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Fun taking a Back Seat to the Business Model?


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You gotta make a buck. Everyone knows businesses have to make money. 

But you can make money, without outright wasting your customers time.

Except... Warframe doesn't seem to understand that.

Weeks for 1 Sortie reward. 

More than 20 scans for a Kavats. On a useless mission.

RNG that can force wasted Relics.

Ten or more runs just to increase the CHANCE of getting a rarer item.

Not a single late game mission, event or mode with a guaranteed desirable reward IN THE WHOLE GAME.

The most grind riddled games on earth offer Raid equipment. Even Destiny guaranteed some things. 

But not Warframe. It's not even so much a game any longer, as it is a business model with a bit of game play tacked on as a (more and more obvious) afterthought.

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31 minutes ago, Hemmo67 said:

i wonder will these hate, game is broken, devs messed up, dev bashing threads ever end

no offense OP but u complain over something nobody forces u to do

While I agree that dev bashing solves nothing, OP may be angry, but there's no dev bashing going on here.

DE needs to be able to see all forms of feedback, including negative feedback. The players are their customers. If nobody bothered telling DE what they don't like about Warframe, and instead just stopped playing entirely....guess what? There wouldn't be nearly as many players, and thus not nearly as many sources of revenue.

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1 minute ago, BlazerEraser said:

You could argue he's complaining because he cares, but the twist is if you make everything too easy to get as a free player there won't be any reason for players to spend money.

it is already happening....ash prime cost 140p now...

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2 minutes ago, BlackCoMerc said:

But not Warframe. It's not even so much a game any longer, as it is a business model with a bit of game play tacked on as a (more and more obvious) afterthought.

I suppose if you hate literally everything aside from getting the newest things and don't enjoy the gameplay in the first place, that may seem true.

So what's the point of this thread?  You offer no solution, just say everything's screwed.

Not to mention how much the prime grind was improved recently, but nah lets just ignore how it's pretty simple to aim for a specific piece and get it in like a day at most if you focus on getting it.

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2 minutes ago, BlazerEraser said:

and ? How is that a problem?

it is no longer a twist because they have already started making prime stuff too easy to attain for players. I was just adding on with your statement.

Edited by Nijyumensou
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Just now, Nijyumensou said:

it is no longer a twist because they have already started making prime stuff too easy to attain for players.

ah, i was mostly reffering to market items, such as weapons or companions, even normal frames generally, but yeah it's technically easier to farm what you want now, just get a group of friends with the same key and wham. 4 picks from the same drop table.

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5 minutes ago, BlazerEraser said:

ah, i was mostly reffering to market items, such as weapons or companions, even normal frames generally, but yeah it's technically easier to farm what you want now, just get a group of friends with the same key and wham. 4 picks from the same drop table.

ooh~ it was because you mention about spending money and what came to mind was prime part value since market item value dropped with each item you owned now[ i think because hunhow bundle is cheaper now(i have war)] and companions hardly sell for much[whereby much for me refer to at least 500p+ above]...beside,material can be easily farmed with the usual farmin frame combo.


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2 minutes ago, KoshLovesYou said:

"No one FORCES you to play our game" is a really, really bad way to encourage people to play your game.

i did not exactly say do not play the game

for ur brains i shall explain. he complains of things that nobody forces him to do. kavat farming, prime farming, sorties, raids.


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I do think that the sortie reward system sucks and that the implementation of kavats is too much. It's not as bad as Ivara... but that's not an excuse. 

I think every kavat scan should bring a DNA sample. Unless they did that in a hotfix and I missed it. In which case, let's farm kavats! They're already hard to find enemies and once you find them, they're hard to scan as well. Getting 20 scans, let alone 20 DNAs, is hard enough.

Bring Nekros on fissures. 15-20 void traces per fissure. 

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10 minutes ago, KoshLovesYou said:

"No one FORCES you to play our game" is a really, really bad way to encourage people to play your game.

But it's true.  If you think EVERYTHING about the game is terrible, then maybe you need to find a different game. There is not going to be a dramatic turn around anytime soon, if you don't like what the game has to offer now, then why bother playing? The game is probably just not for you. 

Why would a dev need a toxic unpleasable player to stick around? All they are going to do is make the forums look ugly

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1 hour ago, BlackCoMerc said:

You gotta make a buck. Everyone knows businesses have to make money. 

But you can make money, without outright wasting your customers time.

Except... Warframe doesn't seem to understand that.

Weeks for 1 Sortie reward. 

More than 20 scans for a Kavats. On a useless mission.

RNG that can force wasted Relics.

Ten or more runs just to increase the CHANCE of getting a rarer item.

Not a single late game mission, event or mode with a guaranteed desirable reward IN THE WHOLE GAME.

The most grind riddled games on earth offer Raid equipment. Even Destiny guaranteed some things. 

But not Warframe. It's not even so much a game any longer, as it is a business model with a bit of game play tacked on as a (more and more obvious) afterthought.

you are late with this insight, i have seen that after 3 hours of playing and getting information together

then i waited 3 month, then i checked other games and the lore of them, then i related warframes business model to other games which use a much more offensive emotional BS (no, warframe is off that, sorry, not in the direction of DE)

and then i come back after 3 month and bought every primepack and a bit plat here and there the last 2,5 years or smth since booben prime appeared, i started farming it and i shared my plat with good fair dealers for getting booben prime nearly for free because of my laid back plat etc (no, i dont sell things and i dont farm excessively), i created a huge dojo alone and invited people to my clan for sharing my goodies, not for ruling them ... and more, much more =)

i have everything, more then 10 million ingamecash, 2 accounts, for relating my expiriences together for a payed and close to f2p account and using my left plat and doing some "homework" by playing a second time everything, and hey, i love it

im happy with my decision and for shure, sometimes as right now i dont like the general bugdrama in warframe which will make me leave one day ... ok, one day it will happen as well as not now =)))

you are right, but you allow yourself for yourself a negative expirience, you cant blame others for if you have choosen smth, as well as you can critisize them which is not easy here, they say the devs are sensitive, hey, im more senstive then they can dream about because im a part of the cashdelivering players for giving a life to the company, and food, and more =)) thats anyway the way how economy functions right now at earth, right ? =)

i allow myself basicly because of the storyline and gamedesign a very good expirience with this "primed shooter"

and i heared from a mod that new environment is in the pipeline, also steve said yesterday at the stream he wanna leave to another place in space from the momentary entire warframe universe and im more then happy with because i mentioned this and was pleased now for a year, im shure there will be another monthes until this appears, anyway ... let me play "war within", let DE-devs fix the usual bugs the next 14 days and then we can talk again about your posting and view =)))


ps: about the business model of warframe, there is a moment for a cashplayer like me where i cant use the plat for, means, i get something like my investment back, sorry, thats true and im shure this is for them which have a brain and can count numbers and move cash into warframe =)

nice expirience, all other games leave me dirty, empty, wasted, spitted out, warframe doesnt (talking from the view as a realcashplayer)

and i love that, im thankfull for, doesnt mean i let them pull a muzzle over my mouth, no deal here ,-)

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1 hour ago, BlackCoMerc said:

You gotta make a buck. Everyone knows businesses have to make money. 

But you can make money, without outright wasting your customers time.

Except... Warframe doesn't seem to understand that.

Weeks for 1 Sortie reward. 

More than 20 scans for a Kavats. On a useless mission.

RNG that can force wasted Relics.

Ten or more runs just to increase the CHANCE of getting a rarer item.

Not a single late game mission, event or mode with a guaranteed desirable reward IN THE WHOLE GAME.

The most grind riddled games on earth offer Raid equipment. Even Destiny guaranteed some things. 

But not Warframe. It's not even so much a game any longer, as it is a business model with a bit of game play tacked on as a (more and more obvious) afterthought.

There are 3 raids in this game that offer expensive and OP arcanes on a DAILY basis where have you buddy? Sounds like trying to go from 8 - 9MR lol

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7 minutes ago, QuietBiro said:

I do think that the sortie reward system sucks and that the implementation of kavats is too much. It's not as bad as Ivara... but that's not an excuse. 

I think every kavat scan should bring a DNA sample. Unless they did that in a hotfix and I missed it. In which case, let's farm kavats! They're already hard to find enemies and once you find them, they're hard to scan as well. Getting 20 scans, let alone 20 DNAs, is hard enough.

Bring Nekros on fissures. 15-20 void traces per fissure. 

If there is no rng to kavats genetic code droprate , why anyone bothered to buy the code? It won't happen because it is business :)

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1 hour ago, BlackCoMerc said:

Weeks for 1 Sortie reward. 

Yeah, Sorties need a better reward system

More than 20 scans for a Kavats. On a useless mission.

Was I the only one with my team unlocking Dragon Vaults and scanning Kavats?

RNG that can force wasted Relics.

RNG can also be a blessing. its RNG, it's always Random, now RNG is lessened because you will always get Prime Parts/Formas, no more Orokin Cells/Fusion Cores/Keys.

Ten or more runs just to increase the CHANCE of getting a rarer item.

The old system was 10 or more runs to not increase your chances at all!

Not a single late game mission, event or mode with a guaranteed desirable reward IN THE WHOLE GAME.

Syndicates, Clan Dojo, Events with Wraith/Vandal Weapons, some Market weapons and Simaris mods all give desirable rewards. Pretty much every quest tied to a Warframe gives you that Warframe. Even Void grinds will now always earn ducats, which can be traded for worth while things with Baro. You must be crazy if you think there is no guaranteed desirable reward.

The most grind riddled games on earth offer Raid equipment. Even Destiny guaranteed some things.

Most useful Frames and many endgame viable weapons are guaranteed to be available. 


Edited by Agentawesome
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4 minutes ago, (PS4)Poloboyzz93 said:

There are 3 raids in this game that offer expensive and OP arcanes on a DAILY basis where have you buddy? Sounds like trying to go from 8 - 9MR lol

MR14, and I find scripted Raids boring, repetitive and tedious.

As for the business model, a lot of stuff isn't mandatory. I get that.

On the other hand, obtaining anything by just playing the game has become do outrageously inconvenient that playing serves very little purpose.

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5 minutes ago, Nijyumensou said:

If there is no rng to kavats genetic code droprate , why anyone bothered to buy the code? It won't happen because it is business :)

Welcome to the point of the thread - that fun is taking a back-seat to making money.

Edited by Arkvold
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I have spent about 2 months trying to farm Saryn Prime Helmet.

New void mission system comes out and the first mission I do gets me the Saryn Prime Helmet.

Best, change, ever!

Honestly I'm super surprised that some one is complaining about the new system. It's a million times better.

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16 minutes ago, (PS4)Poloboyzz93 said:

There are 3 raids in this game that offer expensive and OP arcanes on a DAILY basis where have you buddy? Sounds like trying to go from 8 - 9MR lol

expensive for them which buy it =P

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On 7/10/2016 at 10:14 AM, Hemmo67 said:

i wonder will these hate, game is broken, devs messed up, dev bashing threads ever end

no offense OP but u complain over something nobody forces u to do

BlackCoMerc usually complains about everything. I expect threads from him every update.

Fun is subjective. Other people can have fun with something, but others will not.

Edited by PUR3K1LL3R
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