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Archwing Pursuit target needs better subtargets


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The Pursuit mission is a little frustrating right now because you can't get any good information on your target. When you're firing at the engine, there's no way to tell how much damage you need to do to shut it down. The Lotus tells you to shoot the shield generators, but they don't show up as targets in your reticle (the way the turrets do). Very difficult to figure out what you're supposed to be doing.

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it takes a bit of observation to tell the golden things in the inner parts, i dont think theres need for more help with that but if there were target indicators it would be fine i guess

the mission was fun, would love to see this mode receive more attention as the dynamic objective added immersion and interesting actions

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they need a better indicator, better hit detection, and a bit bigger hit box. I was completely lost on what to do when i first played it, the vague instructions with no indicators as to what the shield gens even look like made it an instant failure, and even once i knew what they looked like, i couldn't even tell if i was hitting them half the time.

Also screw shield dargyn they are still broken as hell and annoying as F***.

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The other big issue is that most, if not all, Archwing ranged weapons have terrible accuracy at the distance you're forced to follow at most of the time, so it's very spray 'n pray in that respect. On top of that, if you do manage to disable the engines, the Corsair spawns drones right on top of you.

I was able to disable the Corsair three times in one mission with a lot of luck (running it solo to try it out), but died every single time because of the drones that spawned out of the Corsair's (explitive).

Another issue I'm having is that, on top of it spawning an excess of drones, it gets two turrets that are proportionally as powerful against Archwings as the ground turrets are against Warframes/enemies, and the Corsair still shoots extremely powerful missiles with ludicrous homing capabilities.

All in all, Pursuit is an excellent game mode, but DE needs to make it easier to recognize when you're hitting the right parts of the ship, or give them bigger hit boxes if it does already show damage numbers, nerf how many drones spawn, and how much damage the turrets and missiles do (or making it so it can only do one or the other while disabled.

Side note, I've failed the mission three times now because the ship flies out of mission range well before it's supposed to escape and I've followed it not realizing how far I'd gone, so improved pathing and area constraints would be greatly appreciated.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Between seeing myself fly out of range due to some unknown factor, and not knowing what I'm supposed to be hitting, I'm going to stay away from this mission until something gives and a fix is pushed.

Bad enough that the Archwing doesn't stabilize fast enough with this almost godawful flight change, I'm doing the best I can to want to continue with Archwing, but I see no "wow" factor other than a fancy "RUN INTO MORE WALLS" flight system. I've died 3x now because of that too.. I Don't want to dislike a mode, but Archwing needs to 1) Be reverted to the old flight system, against what a lot of others might say.. It was fun, but the old flight system was there for a reason. 2) Be fixed in terms of the pursuit mission, As I'm writing this, I just failed the mission due to being out of bounds. That needs to stop. 3) We need to see more incentive to play Archwing, make more fomorian events or something to encourage people to get back into it. 


tl;dr - I hate losing this mission because of the almost inexistent out of bounds area suddenly touching me in a very.. restricting, fashion.. and that ship, whomever the pilot is, needs to stop doing so many barrel rolls.. Starfox only taught us so much :(

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I have to say, very plainly, that I hate this mission with the fiery passion of a thousand suns. Trying to balance destroying the courier and destroying the drones is difficult, but the fact that I keep failing the mission because I apparently exit the mission area, while I'm staying on the tail of the courier is beyond frustrating. Having no indication of what I'm actually supposed to be shooting is confusing and also frustrating. DE, this is a great idea for a mission, but it needs A LOT of work to make it work. Give us some indication of what we're actually supposed to be shooting. Give us some indication of the mission area, and how to get back to it when we exit it. Also, a little more leeway in the timing to get back in the mission area would be wonderful.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
On 7/27/2016 at 9:21 PM, Calvyr said:

I have to say, very plainly, that I hate this mission with the fiery passion of a thousand suns. Trying to balance destroying the courier and destroying the drones is difficult, but the fact that I keep failing the mission because I apparently exit the mission area, while I'm staying on the tail of the courier is beyond frustrating. Having no indication of what I'm actually supposed to be shooting is confusing and also frustrating. DE, this is a great idea for a mission, but it needs A LOT of work to make it work. Give us some indication of what we're actually supposed to be shooting. Give us some indication of the mission area, and how to get back to it when we exit it. Also, a little more leeway in the timing to get back in the mission area would be wonderful.

This... definitely this...

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Thread might be 2 months old but by any chance other new players might still find this info helpful

Fire exactly in the exhaust opening of the top engine. Do this when it's flying in a straight line. Hitscan weapon (Imperator) gives me the best result since I don't have to come too close to do damage.

The locations of the four shield generators are not always the same, there are more than one locations for them.  2-front, 2-back  or all 4 between the inner hull.

fD3bnWt.jpg  OR  eMlRl8y.jpg


Reward table seems to be broken though. We always get Rotation A rewards despite there being no logical way to get a rotation system in place yet it was datamined. It doesn't matter how slow or fast you finish the mission. Rush ' rotation system works fine. (IMHO should've been additive instead of just one rotation reward, like spy)

Edited by MystMan
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