like beacons and boosters.  Those items may be more random, even on the consoles.  Last thread someone said beacons and boosters alternate with each visit and that may be the pattern but I have seen an exception to that pattern once.   As time goes on, I'll try to refine the timing on beacons and boosters.)

When he comes on Friday June 17th, he should bring the following items:

Prisma Daedalus Chest Plate
Left Prisma Daedalus Shin Guard
Right Prisma Daedalus Shin Guard
Prisma Skana
Left Prisma Daedalus Shoulder Guard
Right Prisma Daedalus Shoulder Guard
Shell Shock
Kiteer Arrow Skin

3 Day Affinity Booster?
3 Day Credit Booster?
3 Day Resource Booster?

Hopefully this list is useful to those that like to plan.  If it is useful, please comment below to keep the thread alive until Friday so that others may see it.  I will be back in two weeks with the next prediction.

Get your ducats and credits ready and happy trading!


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2 hours ago, (PS4)BrutalReaper32 said:

Hmm... I already own everything (except the k'teer syandana), so it means: less ducat grind. I will buy the syandana though (it looks great).

Yeah I agree on the Kiteer syandana.  It  looks pretty cool.  I think the hecate syandana is nice looking as well but its also been offered by baro before.

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5 hours ago, (PS4)Mordred_Tumultu said:

Kiteer Syandana looked fantastic on PC, and i'm really looking forward to it tomorrow. I imagine it'll go great with Vauban Prime. Almost want to ask a PC player to model it.

There you go: 



I just discover that sweet snake pattern. 

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The kiteer syandana and arrow skins are the only things missing (that I care about, not really into the Daedalus knee plates) from my collection out of both lists. This bodes well for my quest to reach 20k ducats for no good reason (currently hovering around 15k). Also good stuff for some of my clanmates who are newer to the game, so that's nice. 

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I already have most of the stuff he's bringing today, except the Syandanas. I've been hyped for the Ki'Teer one since I first saw it, it's gonna make my Rhino look like a boss! his next visit is on my birthday, must remember to pick up Jolt and Shell Shock before I log of and get wasted lol.

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Is it worth getting Primed Slip to sell? Or wait to pick up Jolt and Shell Shock next time?

Does it also follow on from the PC. I think they have Primed Continuity in their next one. You can bet it will be on a planet I can't get too.

Edited by (PS4)HR_Pufnstuf_1984
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2 hours ago, (PS4)Joshua-_-pena said:

Its like this we on console get what pc got 5 visit ago

so it's a 10 week deference

Console is actually 4 visits or 8 weeks behind PC.


44 minutes ago, (PS4)HR_Pufnstuf_1984 said:

Is it worth getting Primed Slip to sell? Or wait to pick up Jolt and Shell Shock next time?

Does it also follow on from the PC. I think they have Primed Continuity in their next one. You can bet it will be on a planet I can't get too.

According to Mogamu, Primed Slip magazine is garbage.  It gives 55% magazine capacity but you can use Ice storm and get 40% magazine capacity and ice damage.  I wouldn't buy the primed slip magazine even for trading.  I don't think you'll have too many buyers for it.


16 minutes ago, (PS4)Elctrcstel said:

So, what does he have this week? im at work and wish to know how to plan my weekend

Um, see my first post above?  :-)

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5 hours ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

I already have most of the stuff he's bringing today, except the Syandanas. I've been hyped for the Ki'Teer one since I first saw it, it's gonna make my Rhino look like a boss! his next visit is on my birthday, must remember to pick up Jolt and Shell Shock before I log of and get wasted lol.

Bro i was planning to get this for my rhino. It's gonna look fire.

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