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Specters of the Rail General Feedback [Megathread]


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I've never been on the forum because I've never had a problem with this game 

Love this game so so much and I've been playing since release. It's actually really sad that I really hate most of the things that have been changed in this update. I've never said one bad thing about this game and I love it to death but it's been ruined. Don't get me wrong I know it was just released and they are gonna work to improve everything I get it. The fact I'm already missing the old void system isn't a good sign. I tried being positive about it but right now I just want the old warframes back and I hate that feeling 

sorry DE this ones a miss with me. I'll still play because I love the game. It just doesn't feel as good right now (talking about the new things, not including minor bugs and stuff those are fine) 

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I hope most these issue's get fixed after tennocon, why you would implement this star map when it is so clearly broken i just cant understand, i cant even progress because the junctions are just blocked by missions and alerts blocking out the thing i need to complete so your basically fecked till it's gone ie: pharod taking over lt krill on the node. So sloppy and so glaring obvious. Like the above i enjoyed the game a long time, and now find my self using the forums literally because this patch has screwed the pooch. 

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It's a shame that my first forum post had to be regarding this but here goes.

ive been playing this game for 2 weeks. Loved it from the start. Since the update? I've hated it. 

1. New star chart: Is nothing more than terminal cancer disguised as eye candy, and crappy eye candy at that. Not only have I had to REDO missions I previously completed just to move on, half the time I can't even click a mission to start it. I end up having to relog a few times before it'll register my selections. 

2. Void Fissures: I'll be honest, I love the fact that you can weigh prime rewards closer to your favor (I mean, who loved spending 60 minutes in T3 Survival just to get 3+ dual Kama prime blueprints and cores.) that being said, the fissures themselves are a complete failure and I'm embarrassed you guys even thought they were a good idea. 

a.) the amount of nullifiers and their spawn rates/positions are rediculous. There is no counter play.

b.) Reactant spawn rate is...well, very poorly thought out. Have yet to solo one because at 80%-90%, reactant spawn rate becomes practically non existent. Not to mention it takes more time to spot the reactant through the army of enemies trying to kill you, pick it up, and jump through the fissure 2-3 times for it to register, than you get for adding the reactant in the first place.

3. Old void: I had a love/hate relationship with this place, as I'm sure other players did. Yet now it's obsolete, as well as being darn near inaccessible due to lack of a tutorial on the new star chart. (Not sure if this applies to everyone, but it does for me.) You should Atleast implement some other reason to go there because in my opinion, the maps are too beautifully designed to just sit there and be of no use.

4. Market: I love the addition of the search function. Honestly. That being said, The new layout does make you appear to be more money hungry having play first and credit option hidden. Everyone knows, if you listen to your player base and provide/tailor to their needs/wants (within reason) you'll make more money in the long run than you will being shady with hiding credit options. 

5. The bugs: I don't even know where to begin here. I'll just say, fix all the bugs people have been reporting. I shouldn't be crashing randomly multiple times a day. That is all. 

Again, I find it troubling that my first post had to be in this manner, but change doesn't happen without hearing the voice of the people (or in this case the Tenno). Hopefully most of these things will be sorted out soon. In the meantime, I'll be taking a break and going back to LoL. 

Regards, Vanya


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I bought the kavat starter kit and can't even find where to build this animal!

The navigation and games keep glitching. 

This update was too much to fast. Honestly don't even know if it's worth the struggle of waiting for fixes since I can't even figure out most of it. 

And what are these rup things? And floating orbs? Its just too much!!

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Its confirmed already that void traces can be obtained again through loot generating abilities such as desecrate.

Imho this should be changed becasue the whole void rework was to remove "playing the same thing to get the loot". 

Now its gonna shift from doing same missions to running with same frames. 

Apart from that i think that void traces could randomly drop from the void missions to give something unique to the now kinda useless void.

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Unforunately, Junction tasks seem to have been rushed and are poorly thought out in a number of places.

as has already been pointed out, the Earth -> Mars and Mars -> Phobos Junctions have the issue that they require Alerts or Lith Fissures to spawn on the early planets, which can take quite a while.

However I have yet to see anyone point out the actual worst case of these. Once you get to Jupiter, progression seems impossible (unless I'm missing something). Why is it impossible you ask? consider that to unlock Saturn, you need to finish "The New Strange" quest. Well, how does one get that quest? one of the tasks require you to craft a "Warframe Specter". No big deal you say, just craft one. The problem arises when you realize the low tier (the ones you get in the early planets) Specters require Nano Spores to craft. Where can you get Nano Spores? the earliest location to get Nano Spores is on Saturn.

So you need Nano Spores to unlock Saturn, but you can't access a supply of Nano Spores until you unlock Saturn.

I might have overlooked something, but this seems like a case of Catch-22 unless you get lucky and catch the rare alert that rewards nano spores



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Just now, Diggerx said:

Unforunately, Junction tasks seem to have been rushed and are poorly thought out in a number of places.

as has already been pointed out, the Earth -> Mars and Mars -> Phobos Junctions have the issue that they require Alerts or Lith Fissures to spawn on the early planets, which can take quite a while.

However I have yet to see anyone point out the actual worst case of these. Once you get to Jupiter, progression seems impossible (unless I'm missing something). Why is it impossible you ask? consider that to unlock Saturn, you need to finish "The New Strange" quest. Well, how does one get that quest? one of the tasks require you to craft a "Warframe Specter". No big deal you say, just craft one. The problem arises when you realize the low tier (the ones you get in the early planets) Specters require Nano Spores to craft. Where can you get Nano Spores? the earliest location to get Nano Spores is on Saturn.

So you need Nano Spores to unlock Saturn, but you can't access a supply of Nano Spores until you unlock Saturn.

I might have overlooked something, but this seems like a case of Catch-22 unless you get lucky and catch the rare alert that rewards nano spores



Either bugs, poorly thought out progression system...or wait walls everywhere.

Regardless, Wait Walls are the result. That's going to put new players off the game. Quick.

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I see a lot of people complaining about U19- and to be honest, I really can't understand why. U19 revived my love for the game- I always loved and will continue to love the universe and the passion the devs have, but my enjoyment of the actual gameplay was starting to lack. Then U19 came along and introduced a ton of variables that made the game fun again- a sense of daring, of the unknown, of adventure. 


My major complaint is that, as I'm sure a lot of other people have said, it's buggy and not too ironed out, but I'm sure that'll be fixed in time. That's the problem with selfish players- take too long tweaking the update and they whine that it'll never be out, or release it quickly with bugs and they'll whine that it ruined the game. Players like that might make the most noise about an update they don't like, but their feedback also tends to be reactionary rather than thoughtful and constructive.


I would cite the following as my major concerns:

-tweak the chances of getting kavat dna

-iron out starchart bugs, fissure bugs, etc.

-make a starchart tutorial for new players

-perhaps add more incentive to void and moon missions- chances of getting relics or traces, maybe


I really honestly think this is the best update so far since I started playing just over a year ago. It'll take time to iron out the imperfections, because there are a lot of them, but I really think it's worth focusing on. Try not to rush The War Within- if we can enjoy it with a more bug-free and streamlined starchart (+other additions), it will be all the better.


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Whelp, guessed bugs would be the first problem as with any new update. *sighs*

-Stuck at the mission progress page after mission ends (any way to refresh this? cos I have to restart a few times cos of this)

-Stuck in the Grineer breach topedo in Kiste's invasion against Corpus...the torpedo doesn't allow for me to enter the next area as intended...(failed a few times and had to abort cos of this)

Things I didn't really understand: 

-why make a fancy navigation screen when its harder to navigate between missions? (having to zoom in and out sometimes causes u to zoom into a blank spot lol)

-Making void obsolete with implementation of the void fissure...well, guess the perks are easier to farm for (less grind) but farming for argon crystals is gonna suck when u don't get primes for doing it (more grind)

-junctions...so more random grind (4 objectives per junction) while u hafta kill specters to move on...I don't see what was wrong with just clearing the assassination mission for a nav segment to move to the next planet.

-the rotation of the archwing during fights gives me a headache but at least u guys got rid of the unpopular archwing def in neptune.

p.s. I guess using the white and blue blips to differentiate between completed and incomplete mission nodes kinda failed when ppl don't take note of the slight difference in color between dots

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(bare with me, English isn't my first language)

I agree with a lot of the complaints, the one i've read at least. That being said, I know the developpers work hard on this game, so for things like the void mission or the archwing, I won't complain. But there are 3 big things that removed the fun I had on this game :

-Most important, before that update, I never really had connexion/host/ping issues, and that made me love the game so much since I've always had these issues with other online games. I don't get why this is happening, maybe something has changed in my settings ?

-Not very bad but kind of annoying, when I launch warframe, it's in a tiny window, no longer full screen, and every time I log in I have to correct my options into "full screen again". Also, when it IS full screen, sometimes my cursor will refuse to move lower or further right than a random point, as if it was still in the tiny windows mode.

-Finally, and the worst thing in my opinion, is the new star chart system. What I don't like about it isn't the overall design, but the fact that I have to redo so many missions just for the sake of it. I think that the reward idea is great, for the quests and weapons, but sometimes I'll do what these junction things tell me to do and it's not even validated (like "Do a perfect spy mission" or "complete an infested/corpus/grineer invasion".

So yeah, there are definitely some things to fix, and that star chart system to rethink, since so many players seem to hate it. Nonetheless I'm always happy when these big updates arrive, and I am very thankful for the changes in the archwing missions and the void drop system. Because these things were broken and you guys fixed it. But concerning the star chart, don't fix it if it ain't broken.

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Oh and erm...those cephalon fragments that are to be scanned? I saw one behind a glass panel in a common corpus tileset for mobile def. (second floor) but can't figure how to open the door for the life of me. Any chance that u guys can make the locations more player friendly?

If not, guess its gonna be condemned just like kuria 13-3 and the rest of the rare kurias in uranus underwater archwing maps. 

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Well, i guess that the game is a buggy mess at this time should be no secret. Cause of those bugs, the fun-factor of the game is completely gone atm.


But what bashes me the most:

It's not even a bit challenging to get prime parts now. I mean, everyone with almost every kind of gear can get it now. While Frame-Skills are completly useless cause of the huge amount of Nullifiers spawning at an Fissure, you just have to stand there and spam your ammo onto the enemies. To do the hard stages of the game, for example void survival or defence is not rewarding at all. Now the game is not about knowing mechanics, frame compositions and so on, it's just about playing all day long, to be able to farm relics and upgrade them. So that the challenge factor in this game turned to be completly useless when talking about getting rewards, such as prime parts for example, I'm done with this game. It's not more than a brainless grinding game now, where you are only rewarded, when you're able to put thousands of hours in it. I just did a T4 Fissure/Rift/Whatever and it's the easiest and cause of that the most boring thing I ever did in this game. In a group of four people only one player has to play, the others are able to go afk till the Fissure is finished, cause it's that easy. I'm done with this game and I'm sure that there are many others who will quit, too.

I should mention that i play this game for a little bit more than 3 weeks. And i started it exactly cause of the things you made either sensless or non-existing by patching the game.

Sorry to say this, but this patch is an massive downgrade instead of an upgrade. I lit a candle for warframe and all it stood for. [*]

Disappointment all over the place.

(english isn't my tongue language, sorry for mistakes)

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19 minutes ago, Ankerstilte said:

(bare with me, English isn't my first language)

I agree with a lot of the complaints, the one i've read at least. That being said, I know the developpers work hard on this game, so for things like the void mission or the archwing, I won't complain. But there are 3 big things that removed the fun I had on this game :

-Most important, before that update, I never really had connexion/host/ping issues, and that made me love the game so much since I've always had these issues with other online games. I don't get why this is happening, maybe something has changed in my settings ?

-Not very bad but kind of annoying, when I launch warframe, it's in a tiny window, no longer full screen, and every time I log in I have to correct my options into "full screen again". Also, when it IS full screen, sometimes my cursor will refuse to move lower or further right than a random point, as if it was still in the tiny windows mode.

-Finally, and the worst thing in my opinion, is the new star chart system. What I don't like about it isn't the overall design, but the fact that I have to redo so many missions just for the sake of it. I think that the reward idea is great, for the quests and weapons, but sometimes I'll do what these junction things tell me to do and it's not even validated (like "Do a perfect spy mission" or "complete an infested/corpus/grineer invasion".

So yeah, there are definitely some things to fix, and that star chart system to rethink, since so many players seem to hate it. Nonetheless I'm always happy when these big updates arrive, and I am very thankful for the changes in the archwing missions and the void drop system. Because these things were broken and you guys fixed it. But concerning the star chart, don't fix it if it ain't broken.

Firstly, mate... congratulations on your English. It is my first language, and I often fail to use it as well as you have here. Weird as our language can be, that can't be easy.

For the window mode cursor issue: maximize the window. Just click in the top right, and that will bring the game into Windowed mode, but much larger. Then change to full screen. This works every time for me.

And I agree about repeating stuff. That feels like wasted time.

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Dear DE,

I will be honest to say that gameplay is what truly matters, you should have spent majority of the development time on gameplay, such as the developments of:

- Fighting mechanics, both melee and shooting;

- Realistic dismemberment, e.g. ability to dismember certain body parts by aiming;

- Ways of executing enemies;

- Boss fight;

- Unique campaigns like in all other games, not just some quests by linking missions together.

- Game modes, e.g. open world.

Instead of wasting time and energy on overhauling the cosmetic things, e.g. starchart, market, etc.

Last but not least, the old void gathered such a special affinity with the fans and was undoubtedly a beauty, improving the void key (e.g. an option to increase the odds like in the new system) would have been enough to earn praises.  It is absolutely a mistake to demolish this special affinity with the void fans, and introduce a boring mini game to repeatedly grind for the odds in locations completely unrelated to the void.

Thank you, I wish you every success in the future development.


A disappointed Warframe fan.

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Archwing keybinds seems to be still tied to regular key binds. Changes made to keybinds under Archwing controls still happens to regular keybinds, and vice versa. Please look into it, thank you.

Also, increasing the FOV in Archwing would be nice as well.

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I started to play this game like... 5 days ago. And it was fun as hell. Since the update i get more and more frustrated cause im being blocked because someone didnt want or didnt had time to test the update. How am i blocked? lets see:

Im on mars. I need to close 3 lith fissures. Closed 5 of them today, all on mars. Junction progress didnt count ANY of them. Because of that:

-I cant progress to phobos, ergo, cant progress any further
-Cant do alerts outside of Mars and planets before it.
-Cant go to the void, cause i cant leave Mars.
-Even if fissures did work i'd need to wait for the one that happens on mars. And only RNGod knows how often thy will appear.
-Cant progress on any of my blueprints, cause resources for them are for example on Saturn. Ergo, need to wait for fix.
-Cant do quest, cause im on mars.

Meanwhile, there is Tennocon, so many people in company are probably busy with it. A brilliant idea, to push so major update just days before such big event. Even more brilliant, when someone decided to do this without testing if patch isnt broken.

Also, most hotfixes are targeted towards old, leveled players. When new players like me are screwed for the time being.

This is not a way to say "hello" to new players. 

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On 7/8/2016 at 0:31 PM, Domaik said:

Things and big problems that I have noticed so far:

-Solar map doesn't give information at all. It lacks A LOT. as a veteran I am confused.

-Alerts cover a node and you can't take on the normal node for junction requisites.

-Some junction requisites are confusing.

-I do not know which nodes I have unlocked and which I have locked ( I used to have the whole star map unlocked now I can't tell what I have and what I don't have)

-The new market is very confusing right now.

-Blueprints do not have a page for themselves?


Side comments:

there are barely any good pictures in the art section to put in the liset frames...


- Nodes that you've unlocked (but not done yet) are blue outlined in white, nodes you can't access yet are black outlined in white, nodes you can access and have completed at least once are white... routes to accessible nodes are blue (if the connecting node hasn't been completed at least once) or white (if the connected node is both accessible and completed 1+ times)... I figured these out by looking the map over myself.

- Junctions are confusing, true... Thankfully, if you've already done the quests prior to the Star Chart rework, you don't need to redo them.

- On the market, every item has an About tab (where you can buy for Plat), a Build tab (where you can buy the blueprint, if available), and a Related tab (which seems to cover random crap, imo)


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40 minutes ago, Black-chameleon said:

Whelp, guessed bugs would be the first problem as with any new update. *sighs*

-Stuck at the mission progress page after mission ends (any way to refresh this? cos I have to restart a few times cos of this)

-Stuck in the Grineer breach topedo in Kiste's invasion against Corpus...the torpedo doesn't allow for me to enter the next area as intended...(failed a few times and had to abort cos of this)

Things I didn't really understand: 

-why make a fancy navigation screen when its harder to navigate between missions? (having to zoom in and out sometimes causes u to zoom into a blank spot lol)

-Making void obsolete with implementation of the void fissure...well, guess the perks) but farming for argon crystals is gonna suck when u don't get primes for doing it (more grind)

-junctions...so more random grind (4 objectives per junction) while u hafta kill specters to move on...I don't see what was wrong with just clearing the assassination mission for a nav segment to move to the next planet.

-the rotation of the archwing during fights gives me a headache but at least u guys got rid of the unpopular archwing def in neptune.

p.s. I guess using the white and blue blips to differentiate between completed and incomplete mission nodes kinda failed when ppl don't take note of the slight difference in color between dots

Argon crystals I can confirm, are almost non existent. And the fact they automatically take one away every day at midnight, with it already having such a low drop rate, is beyond counter productive.

16 minutes ago, modalmojo said:

Dear DE,

I will be honest to say that gameplay is what truly matters, you should have spent majority of the development time on gameplay, such as the developments of:

- Fighting mechanics, both melee and shooting;

- Realistic dismemberment, e.g. ability to dismember certain body parts by aiming;

- Ways of executing enemies;

- Boss fight;

- Unique campaigns like in all other games, not just some quests by linking missions together.

- Game modes, e.g. open world.

Instead of wasting time and energy on overhauling the cosmetic things, e.g. starchart, market, etc.

Last but not least, the old void gathered such a special affinity with the fans and was undoubtedly a beauty, improving the void key (e.g. an option to increase the odds like in the new system) would have been enough to earn praises.  It is absolutely a mistake to demolish this special affinity with the void fans, and introduce a boring mini game to repeatedly grind for the odds in locations completely unrelated to the void.

Thank you, I hope you every success in the future development.


A disappointed Warframe fan.

Seriously. This is the big thing. Personally the void fissures were a good idea that were terribly executed. The old void was just fine, you're right. Maybe adding the fissures as random events in the old void would've been a better idea. But abandoning the old void for these crappy grind fissures? Overall a bad call.

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10 minutes ago, Gronthollo said:

I started to play this game like... 5 days ago. And it was fun as hell. Since the update i get more and more frustrated cause im being blocked because someone didnt want or didnt had time to test the update. How am i blocked? lets see:

Im on mars. I need to close 3 lith fissures. Closed 5 of them today, all on mars. Junction progress didnt count ANY of them. Because of that:

-I cant progress to phobos, ergo, cant progress any further
-Cant do alerts outside of Mars and planets before it.
-Cant go to the void, cause i cant leave Mars.
-Even if fissures did work i'd need to wait for the one that happens on mars. And only RNGod knows how often thy will appear.
-Cant progress on any of my blueprints, cause resources for them are for example on Saturn. Ergo, need to wait for fix.
-Cant do quest, cause im on mars.

Meanwhile, there is Tennocon, so many people in company are probably busy with it. A brilliant idea, to push so major update just days before such big event. Even more brilliant, when someone decided to do this without testing if patch isnt broken.

Also, most hotfixes are targeted towards old, leveled players. When new players like me are screwed for the time being.

This is not a way to say "hello" to new players. 

I know it's asking a lot. But hang in. I hope they fix the new player experience asap.

Meanwhile if you want to lessen the grind look me up in game. I have tons of rare and essential mods I give to new players. No plat needed; I just like to help. 

BlackCoMerc in game.

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On the topic of Argon Crystals, "Argon Crystals are aptly classified as rare resources, and are the first resource that decays. You will lose 1 crystal every day at midnight GMT (meaning, for example, if you acquire one at 3:00 PM GMT on Sunday, you will lose it at midnight of the next day (Tuesday), 33 hours from then[24 hours + 9 hours until midnight, in this example.)"

That being said, seeing as how the old void is really the only place to farm them, and even then, you could farm for hours and get MAYBE 1 or 2, I support the idea of making new alerts for Argon Crystals. In the same concept as the Nitain Alerts, with a set amount guaranteed to pop up every day. Just a thought, make of it what you will. But I for one REFUSE to spend hours farming for a resource that'll just gradually disappear everyday when it's already exceedingly rare to come upon.

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So here are the few problems that I have with the current update (SOTR):

1. Unexpected Server Delay. I think this is a good warning system to tell someone that they might get disconnected soon. The only problem with this new system is it completely disables user control. Because of that, my Warframe will often stand like a brain dead guy in the middle of a crossfire. I think the warning should persist, but the lost of control should be disabled.

2. Affinity gain. I don't know if this should be put in Star Chart or SOTR sections since this is a feedback concerning both gameplay mechanic and the old star chart. With the removal of Draco, I think it's a good time to buff the affinity gain since it's the actual problem that made people do Draco. If the affinity gain is high enough to guarantee that people won't feel that leveling equipment is a chore, there'd be no reason to spam Draco in the first place. Not only that, but since focus is dependent on the affinity gained, it's also far harder to get focus now. 

*spoiler on SOTR start*

3. Can you guys allow us to replay junction duels with scaling specters? I personally like the fight with the specters, but I find the fact that they die from most of our weapons in several shots underwhelming.

*spoiler end*

Other than the problems I mentioned above, I think the update is good enough to make the game fresh again and reduce the burnout.

I love the new lore addition through the Cephalon fragments. They add a unique sense of immersion and give us something to do in the long term. I also like the fact that they're not tile locked like kurias and big, which makes finding them quite enjoyable.

Regarding the posters, will it be possible for us to upload a few picture files to use as our posters in the orbiter? I'd love to have some pictures that are not included in the current library. Example:





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