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We want cup holders!


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FOR TOO LONG! we have had to sit in our lisets, manties, scimitars, and xihpos, Holding our cups with our hands and having our drinks spill and soil our bodies! Well let me tell you here children it ends here today! For you see the devs have the opportunity of a life time! anyone who would look at this blessing from our beloved RNGESUS and not take it is heresy! i urge you de to listen to the women and the children. The good people of the warframe community cry out for your help. do not turn a blind eye to this desperate need. Only you can make this change.


Edited by Red_Moccasin
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15 minutes ago, Red_Moccasin said:

FOR TOO LONG! we have had to sit in our lisets, manties, scimitars, and xihpos, Holding our cups with our hands and having our drinks spill and soil our bodies! Well let me tell you here children it ends here today! For you see the devs have the opportunity of a life time! anyone who would look at this blessing from our beloved RNGESUS and not take it is heresy! i urge you de to listen to the women and the children. The good people of the warframe community cry out for your help. do not turn a blind eye to this desperate need. Only you can make this change.


We are rallying support to demand cupholders!

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