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I officially don't want to play this game any more.


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The first time I found a bursa in a mission I only had Excalibur, Braton, lato and skana, all with crappy mods. I didn't even know what the heck it was, and I got CC and dragged around to death.

I learned two things there: shut down alarms as soon as they are triggered, and if you see a bursa, run away. At least until you are confident in being able to kill them.

Those suckers can be really hard for people with few experience and poor gear, but I don't think it's healthy to assume that you must be able to kill everything you find when you are just starting with the game. Not easily at least, and even less so when going to planets with stronger mobs.

Not even getting into CC cheese and devastating powers and weapons, we can already run/roll past mobs, outrun them and use parkour to leave them behind while taking reduced damage (talking about star chart here). It would be interesting to see the global ratio of success/failure for missions, because I have the gut feeling that it would be ridiculously slanted toward success, so much that you'd have to redefine failure as using a revive so it becomes statistically significative.

Bursas are one of the few enemies that can keep you on your toes at some point of you WF "career". I could be wrong but I don't think they even spawn on missions where you can't avoid them (eg. defense) until you progress a bit further in the star chart, and once you get to that point if you don't have decent gear to deal with them then maybe you should step back and get it first. And if they are still too much of a trouble, scan them and practice in simulacrum.


Almost every enemy in WF, when it comes to dealing with the Tenno, are like sending bunnies to fight lions. Bursas are one special kind of units designed to be able to deal with them, and as such they should excel at countering everything that makes Tenno lethal: mobility, abilities and direct damage. They don't even manage to make an awesome work at all that (as CC still works on them) but they try, and that (IMO) makes the game more interesting.

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As a console player, I can honestly say I have never had a significant problem with Bursas. During Proxy Rebellion, I bullet jumped over them and introduced their back panel to the Hek. Now, I generally run Inaros and use pocket sand to their front and stroll behind them with the Vaykor Hek. Simple solution for a simple enemy though a complicated enemy by warframe standards. 

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Walked into a Bursa when doing some random Nitain alert recently (Rescue at one of Europa's nodes, iirc).

As a Vauban, it was exactly zero effort to get rid of it - vortex, walk around it casually and unload a couple rounds from Sobek into it. 

Earlier I did the same with Frost, and I think Inaros. 


So yes, it's an enemy that requires CC to reliably take down solo, but tbh, I'm glad they exist. At least SOME enemies don't get crushed into tiny bits on the run.

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Yo guys. You really need to give a break... Not all of us have reactors on our frames and guns. Bursas are pain for those players. 

Think if u had to face one with Rhino 30/30 capacity, no aura and your best weapon would be Boltor with 30/30 capacity, and with out fancy maxed out Serration, split chamber, heavy cal. etc.


For me, Bursas don't havd a chance. I've never died once against them and i think never will die. Sure mostly i wield Hek/Tonkor, Atomos/Sonicor and War. My main Frame is Excalibur with Radial blind build with sprint speed (I like to melee), my Tonkor has 6 forma, so it's pretty easy to kill those...


Hopefully u wont stop playing. U will beat those Bursas one day. When u do... T Bag that son of a melons face!

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29 minutes ago, (PS4)STAB_Legacy said:

Yo guys. You really need to give a break... Not all of us have reactors on our frames and guns. Bursas are pain for those players. 

Think if u had to face one with Rhino 30/30 capacity, no aura and your best weapon would be Boltor with 30/30 capacity, and with out fancy maxed out Serration, split chamber, heavy cal. etc.


For me, Bursas don't havd a chance. I've never died once against them and i think never will die. Sure mostly i wield Hek/Tonkor, Atomos/Sonicor and War. My main Frame is Excalibur with Radial blind build with sprint speed (I like to melee), my Tonkor has 6 forma, so it's pretty easy to kill those...


Hopefully u wont stop playing. U will beat those Bursas one day. When u do... T Bag that son of a melons face!

If someone can't kill a bursa yet, maybe they just shouldn't try to kill bursas yet. It's not as if they were roadblocks for game progression: you don't have to kill bursas to get serration and split chamber, nor (necessarily) to get potatos and auras, nor to craft better weapons, nor to get decent damage mods.

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Yall need Je... Clem!

Seriously tho, bursas are DE's baby steps at adding enemy veriety, trough special units, such as: minibosses, bosses, assassins and the like. With the removal of enemy scaling i belive this is exactly the direction DE need to be going. And as such, threads like this, that diss enemy veriety are nothing more than cancer... considering De is trying to spice your gameplay up...

Edited by kleerr2
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27 minutes ago, (PS4)JaviOnTheRocks said:

If someone can't kill a bursa yet, maybe they just shouldn't try to kill bursas yet. It's not as if they were roadblocks for game progression: you don't have to kill bursas to get serration and split chamber, nor (necessarily) to get potatos and auras, nor to craft better weapons, nor to get decent damage mods.

You DO realize they are still on Venus, right? Poor MR2 pubie I brought along for sadistic rea... for science on Def had no chances against these things. And we were on Wave 10 or 15 IIRC aka not even far.

So all in all, Bursas by themselves aren't terrible but they need to disappear from everything starting Venus and ending with Jupiter. Further ahead they'd be fine - higher lvl stuff and all that. Going there is indeed not strickly necessary for basic progression.

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19 hours ago, (PS4)Lord_Silvador said:

Currently, the only shotgun weapon I have in Warframe is the Strun. And my statement about shotguns only getting me killed isn't limited to Warframe. I said above that I main Rhino because I'm not good at avoiding damage. I've been playing shooter style games for a decent amount of time and in that time I've learned where my limitations lie. And immediately in front (or just in close range) of the thing I'm trying to kill is not within that line. I do a whole lot better at range, the longer, the better. Shotguns put me right up in the thick of damage and that more often than not results in me getting myself killed faster than normal.

As for this thread going for 8 pages, I'd say it's because, for the most part, it has been a relatively civil discussion on what the Bursas are or are not, whether it be difficult, fun, or well/poorly designed.

Also, I do appreciate the advice given in the thread.

Hi, new to the thread, but not new to helping players learn to deal with things like this.

On of the most consistently annoying enemies are Bursas, but the essential thing to take from this is that Warframe pushes you to vary your style and choices to deal with threats.

You may not like shotguns, but they are, by far, the best thing for dealing with these mechanical terrors. Bursas simply don't take a lot of damage from the front, they have a huge crit weak point on the back, and they know it, so range won't help all that much.

What does is the ability to stun and slow. With a few options on that, such as Rhino Stomp, Peaceful Provocation Equinox, the new Creeping Terrify Nekros, Mag Magnetise and my old favourite; a cc build Frost.

Frost is, from my standing, the go-to frame for killing Bursas (with the quest for Inaros often meaning that people need to farm one particular type of Bursa, I've often had to help out). You hit 1 to freeze them, move to the other side and shoot the glowing weak point for critical damage. This works whether you prefer shotguns, rifles, melee, whatever. Even if you miss, the hit of 1 to the ground slows down Bursas quite well and allows you time to escape and try again. If you're better at wide-scale aiming, hitting 2 to ice-wave will slow a whole bunch of enemies, allow you to re-target and hit the Bursa with everything you have, including another Freeze.

Mag, now at least, is another great frame for that, Magnetise locks them down and if you want range, enjoy it. Simply get to the side of the bubble where you can see the weak point and shoot straight with any weapon, magnetise will not only pull your bullet in if you're off by a little, it will absorb some of the damage and blitz it out again at the end of the ability for even more power.

As for weapon modding, the above posts have pointed out that Corrosive is the better choice for cutting down Bursa armour, it's a good choice there becuse Viral, while it does cut health in half when it procs (if it procs) it only does so for a maximum of about seven seconds. Most Bursa can out-last that if your weapon has poor damage. Corrosive and Cold will do the average best against them, not because it will do more damage overall, but because when you proc either of them it will help more than the other damage types at dealing with a Bursa, the Corrosive will cut their armour in half and the cold will cc them and stop them moving so well.

My recommendation for Shotguns in this case is doubled here because they have a high pellet count. Unlike Crit chance, which is calculated per shot, status chance is by the pellet, the more pellets, the better status chance you have, so a Hek (if you can get hold of one, I really recommend farming it and putting at least four forma and the syndicate mod on it, believe me, it's amazing) with its high pellet count will do a lot more damage than any rifle will in this particular case.

That said, if you're using Mag for Magnetise (as anyone really should be, it's her best skill) then any high damage weapon should help because of the charge mechanic of the Magnetise bubble. If you don't kill it with weapons fire outright, then it should still die when the bubble bursts.

In short, any ability that CCs the Bursa in place will work for getting behind it, I've even see it work with Saryn's Molt and Loki's Decoy, the panel on the back yeilds triple damage and remember that the high armour and robotic-type health pool may require modding for those.

Have fun!

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1 hour ago, (PS4)JaviOnTheRocks said:

If someone can't kill a bursa yet, maybe they just shouldn't try to kill bursas yet. It's not as if they were roadblocks for game progression: you don't have to kill bursas to get serration and split chamber, nor (necessarily) to get potatos and auras, nor to craft better weapons, nor to get decent damage mods.

U miss understood my point. I was supporting low lever players. I'm mastery rank 17, havent done Draco single time.  And yes, players who solo and are new to this game or just play once a week for fun, will get better by time. I hate hardcore/pro players who think that this game is too easy and think every player would be able solo Sorties. I play warframe for fun and i keep it challenging if i feel it to be too easy. 

Now when the Rathuum is live, i even soloed it with Excalibur to 161. And yes. I used dagger with C Lethality, but if any hardcore/pro player thinks it's easy, try it out for your self.  

Even if someone says "git gud" by a joke to a newbie or to a person who hasnt spend thousands and thousands of hours to this game, it makes me feel sick. We all started from a rock bottom once.

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16 minutes ago, (PS4)STAB_Legacy said:

U miss understood my point. I was supporting low lever players. I'm mastery rank 17, havent done Draco single time.  And yes, players who solo and are new to this game or just play once a week for fun, will get better by time. I hate hardcore/pro players who think that this game is too easy and think every player would be able solo Sorties. I play warframe for fun and i keep it challenging if i feel it to be too easy. 

Now when the Rathuum is live, i even soloed it with Excalibur to 161. And yes. I used dagger with C Lethality, but if any hardcore/pro player thinks it's easy, try it out for your self.  

Even if someone says "git gud" by a joke to a newbie or to a person who hasnt spend thousands and thousands of hours to this game, it makes me feel sick. We all started from a rock bottom once.

I'm not talking about "git gud", though, just saying that finding an enemy you fail to kill (yet) shouldn't be a cause of frustration, considering that you can still keep progressing throught the game. Yes, you might have a tought time here and there if that enemy spawns and you can't manage to evade it (or there's just no way to get away, eg. on extermination or defense), and you might fail on that mission... which should be something normal when progressing through a game.

I went through bursas pre-nerf as a noob player with crappy equipment, and I wasn't an uber-skilled player that danced around bursas like a ninja with a braton mk1... I just died. So I adapted, tried to keep alarms off, fleed from bursas when possible, and died when nothing else worked... all while progressing through the game, and having fun while doing so.

Same thing with Manics, actually. First time I met one he just shredded me on the ground and I was like "wtf did just happen".

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3 hours ago, (PS4)STAB_Legacy said:

Think if u had to face one with Rhino 30/30 capacity, no aura and your best weapon would be Boltor with 30/30 capacity, and with out fancy maxed out Serration, split chamber, heavy cal. etc.

While I completely understand what you're saying, I'd like to point out that a Rhino with no reactor can still use stomp, especially if he's level 30. Knowing to use this critical and powerful ability is part of learning how to play your frame. And while it's true that a maxed serration takes a bit to achieve (it's not "fancy" it's just expensive) you don't need one to kill a bursa. Taking one on using a rank 6 serration with the right elements (corrosive) should be relatively easy (using stomp), unless you're on a planet that you aren't ready to be on. You definitely don't need a 6 forma tonkor to kill one.


2 hours ago, Thaylien said:

Corrosive and Cold will do the average best against them, not because it will do more damage overall, but because when you proc either of them it will help more than the other damage types at dealing with a Bursa

Actually cold gets a nice damage bonus against shields and corrosive gets a very nice damage bonus against the type of armor bursas have, so yes, these elements will do more damage than any other, even without any procs. Puncture also does fairly well. Viral is okay-ish IF it procs, but it has to proc.


2 hours ago, EvilChaosKnight said:

You DO realize they are still on Venus, right?

This is exactly MY problem with them. I think they're fine as an enemy, but they aren't proportional to where they spawn. Venus is supposed to be a player's first introduction to Corpus, imo they shouldn't be there at all. At very least, change the scaling so they're more comparable to their surroundings.

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7 hours ago, (PS4)JaviOnTheRocks said:

Bursas are one of the few enemies that can keep you on your toes at some point of you WF "career". I could be wrong but I don't think they even spawn on missions where you can't avoid them (eg. defense) until you progress a bit further in the star chart, and once you get to that point if you don't have decent gear to deal with them then maybe you should step back and get it first.

I just want to respond to this.  Yes, they can, and will, spawn on missions where killing them is mandatory, such as Interception (you have to kill all remaining enemies to finish a round), Defense, and Extermination.  My very first encounter with a Bursa was with an Isolator on an Exterminate mission.  It occurred while playing an underlevelled (I'd just gotten it) Oberon wielding Pangolin Sword as his best weapon (I was around MR3 and it was Mars - I didn't have anything better at the time).

Let's just say that fight made me really learn the value of bleed procs.  I am still today mystified as to how I pulled it off; I'm pretty sure I couldn't do it now with the same gear.

MR14, almost 15 now, and I don't really have trouble killing Bursas anymore, since I actually have an arsenal of Warframes and weapons capable of properly killing them, and I know the techniques for doing so.  I will say that they are a terrifying rude awakening when you first discover them though.  They can occur as early as Mars IIRC, and unless someone tells you "hey, leaving alarms on will summon boss-grade enemies" you have no idea that this kind of fight is coming until you get hit with one.  Up until that point, turning off alarms is mostly a matter of convenience.  Bursas aren't just a step above your average enemy, they're a Boss in Mook's clothing - way, way out of line with the average difficulty of the first few planets they can spawn on.

Edited by Arkvold
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58 minutes ago, Arkvold said:


What makes it worse is how game handles their spawns in general.

For Jugg you get all sorts of fancy warnings like blinking screen + a nice advice of Lotus of how to NOT meet it. Game makes sure you realize that that IS a big deal. And once Jugg's dead it's dead. Mission can carry on uninterrupted from here.

For Manic you hear a pretty unsettling laugh. No Lotus warning but that sound alone gets you on your toes. Game still makes sure you understand that Manic is a special snowflake which might require special handling.  You don't get any info on how to avoid their spawn but let's be fair. Manics aren't that hard to deal with AND they usually don't come back on normal missions. I'd argue that Manics need some love but I'm prob. gonna get plenty of rotten tomatoes in the face for that.

And for Bursas? Ha. You wish. No way to learn what triggers them until you go to the wiki (proof: peopole were talking about cameras for months even though cameras only triggered them on Razorback tac alert). No warnings of ANY sort on endless missions where they in fact spawn in GROUPS. And the best part is? You kill one, they keep on damn coming sometimes indefinitely.

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12 minutes ago, -GDN-Blazkvitz said:

Another whining one. What is wrong with these players?

Bursas are hard? Really? Actually, do you know where to shoot? 

Also, don't wanna play it? Just stop then.

Uh, can I please ask you to close the door? From the outside please.

Just because we can deal with bad design decisions, doesn't mean we shouldn't try and get said bad design decisions revisioned. I can beat Unfair Mario (which I did). Does it make Unfair Mario a good game? NO.

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54 minutes ago, -GDN-Blazkvitz said:

Another whining one. What is wrong with these players?

Bursas are hard? Really? Actually, do you know where to shoot? 

Also, don't wanna play it? Just stop then.

Really, another one who doesn't bother to read the thread, then condescends and contributes nothing while others actually try to help out?

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5 minutes ago, Rawbeard said:

uhm, weren't bursas nerfed? compared to couple months ago they seem to be a non issue. odd.

Well OP is on PS4 so I assume that jumping behind the Bursa and shooting it might be a tad problematic for them since gamepad isn't exactly good for quick 180 turns.

But my personal issue with them is just that they are present on Venus, Mars and Jupiter. Neptune, Pluto and such? Sure, that could be fun. But starter planets shouldn't really feature them at least up until the 2nd B rotation on endless (35 min/waves).

Edited by EvilChaosKnight
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1 hour ago, EvilChaosKnight said:

Uh, can I please ask you to close the door? From the outside please.

Just because we can deal with bad design decisions, doesn't mean we shouldn't try and get said bad design decisions revisioned. I can beat Unfair Mario (which I did). Does it make Unfair Mario a good game? NO.

The problem on Warframe are the players, they need to stop complaining about everything. You know, everything that is release is a target for complaining! I'm not saying every news on the game is a good thing but hey, whining just about everything is a pain in the arse.

We get to extreme points: One side complains that the game is too easy. The other side is about the game difficulty must be nerfed. So we have extreme-opposite sides. Can we get some mid term?

Enjoy the game a bit, dudes. The Bursas are getting in your nerves? Do something else :)


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11 minutes ago, -GDN-Blazkvitz said:

The problem on Warframe are the players, they need to stop complaining about everything.

Really? Like who?


1 hour ago, -GDN-Blazkvitz said:

Another whining one. What is wrong with these players?

Bursas are hard? Really? Actually, do you know where to shoot? 

Also, don't wanna play it? Just stop then.

Oh! You meant you! Complaining about players! I see now.


Many of us are pointing out that Bursa spawns need to be tweaked. That they don't really belong on Venus or Mars. And then you come along and insult us all and complain about us daring to disagree with design elements. Be a little more civil, dude. And "don't play then" is a really destructive attitude. Believe it or not, but we actually want people to enjoy this game and play it. It's better for us all, you know?

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On 6/12/2016 at 1:54 PM, (PS4)Lord_Silvador said:

Currently, the only shotgun weapon I have in Warframe is the Strun. And my statement about shotguns only getting me killed isn't limited to Warframe. I said above that I main Rhino because I'm not good at avoiding damage. I've been playing shooter style games for a decent amount of time and in that time I've learned where my limitations lie. And immediately in front (or just in close range) of the thing I'm trying to kill is not within that line. I do a whole lot better at range, the longer, the better. Shotguns put me right up in the thick of damage and that more often than not results in me getting myself killed faster than normal.

As for this thread going for 8 pages, I'd say it's because, for the most part, it has been a relatively civil discussion on what the Bursas are or are not, whether it be difficult, fun, or well/poorly designed.

Also, I do appreciate the advice given in the thread.

I promise you a well modded Hek, will fix this. Look me up in game, BlackCoMerc for free mods. Seriously .

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On June 11, 2016 at 7:46 PM, (PS4)Lord_Silvador said:

Yes, and as it has already been said, and not even by me (specifically), getting behind and shooting a Bursa in the back, on console, not as easy as it sounds. Their turn rate isn't nearly as slow as people make them out to be. As for coming up with ideas, gee, how nice would it be if everyone who played a game was a game designer.

As a PS4 player, I disagree with this.

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