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Warframe Elitism

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Now, this is a simple query. How often do users encounter snooty players when it comes to putting a squad together?

I primarily play solo due to time constraints thus I haven't joined a clan since I'd be pretty inactive at times. Often times while trying to get in on even Void missions or high stakes alerts I'm bombarded with questions like what my mastery level is (my ML12 isn't enough for some folks), or if I have certain event only mods for top level damage output, a vaulted frame like Frost, etc.

Many times I know for a fact that most of those demands are completely needless. Especially for a simple hour long survival or what have you. It's kind of a joke, really. So what's the big deal?

Wouldn't these people just band together in a top tier clan and form squads from within instead of wasting tons of time sifting through the recruitment channel for 'perfect' players?

Post Script...

Sure, I can buddy up and network with the good guys I run in to on Warframe but this thread is centered around the general attitude of players I have run in to. Also, If you don't like seeing a post like this than kindly carry on. Or don't... I'm sick of your disingenuous assertions!

Edited by (XB1)Drunken Swede
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there are always some of them lurking in corners of their own elitism

tbh i haven't seen many in a loooooooooong time but when i do it's mostly. why u act like this? (no valid answer. ignore) simple way to deal with em ^^

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yeah you get it from time to time, its not always the same thing, some people are as you say 'elitist' then again some just take offence when you point something out to try and make their life easier and dont react well to it, long story short, if someone is like that i just leave them alone and carry on, theres all kinds of people out there, find the best and be happy

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7 minutes ago, Drunkenbagel said:

I hear about this from time to time but I never actually see it myself. 

Maybe they just prefer Drunkenbagels over DrunkenSwedes?

Well, how could anyone turn down a delicious bagel? Especially while drunk!

No one, that's for sure!

Perhaps it's just, as with the RNG, my luck with iPeoples. Half the things I get turned down for I could solo most of it with my cheesey Tonknaros, anyway.

Edited by (XB1)Drunken Swede
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I bypassed this problem. I played public matches until I found someone I liked playing with. Added him as a friend.  He brought a friend he liked to play with who also brought another friend he liked to play with. Added them as friends too. Now we do regular missions together. Problem solved. Play until you find some people who you like to play with and understand you don't live 24/7 in-game. We throw on party chat and even talk with friends who are playing a different game while we farm. Good times had by all.

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These kind of "elitism" just sounds like "I don't know what to do, so I want the most 'meta' meta as possible. I want the "best" of all gears to go 5 mins of T1S." Unless they can explain why they need certain equipment, I evoke my own form of elitism and leave that inexperience squad in a heartbeat. 

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4 minutes ago, starscream5269 said:

I know that if I'm looking for a long duration endurance run I wouldn't want inexperienced players ruining it for me. I've ran into countless terrible players wasting my keys.  

The main problem is player's integrity/respect. If you know you are about to go into contents that are high over your head, don't ask to be invited and expected to get carry. Many people don't have any sense of self-policing or honor, and we end up with threads about inadequate players joining raids, Sorties, and T4 contents. No respect, no honor, no integrity. All loot-crazied.

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32 minutes ago, (XB1)Drunken Swede said:

Now, this is a simple query. How often do users encounter snooty players when it comes to putting a squad together?

Is it that time of week again?  I've seen this post a dozen times at least.  Anyway, yes there are snooty players, yes there are rude and annoying players, and there are also good helpful happy players.  It is pure RNG who you get.

Find a clan you like, even if you aren't active a lot or like to solo chances are good that people in clans tend to be nicer to those who are in the same clan.

Some people are jerks and demand the game be played precisely how they want it to be, ignore those people.

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I encountered a MR 10 player with ~300 hours once(I was MR 14 and had ~690 back then) that told me to quit after he/she saw that I wasn't instantly downed like him on the same enemy.

That person was raging so much about how I probably can't do damage because I use survivability mods.

Needless to say I had over 30% at the end while he was below 10% total damage done(we had two other players in the team that didn't talk).

I didn't even bother to respond.

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It's a joke to raise mastery so I wouldn't judge it as this player is MR__ so they are total sheit at the game and have no experience, I grinded up to MR8 pretty damn quick after I got the game and I have had no reason to go any further so I stay at MR8. MR elitism is stupid, don't do it.

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42 minutes ago, (XB1)Drunken Swede said:

Now, this is a simple query. How often do users encounter snooty players when it comes to putting a squad together?

I primarily play solo due to time constraints thus I haven't joined a clan since I'd be pretty inactive at times. Often times while trying to get in on even Void missions or high stakes alerts I'm bombarded with questions like what my mastery level is (my ML12 isn't enough for some folks), or if I have certain event only mods for top level damage output, a vaulted frame like Frost, etc.

Many times I know for a fact that most of those demands are completely needless. Especially for a simple hour long survival or what have you. It's kind of a joke, really. So what's the big deal?

Wouldn't these people just band together in a top tier clan and form squads from within instead of wasting tons of time sifting through the recruitment channel for 'perfect' players?

For starters, players looking for "Mastery Ranks" are completely wrong, seeing as MR is a completely worthless number due to Draco... As for "perfect teams" they don't exist... they just want the path of least resistance to the end goal... that path usually involves cheese which is quite pathetic. 

In the long run, the people you are calling "elitist" are usually pretty far from elitists, and even father from "elite", they are players who don't want to face any difficulty, dont want anything they might have to actually TRY on... at that point, you are probably better off soloing.

Don't know the number of times people get pissed because i refuse to sit in a tunnel on T4 survival because its BORING....

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4 minutes ago, PureIcarus said:

For starters, players looking for "Mastery Ranks" are completely wrong, seeing as MR is a completely worthless number due to Draco... As for "perfect teams" they don't exist... they just want the path of least resistance to the end goal... that path usually involves cheese which is quite pathetic. 

In the long run, the people you are calling "elitist" are usually pretty far from elitists, and even father from "elite", they are players who don't want to face any difficulty, dont want anything they might have to actually TRY on... at that point, you are probably better off soloing.

Don't know the number of times people get pissed because i refuse to sit in a tunnel on T4 survival because its BORING....

That's nothing but a matter of taste. Some people prefer to do their squads with a well built team while others just take in everyone and run around for 40 minutes. There's nothing wrong with fighting cheesy enemies with cheesy tactics. As for mastery I agree, even before draco it has been no indicator of actual player skill.


As long as someone advertises his requirements in recruitment before inviting me I have no problems with this.

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5 minutes ago, Genoscythe said:

That's nothing but a matter of taste. Some people prefer to do their squads with a well built team while others just take in everyone and run around for 40 minutes. There's nothing wrong with fighting cheesy enemies with cheesy tactics. As for mastery I agree, even before draco it has been no indicator of actual player skill.


As long as someone advertises his requirements in recruitment before inviting me I have no problems with this.

Any warframe/weapon composition and team competition can complete any mission at any difficulty. Forcing a specific build on people is pointless for the most part. If people put the effort in, anything can be beaten. Its just the people who don't want to take any risk or don't want to face any possible challenge that have to have that "perfect squad". 

Though, i guess that's what warframe has turned into.... Cheese this, Cheese that... something that cant be cheese? call for a nerf.

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I almost never run across elitists. I've been soloing for a long time. When I started the game, I ran into them all the time. I got tired of dealing with it, so anything I can do on my own, I do it on my own.

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13 minutes ago, Ins. said:

So wanting everybody in the squad to put in the same effort is now elitism?

He meant people that can't get off their comfort zone and want things done the only way they consider to be right and make a huge deal about it. Elitism mostly means the attitude of one being superior to others, which leads them to whine when things don't happen the exact same way they learned them because anything, anyone and every thing that is outside of it are inherently wrong.

Sometimes some of them are justified if their squad is really bad, but sometimes elitism grows out of nowhere and it's undeserved. This one Ember Prime on T3 Def was so annoying talking about how he was killing everyone and his tonkor was the strongest weapon around. All he was doing is jumping around with WoF and shooting Tonkor aimlessly. On top of that, he got mad at me for mind controlling (nyx) an enemy and saying we'd now need to wait 30 seconds for control to be over and that I was a noob for wasting time.

I pressed 1. Loss control and the enemy died. He just kept quiet out of understanding how ignorant he was of the situation, and yet he continued to brag about how he was the mvp.

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I just think those people in the recruit chat that require really high mastery ranks for simple games such as quick void runs or Sorties are stupid since MR as a measure of skill was made worthless due to Draco. Hell, some of those high MR players I've encountered are some of the dumbest @&#(&*@#$#s I've seen. Seriously, who brings Ash into a Radiation Sortie, spams bladestorm, and brags about wiping out the entire party with one bladestorm (though I guess that falls more into A****** than idiot).

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48 minutes ago, Berserkerkitten said:

Not all of them are elitists. Some are just cowards, demanding a "perfect" setup.

I don't know that cowards is the right word but yeah this.  Bad players need better, more ideal squads to compensate for their bad-ness.   Red flag number one is wanting an EV trinity to always be around.

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Only bad players look for max rank people, i dont know any mission where you need great team, i not played like year more then 60 min runs(always someone start to emo about leaving), 60 mins is piece of cake for any noob team if they stick together, so i dont care who to take with me for piece of cake runs, game is too easy, when sorties was implemented was fun and harder then now too, wish devs implement some challenging content with very high level mobs so i can test weapons in missions instead simulacrum and play with good teams instead of always random.

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