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War Within Hype Thread (You Must Prepare)


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It'll come when it comes. I'd rather have DE take their time and get us an update that doesn't need a hot fix within a half hour. 

It's why DE doesn't give ETA's. Too many people would be upset about a delayed update.

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Uh... what?

Specters of the Rail has only been delayed to 2 weeks longer than initially expected.

This will arguably be the most game-changing update EVER in Warframe (even more than Update 14 if some of you remember that), what with the solar map rework, void/key system rework, Archwing rework, and probably more they haven't even revealed.

This is kind of a big deal, and it's kind of important that DE takes their time with it, or it could seriously hurt the whole game.


Edited by Cyborg-Rox
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A needed thread... ruined by an incomprehensible title...

That said, Second update was supposed to come on June, this was stated around twice, one of them being in the last Devstream.
It's just frustrating that every single update, ever since Sayyn Prime, was something that either doesn't cut it or wasn't the update that was expected to come, by the time it did.

What's gonna happen next: 2nd part will come around mid July, it's gonna have less content in it than what people expected (might very well be just Archwing, Kavats and Starchart), people will not be pleased, and the apologists are gona still gonna make it sound like it's our fault for not appreaciating all the work [DE] puts into it.

Edited by Duduminador
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this is not a hype post. I was just wondering since i haven´t been active at the forums and in the game so much lately, if there is any offical information about the release date of specters of the rail. I got the impression it will come out today, am i totally off?





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5 minutes ago, r0ckwolf said:

so not today or possibly today? sorry that wasn´t clear from your message, but ty anyway for the reply^^


2 minutes ago, PrVonTuckIII said:

Next week.

thanks, see u guys next week then i guess! xD

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2 minutes ago, buglag said:

"Less wait, more updates"


Would you rather wait the full time it took them to complete lunaro, with no hotfixes from a small section of the team filled in, specters of the rail, and then the war within before you got any update at all?

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Thought I read (somewhere...) that the final part of the update has now been delayed until after TennoCon.  Which makes a certain amount of sense; I'm guessing a number of DE folk involved in the one are prolly also involved in the other, and there are only so many hours in the day...

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2 minutes ago, FierceRadiance said:

Thought I read (somewhere...) that the final part of the update has now been delayed until after TennoCon.  Which makes a certain amount of sense; I'm guessing a number of DE folk involved in the one are prolly also involved in the other, and there are only so many hours in the day...

Final part wasn't delayed, they have always stated that it would release after Tennocon, and the Specters of the rail before Tennocon

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