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War Within Hype Thread (You Must Prepare)


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17 minutes ago, BornWithTeeth said:

Dude. You dislike the Operators, but you approved of the end of the video....showing an Operator up and about, more active than ever?

May the Operator freeze to death!


No seriously, as an 3D animator, I liked it. From a lore perspective on its own, it was neat. From a Lore perspective knowing that it controls 20 Warframes from a tree-pod, no, I don't like it. But hey, like you said, glad their feet work.

Edited by Lanieu
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15 minutes ago, Fukushu said:

This is just my opinion, but the update is called "The War Within", which could mean there's a severe internal conflict with something, but with what? The Tenno? Teshin and the Lotus? Teshin and the Tenno? It does look like he's willing to stop us from reaching our goal, but why? We have to wait and find out.

Also, was that a new Sayandana the Nyx was wearing? And the Operator was speaking through her, something kind of unexpected since someone at DE said they didn't want our 'Frames to have voices, but I guess it doesn't count since it's not the 'Frame's voice? I'm probably only speaking for myself here, but I'd kind of prefer an option to hear my Operator through my Warframe instead of seeing a separate transmission. After all, why would you send a transmission to yourself when you're speaking?

(That's the TennoCon Syandana - exclusive to people who bought tickets apparently.)
It's plausible that the Sentients are playing a role in what one would assume to be a Grineer conflict. The War Within might actually be referring to trying to maintain control over a Warframe or perhaps augmented body parts.

Now that the Operators have been introduced the rulebook just got rewritten. We are the Operators, they are the voice of the Warframes they use. I doubt they'd just leave them at the back of the ship after going through the trouble of creating them and centering a major quest around them.

I'd also be one interested in having my Operator's voice projected through the Warframe instead of a transmission.

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48 minutes ago, Kaisty said:

Now to be fair he is as much of a traitor as is Natah. So basically should the Tenno hold him in a negative light if they hold Natah in a positive one? If so, talk about hypocritical. In fact, the tenno are a large faction of traitors since we let a Sentient tell us to kill the Orokin elite off.

See the line above. Technically we are already traitors and we barely hide it. Just mercs fighting for scraps, and willing to stab anyone in the back/face for the right price. Speaking for myself, I'd gut Natah for a crisp high five!

Uh, yeah, we should hold the Lotus in a positive light, and Teshin in a negative one. The game begins with the Lotus saving us. Teshin has done nothing but try to split us apart. There's nothing hypocritical about favoring your benefactors. Instead, I think it's hypocritical to go around parading a "Kill the Lotus" banner while siding with Teshin, who has never helped us and whose actions indicate that he's just trying to trick us into wiping ourselves out.

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Teshin is just sick of your S***

"I used to serve the Orokin"-T

"Orokin were jerks"

"Tenno go do Conclave"-T

"Naw Conclave sucks"

"Tenno sharpen your blades in this tac alert"-T

"Easy mode. You suck Teshin."

"Tenno go play space volleyball."-T

"Space Volleyball sucks."

Now he's gone homicidal and you're the only one to blame.


Edited by (PS4)Tactless_Ninja
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55 minutes ago, Robin-da-Reaper said:

I still can´t wrap my mind around why so many people hate him. 

Hate for the new Conclave I suppose. Then there was also him being antagonistic towards the Lotus because she was keeping secrets. (If he's doing the same that would make him a hypocrite.)

How is he turning us against each other? Masters have their students spar as part of training. This version of Conclave is no different than a friendly skirmish amongst Tenno.

I see Teshin as my master, the one who encouraged me to pick up my blade and learn to make it an extension of myself. He doesn't seem to care about the Orokin elite, only in the Tenno being the best warriors they can be.

Edited by (PS4)VanTX89
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1 minute ago, (PS4)VanTX89 said:

Hate for the new Conclave I suppose. Then there was also him being argumentative with Lotus because she was keeping secrets. (If he's doing the same that would make him a hypocrite.)

I see Teshin as my master, the one who encouraged me to pick up my blade and learn to make it an extension of myself. He doesn't seem to care about the Orokin elite, only in the Tenno being the best warriors they can be.

Don´t really get the hatred when the Conclave is optional(I only go in for sport on occasion, but I still haven´t even tried ranking up)... The arguments between him and Lotus shouldn´t be enough reason to want to kill someone either, as hypocrisy is not an automatic death-sentence simply because of irritation(that would be childish).

People talk in terms of killing him, but personally I don´t see DE as the types to remove content in such a manner since he´s still a large part in some aspects of the game, and DE seems to enjoy making lasting additions to the game. A short conflict may be at hand, but I doubt we´ll be taking his head...

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14 minutes ago, (XB1)Closegato said:

everbody is talking about the tenshin part but no one remebers the part were THE TENNO not the warframe is scaling something similar to the everest?

that is worlds more cryptic than the tenshin part

That's just the thing though, it's cryptic. Too cryptic. People probably don't know what to make of it yet. I know I don't.

The Teshin thing, though? That's much easier to have a thought or two about.

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1 hour ago, BlazerEraser said:

War Within teaser shown at tennolive and showed Tenshin about to fight Nyx.

... to fight A nyx ...

too short, not enough information, real update end of december 2016 will show what it is ... (goes chillin' the new starmap) ...

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After seeing the tennocon stream, one thing stuck out in my mind: the War Within trailer. Oh my god, it got me so freaking hyped! This thread will be for discussion of anything you want to say about War Within, as long as it's from an official source. Here are some topics I wanted to possibly discuss and theorize about:

Why would Teshin turn against the tenno?

What happened to the operator to get them stranded?

Will Titania possibly be involved somehow?

So yeah, nothing from the leaked script, as that obviously wasn't mean to be revealed yet.

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15 minutes ago, Robin-da-Reaper said:

Don´t really get the hatred when the Conclave is optional(I only go in for sport on occasion, but I still haven´t even tried ranking up)... The arguments between him and Lotus shouldn´t be enough reason to want to kill someone either, as hypocrisy is not an automatic death-sentence simply because of irritation(that would be childish).

People talk in terms of killing him, but personally I don´t see DE as the types to remove content in such a manner since he´s still a large part in some aspects of the game, and DE seems to enjoy making lasting additions to the game. A short conflict may be at hand, but I doubt we´ll be taking his head...

Some people are just irrational. They'll choose to dislike  - or even outright hate - something for the smallest reasons or no reason at all.

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So, if you rewind the stream to the Q&A, DE_Steve gets rather nervous about someone asking about Umbra weapons. He starts to say you're going to see about it later... Geoff smoothly said later this year. 

I am speculating (nothing more unless DE confirms or denies) that Teshin has the secrets of the Umbra Warframes. Potentially, Warframes that don't need Tenno to operate them. This would explain why the Tenno is travelling alone in the cold, since she no longer has access to her Warframes. Starting to make sense why Teshin is wanting to have Tenno practice fighting Tenno? Steve also said earlier on that we know what Tenno are now but not what a Warframe is specifically. I think that it may be due to the powers that can control the Warframes, hence "The War Within"

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5 hours ago, Mcl_BlueMadness said:

Uh, yeah, we should hold the Lotus in a positive light, and Teshin in a negative one. The game begins with the Lotus saving us. Teshin has done nothing but try to split us apart. There's nothing hypocritical about favoring your benefactors. Instead, I think it's hypocritical to go around parading a "Kill the Lotus" banner while siding with Teshin, who has never helped us and whose actions indicate that he's just trying to trick us into wiping ourselves out.

Saving us, right. Like she saved Valkyr before the Corpus got ahold of her....no, we had to go and gather what was left of her after Alad V had fun playing scientist. Or the fact that she left the relays unarmed and out in the open of enemy bases. Then you have the issue where she LIED to our faces and had to have the truth brought to light by the "traitor" having us dig deeper when she told us not to.

Then again, it may be easier to trust a sentient who betrayed her species (who happens to still be alive and on the warpath towards the sol system) while she is wearing the corpse of the Orokin that wanted to use us for weapons all because they gave a few hugs here and there. Natah may act like she cares, but for the most part she has some of the Tenno eating out the the cold rotting palm she holds up with those spindly robotic limbs.

In the end, all sides of the "Tenno" faction are a bunch of traitors anyway no matter how anyone tries to dice it. Tenno betrayed the Orokin, Natah betrayed the Sentients, and Teshin may have betrayed the Tenno.  At least Teshin seems like the type of guy to stab you in the front while telling you, unlike a Sentient who enjoys watching Tenno suffer while lying to their faces that she cares for them.

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11 hours ago, Kaisty said:

At least Teshin seems like the type of guy to stab you in the front

That's why I like him so much. Lotus treats us like children whether we like it or not, with all the up- and downsides of that. Teshin treats us like warriors, he doesn't give a clem about keeping the balance in the solar system, protecting the innocent from the Corpus and Grineer and the rest of that nonsense. He knows that Sentients are coming and he only wants us to hone our skills so we are ready when they come. His motivation seems the be good ol' fashion revenge, and that's as honest as it gets. Lotus on the other hand has this twisted sense of maternity which makes her everything but honest. 

In short, Teshin is like Liam Nesson with his daughter kidnapped, and Lotus is bonkers. Easy choice if you ask me.

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Lotus had the opportunity to kill all of us, and instead she forsook everything that she was for our sake. People seem to forget that.

Meanwhile, Teshin does nothing but sit on his butt inciting discord among us, "training" us on how to kill each other. Easy choice if you ask me.

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