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Is the Seeker mod ever a good decision?



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Definitely, especially those that hit hard and straight such as the Marelok, and those that aren't really ammo efficient. Obviously, mileage will vary from player to player so it's best just to test it out but if you're the time of player to line up your shots, mostly aim down sight, and all that, you'll get tons from it.

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if you are dealing against many enemies at same time, use it

t least, works greatly on (vaykor) marelok, telos akbolto, brakk or any non-crit weapon that you can't rely on waiting the bodies fall to shoot the enemy right behind it


you can remove it if you want to focus this weapon against bosses, but against the horde, Seeker can save your time to aim

Edited by Zeyez
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It's only useful on a weapon that can hit hard enough that the DPS loss from not using a damage mod won't ordinarily come into play.

I would consider Lex Prime, especially with max Primed Heated Charge, Primed Pistol Gambit, and Primed Target Cracker, the prime candidate.

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I use it on magnum weapons like Lex Prime. It's an expensive mod, but being able to blow through half a dozen enemies with one bullet is among the more satisfying experiences in the game for me. It's also really useful for shooting enemies through cover, through doors, or even some walls.

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Atomos.  The initial beam punches through and continues to chain.  It's ridiculous.  Seeker also makes a good substitute for ammo mutation, and provides a massive increase in DPS.  For example, I have them on my Aksomati.  Additionally, something like Lex Prime can greatly benefit from it.  If you're referring to the high rated builds on warframe builder, those are, for the most part, worthless.  They're just the biggest numbers, and not necessarily the most practical by quite a stretch.

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As the others have noted, use the seeker on side arms that either have excessively high DPS for most enemies, or weapons that have extremely high fire rates.

It should be noted however that some weapons in warframe, notably the kohmak and the twin kohmak feature punch through by default, without the need for the seeker mod. So you may not want to use the thing on either of those 2 weapons.

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Seeker is a must on my Dual Cestras, it makes them great mob-slaying guns. Without punchthrough they don't kill mobs fast enough, to the point where they can just bum-rush me.

I almost never use it on powerful accurate guns like Akmagnus, I'd rather take aim to OHKO enemies when using those.

Edited by MechaTails
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22 minutes ago, MechaTails said:

Seeker is a must on my Dual Cestras, it makes them great mob-slaying guns. Without punchthrough they don't kill mobs fast enough, to the point where they can just bum-rush me.

I almost never use it on powerful accurate guns like Akmagnus, I'd rather take aim to OHKO enemies when using those.

1+ its fantastic on that wepon i use it too

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59 minutes ago, (PS4)Cwellann said:

If you're referring to the high rated builds on warframe builder, those are, for the most part, worthless

This. Don't bother with WF builder. Instead, learn how the damage system works and experiment with builds that make sense to you. It also helps to talk to people who actually use the weapon, just make sure you get multiple opinions before you take any advice.

And seeker is a DPS increase on some weapons, such as those already mentioned. My big reason for using it is that high fire-rate weapons often get blocked by the bodies of enemies I've already killed, which allows the group to get closer to you without taking fire as you wait for the body to drop out of the way. Punch-through allows me to continue hurting them even when their dead comrades are in the way.

*Edit: also it's really nice for killing those stupid shield-toting grineer units that knock you half-way across the map when you get too close.

Edited by Lord_Azrael
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With a few exceptions, it's almost always a good mod to use. It's a huge damage multiplier when facing multiple enemies and has a variety of tactical advantages.

It's at its best on autotrigger weapons and handcannons. It does tend to compete for mod space with crit based secondaries, but that's a judgement call each tenno was to work out for himself.

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