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I wanna know how do you sync with a Frame


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What i mean by that is what features do you look for to have a frame on your "like List"

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In a frame synergy is not what i look for, or protection, to like a frame i look for Vanity...mhm yeah I'm vain i only like a frame if i can color it easily, and the 5 i listed are ABSOLUTELY HORRIBLE coloring projects for me, not even Orokin Palette will save them.

So i wanna know what you look for in frames

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almost entirely on team utility and something on self defense

and by that, makes Wukong on the lowest position possible, since he can't do anything beyond being immortal


Volt, Equinox, Rhino, Chroma (with everlasting ward) and Frost as highest ones

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I Like:
Banshee, Atlas, Equinox, Saryn, Chroma.

I Dislike:
Loki, Valkyr, Zephyr, Oberon, Wukong, Nezha, Excalbur, Limbo. - Oberon is mediocre, Zephyr has one useful skill, the rest are very boring to play with.
Edited by Oranji
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I usually start from what I don't like and work backwards, which is being knocked down or being shot at from all directions constantly. Putting up a barrier like Snowglobe makes me very happy. Atlas isn't the best barrier, but it stops movement and he's naturally resistant to knockdown. If they ever gave us an Atlas skin that made him a reasonable size he might become my "main".

I also hate picking up loot. It feels totally wrong to stop playing smoothly and go back to pick up junk on the ground. It's like seeing Rambo stomping through the jungle, only to stop, pull out a trash bag and start picking up aluminum cans along a road. Until recently Carrier was the only solution since Chesa was such a disappointment (but I love mine anyway <3).

Now we have Mag's passive on top of Greedy Pull... Plus she can deflect projectiles with Magnetize which is sort-of-kind-of a barrier if you have enemies in the right places... I need to play her a lot when leveling Kavat's to see if it's enough.


Edited by VKhaun
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i like

Frame that have active play style and a defensive skills



wu kong

ne zha

chroma (just cause dragon but dont actually fit my criteria)

equinox (cause i need something usefull in my list)

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I'm going to do 3 for each, because lists are hard


Ivara. She is best frame, awesome damage potential, and is one of the few frames who are both challenging and rewarding to play. 

Mirage. She is the best weapons platform in the game. Mirage brings the dakka.

Volt. A big surprise to me. His rework made me pick him up again, and I've been shocked how effective he is. Massive cc and a kit that flows well. Plus he rekts nullifiers. 


Nyx. She feels so bland to play. She has really nice cc, but it doesn't feel good to me. Plus her kit is a mess. 

Nova. A frame that feels really mediocre outside of her ultimate. Her 2 and 3 are really clunky, and null star is a steaming pile of turd. Mprime is just broken enough to make her not crap.

Excalibur. I miss super jump. Before the rework he felt super mobile. Even with the new system, he just feels so much less nimble to play. I especially hate the ping ponging that slash dash does. 

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looks count a lot, but I also like frames that can take a few hits before going down. I'm used to and thoroughly enjoy playing the Tank role, so prepare for some serious tank favouritism.

like: Rhino, Chroma, Wukong, Valkyr, Inaros, Oberon, Saryn, Ash.

dislike: Limbo, Hydroid,

every other frame is either meh or I like it, but not enough to warrant putting it on the list.

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I like:








I just couldn't adapt to Chroma out of all frames I tried so far. I guess my choice are stealthy or defensive frames.

Edited by Necrius
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Hmm, difficult question

Absolutely essential for me is, that the frame has more than one skill I regularly use. For example I will play Ember (4 at the beginning, then spam 2) or Desecrating Nekros (spam 3), but they will never get on my Like-List.

Another very important criteria is style (kit- and appearance wise). Banshee is now (after release of deluxe skin) very high on my Like-List, but I just hate her normal appearance and sold her once before. I like Zephyr's appearance and the idea behind it very much, but her kit just doesn't do it for me.

The last reason to be on my Like-List is probably how long the frame stays interesting to play. After one or two rounds of playing Trinity, I just have to change frames, because it gets so boring to play with her, although she fits the criteria above.


That being said, these are the frames which rank highest ATM (alphabetical order, can't decide between):

Banshee, Chroma, Equinox, Mesa, Nova (yes, I really use more than just M Prime), Vauban, Volt

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I look for something able to eat damage, very active playstyle, not godmode, something I'm able to solo with or carry with. 

Basically Saryn. 

everything other frame I have fun with to mess around. but Saryn is my go to for basically everything, 

Chroma(got boring being 2 abils to just buff armor) 

I try to like Nyx ._. I like her prime model but her kit doesn't like me much

I like the rest; just the dislike list above I tend to avoid playing them as I dont really have much fun with them. 

Edited by Vesiga
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Frankly, I like frames that get the job at hand done well and fast. This generally means a varied toolkit, good survivability and utility.

Frames I swear by: Loki (there are very few things a Loki can't do), Rhino (same), Mirage (same), Frost (the ancient point defense god).

Ambivalent: Desec Nekros (*mashing 3 intensifies*), Chroma (tank or farm), Excal (ow, my finger), Valk (where's the joint pain cream), Trin (incredibly useful, incredibly cancerous), Mag (the new point defense god), Ember (cc or starmap ext speedrun), Ivara (because screw Grineer lasers).

Things I will not touch out of my own volition: Zephyr (Dear god), Wukong (in heaven), Nezha (why are), Vauban (these frames), Nyx (a thing?).

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