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Specters of the Rail General Feedback [Megathread]


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Position of orthos prime still needs to be fixed. I'm walking around with it stuck through my warframe :)

Also i was doing an alert just moments ago for R5 cores and the game returned me to the lieset for no apparent reason. Please fix :)

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Well figure this is the place for it so going to air my grievances with the game right now. But also a little praise.

I like the new star map, it's more visually fun and the way the void now plays and the void tears go I find far more engaging and rewarding. I'm eager to game more and do more void tears and they give us a good reason for vet players like me and my buddies to go back to other areas than just the void.


Good got the good stuff out of the way. now the bad.


So refining void relics seems kind of pointless. I watched one of my buddies doing it and basically the best you can do is bring it up to an 'almost' 1d6 roll on what loot you get. This is not what I feel we were being promised. DE had said to us that we'd be able to 'focus in' our search for void items by using this sort of method to tighten in the relic on what we want. It really doesn't do that, all it does is bring it up to an even roll instead of being heavily slanted away from the rares. Now mind I'm not saying 100 essence should let me select the vauban prime part out of the list and only that. I just want what we were promised, the abiltiy to refine a relic and target it at what I want out of the drop table. I'm completely cool with this taking say, multiple injections of 100 void essence, but I'd want to be able to selectively lower the rates of some items and improve that of others. Like maybe 300-400 essence letting me push the rares up over half a chance since I could see that taking more than one play session to do. DE promise to plateau the grind, the current system does not do that, we cannot focus in on things in the relic only 'even' our chances on the roll and honestly I feel mildly lied to on this mechanic.


Now Kavats. What do I say about kavats other than the terrible drop rate for dna makes the idea of even making one pointless. The main difference I see here between kubrows and kavats is simply this: Kubrow eggs are more rare yes, but they are 'instant joy'. You get an egg? You can make a kubrow. Period. With the kavats? You got a dna fragment? Well that's nice enjoy your 100+ runs worth of rolling vs RNJesus hoping he'll favor you enough to get your 10 fragments in just the 100 average kavats you'd need. Honestly it makes getting a kavat a weeks endeavor or months for some people and I just don't feel like they're worth that kind of effort. Honestly? I'd much prefer the dna to just be a single scan nessary but make the drop rate be akin to a kubrow egg, instant joy on a rare roll is far more fun than having to grind out 10 rare things hoping you get them to make this work.


Forgot to add about archwings. I'm not a fan of the slots being added, but whatever I can accept that it's on the game for everything else, but it's still abysmally slower to level archwing items than anything else in the game. None of my friends really want to play it especially with the affinity rule making it so that it's basically impossible to get shared exp while doing archwing at all. I love archwing because of how it feels and plays myself but I'm nearly the only one willing to play it, and because of that it means we never do it in our crew because this game is always meant to be played as a team.


I'm honestly worried about warframe. The latest trends me and my friends are seeing honestly are making us feel like more and more the game's becoming 'pay money to do anything new'. Like for instance? Why no kavat quest letting us at least make "one" kavat to our name? I loved that for the kubrows! Atop that look at what it takes to make Vauban? we're still collecting nitain extract for making the parts and having 20 required of a resource you can only get one at a time from alerts is unduly painful. 


DE.... I love warframe. Really I do. I have played since frost prime was first introduced and before. It's my signature frame and everyone in my clan knows me by it and by how I play. I want to keep playing. I want to see what you have in store but this sort of work is making my clan reconsider. It's making them want to look for their fun elsewhere and I don't want that to happen. Warframe is far from the only thing in my life, but it's one of the best things in my life. Please take a good hard look at what's going on DE and reconsider the direction you're going in.

Edited by Twinburner
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i also have another pet peeve which is really starting to do my head in, on the mini map, the new player icons are so large and some of them same color as the objective icon and one in particular looks similar enough that it is really hard to see where i am meant to be going, this was never an issue with the previous dot's we had. I would hope for this to become a toggle option at least ? 

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11 hours ago, bbeeaann said:

    This post is the perfect example of the player base that refuses to adapt their strategy to the challenge known as a Nullifier. Why do people persist in smashing their face into the wall when you can walk through the door? Yes, because the developers don't have the right to make a level more challenging and force you to use your weapons..I use my powers against Nullifiers all the time when they have a group of enemies in their bubble. I burn the bubble down, pop my powers, and kill the lot of enemies; all the while dodging their incoming fire.


Gonna say it again: there's nothing challenging about Nullifiers. Walk into bubble. Shoot once. Done.

The problem is that they reduce the game down to just that.

Bows? Not viable. Power driven damage mitigation? Not viable. Snipers and shotguns? Very much subpart, unless you do the above. 

It's not about challenge. It never was. It's about reducing every encounter to one viable option, over and over again. 

Why can you people not address the REAL argument against these things, for ONCE?

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There's nothing for veterans of the game to do. Apart from lor, nm lor, the somewhat buggy jv, and sorties until you get the weapon or are low on cores. Fissures are close to making me take an extended break until titania is out, then the break will continue. At least the old void gave a challenge if you stuck around long enough.

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[DE], honest to God, I have this question that's been bothering me ever since SoR release. Now, please, don't be offended, but that's how I feel about his update in general. So, the question is...


Were you guys drunk out of your mind when you released it?

Because, with whole this TennoCon stuff, Trollert for pathetic 70K creds and single orokin reactor, broken sorties, broken tilesets, broken cats, broken market and other broken stuff i really get this impression.


Sorry. I'm a terrible person, i'm going back to my time-out corner.

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Invasion with a reactor blueprint. Sabotage Corpus ship's reactor. tried 4 times. Every time there was a stage with a drop pod to get to that Corpus ship, the pod didn't work. At all. 3 times out of 4 I tried there was a pod.

I decided I didn't want that reactor blueprint that much. I just imagine how I would be annoyed if I really needed that reactor.

A minor bug, you can say. But on top of the ''new void'', that's more repetitive then the old one was, not getting any relics with Mag, dakra and boar primes untill 3 days later, and then getting 5 of each. When there are 50+ of everything else for the first 2 tiers. Elytron wings costing 12500 polymer bundles to research (375000 if you are in a storm clan...), and seeing 5x core packs given in mission, but getting packs of 3x cores at the end of it.

I just can't bring myself to play this game today.

So I'm going to do as it was suggested by some people and ''adept my strategy to the challenge''. By playing a different game.

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On 10/07/2016 at 6:32 PM, Ankerstilte said:

(bare with me, English isn't my first language)

I agree with a lot of the complaints, the one i've read at least. That being said, I know the developpers work hard on this game, so for things like the void mission or the archwing, I won't complain. But there are 3 big things that removed the fun I had on this game :

-Most important, before that update, I never really had connexion/host/ping issues, and that made me love the game so much since I've always had these issues with other online games. I don't get why this is happening, maybe something has changed in my settings ?

-Not very bad but kind of annoying, when I launch warframe, it's in a tiny window, no longer full screen, and every time I log in I have to correct my options into "full screen again". Also, when it IS full screen, sometimes my cursor will refuse to move lower or further right than a random point, as if it was still in the tiny windows mode.

-Finally, and the worst thing in my opinion, is the new star chart system. What I don't like about it isn't the overall design, but the fact that I have to redo so many missions just for the sake of it. I think that the reward idea is great, for the quests and weapons, but sometimes I'll do what these junction things tell me to do and it's not even validated (like "Do a perfect spy mission" or "complete an infested/corpus/grineer invasion".

So yeah, there are definitely some things to fix, and that star chart system to rethink, since so many players seem to hate it. Nonetheless I'm always happy when these big updates arrive, and I am very thankful for the changes in the archwing missions and the void drop system. Because these things were broken and you guys fixed it. But concerning the star chart, don't fix it if it ain't broken.

Ok so I participated in this thread the other day, just saying what I thought after very little time looking at that update, but now that I've played it more there are a few things that I'd like to add.

-I have just tried, like 5 minutes ago, the new archwing rework. I must say that I was looking forward to this, expecting the xp/affinity to be more rewarding, and the melee-combat less confusing. But while most of the things people like and dislike about this update, I find that new archwing is not even a matter of opinion, because it made me feel vertigo, nauseous. Everything is rolling, what my frame does and what keys I press seem to have nothing in common. I had not a bit of fun doing that mission in space, and it's sad cause the new weapons look cool.

-Then again, the new star chart system is just more and more annoying as time goes. I'm having troubles finding where I am, where it is I want to go, where the nightmare/invasion/sortie missions are. I can't seem to be able, on one specific mission, to choose between the regular mission or the sortie/invasion one. The junction challenges seem to be broken, like I'll complete them several times but the game still doesn't acknowledge it.

I know it's a rant, I know people might say "gamers ruin the game when they complain about everything". I have no idea if I'm right or wrong to complain about any of that, but what I know is that I'm having less and less fun with that game since that update. I just wish they hadn't fixed what wasn't broken.

Anyway, like Shichibukai88 said, complaining over and over about the same thing wont make the DE fix it faster, they were at Tennocon, quite a big thing, and however bad that update may be they've done a lot of work for us, so RESPECT, guyz.



2 hours ago, Myscho said:

Can you add something like "junction completed" after complete all tasks and defeated specter instead of still rotating rewards, just to be clear which junction is completed and which not

To this date, when you have completed all the tasks of a specific junction, and once you've gone to that junction to defeat the other tenno and connected a rail, the "junction" icon on your star chart is displayed slightly bigger than when it's not completed. Also I think that the colour of the "wire" changes around that junction. But yeah, that would still be a good idea. Personnally I write down the junctions i've completed on a post-it note so I don't get confused.

Edited by Ankerstilte
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Like many people in the thread I would love to see nightmare nodes back (not associated to alerts) so I can help my friends that are new to this game farm good mods and at the same time please give us back the ability to select which mission on a node we want if it has an alert or other temporary change on it.

More importantly though, I can't seem to find the Dragon Key blueprints on the store anymore (and I had 4 people looking for them, none of us saw them).  Can you please restore those.  I wanted to take a friend into a Derelict mission and ended up having to go with only 3/4 keys since we couldn't find the blueprints anywhere and apparently you can't trade them either...



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3 hours ago, Ankerstilte said:

To this date, when you have completed all the tasks of a specific junction, and once you've gone to that junction to defeat the other tenno and connected a rail, the "junction" icon on your star chart is displayed slightly bigger than when it's not completed. Also I think that the colour of the "wire" changes around that junction. But yeah, that would still be a good idea. Personnally I write down the junctions i've completed on a post-it note so I don't get confused.

Not sure if serious... But if yes, then it's not enough. There should be a big "Unlocked" word instead of reward showoff after we clear it.

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You know an update is bad when I can take a freshly-forma'd frame, run an hour on the "new" Mot Survival (40-45) and only come out of it with 10 levels, including the bonus at the end. Not only that, but there's literally no merit whatsoever to doing the missions. DE, this update has forced ungodly long grinds to level a single frame or weapon to max after a forma. I've spent several hours every day leveling my Ivara back to max since I forma'd her once, and she's only at level 23


Fix the broken as F*** affinity system, or put in another affinity-viable node. This is @(*()$ ridiculous. I want to play the game, not spend a week leveling a single goddamn frame.

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I dont know if I should put this here or if I should create a new discussion for this but here goes.


Is this how I felt about the update


Before the update I was enjoying myself doing random stuff everywhere because it rewards me in a way. I honestly didnt mind having to farm for keys on hieracon, doing multiple void runs regardless of game mode, and also some archwing stuff. I really enjoyed playing because after every mission I will get rewarded whether it be void keys, credits, AW parts, prime parts, duck cats etc. It gave me something to do. If I didnt get what I want I can just do it again, and if i still dont get anything I can sell the things I got or trade them for things I want. I always farmed because I knew that it was worth it. However the changes became a huge hit below the belt. With the removal of primes at the void drop table I see no reason on playing void anymore. The same goes for AW drops on AW missions, I enjoyed playing it because I knew Ill get something at the end of each mission. I might finish my rathbone, fluctus, centaur, etc. But with them removed from the drop table I see no reason to play AW anymore. This situation is similar to what happened to the Derelict. The only reason why people play OD is because of corrupted mods or prime parts on ODD. Other than spamming ODE, ODC, or ODD theres really nothing much going on there because there is no reason to play them. Why should I bother going for void? I wont get anything valuable from it. Same goes for AW, Im not even going to get anything from it, why should I play it then? Every time I log in from the game and look at the star map for something to do I ask myself "now what?". I see no point in trying to farm Arcane Trickery and Grace for my Ash and Chroma because t3, t4 exterminate/survival is gone and I loved playing void exterminate with Ash and with Chroma, survival. Right now I have little to no reason to actually play the game. I found myself not going online as much as I used to and the only thing thats keeping me back is the daily login reward and Baro's potential fashionframe merchandise.


I still have hope for this game though. And I still have faith in DE. I enjoyed this game since my day 1 and I am not letting this game potentially die out for me. Here's a penny for my thoughts.... for this game. Right now playing missions simply doesnt feel like its worth it because of the lack of rewards. Id rather grab my greedy lil dragon and slaughter 40-60 mins of endless corrupted with a bag full of loot. Even though the primes are out of the drop table I still think there's potential. Why not make the Relics a common drop on the void and the grade of the relic scaling with the difficulty of the tower? It will give reason to play the void again. If we cant get out with a bag of duck cats then why not leave with a bag full of void relics. And Ill be honest, my day wouldnt be complete if I didnt hear Vor's monologue prime. For AW why not put the parts back on the drop tables but retain the syndicate goodies? Itll give a reason to play AW missions again, and if youre still unsuccessful on finding your desired part, you could just trade from someone or get that syndicate repping up. I believe that what this game needs right now is a reason to do something. To be honest would you do work hard for something knowing you wont get anything valuable? I most certainly wont.


I am just another Warframe player who has hopes for this game and here are my thoughts. Have a nice day! :D


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alright well i just spent 20 min running around a dam exterminate map no one could find the dam fissure, im done with your game DE It was great before fun and rewarding and had team play now it's find the fissure utter garbage decision and AW Update just make's me dizzy, well done ! il be back when we get old void a better map and Archwing mode back ya know like the one's that worked before this god awfull update. 

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IMHO specter of the rail feels like a pushback as an experienced player, nothig really new, alot of do over that I already did. As in going back to an old road just to see a hole in dive in that whole just to proceed my way again to nowhere.

Things became so much more difficult than ever needed, from going to the void to get a prime part to getting on a mission through the navigation and just receiving quest in particular.

Either way the Icons behind the missions in the star chart are too small / too similar to even distinguish. The starchart remind me of a game called Destiny

I do not really see the difference in the new archwing compared to the old on expect that this one can use improvements.Archwing was the Gundam game we never had / could experience. 

At this point I'm just glad that you didn't broke the game or changed it in such a way that the warframe experience isn't just another game ever excisted with the same machanics and what not. My hopes were high after I finally had time during the winter to catch up and see that I had so much to do for the second dream. And than this ... Even if you say you had to rush it, I still can't see it being all that with out the bugs.


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Guess this may not be the place to post this but might as well add it: With all the dramatic changes for how we recieve quests now, star charts that have missions specifically linked to getting X quest done (I saw that limbo theorum node for archwing interception) and such, why hasn't there been any information about repeatable quests?


Seriously, from what I've heard, a lot of it is just setting an internal flag for whether a person did it, and thus whether they'd get the rewards or not. And with all the frustrations regarding the star charts (Often sending you right into a mission rather than waiting till there's an available party, can't choose between different missions on the same node like alerts, syndicates, invasions and such) I would really appreciate being able to see some of what I like about the game rather than more of the same, just with a new and very clumsy interface replacing the familiar.


Change is great, I love the theme of the new void collecting (it's promised modification of drop rates not being anywhere near advertised notwithstanding) and the mini quests with the junctions with the rewards? All very awesome, particularly for new players. But when are you going to permit people to enjoy some good nostalgia? I'd kill to be able to visit the second dream quest again and see different warframes in the well animated cutscenes. 

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Gonna post this here, as well, but basically...its my humble suggestion for a way to fix all this. While pleasing both fans of the Old Void (who I think will like this, a lot) and those who prefer Fissures:

Here go. Let's make the whole Star Map, Void included, worth while:


Prime Parts:

Back in the void. Relics open the missions now, not keys. Mission types only require a relic of their tier - you choose the Era. For instance a T1 Survival can be accessed using ANY T1 RELIC. This allows players to choose the mission type they enjoy, as well as what T1-4 loot to try for. Viva la Variety!

Fissures still appear on star map nodes, too. Because, hey, more variety.

Common prime parts are also added to the drop tables for Parkour room containers.

Void Traces replace control modules in Void Missions.


Star Map:

Fissures stay.

Uncommon containers are added to all star map missions. They contain any of:

Rare crafting items for that planet

Chance of Forma BP

Lens Fragment (10 to make a Lesser Focus Lens).

Chance of a relic

Bonus credit cache

Chance of mods from corresponding Spy mod drop lists.


Mission Bonuses - available on all missions of their type, both Star Map and Void:

Exterminate & Sabotage:

Ghost (Undetected): +10% Affinity and Credits

Uncertain Foe (No Powers Used): +10% Affinity

Flawless Execution (No Damage): +10% Affinity 


Mobile Defense:

1 reward per terminal 

Success at all terminals guarantees a Relic 

Terminals use Spy drop tables

Protected Data (No Damage to Terminals): +25% Affinity & Credits



Rotation now ABC, with Relic ever C.

Protected Materials (No Damage to Extractors): +25% Affinity, Materials

Good Haul (5-10 Excavators): +25% Affinity 

Large Haul (10+): +50% Affinity 



Rotations now ABC, with Relic in Star Map at C Rotation.

Survivor (No Revives): +10% Affinity 

Warrior (200+ kills): +15% Affinity, credit



Ghost: +10% Affinity, Credits

No Alarms: +10% Affinity, Credits 

No Kills: +20% Affinity 

Relic Guaranteed every run



All enemies drop Reactant. RNG should never be a failure reason.


This system makes all Nodes Useful at all times. We have reasons to run everything and can gain rewards while playing the way we enjoy most.

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32 minutes ago, BlackCoMerc said:

Star Map:

Fissures stay.

Uncommon containers are added to all star map missions. They contain any of:

Rare crafting items for that planet

Chance of Forma BP

Lens Fragment (10 to make a Lesser Focus Lens).

Chance of a relic

Bonus credit cache

Chance of mods from corresponding Spy mod drop lists.


I'd pull back a bit on the uncommon container loot. That seems like a bit much for something merely uncommon. Unless of course, all of those are set to quite low chances of happening

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1 minute ago, ExteriorJungle4 said:

I'd pull back a bit on the uncommon container loot. That seems like a bit much for something merely uncommon. Unless of course, all of those are set to quite low chances of happening

Fair point. I should clarify on that: The containers have chances of spawning some or even one of those things. Not all of them at once. And only 2-3 of those containers per mission, mind, with absolutely no clues on the map as to where they might be located. Dedicated players might find all of them every mission. And I think we should know when there are none remaining so as not to completely waste time. But yeah...they would drop one of those things, with crafting materials for the planet and/or credit cache being the most common.

Thanks for your thoughts on the suggestion.

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I want to reiterate this point: Relics are used much faster that void keys, and this is bad.

The previously mentioned reason is that each play has to put one to be able to access a reward, meaning that in one run we use up to 4 relics, while when using void keys that would have been 4 runs.

There is another problem... in the past one key may mean multiple rewards: sabotage, defense, survival, interception... this is gone, now we have to do the same fissure once and again (because it changes too slowly) and that means to use more relics.

I guess one relic per reward is thematic... DE, at least allow players without relics to get reward, so I can farm them to play them with my peers.

Another mitigation would be to be able to trade them in bulk (that is give in trade multiple of the same relic in one slot) and increase the chances to get relics.

Another thing I want to suggest is to remove the 100 cap on traces, it is pointless! it isn't thematic! It makes for weird management where I want to refine as soon as possible as not to waste them, but then the relics will still have a high change of giving prime trash and be wasted anyway, no good, thumbs down.

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My impressions.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       This is not Dev bashing. I am only giving an honest opinion of what I thought of the update.

Void 2.0 is all around bad. Repetitive tasks sprinkled in select regular missions, and by repetitive I mean the exact same thing spawned every single time.  One prime drop vs variable rotation in Void 1.0.  Required grind to get the same chance at rare loot as 1.0 (100 traces). Can't hold more than 100 traces.  Relic scripts punishing players that log in before first hotfix.  It removed the beauty and mystery of the void, and has made Argon collection tedious and a slap in the face.  It's like here is where the game used to be fun, but no I'm not going to reward you with a prime at all.  Just take your pathetic Argon and leave; most will decay anyway.

Bugs are apparently to be expected especially game breaking ones.                                                                                                                                                           (PTS public test servers or a full time QA testers will eliminate most bugs prelaunch(that is why they exist))  

Delaying an update doesn't mean it was in testing phase.

You as a company market beyond what you are capable of doing, and this forces your developers to push out unfinished projects.

The credit reduction and junctions are absolutely unnecessary and punishing to new players.

Archwing is not more enjoyable than it was before, but I am glad to see the archwing parts in syndicate offerings.


My suggestions:

If you want people to use the star map offer incentives to do so.  Forcing/funneling players through junction is not an effective way to do this. (Especially if it does not record progress properly)

Do not hint, reveal, or declare update schedules until the update has been completed and tested.  We enjoy the game and can wait until it's been properly tested and fixed. A few bugs are expected, but this updates sheer volume of bugs is simply avoidable.

As far as immersion goes if you make a great product the immersion will happen on its own.  Forcing it will not usually produce the results you want.

Bring the old void back while you come up with a new void system. (This one will lose you players in about a month or so)

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Missions done in 3 minutes means all I need is a mk 1 braton and a skanna with no need for formas to increase warframe power, no need to forma weapons, no need to use prime mods nor corrupted mods.

In short it looks like this update killed all need for any progression be it frames, weapons or prime mods.

I miss rail conflicts....sigh.

Once this hits consoles it looks like its off to Paragon ftp in August since I do not like what I am hearing about this new downgrade for warframe.

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