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i feel tennolive2015 sigil and tennocon2016 syandana+sigil a bit unfair


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12 minutes ago, OfPowerOfWant said:

We live in the age of livestreams, a pay-per-view stream for a reduced price with variant bonuses could work and generate more capital from the event.

Like BlizzCon does, you can pay a digital ticket and have access to cosmetics and some advantages.
This would be very cool, and all players who cannot be on-site can contribute to the event (and the charity by the way, because, yes, Tennocon tickets money go to Outward Bound Canada).

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DE should do digital tickets, that give us the digital bonuses. They could have people volunteer to be walking camera's for the thing, or just have all of tennocon transmitted, allowing those who buy the E-ticket to at least be there.

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DE wants to give away gifts for achievments to the community.

There where the founder items for the poeple putting money into an unproven game.

Now there are gifts for people taking the time out of their day and booking a flight to Canada to attand the first ever Warframe convention.

And always people scream "Me, me ,me!"

It's not that you're getting less, it's that others are getting more and you special little snowflakes can't live with that.

I don't have skana and lato prime, I will not have the tenno con items.

I'm not ungratefull though.

I love this game and while DE is of course a buisness (If they wheren't doing a good job earning money, this game would be dead in the water) they are still one of the most commited dev teams I've ever seen.

If however there are so many people that can't live with someone having something they don't have, they might decide that gifts make more people angry than happy and guess what? No more gifts.

You people are just going to ruin it for everyone.

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This has been talked about so many times before.


I could honestly care less about the sigil/syandana/t-shirt stuff. I can't go, so I'm not going to complain about not being able to get the stuff.

The cosmetics(in-game and IRL) are a sort of 'thank you' for going. Anyone can say 'srry cant go de but send me stuff anyway k?', but not everyone can spend money to go to tennocon, so I can imagine it's pretty big for DE when a whole bunch of people pay to fly/drive to tennocon, and pay to get into it too.

TL;dr It's a big deal for DE when people go to Tennocon, so they thank the people who go with cosmetics and stuff. If you can't go then I'm sorry, but if you can't go you can't go.

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I don't think it is unfair at all. Many of the attendees won't be from Canada, they'll have to travel to London, Ontario. I think getting a small exclusive gift for their effort to make TeonnoCon work is fair. For some it won't be a small commitment. 

The fact that people have to show up to get their things is very clever as well. Space in real life is finite, tickets are used to gauge how many people will show up. There's limits. They can't have endless tickets and the whole idea of the thing is to get people to show up. Afaik, all profit will be donated to charity, so it's not about selling the digital swag.


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Look at this the other way around, if you were able to go, wouldn't you like to show off that amazing Tennocon-sigil/syandana you got? And now imagine that DE would also sell them. Not that great of a sigil/syandana anymore, huh?

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I'm just gonna go ahead and say this. I LOT of people here seem to be comparing Tennocon's exclusive items to Founder's Access when the 2 are quite different. Founder's Access was for supporting an early-access game that was a risk due to it potentially not becoming popular enough. Meanwhile, Tennocon is simply a real-life event that people can go to attend and see the developers of the game in person. See the picture? Founder's Access was a monetary risk that could've ended with a failed game. Tennocon is just people traveling to attend a community/social event to meet the developers, other players, and hear about the future of warframe.

Another trend I'm seeing is people stating that the ticket sales' proceeds are going to charity anyway. If the proceeds are going to charity. I assure you that many, many more would purchase the 'digital swag' alone due to incapability of travel for whatever reason, and that would result in, you guessed it, more money for charity. Those that want to attend would attend regardless.

One last argument that I'm seeing brought up a lot is that the 'digital swag' is a gift for attending. There isn't really much reason for there to be a 'gift' exclusively for attending and only attending, sure, it serves as incentive to attend, but there's already more reason to attend. If you want to attend, sure, buy the ticket, go. Want mementos? Spring for the $75 ticket and get an "exclusive tennocon shirt and additional swag". Want even more memento? Get the $250 ticket and get the before-mentioned along with a tour through Digital Extremes' Studio and 'canadian brunch' with the Dev team themselves.

That said, I'm going to Tennocon and see no reason as to why the 'digital swag' should be exclusive to those that go. There should be a way to get it without having to go in person; simply give players the option to purchase that digital swag alone for $25 (same price as the ticket). Overpriced? Probably, but it's really the only way to not get everyone that attends' jimmies rustled. If you really want the digital swag, you have the option. The way I see it, we're buying the ticket to attend Tennocon to see the future of warframe in person and potentially interact with the devs. If you want the digital swag to remain exclusive to those that attend in person just so you can boast about having been to Tennocon, I just can't shake off the feeling that it is somewhat petty of you to do.

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4 hours ago, cob_metallica said:

to players who can't even travel to these events (i live on reunion island near south africa) , i'm in love with this game, i started at Update 10, and it is a bit frustrating to not be able to get these sigils / syandana. i dont like this way to release some exclusive stuff. it is only my opinion, i wish to hear yours , and also i really hope DE will change their mind about and make them available from an other way.

If it was something that actually changed gameplay, it would be a different story, but since its 100% cosmetic, there really isn't much to worry about. Its DEs way of saying thank you to the people who did come out to support them.

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3 hours ago, PhoenixElite said:

I'm just gonna go ahead and say this. I LOT of people here seem to be comparing Tennocon's exclusive items to Founder's Access when the 2 are quite different. Founder's Access was for supporting an early-access game that was a risk due to it potentially not becoming popular enough. Meanwhile, Tennocon is simply a real-life event that people can go to attend and see the developers of the game in person. See the picture? Founder's Access was a monetary risk that could've ended with a failed game. Tennocon is just people traveling to attend a community/social event to meet the developers, other players, and hear about the future of warframe.

Another trend I'm seeing is people stating that the ticket sales' proceeds are going to charity anyway. If the proceeds are going to charity. I assure you that many, many more would purchase the 'digital swag' alone due to incapability of travel for whatever reason, and that would result in, you guessed it, more money for charity. Those that want to attend would attend regardless.

One last argument that I'm seeing brought up a lot is that the 'digital swag' is a gift for attending. There isn't really much reason for there to be a 'gift' exclusively for attending and only attending, sure, it serves as incentive to attend, but there's already more reason to attend. If you want to attend, sure, buy the ticket, go. Want mementos? Spring for the $75 ticket and get an "exclusive tennocon shirt and additional swag". Want even more memento? Get the $250 ticket and get the before-mentioned along with a tour through Digital Extremes' Studio and 'canadian brunch' with the Dev team themselves.

That said, I'm going to Tennocon and see no reason as to why the 'digital swag' should be exclusive to those that go. There should be a way to get it without having to go in person; simply give players the option to purchase that digital swag alone for $25 (same price as the ticket). Overpriced? Probably, but it's really the only way to not get everyone that attends' jimmies rustled. If you really want the digital swag, you have the option. The way I see it, we're buying the ticket to attend Tennocon to see the future of warframe in person and potentially interact with the devs. If you want the digital swag to remain exclusive to those that attend in person just so you can boast about having been to Tennocon, I just can't shake off the feeling that it is somewhat petty of you to do.

Say it louder for the kids in the back.

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3 hours ago, PhoenixElite said:

I just can't shake off the feeling that it is somewhat petty of you to do.

I think it's just as petty to get angry about a little cosmetic gift DE made for the people going to tenno-con.

If you're like me and can't go, you wouldn't be negetively affected in any way.

Look at it this way, one of your friends is in another city for a week and another friend decides to go visit him.

They go shoping and friend A decides to buy friend B a cool shirt.

When friend B comes back and tells you about it, are you going to call friend A and ask why you didn't get a shirt?

I also don't get why people are angry about this but fine with the phisical swag attandees recieve.

What's the difference?

You could even make the argument that a Tenno con shirt is worth more than an imaginary cape.

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3 hours ago, PhoenixElite said:

That said, I'm going to Tennocon and see no reason as to why the 'digital swag' should be exclusive to those that go. There should be a way to get it without having to go in person; simply give players the option to purchase that digital swag alone for $25 (same price as the ticket). Overpriced? Probably, but it's really the only way to not get everyone that attends' jimmies rustled. If you really want the digital swag, you have the option. The way I see it, we're buying the ticket to attend Tennocon to see the future of warframe in person and potentially interact with the devs. If you want the digital swag to remain exclusive to those that attend in person just so you can boast about having been to Tennocon, I just can't shake off the feeling that it is somewhat petty of you to do.

Kudos to you for going I think you're misunderstanding something though. A number of people myself included simply came here to say that there's nothing unfair about DE giving an exclusive gift to attendees Be it digital or physical. Nothing more nothing less, and the only thing that may be construed as petty is those arguing otherwise.I have no qualms whatsoever if they offered some digital ticket mumbo jumbo, but you must realize they can't just sell the cosmetics (well they could but then you'd have people making threads about how it's an unfair cash grab). The digital tickets would require additional work on DE's part, camera/sound work and streaming, which is why they may have not offered the option in the first place. The salt is real in this thread

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Tbh, since the proceeds go towards charity, I don't see why DE wouldn't make a digital ticket option.

The benefits to having one would be more money to give to charity, community members that can't attend for one reason or another are still able to contribute and everyone wins.


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22 minutes ago, TaylorsContraction said:

Kudos to you for going I think you're misunderstanding something though. A number of people myself included simply came here to say that there's nothing unfair about DE giving an exclusive gift to attendees Be it digital or physical. Nothing more nothing less, and the only thing that may be construed as petty is those arguing otherwise.I have no qualms whatsoever if they offered some digital ticket mumbo jumbo, but you must realize they can't just sell the cosmetics (well they could but then you'd have people making threads about how it's an unfair cash grab). The digital tickets would require additional work on DE's part, camera/sound work and streaming, which is why they may have not offered the option in the first place. The salt is real in this thread

Well it's nearly impossible for this to be seen as cash grab, seeing as all proceeds go to charity. What does it have to do with camera/sound work? I thought they were going to stream it regardless of if you've paid or not as they've done previous community events. Even if it were only for digital-ticket buyers, I'm really only suggesting that we get a $25 pack that is the digital content alone.

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If you think it's unfair that Tennocon attendees get an exclusive for attending, you're a child and need to grow up.  End of story.


Sure, you're allowed to voice your opinion, but no one has to agree with you either.

Edited by grimdraken
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That's how I feel about the Olympics.

Why don't we all get a Medal for watching it online? 

Or Lotto, I paid for my chance to win, waited for the drawing to air on tv...where is my money?!

On all seriousness, DE could had done like a few others and sold digital tickets with rewards as bait.

Instead they wanted players in order to show the world where DE stands now (its all about the PR imho), or they just feel lonely and want some serious hugs from other Tenno...either way, it works for them.

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It's a cosmetic piece that gives zero ingame advantage to the people with it and is a fun thing for people attending.

It's not like there aren't plenty of event-based ingame cosmetics for people who play but can't attend physical events.

Please just let it be.

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Taking out the concept of fair, is it truly unreasonable to request a compromise that not only includes more of the community in an annual event but also helps DE further their charitable goals?

It's digital content, it wouldn't be that difficult for DE to supply the swag codes for a nominal fee of $20-$30 dollars so people can not only feel involved by obtaining swag and footage, but be able to donate more money to the charity of their choice.


Before anyone wants to defend the people that chose to physically attend; They already get T-shirts exclusive to the con.  Obviously, anyone able to attend in person would have a leg up on  the epeen scale just by having the T-shirt, lanyards (come on, who doesn't hand those out these days?) the digital swag as well as the stories of attending the con. 


Also, as one of my teachers told me a long time ago, it is not a sign of maturity to accept the hand you are dealt and belittle those that do not do the same.  Stop telling the OP to "grow up" you're acting like a child. 

Edited by Noamuth
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18 minutes ago, grimdraken said:

Ok, white knight.  Whatever you say.  ;)


It what world, do DE have ANY obligation to provide the TennoCon exclusives to people who don't attend TennoCon?

Your reading comprehension is terrible.

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1 hour ago, Noamuth said:


Taking out the concept of fair, is it truly unreasonable to request a compromise that not only includes more of the community in an annual event but also helps DE further their charitable goals?


It's not, but for someone to do so while claiming that they're being treated unfairly makes them come off as selfish more than anything else.

I'm not actually against the idea of DE making the accessories more accessible for everyone, but there are ways to ask for it without making someone out to be the bad guy.

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3 minutes ago, Roachester said:

It's not, but for someone to do so while claiming that they're being treated unfairly makes them come off as selfish more than anything else.

I'm not actually against the idea of DE making the accessories more accessible for everyone, but there are ways to ask for it without making someone out to be the bad guy.

I'm in total agreement. 

My post was partially an attempt to generate a discussion as to the pro's and cons of a digital ticket and partially an attempt to satiate my curiosity about how people view such an option.

Probably should have just made a thread over in GD. XD

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