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Specters of the Rail General Bugs [Megathread]


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Not sure if this has been reported before, but here goes:

I am encountering a bug where I cannot attack, use abilities, interact with objects/consoles (using X), or pick up items (void traces, mods, ammo, etc...). I can still move around normally, but no interaction is possible.
It is happening during Void Fissures. I have been using Excalibur, and I suspect it is being triggered when Excalibur's Exalted Blade is cancelled by a Corrupted Nullifier shield.


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More bugs! More shiny bugs! I remember this phrase every time a new major update comes lately. The last stable update in my experience was The Second Dream. Ever since then other updates such as Sands of Inaros and the major content updates such as those that included new deluxe skins bring a lot of bugs with them. I think it is partly our fault because we ask for faster updates, but come on, don't rush them to the point of filling them with bugs.

Oh, and the "features" such as the lack of multiple mission options per node and the Unexpected Server Delay message are rather offensive if you ask me. I got the server delay message and then got disconnected on board of my orbiter, without performing any action, and with my internet connection working properly.

Come on DE! Fix that stuff.

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While playing a Spy mission on the Moon in a squad, during the room which has 4 faction enemies you must fight, the door will close as soon as one person enters. It is possible for the door to close on a squadmate, shoving them into the floor, and through the world. Upon using the "/unstuck" command, you will be spawned underneath the staircase, and become stuck there permanently.


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After complete all quest on Mars but I can't go to Phobos because its junction need to complete seal 3 LITH fissures

and I can't go to Ceres too because of its junction need me defeat THE SERGEANT at ILIAD on Phobos that I can't go 

what can I do? thank you

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Hi.. Meet Ztreepe.

I only have 1 kubrow, not 2 kubrows with same name.

This is the first time I matured it.. a bit disappointing..



After a mission.. it's getting chubby and adorable :3




After another mission.. Primed Disappointment..



And it keeps changing sometime when I go to any mission..

but today Ztreepe is not chubby anymore..


Seriously DE..

I like the chubby one, but this bug disappointing me :/

So which one is true?

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4 hours ago, KittyDarkling said:

It appears that the Buzzlok's shots no longer track the homing beacon? I've encountered this 1/1 times so far on a void extermination mission, I'll update this post if the problem continues and if there are specific circumstances to replicating it.

having the same problem I have tested it with and without mods on a variety of maps and get the same result I mean the weapon is already a lame duck enough but why not beat a dead horse right?

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i have any polearm on any warframe tgranversing to my warframe, i mean i have one end on the back and the orther going trough the body to the knee, i'ts a bug that i have gotten since release of the game and still the same please fix it

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I've got two bugs, and those are annoying ones.....

1 - It seems like the credit booster isn't boosting anything

2 - The most annoying one ( for me ) : Fragments codex entries remaining unfinished, and skipping to the next level of the planet fragment, completing the scans and being left with an unfinishable scan.....




The screenshot says it all..... just look at the Mars Fragments

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Mag bubble does not charge up anymore.

So having 125 corrupted heavy gunners in it is now useless - instead of thousands of damage they get 20-30 ticks.

Also recently magnetize duration got unstable- it is 17 sec normally but often shrinks to 3-4sec and after some time returns to 17.


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So, I have met this bug where I failed a mission because of timeout when i was picking a reward (Relic, this phrase takes 15 secs and is unable to be skipped).

I just finished a Solo Sabotage mission which requires me to leave the game within 5 minutes, and decided to do the Void Fissure (which took me about 2.5 mins, because of the solo drop rate thingee, + moving between). I was able to reach the extract before the time runs out, but while leaving (at the screen displaying the relic result, that have 15s countdown), it says i failed the mission and shows Mission Failed on the scoreboard. And now I am stuck at Mission Failed screen where it just stuck at "Updating account information. Please wait...". Making me restart the game.

Since I only got a Forma bp and it was a Meso, i can't remember if I was actually able to get the reward.. But, *I think* it counted as fail and I didn't get the reward.

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Oh my.



The special feature of Accelerated Blast is back in the form of Quasar Drill, Zodiac Shred and Comet Blast. Melee mods also share this special feature.

P.S. All 3 Primary weapon mods add Impact damage too.

Edited by Flandyrll
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Has anyone had their stances bug out? it seems some of the more mobile stances like Tempo Royale COMPLETELY override player movement. Before it was a fluid and mobile stance and now it feels clunky as hell. The other thing seems to be quest bugs. I mean Once Awake (one of the prerequisites for the Earth to Mars junction that awards the relic segment) was something I had done all the missions in long ago but a bug stops it from being 'competed'. That really kills the update for people who experience this bug because they practically have their access to one of the most important features of the update barred to them.  

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Farmed today and yesterday on hieracon (core farm) ->> went 4x2.5k runs got 20-30 gold cores and in the summary only 7..test it with empty core inventory..they do not appear.
Talked with other players and they have the same problem.We have problems with xp farm,credit farm and now fusion farm...seriously ? Since this update the game went crazy...
I'll take a break for this game..since it isn't worth it anymore..

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Convergence Bug- When picking up convergence weapon focus points aren't gained,


I use to farm through stealth exterminate missions as an alternative and have some of my lenses on melee weapons and i can still gain focus on those weapons but not on convergence(I may still gain the normal amount while in convergence without getting convergence bonus[not sure]).


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2 hours ago, Death_Master_ said:

Mag bubble does not charge up anymore.

So having 125 corrupted heavy gunners in it is now useless - instead of thousands of damage they get 20-30 ticks.

Also recently magnetize duration got unstable- it is 17 sec normally but often shrinks to 3-4sec and after some time returns to 17.


Noticed this too. Was this like a stealth nerf or is it a bug? Before I could pump a full magazine from my atomos into a magnetize bubble and got ticks of thousands of damage. Now I'm getting a couple hundred at best. Mag went from being my new official powerhouse to... back where she was. Single target destroyer, not good for much else.

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