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You are all blinded


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6 minutes ago, Kyronz said:

Odds are you did not get screwed by the key conversion...

nor have any qualms about the increased grindwall of the relics system.

I suppose DE does deserve some brown nosers, but try not to crap on the rest of us.

Yes. That's exactly what my post said. I can see that because you quoted it.

Everything you just stated lines up perfectly with what I actually said. I am amazed. You are amazing. Amazing amazeballs. Goodnight amazing amazeballs.

I'm going to think on how amazing you are and you can think on whatever it is I said that touched a nerve in you--you and not everyone who has a well-reasoned complaint or constructive critique of the update or DE's job handling it, as you suggest with the "crapping on the rest of us" part.

You're free to sow division and use divisive language as you please, but try not to attribute your tactic to others or me. 

(Title was also divisive and I addressed it, and the divisive nature of reddit vs forum. The rest of the post is actually just my feedback as a casual. Night, y'all.)

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1 minute ago, Rhekemi said:

Yes. That's exactly what my post said. I can see that because you quoted it.

Everything you just stated lines up perfectly with what I actually said. I am amazed. You are amazing. Amazing amazeballs. Goodnight amazing amazeballs.

I'm going to think on how amazing you are and you can think on whatever it is I said that touched a nerve in you--you and not everyone who has a well-reasoned complaint or constructive critique of the update or DE's job handling it, as you suggest with the "crapping on the rest of us" part.

You're free to sow division and use divisive language as you please, but try not to attribute your tactic to others or me. 

(Title was also divisive and I addressed it, and the divisive nature of reddit vs forum. The rest of the post is actually just my feedback as a casual. Night, y'all.)

For those of us that don't know what "divisive" means...


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1 minute ago, Volinus7 said:

New void doesn't lessen the grind it just relocated the grind.

Without draco you will be tied with stealth xp multiplier so it just narrowed the xp farming style. Literally make you get bored faster....

They still have no single clue about what this game lacks to become a masterpiece.

But I'm pretty sure they know how to make you spend more time and money on it.

OK seriously, all these claims the grind has been increased yet NO ONE is willing to explain how.

This is starting to get kind of entertaining. I mean, I dislike both the train of thought that think DE can literally do no wrong and the idea that DE can't do anything right, but this pin balling between opposite extremes is getting tedious. Not to mention that when someone provides a balanced veiw of things they like and dislike, they're still called a fan-boy. At the very least its amusing witnessing some top class mental gymnastics.

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1 hour ago, pagepro said:

Why did we get an entirely new system for acquiring prime parts?

Because the old one sucked.

1 hour ago, pagepro said:

You say that the new system is better because you get prime parts faster. Alright but lets ask ourselves why DE simply didn't up the drop chance on everything in the void?

Because the drop tables would still be ridiculously oversaturated with random crap.

1 hour ago, pagepro said:

If you could choose between a higher drop chance in the old void that was = to the drop chance that we receive from relics now which would you prefer?

See above statements. Draw your own conclusion.

1 hour ago, pagepro said:

Can you honestly say that this new void fissure crap is more entertaining than the old void?

Yes, I can.

1 hour ago, pagepro said:

-We also didn't have our keys converted correctly.

No argument.

1 hour ago, pagepro said:

-Credits were/are broken or DE simply reduced them to increase the grind for all we know.

Just broken.

1 hour ago, pagepro said:

-Archwing is unplayable on corpus nodes and the Jordas verdict raid phase 3.

For Rush missions, sure. For everything else, you probably shouldn't be trying to clear the missions while going at mach 10 the whole time.

1 hour ago, pagepro said:

-Gaining affinity has become tedious. This effects focus as well I don't even bother with it anymore.

Pro tip: There were plenty of other ways to farm affinity that didn't involve having a mosh pit at Draco. Those other methods still exist.

1 hour ago, pagepro said:

-Kavats are just more of what we don't really need. How about some different mission types instead?

People have been asking for Kavats almost since the day Kubrows became a thing. DE finally delivered. They're here to stay. Deal with it.

1 hour ago, pagepro said:

I find it crazy how a lot of people here are so quick to accept downgrades in fun.

Or maybe a lot people are just willing to keep an open mind. You know, instead of passing off their opinions as fact and insulting anyone who doesn't agree with them.


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1 hour ago, pagepro said:


-Kavats are just more of what we don't really need. How about some different mission types instead?




Pffftttt.. Different type mission? Did u ever try the new Archwing pursuit? DId u even play void fissure mission? That is not new mission for u? pffffttttt

Edited by --Q--KimimiN
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1 hour ago, pagepro said:


You say that the new system is better because you get prime parts faster. Alright but lets ask ourselves why DE simply didn't up the drop chance on everything in the void?


This hurt me mentally

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59 minutes ago, Govictory said:

shut up about draco, draco was cancer and it is a good thing it is gone i know people who left because they joined, got taxied to draco and burned themselves out and left saying warframe was a copy paste shooter

I just mentioned Draco and you tell me to SHUT UP?


I will, but not because you told me to do so, but because I don't want to bother dealing with you. :)

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1 hour ago, Noamuth said:
  • I enjoy the new Void mechanic.  
  • Why didn't DE just fix drop rates to be player friendly?  Iunno, maybe this is closer to their vision of how we're supposed to be accessing the Void in the first place.
  • DERebecca already made a topic explaining that the keys were converted correctly
  • Since I have millions of credits, this isn't really something I've bothered looking for
  • Archwing I found to be a lot of fun now, haven't touched Jordas in months though.
  • I disagree.  I managed to rank up two weapons from 0-30 in a few high level planet missions in one sitting (approx. 4 hours)
  • Kavats aren't something we didn't need.  A new mission type would be fun, I agree there.

Since fun is highly subjective, you don't really have much of an argument to stand on atm and it honestly sounds like you're just upset that more people don't agree with your assessment. 

Damn thats how much I play warframe each day

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In the end, tis a a matter of watching and waiting now. Observe the patches Digital applies to their only source of income (aside from the rare contracted work) and see if the boat floats higher then it does now (it'll never truely be sea worthy, Update 10-19 has shown me that). We will see if either the ""Cheer-Leading Digital Shills"" viewpoint (as some claim) or the ""Narrow-minded Debbie Downer Whiners"" ( as others claim) viewpoint have any merit to them. For now though, let's sit back and grab some Carmel corn for the hot fix circus, shall we? Snot every day one gets to see the forums quite this active.

Edited by Unus
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1 hour ago, pagepro said:

-We also didn't have our keys converted correctly. 

-Credits were/are broken or DE simply reduced them to increase the grind for all we know.

-Archwing is unplayable on corpus nodes and the Jordas verdict raid phase 3.

-Gaining affinity has become tedious. This effects focus as well I don't even bother with it anymore.

-Kavats are just more of what we don't really need. How about some different mission types instead?

I find it crazy how a lot of people here are so quick to accept downgrades in fun. 




- Remember all those Kubrows that died in that one update?

- I honestly thought that was a bug. Honestly what was wrong with the way we got credits before?

- Gaining affinity is never tedious if you actually play the game. That's what this whole update has been about, trying to make people play the game, and together, but the problem is not just did DE go about it the wrong way, most of this community is content with playing alone/ has the "lone wolf" attitude to begin with, and a lot of people don't like change

- We got some new mission types with the update tho

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1 hour ago, StinkyPygmy said:

Update: *Reduces overall grind and time taken to get the wanted items*


I see......


how does farming for 1 relic, then having to expend 10 other relics to get void traces decrease the grind.

You did notice that un buffed and barely buffed relics come in lower then old drop rate?

Congrats you are now running 6 relics for an even chance at the old system, and 11 for a barely increased chance....and you think this is a grind reduction...what a silly person.

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4 minutes ago, Kyronz said:

how does farming for 1 relic, then having to expend 10 other relics to get void traces decrease the grind.

You did notice that un buffed and barely buffed relics come in lower then old drop rate?

Congrats you are now running 6 relics for an even chance at the old system, and 11 for a barely increased chance....and you think this is a grind reduction...what a silly person.

Yeah that math is a bit of popcorn eating for an answer.

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2 hours ago, KaizergidorahXi said:

I actually have no issues with the new update, other than the bugs, and the too-close archwing camera and sliding around in space. So no, I don't consider it a bad update. Maybe think about how other people have differing opinions before thinking that we all see it as a downgrade.


2 hours ago, Firetempest said:

meta complaint about lack of complaints. Maybe because they are all in the feed back threads.


2 hours ago, Stoner74 said:



1 hour ago, Govictory said:

another one

oh well

old void, t4 had the 3 times damage so unless you were a hyper tank or ivara you were deleted by a stray bombard missle that was shot at you from two rooms down around 35 minutes in a survival

also i rather have higher drop chances than old void, i wasted over 500 t3 exterminate keys trying to get one nyx chasis, guess what still no nyx chasis but i have hopes of getting one now since stuff i had from old void are hard to get now

yes credits got gutted but i have a 4 forma ember prime so if need credits i solo serchura and leave at 5 waves, each run is like 3 minutes 

i always hated archwing, always will till we have mini robotic ardvarchs that operate like carrier for AW

Draco is gone, go play spy missions and get good


imma leave this here, because this shows how "useless" they are


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1 hour ago, Flandyrll said:

Key conversion is being sorted out for now.

Increasing the drop chance of everything in the void would not really solve the issue of waiting out for 20 minutes for a chance to get what you want. Especially since the drop tables were a lot more diluted back then. Increasing the drop chance doesn't really work because it has to total up to a 100%, so if you had 10 items in the list, it's still 1/10 to get what you want after 20 minutes. The Void Fissures are a significant change of pace compared to sitting and babysitting an objective for 20 waves on T4 Defense, only to get common Prime piece that drops elsewhere.

Archwings are perfectly fine. If you're not willing to put in practice, then of course you're going to find it difficult.

Gaining affinity is not really a problem. There are other means of getting Affinity besides sitting in Draco for hours a day. If all you did was grind out at the "popular" grind spots, the fault is on you. You're not even required to grind out all that Affinity in the first place, DE placed a limit on Focus to prevent people from finishing the entire tree in a single day. It's not there as a requirement.

I don't see how anything was a downgrade. They may not be improvements, but an alternative is sometimes the better step to take to prepare for the future.


1 hour ago, Varacal said:

so its not enough that they attack the game after the update, now they attack the people that actually like the update, i expect this thread to be locked/deleted just for the title alone


1 hour ago, Noamuth said:
  • I enjoy the new Void mechanic.  
  • Why didn't DE just fix drop rates to be player friendly?  Iunno, maybe this is closer to their vision of how we're supposed to be accessing the Void in the first place.
  • DERebecca already made a topic explaining that the keys were converted correctly
  • Since I have millions of credits, this isn't really something I've bothered looking for
  • Archwing I found to be a lot of fun now, haven't touched Jordas in months though.
  • I disagree.  I managed to rank up two weapons from 0-30 in a few high level planet missions in one sitting (approx. 4 hours)
  • Kavats aren't something we didn't need.  A new mission type would be fun, I agree there.

Since fun is highly subjective, you don't really have much of an argument to stand on atm and it honestly sounds like you're just upset that more people don't agree with your assessment. 


1 hour ago, Echoa said:

actual pic of OP 



seriously, its fine to not like an update, but can we stop the doom and gloom "warframes dead" "rip warframe" "im leaving" etc. threads? Provide feedback in a good way that actually helps and gives a clear illustration of what can be changed 


I get the feeling 3/4 of the people making these threads havent played warframe long enough to have seen some of the past updates and things theyve messed up before then fixed or tweaked. Voice constructively and it will be considered and most likely fixed/tweaked, maybe not to exactly as you want but it will be. 


50 minutes ago, Rhekemi said:

Don't make generalizations about people without actually bothering to look at the actual data (the number of critical responses) on the update.

Know what, there's actually no real reason to read the rest after that. I skimmed it, mate. You're saying nothing that differs from those who have said it without that title. Several dozen people have posted to the forum to post well reasoned complaints and critically constructive threads/posts and I have read those. Hundreds of upvotes on critical posts that disagree or run counter to DE official posts.

DE is swimming in legitimate, well-reasoned, impassioned complaints. 

You, sir, are the one who is blind.

And if this is about the forum vs reddit, I'll just leave this here. If that's got nothing to do with it, ignore the spoiler. 

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There's this notion that the forum is for sycophants and reddit is where the real feedback be at. Know what I call that? BullS#&$. 

I visit both as often as I can and both mediums have a great sense of and appreciation for what DE's trying to do as well as critical review. Yes, reddit can be more raw, more honest, less tactful. Yes, the forum can be more positive. But the forum is the official hub/home for the community and the staff. No one should expect the exact same atmosphere or tone, but that does not equate to blindness.


No one is blind. We all simply feel differently about the update. 

I've only played a fraction of the update, just the Void tears. So far...I actually like visiting different tiles and fighting Orokin, but as many have said, it's a sloppy execution that can be improved greatly. Make it more active, more dynamic and involved. Make it more than > find tear > fight orokin > seal tear or else it becomes just as tedious as the Void.

I'm not happy about the UI bugs that seem to plague me every day without fail. 

I am happy that I got some parts to complete sets, too! (Post above reminded me.) I may not be getting the super rare tier reward yet (I haven't crafted all those little things, or found out where I get my new foundry part yet), but since I am a grinder, all my plat comes form sales of sets and weapons and mods. A complete Nova Prime set (two parts dropped within two missions) is a great sale for me.

Also just got a Kavat incubator drop from Sedna today. Cool.

I don't like the overall feeling that I'm lost, or that a system meant to streamline things is still a bit confusing. (But then I don't know how much of that is due to me not being able to physically invest a lot of time in playing right now.)

I've yet to play an AW mission, but it sounds good so far. I'll have to test it to see if it's an improvement for me.

I've yet to find time to make my way through the new star chart, get my first kavat, fight these new specters, but I have been scanning the new fragments. I seem to have the same number of keys as I had before--I don't know for sure, but Rebecca's math (posted more than once) seems to make sense. If I'm unsure, I'll send a ticket or PM to ask how many keys I had pre-update and how many relics after conversion. I never counted keys to start with. I had a bunch of some, and a scant few of others.

Oh, and Draco. I too, mourn the loss of Draco. But I'm already over it, and I knew it was coming well in advance. I played Draco in public missions, and like a real interception mission. It helped for weapons, 'frames, and companions I had to blitz-rank for an important mission or Sortie, or when I went forma-crazy and forma'd a ton of items. Or when I had a booster drop, or bought one with grind-plat. I'll survive, though. There will always be a speed leveling node, and when there isn't one, I'll just use normal means. Slowing down suits my playstyle in general.

That I've been silently trying out the new elements at my own pace--largely how I have always played: casual and at my own pace--doesn't make be blind. It makes me a play at my own pace casual who doesn't see the need to complain often or offer constructive criticism. 

I do enjoy reading the constructive criticism of others, and well-reasoned complaints. Sometimes it helps me understand things that don't quite affect me the same way, or things that do and I don't notice it.

Sit down and think about your blanket accusations before you make them next time. Or just sit down.


30 minutes ago, (XB1)BURRITO DEVIL said:

Oh look,a special snowflake 

"I'm the only one who's right if you don't accept my opinion you're blind by yours which is wrong because I'm right hur dur"


23 minutes ago, StinkyPygmy said:

OK seriously, all these claims the grind has been increased yet NO ONE is willing to explain how.

This is starting to get kind of entertaining. I mean, I dislike both the train of thought that think DE can literally do no wrong and the idea that DE can't do anything right, but this pin balling between opposite extremes is getting tedious. Not to mention that when someone provides a balanced veiw of things they like and dislike, they're still called a fan-boy. At the very least its amusing witnessing some top class mental gymnastics.


23 minutes ago, Roachester said:

Because the old one sucked.

Because the drop tables would still be ridiculously oversaturated with random crap.

See above statements. Draw your own conclusion.

Yes, I can.

No argument.

Just broken.

For Rush missions, sure. For everything else, you probably shouldn't be trying to clear the missions while going at mach 10 the whole time.

Pro tip: There were plenty of other ways to farm affinity that didn't involve having a mosh pit at Draco. Those other methods still exist.

People have been asking for Kavats almost since the day Kubrows became a thing. DE finally delivered. They're here to stay. Deal with it.

Or maybe a lot people are just willing to keep an open mind. You know, instead of passing off their opinions as fact and insulting anyone who doesn't agree with them.


I expected these responses honestly. The Stockholm Syndrome is too strong for me to convince you all in a single post. 

I want Warframe to be great. It has amazing potential. However the "content" that we have gotten thus far is leading us in the wrong direction.

If you can't think outside of the box for even a moment to see this then I don't know what more to say.

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3 minutes ago, pagepro said:












I expected these responses honestly. The Stockholm Syndrome is too strong for me to convince you all in a single post. 

I want Warframe to be great. It has amazing potential. However the "content" that we have gotten thus far is leading us in the wrong direction.

If you can't think outside of the box for even a moment to see this then I don't know what more to say.

You accuse us of being closed minded, blind and basically brain washed, and yet you can't fathom our responses, choosing to dismiss them in a backhanded manner?

Please, don't say anything more. 

Edited by Noamuth
Mentions, area thing btw. As are spoilers and editing out the content of a quote to conserve space.
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this was not so much a content update, i point to the lack of content in the patch.

As a huge penalty to those who play, for whatever reason they increased the grind.   you will not even get DE to deny that the grind increase was the major goal of the update since it is so easily proven differently.

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12 minutes ago, Kyronz said:

how does farming for 1 relic, then having to expend 10 other relics to get void traces decrease the grind.

You did notice that un buffed and barely buffed relics come in lower then old drop rate?

Congrats you are now running 6 relics for an even chance at the old system, and 11 for a barely increased chance....and you think this is a grind reduction...what a silly person.

Except the odds of getting what you want are much higher, so you typically spend less time mindlessly grinding the void hoping you get lucky. Since the new system, I've spent no more then a day or two (if that) to actually get what I need. You know, as opposed to potentially months. I still don't have that bo prime handle, now I might actually have a chance of getting it.

And you think thats an increase in grind... what a silly person.

I appreciate you actually giving an explanation at least.


Edited by StinkyPygmy
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Just now, pagepro said:

I expected these responses honestly. The Stockholm Syndrome is too strong for me to convince you all in a single post. 

I want Warframe to be great. It has amazing potential. However the "content" that we have gotten thus far is leading us in the wrong direction.

If you can't think outside of the box for even a moment to see this then I don't know what more to say.

Thank you for proving my last point, at least.


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1 hour ago, pagepro said:

I want Warframe to be great. It has amazing potential. However the "content" that we have gotten thus far is leading us in the wrong direction.

So, you want that Warframe be a great game but ¿How?, you are only complaining in this meta complaining thread.

This complain threads are really stupid, are like "I really like the game, i love it, i'm married with it and its fill me but i want to kill it, i want to complain until the game is dead.". No constructive feedback + Stupids complain threads("DE did a bad job..."+"The worst update..."+"They need to stop making game..."+...+".etc")=The game stuck and doesn't get better.

Just complaining on how DE did wrong the job is not the solution to make Warframe better.

Edited by chofranc
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3 minutes ago, pagepro said:

I expected these responses honestly. The Stockholm Syndrome is too strong for me to convince you all in a single post. 

I want Warframe to be great. It has amazing potential. However the "content" that we have gotten thus far is leading us in the wrong direction.

If you can't think outside of the box for even a moment to see this then I don't know what more to say.

Those are the kinds of responses you get when you accuse people of being wrong before they even see the content of your argument.

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1 minute ago, StinkyPygmy said:

Except the odds of getting what you want are much higher, so you typically spend less time mindlessly grinding the void hoping you get lucky. Since the new system, I've spent no more then a day or two (if that) to actually get what I need. You know, as opposed to potentially months. I still don't have that bo prime handle, now I might actually have a chance of getting it.

And you think thats an increase in grind... what a silly person.

They are not, go see wiki


did you think it was by accident that you cannot see other players relics..the reason is to make the previous drops being a higher chance in the old system...you got screwed and you lack the skill ithat wiki stats and the basic 5th grade math to understand why.

Edited by Kyronz
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