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Specters of the Rail General Feedback [Megathread]


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Just now, Dragonblack175 said:

Havent they talked about the possibility of dynamic mission, rotating modifiers and so on? Daily lookin which is the best place to farm now? Or did i get smth wrong there...hope they do that soon

That could possibly be another fix. Missions that give more exp, drop more credits, etc. As long as it's not an alert that is a hit-it-and-quit-it type of thing, then that would definitely be good. People need a source of exp and credits, and there's not much of that in the game currently.

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This new update. Great? Hate it? Everyone has opinions on the matter, some people don't care about it. I, for one, care enough about this game to log into my account and post about it. Not many games inspire such progressiveness in me.


Specters of the Rail: What Happened To The Fun Of This Game?


I like this update, but bad things have happened.


Very. Bad. Things.


I love the Void rework. It wasn't very fun farming rotation C survivals to get around a 20% chance at one item of 4 that you wanted. It's much better to pick your reward from the relics. Much better. I love the new star chart, it's a thousand times better to look at. The new content is fun and refreshing.


Now for the part that has made this game dead to me.


I've got close to 250 hours in this game, not much compared to some others, but quite a bit. I've invested money into this game because I want to see it grow. When it started growing into something that not only I, but many many others dislike, that's when things start dying. 


1: The experience system.


Experience towards weapons and warframes before the Specters of the Rail was sub-par at best. You could run missions all over the system and get very little experience for anything. This is why Draco was such a hotspot, people would go to level their weapons and frames there because there were no other viable alternatives.


Enter Specters of the Rail update


For some odd reason, the devs thought that taking away the player's only viable option to level their weapons was a good idea. Great idea. Let's do that. Draco is now dust and ashes, there is no place in the entire system, as of now, that is a good place to level your equipment. The devs have taken away Draco as some sort of "these guys are taking advantage of the system, we can't let this happen" sort of thing. Well, when the system is faulty, people will go to what actually works.


Here's a counter argument I've heard and my response to it:

-The devs want you to take your time leveling things, they don't want you to just plow through leveling and be done with it.


I understand why someone would think this. Really, I do. I believe that weapons should take some time to level, along with frames.


But not ten thousand years.


The fun of this game doesn't come, for me at least, from leveling my equipment. That's a bit of a chore, and Draco was the best place to go and get rid of that chore so I could take my newly leveled equipment and go have fun farming prime parts or whatnot. Now, they've taken away any options to level your equipment faster. This small chore called leveling has now become a poisonous thorn in everyone's side. I don't want to waste my time and energy using a forma on my weapons or frames, something I wouldn't have thought twice about pre-update. I don't want to spend my entire adult life leveling one frame to level 30, only to forma it, reset it to 0, and spend the rest of eternity as a spirit leveling up my newly forma-d frame.



2: Credits System


Credit rewards for missions were fine, possibly above average. I got a good amount of credits for most difficult missions I've run. I had boosters from various things applied to my account and got even more credits. Definitely worth it.


Enter Specters of the Rail update


Credits. It now seems that no missions give you any credits. I had almost 2 million credits chilling in my account a week ago. I'm now hanging around the 50k mark, always having to sell things to scrounge by. Why is this? Oh yes, they've taken away all the missions that give you good amounts of credits. Golly gee.


3: Fusion Cores


Fusion cores were always on hand if you kept running the missions that dropped them. Some mods can eat up your fusion cores, that's fine! Go out and get some more.


Enter Specters of the Rail update


Fusion cores....what were those again? I can't remember, I haven't seen one in a very long time.


Now, I can't just sit here and rant away without giving what I personally think would be a better solution.



Up it. Everywhere. People shouldn't have to repeat one mission multiple times to get experience for their weapons because everywhere else gives nothing. Increase the experience gained across the entire board. High level missions give you a lot, lower levels still give you a good amount. That way, people will be more apt to actually do missions on planets. I literally had no reason to go to a majority of the nodes on any planet unless I needed a specific thing. If this is implemented, I believe it will give people more incentive to actually do all of these nodes that have been created. Complete their star chart.



Rather obvious one, give high level missions a greater credit drop


Fusion cores:

Another obvious one.



The main concern, as I'm sure you've noticed, is experience. I have less will to play this game now because of the botched experience system. This was a wrong step in a wrong direction for the devs, and I truly hope they'll see this for the problem it is and attend to the mistake. This is a very great game, I love playing it. What I don't love is never getting experience, credits, and fusion cores for the multiple instances of 20 minutes of my life that I just used running a survival mission. 

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On 7/9/2016 at 7:13 PM, BC721 said:


I think we have a "small" problem. I can't see anything from behind my inaros lol. and im finding that aiming some weapons in the FP mode is a bit more difficult. I love the update otherwise though! great work!!!!!!!!




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I just did two Corpus Spy missions on Jupiter and neither one of them counted toward the checklist for the Saturn Junction.

And my Phorid kills from yesterday have failed to be tallied towards the Eris Junction as well.

Why is this? I don't need the junction or the rewards, but this is a bug that will certainly prohibit other, newer players from progressing.


Not to mention the Lith fissures I've sealed that also haven't counted toward the Phobos Junction. Now if that's because the fissures I've sealed are 'after' Mars, that's fine... But then why aren't there any Lith fissures on Mars, Earth, Venus, or Mercury? Seems to me that preventing players from being able to play your game is a bit of a severe flaw, whether intentional or not doesn't matter.

Edited by FLSH_BNG
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I think the new Star Chart is promising and, with some major right-sizing of other aspects of the game, it could lead to a better overall experience. I think some major streamlining of other content would most certainly improve the experience for all players (I'll save that for its own thread). As a disclaimer, I really, really love what DE has done with the Star Chart. It's beautiful, it's logically laid out, and there is a small sense of actual progression. Moreover, it feels more immersive and fresh. However, I think it's still missing a critical component. I made a new account to see how new player progression works with the Star Chart changes. It's not as bad as I thought (except Mars' requirements for Phobos and Ceres), but it does raise some of the core issues with WF progression in general. To better explain my thoughts, I'm going to briefly run through the opening Quest, Vor's Prize, to highlight where the new system clashes with old content, as well as to illustrate how I think the game can better help new and old players with the new system:


The game starts with "Vor's Prize," the initial quest that introduces the player to the main enemy (the Grineer) while also presenting the Corpus as a secondary (and more powerful) foe. This quest also introduces players to the market system via Darvo, as well as the core mission types. And at the end, it releases you to conduct your own missions. All good stuff.

However, the new Starchart system highlights two issues with this progression:

  1.     Vor's Prize is almost entirely focused on repairing the Liset. As a result, your guided exposure is quite limited. As a result, the game introduces the Grineer, the Corpus, the Liset, Darvo and the Market without any substantive explanation. More importantly, this introduction doesn't provide nearly enough background on the Grineer, Corpus or Tenno. I get that a lot of things are introduced slowly over the course of the game, but some things should be established early on. For example, Vor is your first introduction to the Grineer, but his sole interest is in taming and capturing the Tenno, while the Queens are said to be primarily interested in destroying them. Okay, but first, what caused the Queens to suddenly go after the Tenno, and second, aren't the Grineer about more than just killing/capturing Tenno? Or, to give another example, Darvo is introduced as a merchant sympathetic to the Tenno cause. What Tenno cause? For all the new player knows, s/he is the first Tenno to wake up. So there's a sense that you're missing the first chapter of this story. And by focusing such a short quest on merely repairing the Liset, it seems to me that the new player is robbed of a proper introduction that provides some direction as to what the game is about. "Chaos is spreading" isn't really enough for a game that has become this lore heavy.
  2.     At the end of the quest, having gone through a good portion of Earth's missions and one Mercury mission (via navigation coordinate), the Lotus sets you free to do whatever mission you like. Freedom is certainly great, but the guidance ends there. There's no sense of where you go from here; there is no actual progression to the next planet(s). More than that, Earth and Mercury are still entirely locked, after having completed several Earth nodes and one Mercury node. Earth doesn't even connect to Mercury; It runs between Mars and Venus! So there's still some work to be done in revamping the quest progression to align with the new Starchart.

I do think there is a way to revamp the quests/story in a way that provides meaningful progression within this new Star Chart system.

The player starts out on Earth trying to survive against Captain Vor's Grineer. In the first mission, the Lotus tries to extract the Tenno with the old Liset model, but it's shot out of the sky, forcing the player to travel across the map to his/her own Liset (newer model). From there, the player undertakes tasks in order to restore the ship and defeat Vor (who's hiding on Mercury).

So instead of this rather short and limited quest, I suggest a much longer quest that guides players through Earth entirely, properly introducing the Grineer while guiding players through ranking weapons and Warframes, movement, combat and even the use of companions (starting with Kubrows). Instead of immediately locating your Liset, perhaps the player has to weaken the Grineer hold over Earth. At one point, the player loses contact with the Lotus. I'd extend that out until you complete Earth. Instead, the player would encounter the New Loka syndicate, which would guide the player through Earth's nodes. This is not only an appropriate place to introduce New Loka, but it's also a good way to introduce Syndicates (who have a dedicated module in the Liset). Players would not get access to the Liset until they've rescued Maroo (not Darvo), completed Earth and beaten Vor, at which point they'd find the abandoned Liset at Maroo's Bazaar. At that point, players would reconnect with the Lotus and be introduced to Ordis.

The Lotus would then guide players to reopen the Earth/Venus Junction (via a Mastery-like Test, and not a list of tasks) and travel to Venus in order to obtain the Corpus tech necessary to relocate and fully restore the Orbiter. There they'd rescue Darvo, who would assist in guiding players through Venus's ship-based nodes and acquiring all the segments. After defeating the Jackal, players would be granted access to Larunda Relay at Mercury, from which they would gain the ability to join up with other Tenno and be released to carry out missions on Earth and Venus. The next directed planet, however, would be Mars (now desert and Grineer, finally) where Tenno would link up with Steel Meridian, who'd guide players in a Lech Kril-focused quest.

So Earth and Venus would serve as the introduction to Warframe, showing new players how to navigate the starchart and rank up/modify their Warframes, weapons and companions. But not only would Earth and Venus be directed, but ideally every planet would be directed by one faction/character. And my own preliminary progression would be as follows: Earth (Vor and New Loka - Kubrows, movement and combat) > Venus (Jackal and Darvo - Landing Craft features, Sentinels and Relays) > Mars (Lech Kril and Steel Meridian - teamwork, Landing Craft air support?) > Phobos (The Sergeant and Maroo - Archwing?) > Ceres (Kril and Vor) > Jupiter (Alad V and The Perrin Sequence).

After that I suppose it could be optional where players go next (either back to Earth to deal with Vay Hek, or forward to Saturn to deal with Sargas Ruk, etc.). Obviously the general chronology of the quests might dictate what comes next, but that I think is a good linear progression. Generally speaking, all of the quests would either be "filled in" or changed entirely. But the idea is that new players have a clearer progression path, one that logically introduces the game's features at the appropriate time and helps them to understand the various events and characters present in the game.

I spend so much time on laying out what Earth progression would be like because 1) Earth is the starting point for new players, 2) Vor's Prize is a rather simple quest that omits a ton of new content, and 3) new players are left with no direction after that limited quest is over. So I hope the above illustrates how the game could be more helpful to new players while also being perhaps a bit more exciting for veteran players.

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17 minutes ago, bbeeaann said:

     Couldn't have stated that any better. There is no denying this update is severely flawed, and needs to be rethought.

And there is no denying the loudest part of this community calls for rethought and more every update for years.

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12 minutes ago, bbeeaann said:

    I have been playing this game daily for 7 months after initially starting the game a year and half prior. I played this game for 3 days before bailing on it because I believed it was a mindless shooter that had absolutely no explanation behind it initially. I came back after watching a friend play Archwing because I thought DE was going after a Macross type idea, which I love. After learning a bit about the game I have played it daily since, and loved most of what DE brought to the table. I didn't like everything DE did, and rationally explained the reasons behind what I didn't like when they came up. The majority of the complaints you find about the game are like this on the forums, and this is how it should be. Fanboyism doesn't help create a better game. It hinders it. I'm not a sycophant. I'm not going to tell you what you want to hear. I'm going to discuss the update factually. This update is severely flawed in so many ways I don't want to play this game anymore. The general consensus on the forums is negative because the update is bad. I'm struggling to find things I like about the update, and can't find anything. Stating that this is a minority of players is just wrong. All you have to do is look at the chat on relays or region to know people aren't happy.

Yeah, surely dude. You don't need to tell me you entire history. Im just telling it's always the same thing. The most childlish complains always come in the hot part, in the few days after a release. Most people just feel lost. I don't care one bit how thet feel unhappy, the major part of this are just people who want changes, but dont want them in the same time.

It's just new, and we have to learn some new things to do and adapt, and wait for the next hotfix, et that's enough for the most part to yell about the end of the game. Like every time.

Want an example ? In my clan, nobody read the patchote. Nobody. They are just screaming because the infinite farm void has changed, and Draco is dead. That's all. And you know what ? That's the same people who were complaining about the game getting boring 3 weeks ago.

I dont have any consideration for this. I respect the constructive feedback like the last, for my part, this update is awesome, it was much needed, and the biggest problems (like motion sickness for some people in AW) will obviously be fixed, so, i'm not worried.

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 The new starchart is just not usable. It looks really great, but it's annoying af to use.

1. 2.0 starchart allows you to use keyboard to cycle through all the unlocked planet. The 3.0 one you need to either use the click and drag, which is very clunky, or you use the 'to xxx' path, which is like clicking through a maze. Can we just use 'r' and 'q' key to cycle through the planets?

2. 2.0 starchart has all the information I need. All kind of mission type available on the planet with a glance. Now I have to mouse over the node to see what they are. Can we have some self explanatory icons about the mission type attach to those nodes?

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23 minutes ago, Stonehenge said:

Yeah, surely dude. You don't need to tell me you entire history. Im just telling it's always the same thing. The most childlish complains always come in the hot part, in the few days after a release. Most people just feel lost. I don't care one bit how thet feel unhappy, the major part of this are just people who want changes, but dont want them in the same time.

It's just new, and we have to learn some new things to do and adapt, and wait for the next hotfix, et that's enough for the most part to yell about the end of the game. Like every time.

Want an example ? In my clan, nobody read the patchote. Nobody. They are just screaming because the infinite farm void has changed, and Draco is dead. That's all. And you know what ? That's the same people who were complaining about the game getting boring 3 weeks ago.

I dont have any consideration for this. I respect the constructive feedback like the last, for my part, this update is awesome, it was much needed, and the biggest problems (like motion sickness for some people in AW) will obviously be fixed, so, i'm not worried.

How is demanding a product to be good... decent at worst, if you pay for it (like some people) childlish?

And please, oh please, tell me how blocking my progress by a S#&$ton of bugs, mission overlaps or mindboggling time walls (say hello to the junctions) will help me, or every other new player "adapt"? Enlighten me?

Sure, people can like new map chart... which is only a visual gimmick tbh. It can be worse it can be better, some people will still argue about such gimmicks.

But if your product (update and now WF as a whole) have bug's that are painfull to new AND old players, preventing them from progress is the whole new idea. 
I never complained about new void, new chart, new this or that or lack of Draco, whathever it is, was or will be.

Im complaining about how halfassed piece of work this update is.

I will not list all the bugs, stupid ideas etc., you have them above in the thread. 

But this update here looks like they were 2-4 weeks behind schedule and someone just yelled: "DUCK IT! WE'LL DO IT LIVE!!!" and just pushed unfinished piece of code.

And also, i dont understand how in game developement pushing something unfinished is so acceptable as "they will fix it later". You wouldnt want to buy a new car with some flaws that make it painfull to drive and say "Nah, they will probably fix it later". They will.. or they will not, you never know. Or if you want to stay in entertainment field with analogy, try to imagine going to theather and seeing for example... half of a play. Or actors who stutter and forget lines. No matter if you paid for ticket or was it free. You wouldnt be too happy about this play would you? 

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2 hours ago, Stonehenge said:

Ooh that's the kind of thing they can easily add in a future update.

So is a stable update...and a new end game, since this update robbed us of the existing one. Oh, and progression that works. That can be added later, too...

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14 minutes ago, bbeeaann said:

    This statement shows that you would prefer to agree with every change DE makes without complaint. This is why you don't care about what other people think. This type of thinking destroys video games because you equate constructive criticism as people feeling lost. Why are you doing this? There are always problems and issues with updates that should be rethought, but DE has never released an update that was this flawed. Yes, that's exactly what it is. Flawed. I'm not lost. I'm not stumbling and fumbling around. I'm simply overwhelmed by how poorly thought out this update is.    

     DE is doing something wrong when they make changes to their game that causes it to go backwards. This is exactly what this update has done. The game feels archaic. It doesn't even feel like WF anymore.


The patch notes list the changes, but don't explain them. How are you suppose to learn about Kavats when they have absolutely no data on how to go about farming them? Do you realize how backwards that is? DE decides to revert back to the older starchart(which completely changes the feel of the game for me) while adding in redundancies that shouldn't be there. You want new players to learn about how to get around the starchart?? Then add in the data so that people don't have to wait for secondary sources to emerge in order to explain it.

   DE didn't have to replace starchart 2.0. All they need to do was add icons that flashed that players could scroll over to get important information that explained the game. I.E. Boss tile on Star Chart has flashing icon. Player scrolls over icon and a message pops up,"This is 'boss blah'. In order for you to move on to 'planet blah' you need to assassinate this target. The rewards you will receive from this boss are 'blah'. Another example that DE could have implemented to help new players would be flashing icons for the resources. Player see flashing icon. Player scrolls over flashing icon, and receives message,"This is the list of resources you will receive from this planet. These resources drop off the enemies you defeat on these tiles. Some resources have a higher drop rate than others. Open up all the planets to get to all the resources you will need for crafting." So on and so forth. The redundancy in this update is really ridiculous.


    So players who don't agree with you deserve to be crapped all over? Really?

Yeah, yeah, yeah, dont worry, i'm a nazi fanboy if you want. No problem. As for the complains, im just tellling you, most parts are incredibly childlish, as always, not all, but most part. And yeah, sorry, i still enjoy this update.  I will post a feedback myself if my english is not too bad, just to be a bit useful maybe.


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A few improvements that could be made:

  • The marketplace should have a "Blueprints" category with different subcategories depending on what you're looking for (weapons, warframes, etc.) As it is right now, it kind of feels more deceptive than helpful, with the blueprint option being off to the side.
  • When in a group, there should be some kind of indication as to what relic each player is bringing. Info should include the relic's era, type and refinement level.
  • I already see players complaining about how people aren't contributing relics to their runs, because they're simply there for void traces. Perhaps allow traces to be obtained in ways other than fissure runs? Considering that the void is now an open area, maybe there.
  • Alerts that reward the stated uncommon and rare fusion cores aren't dropping the correct ones.
  • The new Archwing controls feel very slippery, especially in confined areas. Don't know if it's just me, though.
  • Starchart 3.0 could be a little more informative. Perhaps add icons to indicate what mission type it is without needing to hover the mouse over it?
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And also im complaining, because ive seen waaaay to many times what one bad idea, patch or strategy can do do a decent or good game with a potential. Im not saying it will happen here. Im saying it looks very familliar which makes me worried.

First you do a bad update. Players are unhappy about it, most of them. You avoid confrontation.

Then you act like all the bad ideas were actually planned way ahead in advance and try to sell the idea thats all the new strategy for the game

Players start to leave your game behind.

You realise its a bit too late to rework the changes. So you force in bunch of paywalls (if game is F2P) or go to F2P mode and THEN add paywalls (like: "Oh, you are annoyed how long progressing further in game is taking for you? Pay up and we will make it better... sort of".

Playerbase is even lower

Only diehard fans and fanboys stay with you, every new player that tries the game leaves it in few days of playing because of toxic community thats left (any criticism is bad in these types of communities) or because of broken microtransactions and paywalls. 

Look how bad management like this screwed games like:

The Division (93% players left because of bad strategy of the game and ideas with make it unpleasant to play)
Heroes and Generals
etc. etc.

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11 minutes ago, Stefe said:

A few improvements that could be made:

  • The marketplace should have a "Blueprints" category with different subcategories depending on what you're looking for (weapons, warframes, etc.) As it is right now, it kind of feels more deceptive than helpful, with the blueprint option being off to the side.

- Because the weapons you had in bp are now in junction reward. Honnestly, i find the idea very cool.

  • When in a group, there should be some kind of indication as to what relic each player is bringing. Info should include the relic's era, type and refinement level.

- Yep, i'm agree. Could be more, what's the word...informative ?

  • I already see players complaining about how people aren't contributing relics to their runs, because they're simply there for void traces. Perhaps allow traces to be obtained in ways other than fissure runs? Considering that the void is now an open area, maybe there.

- Leeches players are always a problem. Hasn't bothered me yet considering the numbers of key i had, but why not.

  • Alerts that reward the stated uncommon and rare fusion cores aren't dropping the correct ones.

- Yep, and some informations just vanished, like the "no shield" of nightmare missions. (Even nightmare missions are gone, didn't get why. Think they will fix this.

  • The new Archwing controls feel very slippery, especially in confined areas. Don't know if it's just me, though.

It s not just you. Camera is way too close, and some people get sick.

  • Starchart 3.0 could be a little more informative. Perhaps add icons to indicate what mission type it is without needing to hover the mouse over it?

- I feel a bit lonely, because i find it just good. I would like a general highway link between planets in general view to make the whole progression more clear though.


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1-> If we need an alert for an rail, that alert should happen atleast twice a day! [Edit: I guess we only had a bad day for alerts, but still]

2-> how come people can't get a reward if they don't have a relic? I used to farm keys to then play them with my girlfriend so we both get the same prime gear... no longer

2.1-> yeah, I guess we could trade them... that should be doable in bulk, not a relic per slot

3-> how about an optional confirmation for setting a mission? too many miss clicks in navigation setting a mission unintentionally (trying to zoom in a planet but clicking a node instead)

4-> I want to see how many of each reward I have when I'm selecting my relic

5-> You just moved the draco problem to another sector! give alerts an XP boost!

6-> Make credit purchases directly accesible from market search, it took to long to discover that I have to click on the pl item and then select the credits tab [Edit: mitigated in hotfix 4]

7-> There ia bug when leaving the dojo, the wf is stuck in sitting position, workaroun: open the menu

8-> Can't see profiles or open the menu from navegation - particulary problematic when I'm waiting for someboty to accept an invite (because when I'm solo, the session is detroyed when I leave navigation)

9->No free posters? I was expecting to be able to put the unlockables from the cefalon fragments as decoration... nope. Can't play with this system right now... So I can't tell you all the places where you screwed it up.

10->Relics are used way faster than keys, meaning that farming them is less effective! Why are they used way faster? Because each player uses one, so for a mission 4 are used and each player ends with one reward... in the past 4 keys are 4 runs and 4 rewards for each player. This is particularly problematic for me... se point 2.



- Inventory needs search

- Add a Birth day / Join Anniversary special reward

- Dojo needs love...

-- poster for the dojo?

-- How about researching a dojo colors pallete (to use in the warframes) when all the colors are complete

-- Contributions log

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Were Sorties SUPPOSED to no longer give Credit rewards for mission completion?

That was honestly the main reason for doing Sorties... for me... otherwise, kinda hard to use the fusion cores the sorties give me, if I need 2,000,000+ to level up a primed mod...

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Just now, CorrinAvatan said:

Were Sorties SUPPOSED to no longer give Credit rewards for mission completion?

That was honestly the main reason for doing Sorties... for me... otherwise, kinda hard to use the fusion cores the sorties give me, if I need 2,000,000+ to level up a primed mod...

I think it's a bug.

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13 minutes ago, bbeeaann said:

     This last sentence shows that players who like the current update are greatly outnumbered. In other words, she is evidence for the fact that the player base is not happy with the current changes in the game, and if DE wishes to keep its player base, that makes them capital, it might be a good idea to start listening to them..

Absolutely dude, don't worry, like in every update, you are right.

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1 minute ago, bbeeaann said:

   I am worried. This update proves DE isn't concerned about refining their ideas before releasing them to the player base. I believe this update is the end of Warframe, and it will die a slow painful death over the next 2 years.

Funny, i keep reading this for..how many now, three years ?

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did you guys make archwing weapons   syndicate only and not only that but scattered across syndicates so you cant get one part  without trading due to negative standing syndicate?

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18 minutes ago, Retepzednem said:

did you guys make archwing weapons   syndicate only and not only that but scattered across syndicates so you cant get one part  without trading due to negative standing syndicate?

Well i am full on 4 syndics, and honnestly i am waiting for the syndic melee weapons to spend all.

I just feel too lazy to farm syndic missions right now, specially with all those cephalons fragments to get and junctions to complete. But since you can't get all the syndics, i guess you will have to trade some parts.

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