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Specters of the Rail General Bugs [Megathread]


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my warframe won't stop sliding and crouching, nothing happens when I press ctrl or V (both regular keybinds) and if I move in one direction or something then my warframe will slide in that direction and have unlimited propulsion.

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well first of all my appologies for using such language in my previous post that wasnt very nice but with that said heres another problem i have

when i try to incubate a kubrow egg it gives a unkown error so i cannot make a kubrow

and second i was playing with a friend of mine we where on a mission and when we where done with the mission he got 19k mission credit rewards and i got 9k while we both had credit booster active so is the credit booster working or not cause there cannot be such difference in mission credit rewards only when one of us has no credit booster active but that was not the case and not to forget my friend got two times that he had unboosted credit as reward at end of the missio.....


but i have to say you guys realy messed up the game with these changes just only one patch and so many bugs and errors lol so maybe a tip for next time test it all out before just patching the game that way look if its working or not so you guys can adjust it before launching it

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4 hours ago, J3susG33k said:

Softlocked in the result screen, lost a void mission (thanks to a bs squad) and couldn't exit.

ESC, mouse thumb button, both repeat mission and exit buttons didn't work.

Thanks DE kappa

I had a similar problem, I tried soloing a void mobile defense mission, failed, then found that the only button to leave the results screen was a flickering reapeat mission button with "mission" being off screen. There was no way to leave the screen including ESC.

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Oh let's see...  

1. Started in Window mode 1280x800 twice.  Each time trying to go to Fullscreen, was still acting like it was in a 1280x800 window.  VSync/Aspect/Resolution did not look like it should for a 1920x1080 screen.  Performed an ALT+F4 to leave the game both times.  On the third run, the game loaded in full screen and the quality was according to what I expected prior to the last update.  

Workaround: Seems that if you load Warframe as a borderless window to the resolution of the monitor, save and then go back into the options and choose fullscreen it will then play in full-screen mode.  

2. Have a Potatoed Rubico in my Weapon Inventory, I don't remember purchasing and/or winning for login rewards.  Would be nice if I received an e-mail telling me we have that as a sign in reward for this.  Will do more of an inventory check tomorrow after I get a full night's sleep.

3. Rhino's passive ability (Heavy Impact) glitched and not working.  Fixed, I think

4. Map 3.0 is a charlie-foxtrot of schizophrenic proportions.  I have no idea where I'm supposed to be and less of an idea of the progression where it comes to what needs to be done on that planet. Planets that I have access to can circumvent the junction menus, so what...?  I get to grind more stuff for something I already have access to?  A waste of time and effort.  (Figured this out in regards to the Void, pay me no mind).  Level progressions seem to have been put together by someone bipolar that didn't take their medicines for the day.  I saw level requirements go from 1 - 3 to 17 - 20 connected to each other on the map that follows no logic I've seen since Map 1.0.   which leads me to... 

Seems that Earth is the starting planet once again.  Perhaps you developers should have put all users on earth (or created a tutorial) to assist them with figuring this out.  First it was Saturn..  Then it was Mercury, and now it's Earth...  I would suggest you stick to Earth from now on, given that some of us have longer memories and the jokes/memes will start if you continue to play "starting planet roulette"...  

5. Are we back to what you tried in Map 1.0 and forcing users to take the mission?  I had a Syndicate Mission that I don't like doing on a part of the map (on Mercury) that forced me to take it anyway.  Will this apply to new players and you're back to forcing them to doing Nightmare missions on Mercury that they're not ready to do on Mastery Level 0?  

6. Like the addition to the Terran/Grinner Outdoor tileset on Earth.  But it's glitched there as the water isn't showing up (it's green-screened), and apparently the limiters to keep the player aren't active as I'm able to run and be free in the void outside of the map as seen in these two pictures.  

http://imgur.com/ZHdirQ4 and http://imgur.com/ZW1ybjK

I'll try too approach this more tomorrow.  Right now, that's what I caught in 20 minutes of my playing a mission this evening.  

Edited by MBaldelli
Found a Workaround and addended notes since I've slept more.
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The Daily Simaris Task is no longer rewarding the standing boost when scanning its targets (usually several thousand per target), and instead rewards just a nominal amount of of standing (~100 per target).

Edit: So that explains it; even though I followed the trail, found and scanned the correct target and watched him dissolve into the ether, my Daily Simaris Task still lists 0/4... For the sake of reference, my target is an Ancient Disruptor so I'm running Derelict missions.

Edit2: Repeated the capture process on Eris and it still didn't register. In fact I got 0 standing for the scan here.

Edited by mdoucet
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Is it undocumented change or bug that many melee weapons across stances now lock you completely in place when attacking?

Example -> the new twin dagger stance. All of the combos each and every hit completely locks you in place (can't move an inch).

I also found it on twin swords and on some heavy weapons. Crimson Dervish also seems to lock you now, though that was alway slow. It's seriously making entire weapon types unusable.

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After doing the solo portion of "The Second Dream" quest and ending up on the ship, the door won't lower itself, making it unable to finish the quest. Also, I keep spawning back on the ship after relogging in with the person in my hands, so I can't play the game.

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Kubrow body-type bug after last update.


1. just common baby


2. quick growth 

3. back to stasis

4. go to mission, dojo or something

5. check stasis again


6. um? why is he still baby?


7. he is big baby now


8. could customize with any masking gen color (even kavt's making colors too. is this intended btw? - it's cool anyway) 


9. we can carry him to mission with baby body shape


10. and when you back to liset, he's back to be matured form again

but most horroble thing of this bug is...

adult(bulky-fat)-> baby form -> adult(athletic- normal) : natural body type also changed sometimes. (couldn't back to original bodyshape)


please fix this horroble bug DE : )

always thank you.


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Despite playing the Jackal at Fossa, I had to run it again for it to get checked off.

However, as many times as I play the Hostage mission on Linea, it will not check itself off. I have tried relogging in and going with a different squad. No luck.

Friend playing with me got everything checked off fine first time around for everything, and was on the same squad.

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I attempted to run an Archwing pursuit mission using Fluctus as my primary. The Fluctus projectiles were unable to hit the ship's shield generators and thus made the mission impossible to complete.

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-Junction progress not saving
-Fissure rifts not spawning on maps
-Fissures spawn tons of ennemies in one place creating synoid simulor meta
-Fissure colapse progress display freezes on UI
-SERVER DELEY ERROR WHILE HOSTING - Freezes you leaving you vulnerable to enemy fire
-The ramp in ship swallows me way too often
-Star Chart throwing you instantly in missions on every missclick without "accept" option

-Default FOV and other display features like lightning, and stuff will make you blind + windowed mode problem
-Many icon/display image swaped for frames and items but thats nothing like SERVER DELEY ERROR WHILE HOSTING
oh and yeah I almost forgot... SERVER DELEY ERROR WHILE HOSTING

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7 hours ago, Aeron216 said:

It seems that the distance that you cover while using a melee stance combo, like August Mesto on Tempo Royale, was somehow nerfed, I noticed it right away with Tempo Royale and Crushing Ruin while using my Valkyr who has Rush + Armored Agility. Felt as if I was using any other frame with no speed bonuses and even worse, really damn sluggish.

So I just hope this was only a bug...

Yep i can confirm that with Tempo RoyaleVengeful Revenant and Swirling Tiger !!! Need more test.

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not entirely certain if you guys missed something or if it was mentioned yet but.. the blueprints for Mirage, Limbo, Ivara, Mesa, and even Atlas arent even mentioned in the market. they dont even have the third tab for telling everyone where to get their blueprint. ie 2 tabs only being the plat purchase that tells abilities and then accessories for said warframe.

Atlas, given from the end of the quest not a big problem here.

Limbo, blueprint was meant to be purchased from the market before this update. unless you changed it so that the quest gives it out there is a problem here..

Mirage, same deal as with Limbo, blueprint was meant to be purchased from the market.

Mesa, again same deal, blueprint was meant to be purchased from market

Ivara, again blueprint was meant to be purchased from the market.. this one is the biggest problem because it isnt a part of a quest. this one is from spy missions which have 3 tiers of difficulty giving out each peice of her but not the main blueprint.

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I did a nightmare alert on Saturn and collected 14 mods/cores while I was there, but it didn't affect the Mars junction requirements. Are only those collected and done on Earth counted in that case? If so, it should be mentioned in the text for the task. If not, it's a bug.

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23 minutes ago, Seprahim said:

I seem to be unable to enter relay's after this update, they are greyed out and cant be interacted with in anny way, it cant be a level issue as im MR 20 :S

Ignore this, i am an idiot :[

It seems the new star chart also shows DESTROYED relays and in trying to get in here i happened to only try and get into a couple of destroyed ones (not noticing that they looked like a pile of rubble)..

All relays that look intact (as in not blown up by a formorian xD) work fine...

so yeah... derp o\

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Stuck Under Liset Ramp Bug Report [so many reports, I do apologize if this is a duplicate].

Basically, you can easily get yourself stuck under the ramp in your Liset.  I have replicated this many times.  You get stuck under the ramp, the side near the rear of the ship (arsenal side).

I would add photos/vids but my internet is so bad it won't load it, but its easy to replicate.

To replicate: Start at navigation, or the front area of your ship.  Ensure the ramp is up.  Hit escape, go to anything in the rear area, including arsenal, incubator, void relic, or foundry (all tested) from that menu.  Look at your ramp, it is up.   Go with any speed (bullet jump, good slide, roll, etc) and you will get stuck under your lowering ramp.

The ramp will lower normally if you stand and wait for it, but we are impatient :P

Again, my apologies if this is a known bug or reported in this detail before.  Thanks for the hotfixes so far! <3

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